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Araca (아라카) is a Wind/Light type dragon in the West Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through using Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Tickets or the Open Bag special action and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Araca can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Wanderer Ticket Select the egg from using the Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket item.
Special Action Obtain an egg from using the Open Bag (for January 2024) special action.
Event Obtain an egg from the 2024 Lunar New Year Surprise Event.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Araca with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Feed Punch
Great! Very Good!
Fan Sleep
Excellent! Fair.
Wash Play
Good! Hmm...


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Seal of the Greatsword


Araca's Signature form was obtainable during the 2024 Lunar New Year Surprise Event. If two Aracas with the Signature form are bred, there is a rare chance that the offspring will also be Signature form. This form is untradeable.



Turquoise Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Araca Egg Sprite.png Araca Dead Egg Sprite.png
Araca Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Araca Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Araca Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Araca Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Araca Default Adult M Sprite.png
Araca Default Adult F Sprite.png

Turquoise Collector Badge.png Signature

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Araca Egg Sprite.png Araca Dead Egg Sprite.png
Araca Signature Adult M Sprite.png
Araca Signature Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Drake Normal Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Drake Normal Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Drake Normal Undead Adult Sprite.png

Undead (Signature)

Gender Male Female
Undead Adult
Signature Undead Adult Sprite.png





Image Name Requirements
Araca Expert Badge.png
Araca Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Araca
Araca Mania Badge.png
Araca Mania Obtain 100 Araca adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This egg feels like the spirit of the wind.


I don't know fear.


Always standing at the forefront of the Field.


It brought great fear to those who attacked the Guardian of Light.

He protected the Guardian of Light during the war between Light and Dark . Eliminates beings attacking the God Dragon with a double-edged sword. The storm of Light created by Araca is remembered as a great horror in the war between Light and Dark.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg that can feel the fighting spirit of the Wind .

The Wind is always blowing around the Egg . If placed in a bright place, you can witness the Wind becoming stronger to protect the Light .


From the moment I Hatch, I knew no fear.

I am not afraid of anything. In particular, there is no fear of Dead. Perhaps that's why it always appears on the Field. He is always brave even when his life is threatened.


The Evolution Hatchling is always at the forefront of the Field.

I gained fighting spirit by traveling through numerous Field . There were Dragon who felt Araca 's overflowing fighting spirit and followed him. Defeat enemies while holding the double-edged sword of Light in your hand. He never leaves the front lines of the Field to protect those who follow him. When enemies come running toward him, he sends them flying with the fighting spirit of the Wind, then swings his double-edged sword to cut them to pieces.


He protects the Guardian of Light with his immense power and Wind spirit.

Active as a knight protecting the guardian of Light . While he was pondering the meaning of his fight, he was drawn to the power of Light possessed by the Guardian of Light . His will is strong enough to pour out all his fighting spirit to protect the Guardian of Light.

It gives only fear and no mercy to beings that attack the Guardian of Light . Araca embraces the Light and rotates his double-edged sword to create a Wind of pride. The Wind of Pride is a great storm imbued with Light, and all evil beings caught in the Wind of Pride are destroyed.

Story: Fighting spirit to follow the Light

Araca said as he stood on the quiet Field.

“Why am I standing on the Field… ”

I remembered the times when I visited countless places called Field and showed off my fighting spirit.

Many people followed Araca on the Field , but they gradually disappeared like dust.

He frowned and looked at his double-edged sword, then looked up at the sky covered in dark clouds.

Raindrops were falling from the sky. It was like the tears of my colleagues.

“What on earth is my fighting spirit being used for?”

As Egg emotions overwhelmed him, he threw his double-edged sword on the Slate.

The increasingly heavy rain only increased his Sad and emptiness.

Then I felt warmth from somewhere. The rain stopped and the dark clouds turned white.

“A person with a strong fighting spirit throws a weapon...”

At the voice he heard, Araca turned around.

Where Araca’s gaze was directed, there was a Dragon with a gold decoration on its forehead. There was.

The Dragon was picking up Araca's weapon, but Araca approached and took it away.

“This is my weapon. It's not something you should touch.”

The Dragon seemed surprised for a moment, but responded with a friendly expression.

“Are you Araca , the Dragon that shows fighting spirit?” "... How do you know my name? Reveal your identity!"

Sensing something suspicious, Araca took a stance to attack, holding a double-edged sword in both hands.

The unknown Dragon neither attacked nor defended. With his eyes closed, he was just emitting Light from behind his back.

“I am the guardian of Light. I know where you can show off your fighting spirit." “Nonsense! What does someone who just met me know about?"

As Araca rushed towards the Guardian of Light, the Guardian of Light began to flap its wings and provide Affable Light.

Araca touched the Light and experienced warmth for the first time in his life.

Only warmth, vitality, and hope surrounded me.

And then his colleagues on the Field passed by before his eyes.

Araca looked at them and made a promise. For the sake of my colleagues, I must seize this Light and demonstrate my fighting spirit.

When the Guardian of Light stopped flapping its wings, Araca was holding a double-edged sword stained with Light in his hands.

Araca opened her mouth in a bold voice as if she had decided on something.

“I will use my fighting spirit to protect the Light of hope at every moment.”