Fire Dragon

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Fire Dragon (파이어 드래곤) is a Fire type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through the Mountain Of Fire Exploration area and grows at a fast pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Fire Dragon can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Exploration Obtain an egg from the following Exploration area(s): Mountain Of Fire
Egg Market Purchase an egg from the Egg Market for 200 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points.
Egg Finder's Exchange Obtain an egg from the Egg Finder's Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Fire Dragon with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Wash Play
Great! Fair.
Feed Chill
Very Good! I'm tired...
Sleep Ignite
Good! Excellent!


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Infernal Calling
  • Art-shaping Temperature



Red Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Fire Dragon Egg Sprite.png Fire Dragon Dead Egg Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Adult F Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Fire Dragon Default Special Evolution M Sprite.png
Fire Dragon Default Special Evolution F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Fire Dragon Expert Badge.png
Fire Dragon Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon Mania Badge.png
Fire Dragon Mania Obtain 100 Fire Dragon adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.



This Egg is red and burning hot.


This Hatch bullies others by breathing fire.


This Hatchling has a flame-like mane down its tail.


This Dragon feeds on the heat energy of fire.

It lives mainly in hot, dry places, but can be found anywhere there is a fire. It can feed on blazing infernos or small campfires, although the temperature of the flames it consumes can influence its coloration. It can raise or lower its own body temperature depending on its surroundings.

Territorial and reckless, they often seek out strong opponents, provoking others to test their strength against them. Many other Dragons avoid it, turning tail once they can feel the heat of its flames. During these battles, entire swathes of forest can be burnt to the ground, leaving the inhabitants fearful and desperate.

Special Evolution

This Dragon spits uncontrollable flames when angry.

You should be respectful of this Dragon, as once you test its patience, it isn’t easily placated. When enraged, it wreathes its whole body in flames so intense that nothing can come near it without catching alight. After seeing many innocents burn in its fires, it has endeavoured to control its temper, but even then it has a difficult time staying calm.

Dragon Book Entry





Special Evolution

Story: Story Name

Special Evolution Story: Story Name



This Egg is red and burning hot.


This Hatch picks on others by breathing fire.


This Hatchling has a flame-like mane on its tail.


It is a Fire Dragon that feeds on Fire .

It lives mainly in hot areas, but can be found anywhere there is a fire. The temperature of the fire does not matter, but the color of the mane and body may change depending on the Fire it eats. It is known to be highly adaptable as it is sensitive to temperature.

There are also cases where they seek out strong opponents and start a fight first. With the Personality of having to face off against an opponent of their own choosing, fearful Dragon avoid their seats even if they feel only the flames of the Fire Dragon. Once a fight starts, the forest often gets messed up because of the big fire, and the animals and Dragon living in the forest often complain.

Special Evolution

It is a Fire Dragon that spits out uncontrollable flames when angry.

I always want to remain calm. This is because once you get angry, you cannot easily calm it down. An angry Fire Dragon bursts into flames all over its body. It is a fire so hot and intense that it burns everything around it. After witnessing innocent lives being sacrificed due to fires, I have been focusing all my attention on controlling my anger. No one can stop an angry Fire Dragon. You can't even control yourself.

Dragon Book Entry


Wherever there is a fire, this egg can be found. The spotted shell is constantly burning with a red flame. Care must be taken when handling this egg with your bare hands, as the shell is hot enough to cause serious burns. If this egg is placed carelessly in a forest, it can set its surroundings ablaze, so it is best to take caution when leaving it unattended.


It hatches in a color resembling Fire. It walks on all fours, and the sharp horns on either side of its head show its aggressive nature. He is always angry as if full of dissatisfaction. It spews Fire wherever it sees and makes a fuss. However, the heat is not strong enough to cause burns. However, when there is a lot of Wind, fire from Hatch fires can cause forest fires, so it is better to watch as much as possible.


The horns and claws on the side of the head became sharper than when Hatch . A Fire mane grows on its tail, giving off a dangerous aura. Compared to Hatch , his Personality is calmer, so he lives by controlling the flames himself rather than spewing Fire here and there. However, you need to be careful as it emits huge flames when it gets really angry. The Fire mane on its body is actually hot, and can burn you if touched incorrectly. If you want to touch a Fire Dragon, it is better to touch the part where there is no mane. Unlike Hatch, it makes a purr-ruffler sound to let people know it's in a good mood.


A fiery mane flows from the forehead to the tip of the Fire . Its eyes become more ferocious, and sharp claws are formed on its heels, allowing it to attack enemies even from behind. When spewing Fire, you can freely adjust the firepower, and especially emits very powerful Fire at enemies.

Its aggressive tendencies are still the same even after it becomes an Adult. Most Fire Dragon emit Fire at the start of a duel, and flames large enough to subdue the opponent surround the opponent and the Fire Dragon in a circle. This act is known as zoning a duel. The Fire Dragon likes to fight in blazing fire and can exert greater power with Fire.

Only the breath of the fire or the wind from the nose contains hot heat, so you can spend a warm winter just by leaving the fire at home in winter. It is said that there are sometimes Tamer who roast marshmallows over Fire , but be careful as this is impossible unless you are familiar with fire.

Special Evolution

It carries Fire all over its body.

The specially Evolution Fire Dragon looks so similar to fire that it can be mistaken for fire when viewed from a distance. This is because of the flames engulfing the entire body, but these flames are not engulfed to harm the opponent. It is to show off one's power. This flame is especially strong in the wings, and it is almost impossible to extinguish it.

Story: The Beginning of Fiery Dress Up

The most popular Dragon in winter is definitely the Fire Dragon. The colder the winter, the more Fire Dragon live indoors with their families.

One day, a family who loves Fire Dragon prepared several tools to take pictures. This picture, taken with a hat on the head of the Fire Dragon , a beard and a wig on the chin, became a big trend. Many Tamer who raised Fire Dragon started dressing up Fire Dragon following the picture.

Most Fire Dragon could not overcome the annoyance and allowed people to dress up, but one Dragon was different. On a particularly bad day for the Fire Dragon, he could not stand the hat touching his head and spewed out flames.

All the wooden houses were Fire down and from that day on, makeup was taboo for the Fire Dragon.

Special Evolution Story: Fire Dragon's Fury

The Fire Dragon began to meditate. I closed my eyes and imagined a vast meadow. Affable sunlight, a refreshing Wind shaking the blades of grass... . My excited heart calmed down at the peaceful scenery. The Fire Dragon hoped that he could get through the day safely like this without getting angry. However, things in the world do not go as planned.

A resident of the lower village was coming up the hill where the Fire Dragon was located. His eyes, as burning as the Fire Dragon's flames, were fixed on the Fire Dragon. Sure enough, he stopped in front of the Fire Dragon . And then he starts screaming loudly... !

“It’s your doing! “You started the Fire!”

“What does that mean?”

The Fire Dragon asked with one eye raised.

“Can’t you see the burning mountain over there?”

Where the resident pointed, there was a mountain with a thin line of smoke rising.

“There really was a forest fire. But as you can see, I am here. Besides, my Fire wouldn't burn that much. “An entire mountain is blown away.”

“Don’t lie! “Someone said they saw your spark!”

“He’s lying.”

The Fire Dragon said, clenching his fists. My body was slowly heating up.

“He doesn’t know anything about lying! “I always tell the truth!”

“But you told a lie today.”

“No? “You must be lying.”

“I am! I don't lie... !”

The Fire Dragon kept his mouth shut. It felt like if I said one more word, it would burst into flames.

'Let's redraw the peaceful scenery we imagined before this person appeared... .'

However, the Fire Dragon's flames were already growing uncontrollably. The resident, startled by the flames, rolled down the hill, and the flames chased him down, burning the hill.

“So… So why are you touching me!”

The Fire Dragon couldn't stop getting angry and ran around the mountain looking for residents, and as a result, all the mountains surrounding the village were charred. The villager regretted hitting the Earth where not a single blade of grass remained.

“I didn't mean to touch the Fire Dragon... !”