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Extroverted is a Special Personality that has a bright yellow rings of light behind the dragon. Orange, green, and blue stars appear around the aura, with green lines and white flecks rising from the bottom of the aura and gold orbs floating around in front of the dragon.


  • Dragon's view count is 100 or more
  • Visited 30 or more Villages while the dragon is set as your Partner Dragon

Obtainment Method(s)

To obtain views, you can create a link to the dragon and share it with others to encourage them to click and give the dragon a view. You can also put it in the Incubator, in your profile, in your Village, in the Trade Market, or set it as your Partner Dragon to help give it views. Lots of players are willing to trade views (known as "pats for pats" by the community) and do so by telling someone in their Village Guestbook that they have patted their dragons, expecting the person to pat theirs in return.

You can also use the Sea Creature Calling special action to give the dragon +100 views (can only be used once per dragon), and/or use the View Count Amulet item to give the dragon +100 views (can be used on a dragon more than once).

To visit 30+ Villages quickly, select a Village and tap the > arrow on the right side of the screen to switch to someone else's Village. You can move back and forth between two Villages and it will still count towards the personality, or you could continuously tap on the > arrow until you've visited 30 or more in total.

Getting more than 100 views or visiting more than 30 Villages will still qualify you for this personality.


A dragon's dialogue will differ depending on the personality and the current location of where the dragon is being looked at.


  • "Do you want to dance with me? It seems like my body is adjusting to the rhythm."
  • "The weather seems so fickle lately. Is it because the sky is excited, too?"
  • "What do you want to try today?"
  • "What is your favorite food?"
  • "I walk around the square when I'm stressed."


  • "We will always be friends!"
  • "How was my story? Wasn't it scary...?"
  • "What's your favorite color? I love the whole rainbow! It's hard to choose because every color is beautiful."
  • "I'm craving a more extreme food!"
  • "It's a beautiful day today. The perfect day for exploration!"

Dragon's Profile

  • "Hello! How was your day?"
  • "I consider myself lucky to have met my best friend, and do you know who that is? It's you!"
  • "If something exciting happens, will you tell me?"
  • "What are your plans for the upcoming holiday?"
  • "How was your most special moment today?"