Communal Playground

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Invite Mission Icon.png

The Communal Playground is a special area where players can host lotteries and games in order to win prizes such as dragons or Egg Box items.

To enter the Communal Playground, go to the Menu on the bottom right and select "Communal Playground" on the bottom left. You will see a list of all available Playgrounds to participate in, which displays who is running it, what type of Playground it is, and what the reward is.

On the bottom of the Communal Playground menu, there are three buttons: Random, Participate, and Building a Playground.

  • Random will put you in a random Playground that is open to participants.
  • Participate will put you in whatever Playground you had selected from the Playground list.
  • Building a Playground will allow you to create your own Playground.


When you enter a Playground, you will join a room with other participants where you can chat before the event begins. A minimum of 5 players (not including the Playground creator) must be present in order for the event to begin, and will automatically start when 15 players are in the room or 5 minutes have passed and the minimum has been met (If 5 minutes have passed and the minimum has not been met, the room will be closed). You can leave the event at any time. If the host leaves the room and doesn't return after 30 seconds, the room will close.

Winning participants will have their Partner Dragon shown on screen to all participants to show who won. The prize is automatically given to the winner, even if the Playground creator has left the room before the winner was declared. At that point, the giveaway has ended, and you can stay and chat with others, or leave and find a new giveaway to participate in.

You can obtain a maximum of 3 dragons through the Communal Playground per day.


When creating a Playground, you are able to give the Playground a specific name, condition, reward, and game type.

You can set your Playground's condition to only allow players of a specific rank, such as Recruit or Veteran. Only players of the rank specified will be able to enter and participate in your Playground.

You are able to select either a growing dragon or an Egg Box item as the Playground's reward. Only tradeable dragons can be selected, and receiving an Egg Box item as a reward will deplete its trade limit count.

Game Types

Currently, the only Playground event available is Random Drawing, which acts as a lottery. When a Random Drawing event is started, the screen in the center of the room will display a list of names among the event's participants. This list will always include your username if you're a participant, even if you don't win the prize. When a username is selected, they will be declared the winner and automatically be given the reward.


  • The Communal Playground shares the same icon as Tamer Invite Missions.