Ancient Tower

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The Ancient Tower is a special Exploration area in the Sky Kingdom region where dragons can be granted Divine Power.

Divine Stones

Divine Stone Item.pngDivine Stones are a special currency item obtainable in the Ancient Tower which can be used to level up a dragon's Divine Power. Divine Power is used in combat in the Lair of the Dead area to challenge unique bosses.

By placing dragons inside the tower, they will begin collecting Divine Stones, which can be gathered for up to 24 hours before the Divine Stones need to be retrieved for the dragons to continue to generate more. The higher the dragon's cumulative Divine Power, the more Divine Stones that can be collected per minute. Once per day, players can watch an ad to immediately receive 24 hours worth of Divine Stones. This can be received three more times by spending 30 Diamond Item.pngDiamonds per instance.

Divine Power

Divine Power can be granted to a maximum of 50 dragons through the use of Divine Stones. Giving a dragon Divine Power will grant it a Divine Skill as well as basic and advanced stats, whose values are determined randomly depending on its species and combat type.

The dragon's basic stats include:

  • Attack Power: This determines how strong the dragon's attack is.
  • Armor: This determines how much damage a dragon will take when attacked.
  • Stamina: This is how much health a dragon has.

In addition to basic stats, the dragon will receive various advanced stats:

  • Additional Attack Speed (AS): This determines how frequently the dragon attacks.
  • Stamina Absorption: This will cause the dragon to heal health equal to a certain portion of the damage dealt, depending on the stat's level.
  • Stamina Regeneration: This determines how much health the dragon heals in proportion of their maximum health, depending on the stat's level.
  • Damage Proportional to Stamina: This determines any additional damage that is dealt in proportion to the dragon's maximum health, depending on the stat's level.
  • Uncommon Defense: This is an additional boost to a dragon's Armor stat.
  • Damage Reduction: This determines how much damage should be reduced from when a dragon is attacked, depending on the stat's level.

Divine Power as well as basic and advanced stats can be enhanced by leveling up a dragon, which requires consuming more Divine Stones. Advanced stats have a maximum level they can reach and cannot be leveled up further once they're at the maximum.

Level Divine Stone Item.png Required Cumulative Divine Stone Item.png
Level 1 N/A 0
Level 2 100 100
Level 3 115 215
Level 4 130 345
Level 5 145 490
Level 6 160 650
Level 7 180 830
Level 8 195 1,025
Level 9 215 1,240
Level 10 700 1,940
Level 11 405 2,345
Level 12 465 2,810
Level 13 535 3,345
Level 14 615 3,960
Level 15 705 4,665
Level 16 815 5,480
Level 17 935 6,415
Level 18 1,075 7,490
Level 19 1,235 8,725
Level 20 3,950 12,675
Level 21 2,310 14,985
Level 22 2,705 17,690
Level 23 3,160 20,850
Level 24 3,700 25,550
Level 25 4,330 28,880
Level 26 5,065 33,945
Level 27 5,925 39,870
Level 28 6,935 46,805
Level 29 8,115 54,920
Level 30 18,990 73,910

A dragon's Divine Power can be reset back to level 1 using Diamond Item.pngDiamonds or using a Divine Power Reset Ticket Item.pngDivine Power Reset Ticket item and the Divine Stones used will be refunded. Divine Power can also be removed through either the Divine Power Removal or by trading or ascending the dragon, but the Divine Stones used will not be refunded through this action. A dragon's stats or Divine Skill cannot be rerolled through removing their Divine Power; re-granting the dragon their Divine Power will give them the same stats and Divine Skill as they had before it was removed.

Divine Skills

A dragon with Divine Power will have Divine Skills randomly granted based on their combat type, with the exception of the Harbingers of Death dragons: Balrog Egg Sprite.pngBalrog, Chaosfear Egg Sprite.pngChaosfear, Lucifer Egg Sprite.pngLucifer, Furfur Egg Sprite.pngFurfur, and Tartaros Egg Sprite.pngTartaros. These five dragons will have fixed special Divine Skills.

Divine Skills get enhanced every 10 levels for a total of four different levels of stats it can have.

Type Required Icon Name Description

Attack Combat Type Icon.pngAttack and Defense Combat Type Icon.pngHealth and Attack Combat Type Icon.png

Divine Sword Skill Icon.png
Divine Sword Increases the entire team's ATK by 5/10/15/20% for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 100/120/150/200% of current ATK.
Divine Fury Skill Icon.png
Divine Fury Increases the entire team's AS by 5/10/15/20% for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 100/120/150/200% of current ATK.
Divine Absorb Skill Icon.png
Divine Absorb Increases the entire team's Lifesteal by 10/20/30/50% for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 100/120/150/200% of current ATK.
Health Combat Type Icon.pngHealth and Defense Combat Type Icon.pngHealth and Attack Combat Type Icon.png
Divine Heart Skill Icon.png
Divine Heart Heal the HP of the entire team by 10/20/30/50% of your current maximum HP for 5 turns. Afterwards, inflict damage to the enemy by 10/12/15/20% of your current maximum HP.
Divine Regeneration Skill Icon.png
Divine Regeneration Increases the entire team's HP Recovery by 2/4/6/10% for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 10/12/15/20% of current Max HP.
Divine Rage Skill Icon.png
Divine Rage Increases the entire team's HP-based Damage by 1/2/3/5% for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 10/12/15/20% of current Max HP.
Defense Combat Type Icon.pngHealth and Defense Combat Type Icon.pngAttack and Defense Combat Type Icon.png
Divine Shield Skill Icon.png
Divine Shield Increases the entire team's DEF by 5/10/15/20% for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 100/120/150/200% of current DEF.
Divine Chrono Skill Icon.png
Divine Chrono Reduces the Divine Skill cooldown for two random allies (excluding self) by 1/2/3/4 turn(s). Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 100/120/150/200% of current DEF.
Divine Mail Skill Icon.png
Divine Mail Increases the entire team's Damage Reduction by 50/100/150/200 for 5 turns. Afterward, deals damage to the enemy equal to 100/120/150/200% of current DEF.
Exclusive to Balrog Egg Sprite.pngBalrog
Fiery Breath Skill Icon.png
Fiery Breath Deals damage equal to 100/200/300/400% of ATK. Afterward, heals all allies by 50% of damage dealt.
Exclusive to Chaosfear Egg Sprite.pngChaosfear
Deathly Vigilance Skill Icon.png
Deathly Vigilance Removes all debuffs from all allies. Afterward, sets all allies' HP to 70/80/90/100% of the highest HP ratio among allies.
Exclusive to Lucifer Egg Sprite.pngLucifer
Curse of Betrayal Skill Icon.png
Curse of Betrayal Grants all allies a Damage Immunity buff for 5/10/15/20 turn(s).
Exclusive to Furfur Egg Sprite.pngFurfur
Lightning of Death Skill Icon.png
Lightning of Death Deals damage equal to 30% of ATK to an enemy 5/7/10/15 time(s).
Exclusive to Tartaros Egg Sprite.pngTartaros
Flames of the Dead Skill Icon.png
Flames of the Dead Applies the Flames of the Dead debuff to all enemies that reduces enemy's ATK by 50%, and the Flames of the Dead buff to all allies that increases allies' Damage Reduction by 500, both lasting for 2/4/6/8 turn(s).


Image Name Requirement
Divine Stone Collector Badge.png
Divine Stone Collector Obtain 60,000 Divine Stones