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Elegant is a Special Personality that has a soft pink aura with a yellow spiral in the middle, as well as one spiked gold circle that rotates around the dragon’s feet. There are also pink sparkles and golden orbs that float upwards around the dragon.


  • Use each Care only once
  • Train all four stats in each type of train outcome (so-so +3, good +5, and perfect +9)

Obtainment Method(s)

It’s important to keep track of how many cares and trains have been completed, as you must be exact.

Each care must be done once, and cannot be done more than once. This means the dragon must receive exactly six cares. If you accidentally perform the wrong care, you can use the Sting! special action to undo the dragon's entire care history and start over.

Each stat must be trained three times; once for +3, once for +5, and once for +9. These are the only trains that can be done. All four stats will be increased by +17 when finished. Failing a train will result in disqualifying you from this personality. If you make a mistake while training, you can undo your most recent training outcome using the Trained Effort Value Reset (1 Time) item.

Dragons exclusive to Evria will have base stats of 1/1/1/1, and attempting to train the dragon for Elegant will result in the Dull personality, which overwrites Elegant, regardless of if the dragon qualified or not. Before training the dragon, make sure to use the special action Inject Venom, which will lower one stat to 0, to prevent the dragon from getting Dull.

It's recommended to train the dragon fully first before performing the necessary cares to prevent the dragon from growing to the hatchling stage before all trains are done. After all the trains are done, you can then perform all six cares, staggering them out if you want to let the dragon grow from those cares. You can also make the dragon sick from the cares without disqualifying the personality. If the dragon's happiness meter is low but all cares have already been performed, you can use a vitamin item such as Pino's Vitamins (24h) to keep the happiness meter full which will allow the dragon to grow quicker.


A dragon's dialogue will differ depending on the personality and the current location of where the dragon is being looked at.


  • "I always try to be well mannered."
  • "Hopefully you don't act on impulse."
  • "I think there are lessons to be learned here."
  • "The path I walk is the path that shines."
  • "So that's what happened."


  • "The conversation is always open. Feel free to speak up."
  • "Having enough sleep recently?"
  • "I try to refrain from anything."
  • "I'm always supportive of choice."
  • "Talking with other Dragons always excites me."

Dragon's Profile

  • "Respect other opinions and make them yours."
  • "Let me take some burden off your shoulders."
  • "Looking humble and modest doesn't satisfy me."
  • "Welcome, how was today?"
  • "I always try to remain calm."