Lightning Dragon

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Lightning Dragon (번개고룡) is an Lightning type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through the Mountain Of Fire Exploration area and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Special Action: Explore (Underground Dungeon)

  • Description: Dragon embarks on an adventure to obtain a rare Egg.
  • Usage: Use this ability to begin a boss fight with Darknix to try to obtain a Darknix Egg Sprite.pngDarknix egg. Can also use Frost Dragon Egg Sprite.pngFrost Dragon, Power Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPower Dragon, and God Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGod Dragon alongside Lightning Dragon if they also have this special action ready.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Obtainment Method(s)

Lightning Dragon can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Exploration Obtain an egg from the following Exploration area(s): Mountain Of Fire, Evria
Egg Market Purchase an egg from the Egg Market for 1,700 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points.
Egg Finder's Exchange Obtain an egg from the Egg Finder's Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Lightning Dragon with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Wash Snapshot
Good! Great!
Charge Sleep
Excellent! Hmm...
Play Feed
Great! Fair.


Lightning Dragon cannot breed with Blue Thunder Egg Sprite.pngBlue Thunder, Taabire Egg Sprite.pngTaabire, or Rock Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRock Dragon.

Breeding during the Xmas Event removes all restrictions.


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • The First Encounter of the Four Great Dragons (Brave personality required)



Red Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Lightning Dragon Egg Sprite.png Lightning Dragon Dead Egg Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Adult F Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Lightning Dragon Default Special Evolution M Sprite.png
Lightning Dragon Default Special Evolution F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Lightning Dragon Expert Badge.png
Lightning Dragon Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Lightning Dragon
Lightning Dragon Mania Badge.png
Lightning Dragon Mania Obtain 100 Lightning Dragon adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Special Evolution

Dragon Book Entry





Special Evolution

Story: Story Name

Special Evolution Story: Story Name



The pattern on this Egg resembles lightning.


This Hatch is always full of static electricity.


This Hatchling is proficient in controlling thunder.


A Lightning Dragon who stands against injustice and speaks for the oppressed and weak.

You can freely control the terrifying Lightning. It is mainly found in places where Lightning strikes, and trains one's body while being struck by Lightning. It likes high places, so it flies through the sky and climbs to the top, but it also likes to climb mountains, so its claws are thick.

It is classified as one of the Four Great God Dragons that protect the world from evil.

Special Evolution

A Lightning Dragon that judges the unjust with its own powers of justice.

Its lightning has become even more powerful, as its determination to uphold justice. It has no room for injustice, and when faced with injustice, it punishes those who have caused it with lightning imbued with the power of justice. Those guilty are struck by lightning from this specially evolved Lightning Dragon, while the innocent feel nothing. Those struck by the lightning of this Dragon fear committing injustice and strive to become just individuals.

Dragon Book Entry


An Egg that holds the power of lightning. Has a thunderbolt-shape jewel in the middle. While the barrier of static electricity around it protects the Egg, it also evaluates the courage of the Tamer attempting to take it. Those unable to break the barrier are unworthy of taking the Egg of the Lightning Dragon. Being hard to find, these Eggs are most often found beneath storm clouds and are less likely to be found under sunny weather. Be sure to check the weather before you look for them.


When Hatch after hatching, they have no wings. Its arms and legs are short, and a red mane grows on its shoulders. Rather than using the ability of Lightning, the ability is not outstanding enough to generate electricity at the level of static electricity. Although he lacks in ability, he has a righteous heart from birth. He helps animals who are weaker than Hatch. It is sensitive enough to vibration to be able to hear the heartbeat of animals, and sometimes makes the heart move again with its own ability when the heart stops.


When Hatchling, it develops wings and can fly swiftly. It is slower than Light, but its feet are developed enough to run at high speed. Red hair grows along the spine, and a minute electric current flows around the hair. In some cases, an electric current flows around the body, killing insects that pass by unintentionally. The Lightning Dragon looks around and avoids places where there is life. In winter, the surroundings of the Lightning Dragon are warm and serve as a stove for small animals. You can use Lightning better than when Hatch , but you can only cause Lightning on days with clouds in the sky.


A constant current flows around the Lightning Dragon . This electric current is enough to stiffen the body at once, so it is better not to touch the Lightning Dragon carelessly. Even when they meet and talk with Lightning Dragon, they maintain a certain distance.

The wings grow considerably, and current continues to flow from the hairs around the body. The horns around the body enlarge and the tail lengthens. It can run or fly at the same speed as the speed of Light, and it can cause Lightning even in dry, cloudless skies.

His righteous heart from Hatch continues even into Adult, and although he looks rough on the outside, he has a warm heart more than anyone else. It is said that they have their own standard for distinguishing between right and wrong, and when they are inflamed with a sense of justice, they can turn into Lightning and move at the same speed as Light. He wants to use his Lightning energy in the right place and judges the wicked with Lightning. Lightning energy can make the stopped heart of an innocent life beat again.

Special Evolution

It determines the life and death of other creatures with its lightning of justice.

The specially evolved Lightning Dragon summons a noble lightning bolt of justice in the face of injustice. Only those who have sinned are electrocuted by this lightning bolt of justice, while others feel a slight tinge of static. The higher it flies, the stronger its lightning bolts are, and it sometimes flies across the sky to create clouds that crackle with lightning.

Story: God Dragon and Courage

The Lightning Dragon of the beginning comes to the Earth of fire where the lightning God Dragon resides.

"I don't know what kind of guy he is, but you'd better not come in." "Are you the owner of this place?" "Yes. If you're here to find a strong opponent, you've come to the right place!"

The Lightning Dragon felt its hair stand upright in the Light of the God Dragon . The intense Light was enough to cover the entire Earth of flames.

"Aren't you afraid of my Light?" "It wouldn't be a fight unless it was a decent opponent. Come on!"

The God Dragon saw the Lightning Dragon's courage and confided his concerns.

"I need your courage."

After hearing the story of the God Dragon, the Lightning Dragon gives a bold answer.

"I'll show you I'm not wrong!"

The Lightning Dragon answered confidently.

Special Evolution Story: Those Who Are Immune to the Lightning of Justice

A war broke out. People were fighting for land. The invaders were mercilessly swinging their weapons toward the residents. The horrible screaming started echoing through the sky. The Lightning Dragon could not ignore any injustice and immediately flew down to the site of the war.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The Lightning Dragon asked, and the residents rushed out and kneeled in front of the dragon.

"They're trying to take our land, and they're hurting innocent people as well!"

The Lightning Dragon could not judge one person at a time in a situation like this. Therefore, it called a lightning bolt of justice down to the battlefield. The Lightning Dragon assumed that the lightning would only electrocute the invaders. However, the lightning of justice was causing pain for the residents as well.

"They took our land first,"

said someone who was shaking from the stinging pain. He was one of the first people to settle in this area and had been driven out by the residents who kneeled to the Lightning Dragon.

"Is there truly no one who has not sinned?!"

That seemed to be the case, as everyone was in agony due to the lightning of justice. Everyone, except for the newborn babies.