Leo Vector

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Leo Vector (레오벡터) is an Earth type dragon in the West Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through using Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Tickets or the Open Bag special action and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Leo Vector can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Wanderer Ticket Select the egg from using the Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket item.
Special Action Obtain an egg from using the Open Bag (for October 2023) special action.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Leo Vector with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Charge Wash
Excellent! Fair.
Sleep Play
Very Good! Hmm...
Bite Feed
Great! Good!


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Ancient Weapon Combination



Navy Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Leo Vector Egg Sprite.png Leo Vector Dead Egg Sprite.png
Leo Vector Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Leo Vector Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Leo Vector Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Leo Vector Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Leo Vector Default Adult M Sprite.png
Leo Vector Default Adult F Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Leo Vector Expert Badge.png
Leo Vector Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Leo Vector
Leo Vector Mania Badge.png
Leo Vector Mania Obtain 100 Leo Vector adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg is being charged.


Recharge your energy.


Detects enemies and fires a beam of light.


This is the second weapon created by an ancient sage, the Dragon.

The problem with Gatling-Gon was that because it combined a Dragon and a weapon, the aftereffects on the Dragon were quite significant. The research that began to complement Gatling-Gon 's problems resulted in the creation of Leo Vector, which is superior to Gatling-Gon after going through numerous trials and errors. Leo Vector was nicknamed the king of the battlefield because he was said to bring victory in any situation.

It was designed in the shape of a fierce lion to instill fear in the enemy, and the moment the Leo Vector roars, strong electromagnetic waves spread in the air. It is a wide-ranging attack skill that can electrocute multiple enemies with just a roar.

Leo Vector has a laser cannon on its back that fires a laser beam when it detects an enemy. Leo Vector has a developed nervous system and can sense enemies around it even if they are not visible to the eye.

Dragon Book Entry


This is an Egg that is being charged.

If it's nearby, it will send out an electric current. If you take it out on a Lightning day, it will absorb the Lightning and use it as its own energy.


Detects enemies from the moment of Hatch.

nervous system begins to develop and becomes sensitive to all movements that occur around it. You can feel small vibrations occurring on the floor and even feel creatures approaching from afar.


The Evolution Hatchling laser beams.

attacks using the laser cannon mounted on its back. The body contains nuclear fuel and can emit energy on its own. It is possible to precisely strike enemies from a considerable distance. If it comes in contact with a laser beam, it can instantly turn into powder.


Defeat all enemies and bring victory in war.

It is known as a Dragon that was created after hundreds of attempts to make up for the shortcomings of Gatling-Gon .

It has the appearance of a lion to make the opponent feel fear. It has Steel claws and teeth, and even an electric current flows around the Leo Vector, making it difficult to approach. When the Leo Vector roars, a strong wave is created in the air and Earth, causing electromagnetic waves to spread. Opponents exposed to electromagnetic waves are electrocuted and their actions are restricted. Its defense power is also stronger than that of the Gatling-Gon, and it has a sturdy body that can block not only physical attacks but also magical attacks. It is known that they never attack young children and rather let them climb on their backs.

Story: Ancient Sage's Development Journal 2: Towards Victory in War

I was in trouble.

Gatling-Gon was created to win the war, but Gatling-Gon's runaway ended up defeating the war.

Gatling-Gon had many problems. As the war dragged on, the number of explosions increased, and the more attacks the shield received, the weaker it became.

A Dragon stronger than Gatling-Gon is needed. A Dragon that will give us victory in the war...

I decided to create a Dragon that would give us victory in any situation. Gatling-Gon, who looks at me every time I do research, sometimes gets jealous, worried that he might be abandoned or become useless. But the research continued.

How much time has passed...

Finally, the Dragon that will bring victory in the war was born. The name of this Dragon is...

"Leo Vector!"

First impressions are very important on the Field. Because they are responsible for fraud. The side with low morale is bound to collapse quickly. You can win without fighting.

To give these aspects to the Leo Vector, I created the Leo Vector in the shape of a lion to instill fear.

In the first experiment, there were no mistakes in the Leo Vector. The range was much further than that of the Gatling-Gon, and its power was such that it could pierce even things that bullets could not.

The second experiment was conducted right on the Field. The war in which Leo Vector participated ended with Leo Vector's victory. Rumors of victory in each war spread quickly, and people nicknamed Leo Vector the king of the battlefield.

In the third experiment, I saw the problem with the Leo Vector. Leo Vector's goal is to win the war. However, this inevitably leads to sacrifices. The sacrifice of innocent lives is just sad. I felt my inadequacy in this experiment. I cannot prevent war on my own. Even sacrifice cannot be prevented. A new weapon , the Dragon, is needed to bring stability to everyone. But it cannot be created with current knowledge.

I am looking into the distant future. A peaceful future where war does not occur due to the Dragon I created by complementing the Leo Vector !


  • This dragon does not have an undead form.