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Mystical is an Exclusive Personality that has a teal circular aura encompassing the entire dragon. White sparkles blow from left to right in front of the dragon.


  • Grow a regular Exploration dragon that was obtained from Evria to adult

Obtainment Method(s)

This personality is only available to regular dragons that were obtained from Evria, such as Berris Egg Sprite.pngBerris or Nebula Egg Sprite.pngNebula.

Dragons exclusive to Evria will not qualify for this personality, as they have their own special personality: Unknown.

For these dragons, the Mystical personality replaces the dragon's Basic personality, so to ensure the dragon grows into this personality, disqualify the dragon from any Special personalities, such as Silent by giving the dragon one view, as well as Lonely by failing a train once, and avoid making the dragon your partner dragon while it grows.


A dragon's dialogue will differ depending on the personality and the current location of where the dragon is being looked at.


  • "There's still much to be experienced."
  • "I sometimes discover marvelous things hidden behind reality."
  • "Why not discover stories behind simple matters?"
  • "Sometimes drawn by the calling of souls."


  • "There are lots of Dragons in the world."
  • "It's exciting to experience the world."
  • "I'm totally in the mood for a new adventure."
  • "It's amazing that there's a world that is yet to be discovered."
  • "The hidden stories might be revealed under the moonlight."

Dragon's Profile

  • "This can also be a way."
  • "I want to shine like the stars in the sky."
  • "Everything is possible!"
  • "Let's combine all the information together!"
  • "Can you feel it? There's a new world ahead of us!"


  • When the personality Frail was released, it had a lower priority than Mystical. Due to Mystical having a 100% success chance, any dragon obtained from Evria would not be able to qualify for Frail, as the personality would get overwritten by Mystical.