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Neat is a Special Personality that has a gold circular aura encompassing the dragon. Large gold sparkles rise up from the bottom in front of the dragon.


  • The most recent 5 generations must be the same species
  • The dragon's parents and grandparents must all be different dragons
  • The lineage is in an upside-down triangle/pyramid structure
  • If the lineage has duplicate dragons (aka green/red names in the lineage tree), it must only be in the oldest and second oldest generation. (See explanation below)

Obtainment Method(s)

The dragon must be at minimum the 5th generation with the lineage of the most recent 5 generations (including the dragon itself) being the same species, with the youngest 3 generations (including the dragon itself) being different dragons, and the lineage being in an upside down pyramid/triangle structure. This means a dragon of any generation (example: generation 19) can qualify so long as its previous 5 generations (including itself) meets the requirements.

This is similar to the requirements of the personalities Pure/Classy, however, Neat allows a bit of inbreeding. The grandparents of the lineage can come from the same four grandparents as each other, and the parents of the lineage can come from the same four great-grandparents as each other, and the lineage will still be a viable lineage for Neat. For a visual example, use the image below.

An example of a Neat-qualifying lineage. The dragon at the bottom of the lineage qualifies for Neat.

In order from top to bottom, if the lineage is to be completely unrelated/without any inbreeding, this requires sixteen 1st generation dragons, which creates eight pure 2nd generation dragons, to make four pure 3rd generation dragons, which creates two pure 4th generation dragons, to get one 5th generation pure dragon. If the dragon is tradeable, you can make getting this personality easier by trading your pure generation dragons with someone else's pure generation dragons, which is known as a lineage swap. Note that if you choose to do the inbreeding method, players may be less willing to swap.

Make sure to give the dragon at least one view to prevent Silent, as Silent has a higher priority than Neat and will get in the way of the dragon getting Neat.


A dragon's dialogue will differ depending on the personality and the current location of where the dragon is being looked at.


  • "I heard confidence is key."
  • "Your words give me certainty."
  • "I don't like it when others mess around."
  • "That's a fun story. Later on, tell me what happens next!"
  • "It feels like I can trust you."


  • "How about we take it like this?"
  • "Let me get rid of the weed first."
  • "This is how we do!"
  • "Lying down like this clears my head."
  • "Welcome! Have any fun stories to share?"

Dragon's Profile

  • "How was your day?"
  • "This cave needs some cleaning."
  • "Careful and precise in every manner!"
  • "Seems like a neat and tidy day."
  • "I want to make sure I'm getting the right information."