Gap of Chaos

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Gap of Chaos is a special Exploration area in the West Yutakan region where you progress through stages by fighting an assortment of monsters to obtain eggs and other rewards. There are 3 dragons available in this area.

This area is locked and must be unlocked for any account(s) made after March 21st, 2024.

Entering the Gap of Chaos

When you enter the Gap of Chaos, you are able to progress through stages of battles against various monsters in order to obtain rewards.

You are able to select 3 West Yutakan dragons of your choosing to go up against the monster of that stage. Each monster has different types that cycle through a specific order, and you can select dragons that have an advantageous type against that monster to deal more damage.

The battle does not require any input from the player and is based on luck. The dragons attack on their own and both dragons and monsters have a low chance of performing a critical attack.

The outcome of the battle is affected by your dragon's Combat Power as well as the skills you have equipped to them. Combat Power is affected by the Cosmic Album score of the West Yutakan category as well as if you've beaten any Promotion Battles.


Various items can be equipped to your dragons to increase their stats and give them special abilities.


Skills are obtainable through the Skill Gacha and can be equipped to your dragons to perform a special attack. These attacks can either boost your teams stats, debuff the enemy, heal, and/or deal damage. Skills have different grades and rarities that determine their power, and can be infused to increase either of them. Below is a table of all skills usable in the Gap of Chaos.

For a list of all skills, including their power for each grade and rarity, see the Combat Skills page.

Skill Description
Healing Light Skill Icon.png

Healing Light

Heals all allies for X% of the caster's current ATK.
Defiant Strike Skill Icon.png

Defiant Strike

Deals damage equal to X% of current ATK to a random enemy. Damage increases by up to 200% based on how much higher the enemy's current HP is compared to caster.
Time Bomb Skill Icon.png

Time Bomb

Grants 2 stacks of Time Bomb that decreases by one at the end of caster's turn. When Time Bomb has one stack left, it is thrown at a random enemy when attacking, dealing damage equal to X% of (max HP/4 + current ATK).
Titan Charge Skill Icon.png

Titan Charge

Deals damage equal to X% of max HP to a random enemy.
Nerve Venom Skill Icon.png

Nerve Venom

Inflicts a random target with 3 stack(s) of Nerve Venom. Targets afflicted by Nerve Venom lose a stack at the end of their turn and take damage equal to X% of their current HP. (This damage cannot exceed X% of the caster's max HP.)
Asura Strike Skill Icon.png

Asura Strike

Deals damage equal to X% of the target's current DEF to a random enemy. This damage ignores 50% of the target's current DEF. (This damage cannot exceed 347% of caster's max DEF.)
Hallucination Skill Icon.png


Inflicts a random enemy with 1 stack(s) of Hallucination. Targets affected by Hallucination lose a stack when attacking and deal damage equal to X% of their current ATK to self.
Wings of Judgement Skill Icon.png

Wings of Judgement

Deals damage equal to X% of current ATK to a random enemy.
Mirror of Vengeance Skill Icon.png

Mirror of Vengeance

Grants 2 stacks of Mirror of Vengeance to self. Targets affected by Mirror of Vengeance lose a stack when hit and return damage equal to X% of their current DEF to the attacking dragon.


Orbs can be obtained by beating specific stages in the Gap of Chaos and can be equipped to your dragon, giving its skill a special effect. Only one orb can be equipped to a dragon at a time, and the same orb cannot be equipped to multiple dragons. Below is a table of all of the orbs usable in the Gap of Chaos.

Orb Description Obtained At
Initiative Orb Item.png


The equipped dragon will always cast a skill on turn 1. Stage 40
Counter Expert Orb Item.png

Counter Expert

When hit, if possible, cast skill immediately. Skill Cooldown is reduced by X per turn and reduced by 1 each time hit. Stage 80
Emergency Cast Orb Item.png

Emergency Cast

Automatically casts skill when the equipped dragon's HP is reduced to 10%. This effect activates once per battle, and will not activate if the dragon is unable to battle. Stage 120
Calm Response Orb Item.png

Calm Response

Increases skill cooldown by 2. Skills have a 100% chance to be activated. Stage 160
Death's Echo Orb Item.png

Death's Echo

Casts skill immediately upon death. Deals 300% skill damage. Stage 195
Quick Hands Orb Item.png

Quick Hands

Reduces skill cooldown by 1. This effect lasts until a skill is activated twice. Stage 240


Ornaments can obtained by beating stages or through the Daily Patrol and can be equipped to your dragon to boost their stats, such as their attack, defense, health, critical chance, or evasion chance. Only one ornament can be equipped to a dragon at a time. Each ornament has a different grade which determines its power. Below is a table of all ornaments available to use in the Gap of Chaos.

For a list of all ornaments, including their power for each grade and rarity, see the Combat Ornaments page.

Ornament Description
Dawn Guardian's Crystal Ball Item.png

Dawn Guardian's Crystal Ball

Increases DEF by X%.
Nightmare Guardian's Crystal Ball Item.png

Nightmare Guardian's Crystal Ball

Increases HP by X%.
Twilight Guardian's Crystal Ball Item.png

Twilight Guardian's Crystal Ball

Increases ATK by X%.
Earth Horn (DA) Item.png

Earth Horn (DEF/ATK)

Increases DEF by X% and ATK by Y%.
Earth Horn (DH) Item.png

Earth Horn (DEF/HP)

Increases DEF by X%, and HP by Y%.
Fire Horn (AD) Item.png

Fire Horn (ATK/DEF)

Increases ATK by X%, and DEF by Y%.
Fire Horn (AH) Item.png

Fire Horn (ATK/HP)

Increases ATK by X%, and HP by Y%.
Water Horn (HA) Item.png

Water Horn (HP/ATK)

Increases HP by X%, and ATK by Y%.
Water Horn (HD) Item.png

Water Horn (HP/DEF)

Increases HP by X%, and DEF by Y%.
Wind Horn (AD) Item.png

Wind Horn (ATK/DEF)

Increases ATK by X%, and DEF by X%.
Wind Horn (AH) Item.png

Wind Horn (ATK/HP)

Increases ATK by X%, and HP by X%.
Wind Horn (HD) Item.png

Wind Horn (HP/DEF)

Increases HP by X%, and DEF by X%.
Worn Claw Item.png

Worn Claw

Increases Crit Rate by X%.
Shabby Feather Item.png

Shabby Feather

Increases EVA chance by X%.
Dragon's Claw Item.png

Dragon's Claw

Increases Crit Rate by X%.
Dragon's Feather Item.png

Dragon's Feather

Increases EVA chance by X%.
Warrior's Claw Item.png

Warrior's Claw

Increases Crit Rate by X%.
Warrior's Feather Item.png

Warrior's Feather

Increases EVA chance by X%.
Dark Guardian's Claw Item.png

Dark Guardian's Claw

Increases Crit Rate by X%.
Dark Guardian's Feather Item.png

Dark Guardian's Feather

Increases EVA chance by X%.
Arha's Horn Item.png

Arha's Horn

Increases Crit Rate by X%, and EVA chance by X%.


Gems can obtained by beating stages or through the Daily Patrol and can be equipped to your dragon to boost either of their three main stats: attack, defense, and health. Three gems can be equipped to a dragon at a time, and gems can be infused to increase their grade or rarity.

For a list of all gems, including their power for each grade and rarity, see the Combat Gems page.


Monsters can be encountered in the Gap of Chaos with various skills they can use. Each monster has two color variants, though their difference is only in aesthetics.

All monsters encountered will cycle through an elemental type order: Fire Element Icon.png Fire, Water Element Icon.png Water, Wind Element Icon.png Wind, Steel Element Icon.png Steel, Earth Element Icon.png Earth, Lightning Element Icon.png Lightning, Light Element Icon.png Light, Dark Element Icon.png Dark, Dream Element Icon.png Dream, then back to Fire, and so on.

Percentages marked with an * are their base percentage and will increase based on stage progression.

Monster Combat Type Skill
Queen's Snake Enemy Sprite.png

Queen's Snake

Attack Combat Type Icon.png Attack Swarm Attack Skill Icon.png Swarm Attack

Deals damage equal to 350*% of current ATK to a random enemy and inflicts 3 stack(s) of Swarm Attack. Targets afflicted by Swarm Attack lose a stack at the end of their turn and receive damage equal to 50*% of the damage previously received.

Chaos Queen's Snake Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Queen's Snake

Captain Drake Enemy Sprite.png

Captain Drake

Attack and Defense Combat Type Icon.png Attack and Defense Corrupted Cutlass Skill Icon.png Corrupted Cutlass

Deals damage equal to 13*% of target's current HP to all enemies and inflicts 3 stack(s) of Corrupted Cutlass. Targets afflicted by Corrupted Cutlass lose a stack at the end of their turn and receive damage equal to 10*% of the target's current DEF.

Chaos Drake Captain Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Drake Captain

Fire Red Stone Enemy Sprite.png

Fire Red Stone

Health Combat Type Icon.png Health Fire Shower Skill Icon.png Fire Shower

Deals damage equal to 50*% of current ATK to all enemies. This damage ignores 50% of the target's current DEF.

Chaos Fire Red Stone Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Fire Red Stone

Corrupted Mia Mace Enemy Sprite.png

Corrupted Mia Mace

Defense Combat Type Icon.png Defense Bursting Thorn Bush Skill Icon.png Bursting Thorn Bush

Deals damage equal to 23*% of current DEF to a random enemy. Afterwards, grants 3 stack(s) of Bursting Thorn Bush to self. Targets afflicted by Bursting Thorn Bush lose a stack when hit and deals damage to attacker equal to 40*% of attacker's current (ATK + DEF).

Chaos Miamace Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Miamace

Sentinel of Dreams Enemy Sprite.png

Sentinel of Dreams

Health and Defense Combat Type Icon.png Health & Defense Hallucination Scythe Skill Icon.png Hallucination Scythe

Deals damage equal to 100*% of current ATK to all enemies, and each target is dealt additional damage equal to 100*% of their current ATK.

Chaos Warden Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Warden

Kaiser Demon Enemy Sprite.png

Kaiser Demon

Health and Attack Combat Type Icon.png Health & Attack Magic Wave Skill Icon.png Magic Wave

Deals damage equal to 150*% of target's max HP to a random enemy.

Chaos Kaiser Demon Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Kaiser Demon

Boss Dragons

When you beat a boss dragon's stage for the first time, you will be rewarded an egg of their respective species.

Monster Combat Type Skill
Griffar Enemy Sprite.png


Health Combat Type Icon.png Health Flame Arena Skill Icon.png Flame Arena

Takes one turn to cast. Inflicts Flame Arena on all allies and enemies. Targets afflicted by Flame Arena have their ATK increased by 25% of caster's current ATK.

Flame Armor Skill Icon.png Flame Armor

Instantly cast one time when HP falls below 50%. Grants 999 stack(s) of Flame Armor. Targets afflicted by Flame Armor lose one stack when hit and deal damage equal to 11.2*% of damage taken to attacker.

Valefor Enemy Sprite.png


Attack and Defense Combat Type Icon.png Attack & Defense Ring of Hallucination Skill Icon.png Ring of Hallucination

Instantly cast one time when HP falls below 15%. Grants Chaos Wave to self. Targets afflicted by Chaos Wave have their ATK increased by 100%.

Chaos Wave Skill Icon.png Chaos Wave

Deals damage equal to 223.5*% of current ATK to the enemy closest to the front.

Sealed Darknix Enemy Sprite.png

Sealed Darknix

Health and Defense Combat Type Icon.png Health & Defense Darkness Chain Skill Icon.png Darkness Chain

Deals true damage equal to 100% of the target's current HP to the enemy closest to the front.

Warding Chain Skill Icon.png Warding Chain

Deals damage equal to 160.3*% of current ATK to a random enemy. Damage increases proportionally to the current turn count.

Dragon List

Special dragons can be obtained from the Gap of Chaos by clearing boss dragon stages. These dragons will be sent to your mail and cannot be traded.

Sprites Obtainment Info
Dragon Egg Stage Levels
Griffar Default Profile Sprite.png
Griffar Egg Sprite.png
Stage 100, 400, 700
Valefor Default Profile Sprite.png
Valefor Egg Sprite.png
Stage 200, 500, 800
Sealed Darknix
Sealed Darknix Default Profile Sprite.png
Sealed Darknix Egg Sprite.png
Stage 300, 600, 900

Daily Patrol

The Daily Patrol is a mini feature within the Gap of Chaos where you are able to go on an exploration to obtain rewards and possibly dragon eggs depending on the highest stage you've beaten in the Gap of Chaos. The Daily Patrol can be done once per day, with five additional runs able to be done through using Amethyst Item.pngAmethysts. The first and second run will cost 500 Amethysts, then 1,000, then 2,000, then 4,000 for the final run.

Any dragon eggs obtained from the Daily Patrol will be tradeable. Dragon eggs can be obtainable through Daily Patrol by clearing certain stages.

Egg Stage Unlocked
Griffar Egg Sprite.pngGriffar Stage 300
Valefor Egg Sprite.pngValefor Stage 600
Sealed Darknix Egg Sprite.pngSealed Darknix Stage 900

Promotion Battles

Promotion Battles are special battles you can engage in that will permanently buff your dragons' stats by a certain percentage. You can unlock the next level of Promotion Battles by beating the previous level. Once a Promotion Battle has been beaten, it cannot be rebattled.

It's important to note that the Promotion Buff Rewards do not stack. The rewards change the percent boost to your dragons' stats. For example: Beating stage 3 will change your stat boosts from 10% to 15%, it will not add 15% to the already-existing 10% boost.

Battle Combat Power Buff Reward
Chaos Queen's Snake Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Queen's Snake

48,702 Combat Power 5% Stat Boost
Chaos Drake Captain Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Drake Captain

100,735 Combat Power 10% Stat Boost
Chaos Fire Red Stone Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Fire Red Stone

156,061 Combat Power 15% Stat Boost
Chaos Warden Enemy Sprite.png

Chaos Warden

211,579 Combat Power 25% Stat Boost
Griffar Enemy Sprite.png


314,488 Combat Power 40% Stat Boost
Valefor Enemy Sprite.png


496,706 Combat Power 70% Stat Boost
Sealed Darknix Enemy Sprite.png

Sealed Darknix

666,312 Combat Power 100% Stat Boost