Poison River

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Poison River (포이즌 리버) is a Water/Dark type dragon in the West Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through the Thorn Tree Forest Exploration area and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Special Action: Inject Venom

  • Description: Decreases an untrained target's highest Effort Value by 10.
  • Usage: When used, will lower the dragon's highest effort value by 10, or if the value is lower than 10, will lower it to 0.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Untrained eggs and hatches

Obtainment Method(s)

Poison River can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Exploration Obtain an egg from the following Exploration area(s): Thorn Tree Forest, Evria
Egg Market Purchase an egg from the Egg Market for 1,700 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points.
Egg Finder's Exchange Obtain an egg from the Egg Finder's Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Poison River with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Feed Dive
Good! Excellent!
Soak Sleep
Very Good! Fair.
Wash Play
Fair. Great!


This dragon is required for the following tale(s):

  • Icarus (Own 1 or more adult(s) to unlock tale)



Purple Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Poison River Egg Sprite.png Poison River Dead Egg Sprite.png
Poison River Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Poison River Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Poison River Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Poison River Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Poison River Default Adult M Sprite.png
Poison River Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Poison River Default Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Poison River Expert Badge.png
Poison River Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Poison River
Poison River Mania Badge.png
Poison River Mania Obtain 100 Poison River adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg has tentacles attached.


The protective instinct is strong.


Evolution Hatchling have powerful toxic properties.


It is a Dragon that poisons the river Water .

Poison River's skin is always emitting poison. Body fluids and breath also contain toxic substances. Since the entire body is made of toxic substances, it is dangerous to even approach it, let alone touch it. If you touch it with your bare hands, your entire body becomes Paralysis and you cannot move for a long time. They are very timid and live quietly in calm water. It does not enjoy meeting Dragon or humans, and is very timid, so it leisurely appears and disappears in places with few people. It has a strong protective instinct, so if unexpected contact occurs, it spreads poison in an instant and quickly disappears. Poison River hates blood the most. If it smells the blood of any living creature, whether it is Dragon blood, human blood, or any other living thing, it is judged to be dangerous and immediately poisons the river water. Poison River use poison to protect themselves, but they also use it to secure food from the river. When it sees a delicious maggison, it approaches it and Paralysis it with its own poison before eating it.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg with tentacles.

The four tentacles are moving slowly. Even in the Egg state, a small amount of poison is always released from the shell or tentacles, so you should care for the Egg with gloves and not bare hands. They don't want to be touched, so they leave them alone, or they feel happy and wave their tentacles when placed near Water .


They have a strong protective instinct from the time Hatch.

Fear is visible in the big golden eyes. They are very shy and do not move quickly. Open your eyes wide and look around. They emit venom and show strong protective instincts. It prefers to be in the Water rather than on Earth , so it just lazily floats around alone in the Water. Get out of the Water from time to time and check the outside situation.


Evolution Hatchling have powerful toxic properties.

It always emits poison from its entire body. He hated being touched so much that he covered his entire body with poison to prevent anyone from coming near him. The body fluids and breath released by Poison River also contain toxic substances, making it dangerous to even approach them. The Poison River is covered in poison both inside and out and is extremely dangerous. You should watch it from a distance, or create a safe situation and leave it alone in the Water. If you add maggison, it will eat on its own.


It is a powerful poison that prevents anyone from approaching you carelessly.

Whether Dragon or humans, they are reluctant to contact and interact. I always want to be alone. Even if it doesn't act threateningly, it will Paralysis with poison if it approaches you at a certain distance. It is very dangerous to be bitten by a Poison River when it is in the Water. If a single drop of blood enters the Water, the surrounding area becomes stained with Water, and the poison also seeps into wounds caused by a Poison River bite, making it difficult to Heal . It is known that there is no cure for wounds that are Paralysis or deepened by Poison River 's toxic ingredients.

Story: Strong Protective Instinct

It was often the case that someone was found Paralysis by the river. Among humans and Dragon, the creature was called the Ghost Poisoner. This is because no one had seen the other person, and even the creature that woke up after a long Heal had no memory of what happened to it.

Poison River rather enjoyed the nickname given to him.

The river he liked to go to had the sign 'Danger! This is because a sign saying 'There is a ghost poisoner!' has been put up, and there are almost no people around.

Even if there was a sign, there were bound to be Dragon or Tamer that came. Every time that happens, Poison River sticks its head out of the Water and flashes its big eyes. It was a warning of his own making. Nevertheless, there were some who dared to enter the river, and no further warning was given to them.