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Feros (페로스) is an Wind/Dream type dragon in the Special category. It could be primarily obtained from Volume 1 Card Code boxes and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Feros can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Egg Box Obtain an egg through using a Feros (Warden) Egg Box Item.pngFeros (Warden) Egg Box or Feros (Chaos) Egg Box Item.pngFeros (Chaos) Egg Box item received from redeeming Volume 1. Card Codes or through the Egg Box Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Feros with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Travel Feed
Excellent! Hmm...
Wash Sleep
Good! Fair.
Groom Play
Very Good! Great!


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Wardens of the Portal (Warden or Chaos form)
  • Bonds Across Dimensions (Warden or Chaos form)


Feros's Default form is obtained by breeding and is tradeable.

Feros's Warden form is exclusive to the first generation and can only be obtained from the Feros Warden Egg Box. This form is not inheritable and is not tradeable if not as an Egg Box item.

Feros's Chaos form can be obtained from the Feros (Chaos) Egg Box item, which will also qualify it for the Baleful personality, however, this form can also be obtained from breeding, as outlined below. This form is only tradeable if it is not the first generation.

  • Breeding using a dragon with the Immersed personality.
  • Breeding with an Observer form (or first generation) Dimension Dragon Egg Sprite.pngDimension Dragon.
  • Breeding with a Default form (or second generation and onwards) Dimension Dragon Egg Sprite.pngDimension Dragon (lower chance than with Observer form).
  • Breeding with any Dark element dragon.

Additionally, using the Spread Poison special action on either or both parents will further increase the chances of obtaining a Chaos form.



White Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Feros Egg Sprite.png Feros Dead Egg Sprite.png
Feros Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Feros Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Feros Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Feros Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Feros Default Adult M Sprite.png
Feros Default Adult F Sprite.png

White Collector Badge.png Warden

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Feros Egg Sprite.png Feros Dead Egg Sprite.png
Feros Warden Hatch M Sprite.png
Feros Warden Hatch F Sprite.png
Feros Warden Hatchling M Sprite.png
Feros Warden Hatchling F Sprite.png
Feros Warden Adult M Sprite.png
Feros Warden Adult F Sprite.png

Purple Collector Badge.png Chaos

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Feros Egg Sprite.png Feros Dead Egg Sprite.png
Feros Chaos Hatch M Sprite.png
Feros Chaos Hatch F Sprite.png
Feros Chaos Hatchling M Sprite.png
Feros Chaos Hatchling F Sprite.png
Feros Chaos Adult M Sprite.png
Feros Chaos Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Feros Default Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Feros Default Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Feros Default Undead Adult Sprite.png





Image Name Requirements
Feros Expert Badge.png
Feros Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Feros
Feros Mania Badge.png
Feros Mania Obtain 100 Feros adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg waits for the portal to open.


This Hatch enjoys freedom in the wind.


This Hatchling can open portals.


It is a gatekeeper Dragon that can open dimensional gates.

It is also the Dragon that prevented great damage from the war between Light and Dark in the past. At Porta's command, he came to Yuta Khan to protect innocent lives. I was able to save several lives by opening a dimensional portal. It is a Dragon that Hardy for freedom and liberation, not oppression and coercion.

Dragon Book Entry


An egg that holds a dimensional key that opens a dimensional gate. Dimensional keys only respond to portals.


Feel the energy of the Wind from the Hatch and enjoy the freedom. I enjoy going around many places, but I don't forget a place I've seen once.


Unlike the time of Hatchling , during Hatch time, you can open the dimensional door with the dimensional key. In the case of Feros, who is somewhat lacking in ability, he cannot open all the dimensional gates.


It is a Dragon that wants to find new areas that no one has ever been to. I like to travel very much, so I go around actively. If you have a dimension door, you can move where you want to go with the dimension key. Because of this ability, it is often targeted by Dragon hunters. However, it is not easy to catch Feros because they move around very fast.

In the case of Feros, who has a very high sense of mission to protect the dimension, it is said that they do not use the power of the key for the rest of their lives.

Story: Opening the Portal

Ferros has always been attracted to strong Light.

The dazzling sun, peaceful nature, and the laughter of Dragon living with happy smiles. Ferros loved to travel freely in a region full of joy and peace.

Normally, I would have been curious about what kind of trip it would be just by looking at the portal, but this trip was different. Fear was felt from Porta 's earnest cry to open the dimensional gate of Yuta Khan . Ferros felt that something was strange, but he thought that the first thing to do was to listen to Porta, who seemed urgent.

Yuta Khan, where Peros went in the past, was a Earth full of hope. Dragon coexisted with humans, and it was a Earth of life where everyone lived in abundance with numerous resources.

At least that was the last memory of Feros.

When he opened the dimensional gate with the dimensional key, Ferros realized that the Yuta Khan he remembered had become a completely different world. What was left in Yuta Khan was despair, not hope, and it looked more like a Earth of Dead than life.

Giant Dragon could not stop Fury, so they attacked each other, destroyed nature... and Dead humans.

Ferros began to search for life. Dragon and humans, any beings were good.

He guided the found beings into the portal. However, as he brought them indiscriminately, the dimension suddenly became saturated. Reluctantly, Dianu followed Porta's order and locked the portal.

Ferros believed that if he held his breath while watching the beings that entered the dimension, one day, they would be able to create a new Yuta Khan.