Patch Notes/2023

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This page contains a list of all the game's patch notes and/or notes of what was added in specific patches during the year 2023. Months are organized from newest to oldest.


December 30th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where a dragon that has been left helping Santa Claus and a dragon egg is unclaimed at the end of the event and the dragon cannot receive any cares has been fixed.

December 28th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • New Cave Decor
      • New Cave Decor, the Janus set, has been added for a limited time. There is also a Special Janus set available for purchasing 8 or more Janus Egg Sprite.pngJanus from the Special Shop.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragons have been added.
    • New Bonds
      • A new bond has been added in the West Yutakan section which will award a special Village Decor.
    • New Quest
      • A hidden quest related to Janus Egg Sprite.pngJanus have been added.
    • New Village Decor
      • New village decor, the Blue Dragon Shrine, will be gifted to players with Membership for January.
    • Santa Claus' Present Box Opening Pity System
      • A Present Box Opening Pity system will be added. After opening 100 Present Boxes, you can receive an Xmas Dragon Egg Box Item.pngXmas Dragon Egg Box of your chosen gender.
    • Dragon Group System
      • A Dragon Group System has been added. You can now create your own groups and add dragons to it.
        • Group data will be reset when you change servers or log out of the game.
  • Tweaks
    • The Cosmic Album now has a filter and a search bar.
      • You can also hit left and right arrows to move between dragons, dragon forms, or personalities in the Cosmic Album.

December 21st, 2023

  • New Content
    • Fishing System
      • A new Fishing system has been added. Catch a variety of fish to fill up your fish journal, and catch different sizes of fish and compete aginst players in Fish Rankings.
    • Dragon Exchange Offer System
      • A new Requirements feature has been added to the Dragon Exchange where you can restrict what dragons other players can offer on your trades, such as dragon species, growth stage, and gender.
    • Dragon Category System
      • Dragons in the Dragon tab are now categorized by the month they were obtained in.
    • Dragon Favorites System
      • Dragons can now be set as a favorite and be added to a Favorites group.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges related to the Fishing system has been added.
  • Tweaks
    • Daily Quests will now give 50% more Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystals.
    • If you press the [X] button on a pop-up at the top of the game relating to receiving point(s) in the Dragon Book, all pop-ups related to that will be removed and won't be shown.
      • You can now turn off this pop-up from appearing at all from Settings.
    • Dragons can now be sorted and filtered by status and gender, and these settings will be saved until reset.

December 15th, 2023

  • Tweaks
    • Sky Lancer Egg Sprite.pngSky Lancers from the Colosseum are now tradeable, and the acquired location displayed has also been changed.
    • The display board for users who received rare rewards from the Xmas event has been temporarily disabled.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where dragons which were growing in the Special Brooder kept their boosted growth rate even after being traded or sent to the Shelter has been fixed.

December 14th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where the Noble personality aura was displayed incorrectly has been fixed.
    • An error that would occur when moving between Villages using the left and right arrows has been fixed.
    • An issue where the Butterfly Dance special action would not have its effect applied to the Village has been fixed.
    • An issue where a dragon's nickname was not shown in Villages has been fixed.
    • An issue related to Adore notifications for dragons in Special Brooders has been fixed.
    • An issue where the Egg Market list was not visible to some players has been fixed.
    • An issue where a dragon would visibly disappear if it was traded while it was in the Special Brooder has been fixed.

December 13th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Event
      • The Xmas Event has begun! Use your dragons to help Santa Claus and get special presents.
    • New Dragons
    • New Personalities
    • New Items
    • New Village Decor
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragons and event have been added.
    • New Diamond Products
      • Two new monthly diamond bundles have been added, which are purchasable twice per month.
        • Monthly Diamond Bundle A: Purchase for $9.99 USD to obtain 1,600 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
        • Monthly Diamond Bundle B: Purchase for $19.99 USD to obtain 3,360 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
      • A new tiered product in the Special Shop has been added to purchase Diamond Item.pngDiamonds for cheaper than normal. Each tier can only be purchased once, and each tier must be purchased in order to unlock the next one.
Product Name Price Diamonds Given
Special Diamond Discount Lv. 1 400 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds $0.99 USD
Special Diamond Discount Lv. 2 900 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds $2.99 USD
Special Diamond Discount Lv. 3 1,500 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds $4.99 USD
Special Diamond Discount Lv. 4 2,400 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds $9.99 USD
Special Diamond Discount Lv. 5 4,550 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds $19.99 USD
  • Tweaks
    • There is now a small chance to obtain special forms of Sky Lancer Egg Sprite.pngSky Lancer in the Colosseum.
    • You can now challenge Gap of Chaos at stage intervals of 100.
    • Enhanced the loading time when entering a Village.
    • Added a Skip function to the Underground Castle to skip the battle animation.
    • Implemented a Google ReCAPTCHA system to the Exploration macro test pop-up.
    • Ereboss Egg Sprite.pngEreboss's art has been updated.
  • Bug Fixes
    • An issue where the Halloween Pumpkin Ghost village decor was being obscured by other village decor has been fixed.

December 7th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where players could not access the game on certain devices due to issues such as not being able to download the patch files has been fixed.

December 6th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Event
      • The Dal.komm Coffee Collaboration event has begun. Purchase the special Collab dragon, Lattegon Egg Sprite.pngLattegon's Lattegon Egg Box Item.pngLattegon Egg Box from the Special Shop for 440 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds during the event's period.
    • New Dragons
    • New Special Action
    • New Personalities
    • New Village Decor
      • New Village Decor as part of the Dal.komm Coffee Collaboration event has been added. Receive them through the mail during the period of the event!
    • New Items
      • New items, the White Chocolate Latte Item.pngWhite Chocolate Latte and Gingerbread Milk Tea Item.pngGingerbread Milk Tea, as part of the Dal.komm Coffee Collaboration event, have been added. Receive them through the mail during the period of the event!
      • In addition, the Glorious Moon Piece Item.pngGlorious Moon Piece item has been added as a reward for the Colosseum League.
    • Colosseum Official Release/League System
      • The Colosseum has now officially released, and the 1st League is now underway. The League will run for 90 days, with a 14 day break afterward.
        • High-ranking players will receive special rewards when the league ends, such as special forms of Sky Lancer Egg Sprite.pngSky Lancer, badges, and more.
    • Colosseum Tier Increase Reward System
      • A new Colosseum Tier Increase Reward system has been added. Earn Amethyst Item.pngAmethysts for moving up to a new tier.
    • Colosseum Tier Retain System
      • A new Colosseum Tier Retain system has been added. When a new league begins, you will start one tier below the highest tier you achieved in the previous league.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges related to the new dragons and content have been added.
    • New Special Shop Product
  • Tweaks
    • The requirement for obtaining Clavis Egg Sprite.pngClavis' Christmas form has been outlined in Clavis' page in the Special Shop.
    • If a dragon is a special form, its species name on the top of its profile will also include its form name.
    • The Monthly Egg bonus reward can now be collected from your mail.
    • Dragons now have a touch animation when you tap on them.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where, upon game launch, the God Dragon's blinking eyes would still play sound even if the game's sound settings have been turned off.
    • Fixed a display issue with certain triumphs.
    • An issue with the Frail personality being displayed incorrectly has been fixed.
    • An issue where dragons in the village could not move has been fixed.
    • An issue where an error occured when trying to view the Waterside Picnic Village Decor set has been fixed.


November 30th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where an afterimage of the Death's Echo Orb skill cooldown remained has been fixed.
    • Colosseum skills and gem/accessories have been adjusted for balancing.
    • A bug where some players could not access the Colosseum has been fixed.

November 29th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • Special Exploration Area
      • A new special Exploration area, the Gap of Chaos, has been added. Beat stages of enemies and progress through the area to obtain orbs, ornaments, and gems that will help you in combat, and the exclusive dragons Griffar Egg Sprite.pngGriffar, Valefor Egg Sprite.pngValefor, and Sealed Darknix Egg Sprite.pngSealed Darknix.
        • Only West Yutakan dragons can be used in the Gap of Chaos, and you must own at least 1 adult West Yutakan dragon to enter.
    • New Combat Items
      • New combat items have been added: Orbs, which can only be equipped in the Gap of Chaos, can provide the dragon with different effects. Ornaments and Gems, which can be equipped in either the Gap of Chaos or Colosseum, can provide the dragon a boost to their stats.
    • Skill Gacha System
    • Colosseum Daily Reward System
      • You can now earn Amethyst Item.pngAmethysts five times a day by fighting in the Colosseum, regardless of whether you win or lose.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragons and content have been added.
    • New Bonds
      • New Bonds in the Special category have been added for the new Evria-exclusive dragons.
    • New Quest
      • A hidden quest related to Clavis Egg Sprite.pngClavis have been added.
    • New Cave Decor
      • New Cave Decor, the Clavis set, has been added for a limited time. There is also a Special Clavis set available for purchasing 8 or more Clavis Egg Sprite.pngClavis from the Special Shop.
    • New Village Decor
      • New village decor, the Winter Red Cottage and the Winter Blue Cottage, will be gifted to players with Membership for December.
    • New Sales Bundle
      • The "Monthly Amethyst Bundle" is now available in the Special Shop. For $9.99 USD, you can purchase 220,000 Amethyst Item.pngAmethysts. This sale is limited to 3 times per month, per account.
  • Tweaks
    • The Daily Stamp has had its rewards changed.
Day Previous Reward Current Reward
1 200,000 Gold Item.pngGold 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
2 200,000 Gold Item.pngGold 5,000 Amethyst Item.pngAmethysts
3 25 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points 25 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points
4 200,000 Gold Item.pngGold 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
5 200,000 Gold Item.pngGold 5,500 Amethyst Item.pngAmethysts
6 200,000 Gold Item.pngGold 400,000 Gold Item.pngGold
7 25 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points 25 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where some players were not receiving Mileage Item.pngMileage as part of their monthly Membership gift has been fixed. Missing Mileage will be awarded via mail.
    • A bug where an error message was popping up when a dragon equipped with a skill dies in the Gap of Chaos has been fixed.
    • Bugs related to the Master of Counterattack Orb has been fixed.

November 22nd, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • New Quests
      • Two new hidden quests have been added.
    • New triumphs/badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragons have been added.
  • Tweaks
    • The Flying Through the Sky quest has had its name and requirements adjusted.
      • The [Difficulty: High] Flying Through the Sky quest has been renamed to Flying Through the Sky 1
      • The [Difficulty: Low] Flying Through the Sky quest has been renamed to Flying Through the Sky 2
      • Both quests now only require you to play the Jump! Minigame once instead of achieving a certain score in the Jump! Minigame.
    • The Rainbow-Colored Large Stone Pillar village decor has had its image updated.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A typo in Gorgon Egg Sprite.pngGorgon's Dragon Book entry has been fixed.

November 16th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Creator Dragons
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue involving eggs obtained from breeding being unable to be traded or sent to the Shelter has been fixed.

November 15th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Event
      • The Signature Festival event has begun. Obtain special signature forms of pre-existing dragons!
    • New Forms
    • New Dragon
      • The Caretaker God Dragon Egg Sprite.pngCaretaker God Dragon has been added. You can obtain it from purchasing the Caretaker God Dragon Egg Box Item.pngCaretaker God Dragon Egg Box from the Special Shop for 440 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds for a limited time.
    • New Cave Decor
      • New limited-time Cave Decor is available as part of the Signature Festival event.
    • New Village Decor
      • New Village Decor as part of the Signature Festival event has been added.
    • New Personalities
      • The personalities Skilled and Talented have been added as part of the Signature Festival event.
    • New Items
      • The moon piece items Skilled Moon Piece Item.pngSkilled Moon Piece and Talented Moon Piece Item.pngTalented Moon Piece have been added as part of the Signature event.
    • New Bonds
      • New Bonds for the West Yutakan category has been added.
    • Colosseum Ranking System
      • A Colosseum Ranking system has been added. These rankings are based on league points, are global, and will reset at the start of the official league.
    • Colosseum Global Matchmaking
    • The Colosseum's matchmaking will now apply globally instead of being server-exclusive.
    • Membership First Purchase Discount System
      • Membership now has a first-purchase discount of $0.99 USD for 1 month. Players who have purchased Membership prior will still be able to use this discount next time they buy Membership, and will receive 1 Moonlight Gem Item.pngMoonlight Gem in the mail as a token of appreciation.
    • New Sales Bundles
      • A new "First Purchase Limited Diamond Bundle" is available. For $0.99 USD, purchase this bundle to obtain 200 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds. This bundle can only be purchased once per account.
      • A new sales bundle, the "Rookie Tamer Limited Bunde", is available for a limited time. For $4.99 USD, purchase this bundle to obtain 1 Rapid Growth Pill Item.pngRapid Growth Pill and 5 Pino's Vitamins (72h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (72h). This bundle can be purchased five times per account. Sales period: 11/15/2023 (Wed) 3:00am UTC - 11/29/2023 (Wed) 12:00am UTC
        • The Rapid Growth Pill Item.pngRapid Growth Pill will expire on 12/31/2023 11:59 UTC.
  • Tweaks
    • The character count limit in areas allowing keypad input has now been standardized to a byte limit.
    • The character limit has been increased for trade listing messages, dragon notes, dragon descriptions, the village guest book, a user's profile, the guild profile, and more.
    • The night version of female Ranky Egg Sprite.pngRanky's Cyberpunk form has been updated.

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where Colosseum skills had abnormal boosts has been fixed.
    • An issue where the Abyssedge Egg Sprite.pngAbyssedge adult female sprite would appear as male has been fixed.

November 8th, 2023

  • New Content
    • Expanded Newcomer Event
      • The Newcomer Event has been expanded from 7 days to 14. Complete days 8-14 to earn more rewards, including another Capsaicin form Egg Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEgg Dragon.
    • Advanced Dispatch System
      • An Advanced Dispatch system has been added. Use File:Advanced Dispatch Tickets Item.pngAdvanced Dispatch Tickets to dispatch dragons and receive only rare or higher items.
      • Dispatch Tickets have been renamed to Normal Dispatch Ticket Item.pngNormal Dispatch Tickets.
    • Dispatch Pity System
      • A new Dispatch Pity system has been added. After dispatching 15 times (whether it be from normal or advanced dispatch), you can select a dispatch item of your choice. This selection excludes dragon-exclusive and quest items, such as Smoke Grenade Item.pngSmoke Grenades or Azak's Leg Set Item.pngAzak's Leg Set.
    • New Triumphs
      • New triumphs have been added.
    • New Village Decor
  • Tweaks
    • When selecting dragons in the Colosseum, you can now filter by combat and skill types.
    • Skill activation and attack animations in the Colosseum have been improved for better clarity.
    • You can now check the information of the opponent's dragons in the Colosseum battle preparation screen.
    • Cosmic Album points no longer affect the stats of Colosseum dragons.
    • The Egg Market's egg prices no longer change depending on demand and are now set at fixed numbers.
    • You can now re-try infinitely if you lose in the Underground Castle through the use of Diamond Item.pngDiamonds.
    • Minigame rankings will now be across the entire server as opposed to individual channels.
    • Petra Egg Sprite.pngPetra has had its artwork updated.

November 3rd, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • The Colosseum has been given some balancing and has been improved for a smoother play experience.
    • An issue where a tie was considered a loss has been fixed.
    • An issue with the Mirror of Vengeance skill has been fixed.

November 2nd, 2023

  • New Content
    • Colosseum
      • The Colosseum, a new combat mode, has been added.
        • The Colosseum is a 3v3 PVP mode where your dragons can battle with other player's dragons through the use of various skills and stat archetypes.
    • New Dragon
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragon and Colosseum have been added.
    • New Cave Decor
      • New Cave Decor has been added: The Apocalyptic Kingdom and Conqueror Kingdom sets.
  • Tweaks
    • Vibration can now be toggled off in Settings.
    • The Tamer Level badges have had their requirements adjusted to match the certificate level they correspond to.
Badge Previous Requirement Current Requirement
Recruit Tamer Obtain 50 Adult Dragons Obtain 5 Adult Dragons
Rookie Tamer Obtain 100 Adult Dragons Obtain 50 Adult Dragons
Veteran Tamer Obtain 500 Adult Dragons Obtain 100 Adult Dragons
Master Tamer Obtain 1,000 Adult Dragons Obtain 500 Adult Dragons
Grand Master Tamer Obtain 5,000 Adult Dragons Obtain 1,000 Adult Dragons


October 26th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where a player's amount of Halloween Candy Item.pngHalloween Candy currency was not being updated has been fixed.

October 25th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • Cosmic Album Score Rewards
      • A new Cosmic Album Score Rewards system has been added. Obtain exclusive dragons as a reward for a high score in a specific section of your Cosmic Album. Currently, Diyona Egg Sprite.pngDiyona, Frankenstein Dragon Egg Sprite.pngFrankenstein Dragon, Adela Egg Sprite.pngAdela, Mystic Tiny Egg Sprite.pngMystic Tiny, and Libro Dragon Egg Sprite.pngLibro Dragon are rewards for the Cosmic Album's score of the West Yutakan's section. Once obtained, the dragons are also unlocked and purchasable in the Egg Market.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragons have been added.
    • New Quest
      • A hidden quest related to Ranky Egg Sprite.pngRanky have been added.
    • New Village Decor
      • New village decor, the Little Ghost's Purple House and the Orange Dessert Mansion, will be gifted to players with Membership for November.
    • New Bonds
      • 5 new bonds in the West Yutakan section have been added.
    • Dragon Village Museum
      • A new Dragon Village Museum feature has been added. Explore and look at various information about the game, including information about dragons, lore, and characters.
        • The museum is currently only available in Korean.
    • New Servers
      • Two additional servers, labelled South America and Oceania, has been added so that people in that area can play the game.
        • The America server will be renamed to North America.
    • New Cave Decor
      • New Cave Decor related to Ranky Egg Sprite.pngRanky has been added.
  • Tweaks
    • Improvements have been made so that app freezing and crashing occurs less frequently in the Square.
    • Cave Decor can now be applied to 20 dragons simultaneously.
    • Scorpion Dragon Egg Sprite.pngScorpion Dragon's egg sprite has been updated to match its egg artwork.
    • The size of village decor in the Sky Temple set has been adjusted.
    • Newly obtained Village Decor will be marked as "NEW" in your village decor storage.
    • Dragons that you do not own will be displayed at the top of the list in the Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket menu.
    • Reactions from blocked players in the Guest Book will be hidden.
    • The location of the "Visit" button on other players' profiles will be moved for better visibility.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where the Lovestruck Arrow special action wasn't working has been fixed.
    • An issue where a message unrelated to the action was appearing as a pop-up as a result of using the Paralysis special action has been fixed.

October 18th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Event
      • The Halloween event has begun. Obtain exclusive dragons and rewards through this event!
    • New Dragon
    • New Personalities
      • The new personalities Spooky and Horrendous have been added as part of the Halloween event.
    • New Items
      • The moon piece items Spooky Moon Piece Item.pngSpooky Moon Piece and Horrendous Moon Piece Item.pngHorrendous Moon Piece have been added as part of the Halloween event.
    • 'New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges relating to the new dragon and event has been added.
    • New Village Decor
    • New Cave Decor
      • 6 new Cave Decor items, including the Halloween Slate and Halloween Background, have been added.
    • Guestbook Reactions
      • Reactions have been added to the Village Guestbook.
  • Tweaks
    • A pop-up will now appear when daily/weekly quests are completed.
    • Eggs in the Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket list will have a checkmark beside them if they have been obtained before.
    • Daily/Weekly quest rewards can be claimable all at once.
    • Daily Treasure Boxes will now have a different effect during the opening animation depending on the rarity of the reward.
    • Moon Pieces sold in the Mileage Shop can now be purchased in bulk.
    • Purple Lips Egg Sprite.pngPurple Lips artwork has received a slight update.
    • The position of dragons that fly/float in the Village or Square will be adjusted to better show their personality aura.
    • Membership rewards on the subscription page will have better visibility.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where the red notification dots on the Dragon tab were not disappearing when checked has been fixed.
    • An issue with the Daily Quest, "Look at 3 Partner Dragons of a certain Element Type", will be fixed, and the requirements for completing the quest will be adjusted.
      • Looking at the same dragon will not increase the count.
      • All players will now get the same Element Type required.
    • Halloween-exclusive personalities are now hidden in the Cosmic Album until the start of the event.

October 12th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • 'New Forms
    • Mileage System
      • A new Mileage System has been added. Mileage Item.pngMileage is a currency that can be obtained from in-app purchases as well as playing normally and can be used in the Mileage Shop.
    • New Items
      • The Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket and Mileage Item.pngMileage have been added.
    • Daily/Weekly Quests
      • A new Daily/Weekly Quests system will be added. This will replace the Cosmic Quests and Egg Point Missions.
        • Daily quests will give Mileage Item.pngMileage and Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystals, while weekly quests will give File:Egg Point Item.pngEgg Points and Mileage Item.pngMileage.
    • New Bonds
      • Two new bonds have been added in relation to the newly-added Card Code dragons. Complete them to obtain Ragnarok Egg Sprite.pngRagnarok.
    • Pop Up! Event Map
      • A special limited time Pop Up! Event map is available to explore to celebrate the Pop-Up store event.
  • Tweaks
    • The game UI has been updated.
    • The Daily Treasure Boxes will no longer give the Butterfly Flower village decor, and instead will give Mileage Item.pngMileage.
      • The Butterfly Flower village decor will instead be purchasable in the village decor shop page.
    • The Spread Poison and Special Actions#Lovestruck Arrow special actions can now be used on neutral-gendered dragons.
    • Fat Egg Sprite.pngFat, Shadow Dragon Egg Sprite.pngShadow Dragon, Skelegon Egg Sprite.pngSkelegon, and Tattoo Dragon Egg Sprite.pngTattoo Dragon have had their cares adjusted to ensure they can meet the requirements for the Wild personality.
    • Blocked players will no longer be shown in the square.
    • Trained Effort Value Reset (1 Time) Item.pngTrained Effort Value Reset (1 Time) can now be used on a dragon under the effects of a Rapid Growth Pill Item.pngRapid Growth Pill.
    • Eggs in the Egg Market are now listed from highest price to lowest price.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue involving Cave Decor for dragons that have been traded has been fixed and will reset back to default as intended.
    • A bug where exploring the Underground Castle would cause the player to get stuck if a dragon that could've been deployed during a battle gets ascended in the middle of a run has been fixed.


September 27th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where dragons were incorrectly placed in Cave Decor slates has been fixed.

September 26th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Event
      • A new event, the Moonlight Affairs, has begun. Obtain special dragons and rewards through this event!
    • New Dragons
    • New Personalities
      • Two new personalities have been added as part of the Moonlight Affairs event: Full Moon and Blue Moon.
    • New Items
      • The moon piece items Full Moon Piece Item.pngFull Moon Piece and Blue Moon Piece Item.pngBlue Moon Piece have been added as part of the Moonlight Affairs event.
    • New Village Decor
      • New village decor has been added as part of the Moonlight Affairs event.
      • New village decor, the Safe Purple Roof House, will be gifted to players with Membership for October.
      • A new village decor has been added to the Wrecked Ship set.
    • Cave Decor System
      • A new Cave Decor system has been added. Decorate your dragon's profile with the use of slates and backgrounds.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges related to the new dragons and event has been added.
    • New Quest
      • A hidden quest related to Lumindis Egg Sprite.pngLumindis have been added.
    • New Limited Bundle
      • A new Limited Bundle relating to the Moonlight Affairs event has been added. Purchase to obtain more event currency, Songpyeon Item.pngSongpyeon.
  • Tweaks
    • Skink Dragon Egg Sprite.pngSkink Dragon has been added to Exploration.
    • The Special Bazaar is now global, meaning that all listings and purchases are accessible between different servers.
    • Entering a price when registering an Egg Box listing is now mandatory.

September 20th, 2023

  • Tweaks
    • The Egg Market now has a West Yutakan and East Yutakan section.
    • The Cosmic Album now has a West Yutakan and East Yutakan section.

September 12th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragon
      • A new dragon, the Bearded Dragon Egg Sprite.pngBearded Dragon, has been added as a Collab dragon and is available for a limited time in the Special Shop. Bearded Dragons can be bred with certain other dragons to obtain different forms.
    • New Form
      • Girdletail Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGirdletail Dragon has a new King form that is obtained from breeding Girdletail Dragon with Bearded Dragon.
  • Tweaks
    • Language-specific channels have been added. Players will automatically be placed in a channel corresponding to their device's language, however, they are free to switch to different language channels.
    • White Gold Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWhite Gold Dragon and Rose Gold Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRose Gold Dragon have had their artwork updated.
    • Players can no longer send a private trade or gift to a user that had blocked them.
    • The Card Code Bazaar has been renamed to the Special Bazaar.
    • The deposit fee calculation will now round up the decimal.

September 6th, 2023

  • New Content
    • Cosmic Album Score System
      • A Cosmic Album Score system has been added. Obtaining new dragons/forms will increase your score in the Cosmic Album.
    • New Village Decor
      • A new Village Decor set, the Sky Temple, has been added.
    • Dragon Lineage Display Settings
      • A function that allows players to divide the dragon's unique ID and nicknames in a lineage tree will be added.
  • Tweaks
    • The character limit for profile messages and trade listing messages will be increased from 30 to 40.
    • You are now able to toggle off and hide the personality aura of all dragons including your own.
    • The maximum Gold limit for the Gold Storage will be increased to 3,000,000 Gold Item.pngGold.
    • Frost Blue Dragon Egg Sprite.pngFrost Blue Dragon has had its artwork updated.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • Time delays no longer occur when registering a trade to the Exchange boards.


August 30th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • Cosmic Quests System
      • A new Cosmic Quests system has been added to obtain Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystals for a maximum of 1,600 Cosmic Crystals a week.
      • The Cosmic Quests are available to players with 40 or more adult dragon species.
      • A maximum of 2 of the 3 quests can be completed each week and will reset at weekly rollover.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges related to the new dragons have been added.
    • New Quest
      • A hidden quest related to Plumos Egg Sprite.pngPlumos have been added.
    • Membership Reward
      • A new reward will be added for players who have a cumulative of 12 months of Membership.
    • New Village Decor
      • New village decor, the Blue Brick House and the Black Brick House, will be gifted to players with Membership for September.
  • Tweaks
    • Trading will be split into different categories.
      • Exchange: Exchange dragons for other players' dragons.
      • Bazaar: Exchange Egg Boxes for other players' Diamond Item.pngDiamonds.
      • The Egg Box Bazaar will be split into the Evria Bazaar and the Card Code Bazaar.
    • Players will have to wait a certain period of time to register trades at the Exchange.
    • Evria's entry requirements have been changed to allow for more entries per week depending on the number of adult species obtained.
Requirements Entry Limit
Obtain 40 or more adult species 3
Obtain 80 or more adult species 4
Obtain 120 or more adult species 5
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • The Mystical personality is now shown as intended in the Cosmic Album.

August 23rd, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Exploration Area
      • A new Exploration area, Evria, has been added.
        • Evria can be accessed when you have 40 or more adult species.
        • You may open the gates to Evria at a cost of 1,000 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystals per opening. The gate can only be opened 3 times a week.
        • The gates to Evria will remain open until the gates are closed or an egg is obtained.
        • In Evria, rare species that are variants of existing dragons can be obtained. They appear as regular eggs and will have the same description, but when grabbed, has a chance to turn into the rare exclusive species in the form of an Egg Box. All eggs obtained from Evria cannot be traded.
    • Cosmic Gate System
      • A new Cosmic Gate system has been added. When Evria is opened 25 times, all eggs in that opening are guaranteed to be a rare species exclusive to Evria. This egg will appear as a normal egg and will not be obtained as an Egg Box.
    • New Dragons
    • New Personalities
      • The new personalities Mystical and Unknown have been added.
      • These personalities only appear with dragons obtained from Evria.
    • New Bonds
      • Three new bonds have been added, two of which can be used to obtain Light Darknix Egg Sprite.pngLight Darknix, and the other can be used to obtain Abvalle Egg Sprite.pngAbvalle.
    • Guild House
      • A new Guild House feature has been added. Players that are a part of a guild can visit that guild's house to chat with other guild members.
        • This feature is only available to guilds that have had 10 or more guildmates.
    • Note Function
      • The ability to add notes to a dragon has been added.
    • Creator Dragons Introduced
      • The Creator dragons, La Lux Egg Sprite.pngLa Lux and Anemone Egg Sprite.pngAnemone have been added to Exploration areas.
    • New Item
      • The Smoke Grenade Item.pngSmoke Grenade item has been added to Dispatch.
    • New Minigame
      • The Avoid Fire! Minigame has been added.
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges related to the new dragons and Evria have been added.
  • Tweaks
    • Different accounts can now use the same nickname for their dragons.
      • A nickname cannot be used multiple times on the same account.
    • You can now disable a dragon's unique code.
    • Dragons can now be distinguished with dragons of the same species or nickname in a family tree.
    • Dragons in the Incubator can now be manually released with the Release button.
    • A pop-up regarding account linking will now show up when attempting to do an in-app purchase using a guest account.
    • Improved visual effects for Combat.
      • Vibration effects have been removed until an On/Off setting is added.
      • Flickering effects have been reduced.
    • The ad-viewing threshold for minigames has increased for new accounts, and will only play after playing minigames 40 times.
    • The Dragon filter has had its coverage expanded.
    • Players now only receive notifications for the server they're currently in.
    • The Dragon Book now has a progress bar.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • Rewards for the Fly Through the Sky quest are given as intended according to the gender.
    • After using the Adore action, the dragon's Comfort Level will be changed as intended.

August 18th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
  • New Badges
    • New badges related to the creator contest have been added and given to the winners and runner-ups.
  • New Village Decor
    • New village decor related to the creator contest has been added and given to the winners and runner-ups.
    • 23 tiles have been added to the Rainbow Palette set.

August 16th & 17th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • The incorrectly-selected language being displayed has been fixed.

August 11th, 2023

  • New Content
    • Cosmic Album System
      • A new Cosmic Album system has been added. Every time you obtain a new dragon, you will be given Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystals, which are used in Evria.
    • Item Gacha System
      • A new Item Gacha system has been added. Use the Item Gacha in the Square to obtain convenience items! You can pull once a day for 10,000,000 Gold Item.pngGold to obtain any of the following items:
        • Dilis Box Item.pngDilis Box, Broomstick Item.pngBroomstick, Remedy Item.pngRemedy, Pino's Vitamins (72h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (72h), Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h), Normal Dispatch Ticket Item.pngNormal Dispatch Ticket, and View Count Amulet Item.pngView Count Amulet.
    • Dragon Link Sharing System
      • A new Dragon Link Sharing system has been added. Use the Create Link button on a dragon's profile and use the link out of game for people to view your dragon. The dragon can also obtain views from other people viewing your link. Dragons that are traded, purified, ascended, or sent to the shelter will have their link auto-removed.
    • New Triumph/Badge
      • A new Triumph and Badge related to the Item Gacha has been added.
  • Tweaks
    • The Timid personality has had its requirements changed. Originally, dragons could only obtain it if they failed an Abandon attempt. Now, dragons will qualify for Timid with 10 failed trains or more.
    • The number of Shadow Dragon Egg Sprite.pngShadow Dragon's obtainable from the Shelter has been restricted to 5. Shadow Dragons obtained through breeding or trading do not affect this count.
    • Lunera Egg Sprite.pngLunera's Lunar Eclipse form can now be obtained when it hatches from an egg during a Lunar Eclipse, instead of when the egg is obtained during a Lunar Eclipse.
    • The Wandering Merchant now brings the same eggs on all servers.
    • An Undead dragon can now have its view count increased.
    • The logic of the Shelter has been improved.
      • Originally, refreshing the Shelter may not show new dragons as remaining dragons would stay on the list, but now, dragons new to the Shelter will appear more frequently.

August 4th, 2023

  • New Content
    • Invite Mission Global Release
      • The Invite Mission has been added to the America, Asia, and Europe servers.
      • Mission rewards are now claimable on all servers, and players can be invited regardless of the server they join on.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • The Flame and Faded Fire Tile Village Decor can now be placed as intended.
    • Dragons can now appear on the Ice Cream Tile Village Decor as intended.
    • When using the Moonlight Gem Item.pngMoonlight Gem, the list of personalities that can be obtained now excludes personalities that the dragon didn't qualify for due to view count.

August 3rd, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Server
      • An additional server, labelled Europe, has been added so that people in that area can play the game.
    • Newcomer Event
      • A new event, called the Newcomer Event, has been added. Complete small quests to learn various game aspects every day for 7 days to earn rewards, including a special form of Egg Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEgg Dragon.
    • New Village Decor
      • A new Village Decor set, Ice Cream, has been added.
    • New Item
      • A new convenience item, the Moonlight Gem Item.pngMoonlight Gem, has been added. This item allows you to forcefully apply a personality to an adult dragon so long as the dragon had qualified for the personality.
        • This item has been added as a reward for receiving the Daily Stamp 28 times. The counter will reset back to 0 once the Moonlight Gem is obtained so another can be received.
        • The Moonlight Gem is available in the Special Shop with a purchase limit of 3 per week.
    • Dragon Personality Dialogue
      • Dragons now have different dialogue depending on their personality in the dragon's profile, Village and Square. This feature is currently only in Korean, but will be translated to other languages at a later date.
  • Tweaks
    • The Perfectionist personality now has a higher success chance.
    • The egg sprite for Angel Jr Egg Sprite.pngAngel Jr has been updated.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue involving the Dragon Mania triumphs has been fixed.
    • A bug where attempting to use the Adore action could cause the "Unable to take action" prompt to appear has been fixed.
    • An issue with applying filters to the Dragon Book has been fixed.

August 1st, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Servers
      • New servers for the game as part of a global launch, labelled Asia and America, have been added so that people in those areas can play the game. The already-existing server will be renamed to East Asia.
        • Players can choose which server they want to play on in the Settings menu. Newly created users will be asked what server they wish to create their account on first.
        • Already-existing players will have their accounts on the East Asia server.


July 28th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • New Triumphs/Badges
      • New triumphs and badges related to the new dragons have been added.
    • New Quest
      • A hidden quest related to Angel Cat Egg Sprite.pngAngel Cat have been added.
    • New Item
      • The paid Brooder Item.pngBrooder has been introduced. In addition to the free brooder, you may use 3 of a paid brooder at a time to grow special dragons, such as Dragons of the Month or Card Code dragons. The item is consumed upon use.
    • New Village Decor
      • A new village decor, the Hut Stall, will be gifted to players with Membership for August.
  • Tweaks
    • A sorting function has been added to the Egg Box Exchange.
    • The Friend Invitation Mission Event now shows the form of the dragon awarded for each point threshold.
    • Two convenience items have been modified to provide more convenience:
      • Trained Effort Value Reset (1 Time) Item.pngTrained Effort Value Reset (1 Time) now displays what value is being reset, and you can now use it immediately in the training menu by clicking its icon in the top left.
      • Broomstick Item.pngBroomstick can now be used directly from an abandoned dragon's actions menu.
    • Untradeable dragons can now be sent to the Shelter, but other players will not be able to receive them.
    • The requirements for the Introvert personality have been relaxed to make it easier to acquire.
    • When receiving all mail, everything excluding dragon eggs can now be received at once.
    • The ability to purchase an entire Village Decor set has been removed.
    • The Alphabet set has been categorized into its own set.
    • Certain Village Decor that was only purchasable with Diamond Item.pngDiamonds can now be purchased with Gold Item.pngGold.
Decor Name Gold Price Diamond Price
Geyser 80 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Magma Mountain of Fire 170 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Shark Pool 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Shark Shaved Ice 1,000,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Shark Tube 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Shark Slide 5,000,000 Gold Item.pngGold
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where even trades (such as 1:1 or 2:2) would not proceed if the nurture limit is full has been fixed.
    • An issue where Pure and Classy were not appearing in hybrids that met their conditions (such as Jimon) has been fixed.
    • A bug that caused evolution to repeat infinitely while trying to connect to the game has been fixed.

July 21st, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • New Special Action
    • Egg Box Exchange Board
      • A new trading board where you can trade Egg Box items with other players has been added.
    • Battle Ranking System
      • A new Battle Ranking System has been added. This ranking is used for all dragons that have the Combat special action. The battle rankings have three categories:
        • High Ranking: This is a ranking system that only applies to level 40 dragons. Win to get more points!
        • Cumulative victory ranking: This is a ranking system based on the total amount of wins.
        • Consecutive winning ranking: This is a ranking system based on the number of consecutive wins.
    • New Triumphs
      • New triumphs in relation to the new battle ranking system have been added.
    • Training Charge System
      • A new Training Charge System has been added that allows a dragon to hold two charges of training at a time. Each charge is replenished after 6 hours.
    • New Items
      • New items have been added to the Special Shop for player convenience: View Count Amulet Item.pngView Count Amulet, Trained Effort Value Reset (1 Time) Item.pngTrained Effort Value Reset (1 Time), and Broomstick Item.pngBroomstick.
  • Tweaks
    • The sorting function for the Egg Box Exchange has been postponed.
    • The filter function in the Dragon Tab can now filter by stage, gender, element type, personality, location discovered, and generation.
    • Cupid Egg Sprite.pngCupid's egg sprite has been updated.
    • The Pop Up! Book Display Village Decor's size has been changed from 2x2 to 1x2.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • Fixed a bug where Neat and Noble were not appearing for dragons that met the requirement but were any generation higher than 5.

July 13th, 2023

  • New Content'
    • New Dragons
    • Card Code System
      • The new Card Code System has been added. Redeem codes obtainable from collection card parks to receive rewards!
    • Egg Box Exchange
      • The Egg Box Exchange has been added. Trade Egg Boxes, which are receivable by entering card codes, for Diamond Item.pngDiamonds with other players.
    • New Bonds
      • Two new bonds have been added in relation to the newly-added Card Code dragons. Complete them to obtain Dimension Dragon Egg Sprite.pngDimension Dragon.
  • Tweaks
    • The difficulty of the Fly Through the Sky [Difficulty: Low] quest has been lowered.
    • You can now check the number of Daily Treasure Boxes obtained that day in the Square.
    • White Thunder Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWhite Thunder Dragon has received an art update.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where nicknames and guild names could not be written in Korean has been fixed.
    • A bug where you're not able to edit the guestbook when the Village has been set to private has been fixed.
    • An issue where the number of adults was not updated immediately after the use of the Flame of Revival special action has been fixed.
    • Fixed a bug where dragons could qualify for the Lonely personality if no stats were changed, but the dragon was still trained (i,e failing a train).

July 10th, 2023

July 7th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Personalities
    • New Village Decor
      • A new village decor set with 54 items, Mountain of Fire, has been added.
    • Popular Village System
      • A new Popular Village System has been added. Villages that have the most likes will be placed on the popular list the next day so long as they have decorated their village within 7 days.
    • Exploration Macro Prevention System
      • A new Exploration Macro Prevention System has been added. Players who obtain a rare egg from Exploration may be have to answer a quick test to prove they are not a bot or using a macro.
  • Tweaks
    • Push notifications have been segmented and you can now opt in and opt out of notifications for various elements of the game.
    • You can now block users from the Village guestbook.
    • The possible eggs and their probabilities will now be displayed in the Breeding menu.
    • When purchasing items from using Diamond Item.pngDiamonds, you can now specify how many you want to buy at a time. A confirmation popup will also appear when purchasing items with Diamond Item.pngDiamonds.
    • The capacity of each village decor fence item has been raised from 300 to 600.
    • The Shark Tube item has been renamed to Shark Toy Item.pngShark Toy.
    • If the Cuddle special action has been used on an egg, putting that egg on the trading board will remove its effects. If the trade is completed, the special action can be performed on the egg again, but it cannot be performed if the trade is cancelled.
    • Obtained eggs will now display that they have been previously obtained in Exploration or in the Wandering Merchant's egg list.
    • The Wandering Merchant will now provide a list of all available eggs that month.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • The following bugs related to the Potential Personality Analysis special action have been fixed.
      • A bug where personalities appeared on the special action's list that the hatchling did not qualify for has been fixed.
      • A bug where only one basic personality was shown when two or more basic personalities could be shown has been fixed.
    • An issue where the guild's 3rd and 6th mark option were the same shape has been fixed.
    • An issue where cancelling a trade with a dragon under the effect of the Cuddle special action was possible on hatches and hatchlings, increasing their time remaining before death, has been fixed.


June 30th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Dragons
    • Guild System
      • A new Guilds system has been added. Create or join a guild for like-minded players!
    • Brooder System
      • A new Brooder system has been added. Special dragon eggs, such as Dragons of the Month or Card Codes, may be placed in this special brooder that allows you to grow them without it contributing to your egg/nurture limit. It can only be used one at a time.
    • New Quest
      • A new hidden quest related to Stealth Dragon has been added.
    • New Village Decor
      • New red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white Village Decor tiles have been added.
      • A new village decor, the Fresh Pond, will be gifted to players with Membership for July.
  • Tweaks
    • Some dragons have had improvements to their sprites/artwork.
    • Dragons will no longer grow during maintenance periods, and the duration of Dilis Box Item.pngDilis Boxes and Pino's Vitamins will also be paused during maintenance periods.
      • This has no affect on training or special action cooldowns.
    • The daily purchase limit for Dragon Shelter Ticket Item.pngDragon Shelter Tickets has been changed from 3 to unlimited.
    • The chat and profile message functions now have an auto-translation button beside them.
    • The text when discarding has been improved so that it no longer indicates a hatch has been abandoned when an egg is discarded.
    • The time listed in the Environment menu now displays the device's time zone rather than the server time zone.
    • A moon cycle has been added to the Environment menu.
    • The Dragon Association term has been changed to Membership.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where the Cuddle special action's effect is not reset when a dragon is listed in the trading board has been fixed.

June 23rd, 2023

  • New Content
    • 9 new dragons have been added:
    • Bonds System
      • A new bond system has been added - collect various dragons to earn rewards and unlock stories about those dragons.
    • New quests
      • Two new hidden quests have been added.
    • New Special Actions
    • Village Preset System
      • A new village preset system has been added. Save presets of your village to quickly switch between different preset-decorations.
      • You can save 2 presets by default, and purchase an additional 8. One is also given as a benefit of having Membership.
    • New Convenience Items
      • The following items have been added to provide convenience:
        • Pino's Vitamins (72h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (72h), Remedy Item.pngRemedy, Dragon Shelter Ticket Item.pngDragon Shelter Ticket, Dilis Box Item.pngDilis Box
    • Additional Membership Benefits
      • Players with Membership now have a higher limit of dragons they can receive from trades.
Certificate Dragons Required Trade Limit Membership Bonus
Newbie 0 12

+4 (16 total)

Recruit 5 12

+4 (16 total)

Rookie 50 15

+5 (20 total)

Veteran 200 18

+6 (24 total)

Master 500 21

+7 (28 total)

Grandmaster 1,000 24

+8 (32 total)

  • Tweaks
    • The following dragons have had their artwork updated:
    • A pat animation now plays when looking at others' dragons.
    • When changing filters or searches, the Dragon list in the Dragon tab moves back to the top.
    • You can now move multiple village decor at once while editing your Village.
    • An auto-translation button will be added to the trade board.
    • A feature that allows you to block certain words, preventing trade listings that have those words from appearing, will be added.
    • A Gender Transition Ticket Item.pngGender Transition Ticket will now automatically be provided alongside a Rude Ore Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRude Ore Dragon egg when a Rude Ore Dragon code is redeemed.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where the dragon's personality aura was not visible during Combat has been fixed.
    • An issue where the unlocked story notification for Bonds was displayed when registering another bond dragon after unlocking the story has been fixed.
    • An issue where the dragon registered in the Bond was not displayed afterwards has been fixed.

June 16th, 2023

  • New Content
    • Follow System
      • A new follow system has been added. You can follow players in their profile and view how many people you follow/follow you in your profile.
    • Daily Stamp System
      • A new Daily Stamp system has been added. Receive rewards by logging in every day!
    • New Village Decor
      • A new set, Basic Alphabet has been added.
      • New themed tiles have been added to the Wind Temple village decor set.
    • New Languages
      • The game now has translations for English/Japanese/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese/Thai/Indonesian/Tagalog/Malay/Hindi/Vietnamese languages.
      • The village guestbook now has a translation button to automatically translate written posts.
  • Tweaks
    • Rakshasa Egg Sprite.pngRakshasa's Default form has received an update to its sprite, improving its appearance.
    • The Number Tap! minigame has had its difficulty reduced.
      • Before: Press up to 50 in a 5x5 space, after: Press up to 32 in a 4x4 space.
    • The Village now has a search function - type in a username to visit that player's village!
    • The Basic Alphabet village decor now has lighting effects.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where the time during the Number Tap! minigame stops when you return to the device's home menu and come back to the game has been fixed.
    • An issue where an additional Solucanis statue could be obtained as a reward for the Solucanic-related hidden quest has been fixed.
    • An issue involving the Evolve Water Type Dragons badge has been fixed.

June 14th, 2023

  • New Content
    • A new Dragon of the Month, Rakshasa Egg Sprite.pngRakshasa, has been added.
    • A new subquest and triumphs relating to Rakshasa have been added.
    • New Village Decor
    • The Gender Transition Ticket Item.pngGender Transition Ticket has been added, which can be used on Rude Ore Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRude Ore Dragon and Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden to change their genders. This has been awarded to all players that have at least 1 of either dragon.
    • New Minigame
      • The Number Tap! Minigame has been added.
  • Tweaks
    • The following dragons have had their illustrations updated:
    • The Wandering Merchant's appearance times have been changed to the times below.
      • 05:00am / 11:00am / 05:00pm / 11:00pm UTC
    • The Fly in the Sky quest now rewards different genders of Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden depending on the version of difficulty completed.
      • The Difficulty: High version will give a male Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden egg, and the Difficulty: Low version will give a female Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden egg.
    • An item lock function has been added to prevent chosen items from being accidentally fused.
    • Placing tiles in your Village will now restore the original tile placed when a tile is removed in editing.
    • You can now receive notifications when there is a new entry in your Village guestbook.
    • The Village guestbook now has settings where you can pick who can view or write in it.
    • A new Dragon List feature has been added to show you a list of all of the dragons in another player's village.
    • An X button has been added to all search boxes to reset it.
    • An untradeable icon has been added to untradeable dragons.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes

June 9th, 2023

  • Tweaks
    • Dispatch system improvements
      • The Dispatch system will now display the probability of obtaining each available item before dispatching.
      • You can now decrease the wait time for your dispatch by adding more dragons to the party.
      • Improved the sorting menu so dragons that were last deployed are displayed first.
      • The previous dispatch party of an area will be automatically applied when selected.
    • Triumph Requirement Change
      • The requirements to complete the Dragon Book triumphs have been reduced.
Triumph # Previous Requirement New Requirement
1 Complete 50 Dragon Book entries Not changed
2 Complete 100 Dragon Book entries Not changed
3 Complete 500 Dragon Book entries Complete 150 Dragon Book entries
4 Complete 1,000 Dragon Book entries Complete 200 Dragon Book entries
Village Decor Old Price Current Price
Special Angel Garden Fountain 220 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 110 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Special Angel Garden Lyre 110 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 55 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Special Angel Junior Statue 440 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 220 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Special Shark Slide 330 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 165 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Special Shark Pool 165 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 85 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Special Shark Shaved Ice 165 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 85 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
Special Shark Tube 110 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds 55 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds
    • The success chance of the personalities Immersed, Pure, and Classy have been increased.
    • The amount of Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra that can be obtained from Combat has been increased from 6 to 10.
    • In Daily Treasure Boxes, Gold Item.pngGold has had its rarity increased to allow for different items to be obtained more often.
    • Yutakan and Special dragons have been separated in the Dragon Book.
    • The capacity of a single Village Decor item has been increased from 99 to 300.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • An issue where the maximum value of a dragon with the combat special action was displayed incorrectly when levelled up has been fixed.
    • An issue with the Beginner Fighter Badge's description displaying incorrectly has been fixed.
    • An issue where Daily Treasure Boxes disappear when entering or exiting a building has been fixed.
    • An issue where Pure and/or Classy personalities could be obtained, even if the lineage requirements have not been met, has been fixed.

June 2nd, 2023

  • New Content
    • 4 new dragons have been added:
    • Battle System
      • A new battle system has been introduced. By using Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra's Grant Combat Skill special action on Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra, Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura, Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta, and/or Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra, they can be given the Combat special action. Only one dragon of each species can have the Combat special action at a time.
        • When a dragon has been given the Combat action, they are granted a level, attack power, defense power, and stamina. By using the Combat action, they can engage in a simple 1v1 PVP fight against another tamer's dragon who also has the Combat action. This fight is completely random and requires no input from the player.
        • The dragon's levels and stats can be modified through the use of special actions.
        • If you win the battle, you have a low chance of obtaining Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra.
    • New Subquests
      • Four new subquests, two hidden and two normal, have been added.
        • The two normal subquests are immediately available.
      • In addition, the Fly in the Sky quest has been given a new, lower difficulty version, to get Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden.
    • New Village Decor
      • The Village Decor set Angel Jr Garden and new village decor to the Shark Dragon Park set has been added.
    • New Daily Treasure Box System
      • A new system: Daily Treasure Box has been added.
      • 32 Treasure Boxes will be placed around the Square, with 10 of them being able to be opened per day. Earn various rewards by opening these boxes!
  • Tweaks
    • Increased the success chance of all special personalities.
    • Improved the search function to the Dragon Exchange Trade Board.
      • You can now search by dragon, username, or request details.
      • A block function has been added to filter out unwanted trade listings from appearing.
    • Limited the number of users in an Exploration area at a time.
      • If the number exceeds 300, a new instance of that Exploration area will be created, meaning two users could see different versions of the Exploration area if they are in different groups of 300.
    • The server time is now displayed at the bottom of each Exploration area.
    • The 5th Garden expansion has been reduced from 50,000,000 Gold Item.pngGold to 20,000,000 Gold Item.pngGold.
    • The ability to display a dragon's nickname in the Village has been added.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • Wind Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWind Dragon's form being chosen at random regardless of Exploration has been fixed - it is now dependent on the area the egg was obtained from.
    • An issue where you could not receive an Expert Badge despite completing a dragon's Dragon Book entry has been fixed.
    • An issue where the Shark Tube and File:Hell Gate Item.pngHell Gate items appeared regardless of whether you have their respective quests active or not has been fixed.
    • An issue where the icon of a dragon whose special action was on cooldown not displaying properly has been fixed.
    • An issue where quests were displayed even after they were cleared has been fixed.


May 26th, 2023

  • New Content
    • 16 new dragons have been added:
    • Wandering Merchant Lottery System
      • The Wandering Merchant now has a lottery system where you can possibly win a rare Exploration dragon egg.
      • Eggs are typically awarded about an hour after the Wandering Merchant disappears.
      • The number of winners increases with the number of participants.
    • New Egg of the Month system
      • A new dragon will be released every month and will only be sold in that month.
      • The dragon will re-appear next year in that same month.
      • The first Egg of the Month dragon is Solucanis Egg Sprite.pngSolucanis.
    • New subquests
      • Four new subquests, two hidden and two normal, have been added.
      • Among these quests, the quest "Request for Help from the Dragon" can be completed by talking to Nuri after obtaining 10 adult dragons.
      • "Gogohut's Picture Bulletin Board" can also be accessed by talking to Gogohut.
    • New Village Decor
      • The following Village Decor has been added:
        • Coastal Hut, Fishing Tackle Holder, Helm Remains, Shipwreck Totem, Sharp Tree Debris, Tree Debris, Compass, Glass Bottle, Barrel Residue 1, Barrel Residue 2, Starfishes, Seashells & Starfish, Coconut Tree (Large 2), Coconut Tree (Large 1), Mango Tree, Coconut Tree (Medium), Coconut Tree (Small), Pineapple Palm, Shipwreck Tile, Shipwreck Water Tile, Shipwreck Sand Tile
    • New Village functions
      • A guestbook has been added to Villages, allowing players to leave comments and messages.
      • A function to check the total number of village visits, as well as village visits in the last 24 hours has been added.
      • Left and right buttons to visit random villages has been added.
    • Account Unlinking
      • Accounts can be unlinked from their Google Play or Apple accounts from Settings > Account Linking > Currently Linked.
      • Accounts cannot be made completely unlinked, meaning an account cannot be unlinked if it is the only account linked.
    • New Emotes
      • 8 new basic emotes and 8 new Membership emotes have been added.
  • Tweaks
    • The Friend List's capacity has been increased from 20 to 50.
    • The base stats and cares for certain dragons have been modified.
    • Gold rewards in Triumphs have been increased.
    • Goldie Egg Sprite.pngGoldie's Gold Shower special action has been limited to being able to give a maximum of 20 million Gold a week.
    • The Dragon Exchange's search function now includes the ability to search by the tamer's name.
    • Normal Exploration areas have a lower probability that the same dragon will appear consecutively.
    • Perfectionist's success chance has been increased.
    • The limit of eggs obtained from Breeding has been removed and eggs that have been bred are now able to be sent to the Shelter right away.
    • Phoenix Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPhoenix Dragon's Flame of Revival special action has had its cooldown reduced to 7 days.
    • The Train Focus minigame now has wider bars.
  • Bug/Issue fixes
    • An issue with lag that occurs when entering Villages has been improved.
    • A bug where Classy could be obtained even if the dragon did not meet the requirements for it has been fixed.
    • A bug where Arrogant could be obtained even if the dragon did not meet the requirements for it has been fixed.
    • A bug where dragons could not walk on the Spooky Tile Village Decor has been fixed.
    • A bug where some special personality auras were not displayed properly in Villages has been fixed.
    • Various typos have been fixed.

May 23rd, 2023

  • Tweaks
    • The Wandering Merchant's appearance duration has been increased from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where number of abandons and freezes that could be performed would not replenish even after their cooldown was up has been fixed.
    • An issue where trying to enter the Dragon Exchange would result in loading problems has been resolved.
      • The number of trade listings that can be seen at a time is 50, and scrolling all the way down will display 50 more listings.
      • Trades that you had registered could also be completed through the main Dragon Exchange trade list, though this has been changed so they can only be accepted the In Trade tab.

May 17th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New event
      • The Balloon Festival has begun!
    • New subquests
      • Five subquests, two hidden and three normal, have been added.
        • The three normal subquests are available after completing the main quest, "Find Jimon!".
    • Help Requests
      • A new feature called Help Requests have been added.
        • They are unlocked after owning 10 adult dragons.
        • When you enter an Exploration area, you may see a dragon in need of certain Dispatch items. If given, they will give you an egg of their species.
          • These species cannot be traded or sheltered.
    • New Village Decor
      • The following Village Decor has been added:
        • Spooky Tile, Spooky Cross, Spooky Pillar, Green Flame, Blue Flame, Red Flame, Dragon Tombstone, Spooky Fence, Farm Tile, Spring Bike, Picnic Chair (Front), Picnic Chair (Back), Picnic Chair (Back, Side), Picnic Chair (Side), Purple Flower.
  • Tweaks
    • The Egg Market prices for various eggs have been decreased. Those who have had their prices at 3,400 Egg Points have been reduced to 1,700 Egg Points, and those who have had their price at 5,000 Egg Points have been reduced to 2,500 Egg Points.
    • The guide notation has been tweaked so hidden quests are more easily identifiable.
    • The Train Intellect minigame has been improved to make it easier to do and obtain special personalities.
    • Weekly limit to dragons traded in Dragon Exchange
      • The limit is dependent on the user's certificate, as outlined below:
Certificate Dragon Limit
None/Newbie 12
Recruit 15
Veteran 18
Master 21
Grandmaster 24
  • Bug Fixes
    • A bug where hatchlings could be trained has been fixed.

May 12th, 2023

  • Tweaks
    • In the tutorial for obtaining your first egg, certain dragons will not appear in the egg selection menu.
    • The Train Focus minigame has been adjusted to make the game easier.
    • The dragon profile has been improved so you can see more of the dragon's details.
  • Bug Fixes
    • An issue where only 10 users were displayed while searching for friends has been fixed.
    • An issue where, if a dragon was obtained from breeding, the dragon's parents were not displayed properly in the dragon's profile has been fixed.

May 10th, 2023

  • New content
    • New subquests
      • Two subquests, "Basics of Dragon Care" and "Basics of Dragon Information" have been added.
      • These quests are available after completing the main quest "Find Jimon!".
    • Three additional dispatches can be obtained every week by watching ads.
    • New channels options have been added to the Square as follows:
      • View All: You can view all tamers in that current channel.
      • View Friends Only: You can view only tamers you have on your Friend List in that current channel.
      • Alone: You can only view yourself, and chatting is disabled.
    • New Minigame
      • The Jump! minigame has been added.
  • Tweaks
    • The Abandon action has had its description changed to be more descriptive.
      • New description: "Abandon the dragon. Abandoned dragons count toward your egg/dragon limit for one day. Additionally, abandoned dragons disappear from the dragon list after two weeks."
    • The following items have been changed:
      • Tuna has been changed to Coconut
      • Salmon has been changed to Sea Grapes
      • The quest name "Tuna and Salmon" has been changed to "Coconut and Sea Grapes" to reflect this change.
    • The requirement to enter the Trade tab has changed.
      • You no longer need at least one adult Liberte Egg Sprite.pngLiberte to enter.
      • However, you still need a Liberte to create a trade.
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where Lovely could be obtained even if the dragon did not meet the requirements for it has been fixed.
    • A bug where eggs were not being updated even when the Shelter is refreshed has been fixed.
    • An issue where dragons/items would not be received upon completing a triumph if you were at full capacity has been fixed.
      • These rewards will now be sent to your mail if there is no space for them normally.

May 8th, 2023

  • Tweaks
    • The Refresh cycle for normal Exploration areas have been decreased from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.
  • Bug Fixes
    • The following display issues have been fixed:
      • An issue with the dragon's happiness bar showing that the dragon is sick when it actually isn't.
      • An issue where a red notification would appear in the Dragon Book as though it wasn't completed even though it has been.
      • An issue where the Visit Village(s) triumphs would not appear even though it has been achieved.

May 7th, 2023

  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • iOS stabilization issues have been fixed.
    • An issue where a subquest was displayed sooner than when it could be progressed has been fixed.

May 5th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Escape Function
      • If you are stuck in the square, you can now use the Escape function to revert back to your original/starting position.
  • Tweaks
    • When moving channels, you can now see which channels cannot be entered due to a maximum number of tamers in it.
  • Bug Fixes
    • A bug where the Wandering Merchant was located in the Fortune Teller's location has been fixed.

May 4th, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Subquest
      • The "Suspicious Merchant" subquest has been added and is available after completing the "Find Jimon!" quest.
    • New Village Like System
      • A new system where you can give Villages likes once a day has been added.
  • Tweaks
    • The time that the dragon has been cared for is now more accessible in the dragon's profile.
    • The wording of the Send and Kill actions have been changed.
      • "Send" has been changed to "Shelter", "Kill" has been changed to "Abandon"
  • Bug/Issue Fixes
    • A bug where entering the Dragon Exchange with a Liberte Egg Sprite.pngLiberte egg instead of an adult was possible has been fixed.
    • An issue where certain quest progression was reset when reopening the game has been fixed.
    • An issue where Gold-related Triumphs were not being updated has been fixed.
    • An issue where an egg's cracks return to their initial state under certain conditions has been fixed.
    • A bug where the personality of a dragon owned by another player was not being displayed has been fixed.
    • Some incorrect Help information has been corrected.

May 3rd, 2023

  • New Content
    • New Username Function
      • The ability to change your username has been added.
        • Note that you can only use this function once.
  • Added Kill Cooldown
    • Killing a dragon is available 5 hours after it's been obtained.
    • Killing a dragon will contribute to your egg/nurture limit for a full day.
    • If you Send a dragon, it will not contribute to your egg/nurture limit and you will be able to receive another right away.
  • Tweaks
    • The Discard function has had its name changed to Send.
  • Various bug fixes.