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Trade Icon.png

Trading is a mechanic that, depending on the board used, can be used to trade dragons or Egg Boxes to other players for their dragons or currencies.

Dragon Drink Trade

Dragon Drink Trade Icon.png

The Dragon Drink Trade board can be used to sell growing dragons for a special currency called Special Dragon Drink Item.pngSpecial Dragon Drink.

Some dragons may not be available to be traded based on how they were obtained, what species they are, or what form they are. Please see the Untradeability section for more information.

There are three tabs available on this board - Sale Board, In Trade, and History. The Sale Board tab will show you all the listings that you can purchase. You can search by the dragon's species or filter by stage or personality. You can also sort the listings based on newest/oldest listings, or highest/lowest price. The In Trade tab will show you a list of all your current listings, and the History tab will show you a list of all your purchased and sold listings.

Beside those three tabs, you can also see a tab which will show the top 5 dragons based on price or the frequency it's been purchased. The tab will alternate between price and frequency every 10 seconds.

When you list a dragon on the market, it will not display to other players right away as there will be a delay of a few minutes, giving you time to cancel the trade if you made a mistake in your listing. Dragons that are listed on the Dragon Drink Trade will have their growth paused up until their listing is either cancelled or expired, but they will still take up an egg and/or nurture slot in your Dragons tab.

You can create a total of 30 listings per week. Dragons also have their own individual listing limit, and a dragon can only be listed twice on the market before they are unable to be listed again. Even if your listing is cancelled or expired, it will still count towards your main listing limit and the dragon's specific listing limit.

Trade listings take a deposit fee of 5% of its listed price to create the trade. The listing will expire if it has not been purchased 24 hours after the listing is created, and the deposit fee will be given back to you. Cancelling a listing before it expires will result in the deposit fee being lost and not given back.

When a listed dragon has been bought, you will receive the amount of drinks you had it listed for with 10% taken off as a sales commission fee.

Dragon Exchange

Dragon Exchange Icon.png

The Dragon Exchange board can be used to exchange your currently-growing dragons for other players' currently-growing dragons.

Some dragons may not be available to be traded based on how they were obtained, what species they are, or what form they are. Please see the Untradeability section for more information.

There are three tabs available on this board - Exchange Board, In Trade, and History. The Exchange Board tab will show you all available trade listings that you can offer on. The In Trade tab will show you all of your current trade listings, and the History tab will show you all your successful or cancelled trades.

To be able to create a listing on this board, you will need to use the Delivery special action. When you create a trade listing, you can choose to either create a public trade listing, a private trade listing, or a gift listing. Private or gift listings allow you to pick a specific user that you want to receive the trade, and only they will be able to respond to it.

Public trade listings allow you to include a Request Requirement which restricts what can be offered on your trade. This can be up to 5 dragon species of a specified growth stage or gender, or all dragon species of a specified growth stage. Any player that tries to offer on your listing cannot offer any dragon that does not meet your specified requirements.

It's important to note that dragons will continue to grow even while they are in a trade listing/offer. If a dragon grows to the next stage while it is in a trade listing/offered, you may need to cancel and redo the listing/offer. If the dragon grows into an adult, the listing/offer will be automatically cancelled.

You have a limit of dragons that you can receive from trades that reset every week. This limit is dependent on your Certificate level (the amount of adult dragons you own) as well as if you have Membership. See the list below for more details.

Certificate Dragons Required Trade Limit Membership Bonus
Newbie 0 16

+4 (20 total)

Recruit 5 16

+4 (20 total)

Rookie 50 20

+5 (25 total)

Veteran 200 24

+6 (30 total)

Master 500 28

+7 (35 total)

Grandmaster 1,000 32

+8 (40 total)

Legendary 2,000 36

+9 (45 total)

Egg Box Exchange

Egg Box Exchange Icon.png

The Egg Box Exchange board can be used to exchange Egg Box items for other Egg Boxes with other players.

To be able to create a listing on this board, you will need to use the Delivery special action. When you create a listing or offer, you will be able to select any Egg Box that is tradeable in your inventory, and you can select a maximum of 4.

Any successful Egg Box trade will reduce that Egg Box items' trade limit/tradeable count by 1. An Egg Box will be able to be traded - or change hands - a total of 3 times. Once that limit reaches 0, the Egg Box cannot be traded anymore. Cancelling a trade or offer will not contribute to this limit.

Evria & Special Egg Box Bazaar

The Evria and Special Egg Box Bazaar boards can be used to sell Evria Egg Box items or Special Egg Box items for Diamond Item.pngDiamonds with other players.

To be able to create a listing on this board, you will need to use the Delivery special action. When you create a listing or offer, you will be able to select either an Evria Egg Box or Special Egg Box (such as Card Code or Collab dragon Egg Boxes), depending on the board you are creating a listing on, that is tradeable in your inventory.

While creating a listing, you are able to choose how long the listing will last for - 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. Registering a listing will cost 5% of the deposit fee for each 24 hours you selected (for example, a listing for 24 hours has a 5% deposit fee, while a listing for 48 hours has a 10% deposit fee).

You can cancel your listing at any time, however, you will not get back your deposit fee unless the listing has expired on its own or if you cancel it when it has less than 3 hours remaining before it expires. The deposit fee can be negated for your first ever Egg Box board listing using an Deposit-Free Ticket Item.pngDeposit-Free Ticket, however, it's important to note that you do not get this ticket back if your listing expires or is cancelled. If your Egg Box gets purchased, you will receive the amount of Diamonds you had listed it for minus a 5% commission fee.

Any successful Egg Box trade will reduce that Egg Box items' trade limit/tradeable count by 1. An Egg Box will be able to be traded - or change hands - a total of 3 times. Once that limit reaches 0, the Egg Box cannot be traded anymore. Cancelling a listing will not contribute to this limit.

Goblin Market

Goblin Market Icon.png

The Goblin Market is a special trading board that is available every 3 months to use and lasts for one week. In the Goblin Market, you can sell adult dragons, frozen dragons, undead dragons, and special evolution dragons in the style of an auction for Special Dragon Drink Item.pngSpecial Dragon Drinks.

When you first open the Goblin Market, you will be presented with three auctions - one with the highest number of bidders, one with the highest bidding amount, and one that is the newest auction available. After that, you can select one of three tabs - Marketplace, In Trade, and History.

In the Marketplace tab, you can view all current auction listings. You can search by the dragon's species or filter by personality, element, generation, if the dragon is frozen, undead, or is a special evolution, gender, or location. You can also sort the listings based on newest/oldest listings, or highest/lowest price. The In Trade tab allows you to view your own ongoing auction(s), whether you're hosting them or tracking someone else's, and the History tab allows you to see your successful bids or auctions. The History tab is where you'll be able to receive your dragons or drinks when an auction concludes.

To list a dragon, you will have to pay 10% of the listed starting bid as a deposit fee. Players are only able to host five auctions each time the Goblin Market is opened, though the registration count will be refunded if the auction expires.

When you create an auction listing, it will not display to other players right away as there will be a delay of a few minutes, giving you time to cancel the auction if you made a mistake in your listing. An auction listing will conclude 24 hours from when it was created. If an auction concludes without a bidder, it will expire and the deposit fee and the decrease in the registration limit will be given back to you. An auction can be cancelled before it expires so long as it does not have any bids, though you will lose your deposit fee and the number of remaining auctions you can host will not be restored.

When an auction concludes and at least one bid has been placed, the dragon will be given to the highest bidder and you will receive the bid amount of drinks minus a 10% commission fee. If you fail to obtain the payment before the Goblin Market ends, it will be sent to your mail.

When you place a bid on a dragon, the amount of drinks you had bid will be temporarily taken away from you until someone outbids you. If you are not the starting bidder, the minimum of your bid will be 10% higher than the current bid. If you win the auction, the drinks will be automatically taken from you and the dragon will be added to your Dragons tab. You can only be the leading bid for/track 30 auctions at a time in your In Trade tab. When the auction has less than one minute remaining, the timer will change to the text "Not much time left until Trade ends." to obscure the timer. Bids can still be made during this period.

Only dragons that are 100 days or older are eligible to be up for auction. Any untradeable dragons are able to be placed up for auction so long as they are 100 days or older. Dragons that are under the effect of the Witch's Curse special action cannot be placed up for auction.


A dragon may not be tradeable due to certain factors, which are outlined below.

Please note that some dragons, even if they are listed as untradeable here, might be tradeable through the Goblin Market as a special exception.


Dragons may not be tradeable if they were directly obtained from:

A dragon will be denoted as untradeable by the untradeable Untradeable Icon.png symbol if any of these factors apply.


Some dragons may not be tradeable due to factors that can be changed, which are outlined below.

  • The dragon is sick
  • The dragon is named
  • The dragon is in your Village
  • The dragon is in your profile
  • The dragon is your partner dragon
  • The dragon was obtained from Exploration or the Shelter and is still on its 5 hour cooldown.

A dragon that is untradeable due to these factors will not have the untradeable symbol.


A dragon may not be untradeable as a species, such as Non Egg Sprite.pngNon or Tutankhagon Egg Sprite.pngTutankhagon. You can view all untradeable dragon species here.

Some dragons' forms may not be tradeable, such as Alien Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAlien Dragon's Signature form or Phantom Egg Sprite.pngPhantom's Persion form. These will be specified on the dragon's specific wiki page.

A dragon will be denoted as untradeable by the untradeable Untradeable Icon.png symbol if any of these factors apply.