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Agnad (아그나드) is a Fire type dragon in the West Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through using Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Tickets or the Open Bag special action and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Agnad can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Wanderer Ticket Select the egg from using the Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket item.
Special Action Obtain an egg from using the Open Bag (for October 2023) special action.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Agnad with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Sleep Play
Fair. Very Good!
Alone time Pat
No! Excellent!
Wash Feed
Great! Good!


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Ancient Weapon Combination



Red Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Agnad Egg Sprite.png Agnad Dead Egg Sprite.png
Agnad Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Agnad Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Agnad Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Agnad Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Agnad Default Adult M Sprite.png
Agnad Default Adult F Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Agnad Expert Badge.png
Agnad Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Agnad
Agnad Mania Badge.png
Agnad Mania Obtain 100 Agnad adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg is made of sturdy metal.


Analyze everything you see.


Think about the analyzed situation for yourself and come to a conclusion.


This is the third weapon created by an ancient sage, the Dragon.

The ancient wise man was satisfied at first as he watched Leo Vector bring victory in the war, but as time went by, he felt inadequate as he saw Leo Vector making sacrifices with the sole goal of winning. After much deliberation, the ancient wise man dreamed of an artificial intelligence Dragon that, unlike Leo Vector, could bring victory in war without sacrifice. The ancient wise man gathered all his knowledge and began to study again.

However, since it could not be created using ancient magic engineering, the ancient wise man brought in an engineer from the future. This is how the Dragon Agnad, created by integrating past and future technologies, was born.

Agnad analyzes everything around him and makes his own decisions. It was a Dragon that was close to the ideal Dragon that the ancient wise man dreamed of. Even though it did not result in victory in the war, there were no sacrifices.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg made of solid metal.

The entire Egg is covered with metal. It is elaborately made and listens and analyzes surrounding sounds. The analyzed information is converted into data and stored.


It moves with energy from the moment it Hatch.

Because it moves based on human data, special energy with magical engineering is needed. Magic energy must be injected periodically. When you need energy, pull the wire yourself and connect it to yourself. When I am recharging my energy, I just sit still and blink my brightly shining eyes. They try to interact with humans through data and act like humans, but they seem to have a hard time processing and organizing the data because it is slow.


Evolution Hatchling make joint attacks with humans.

As data becomes more adept at organizing, it mixes harmoniously among humans. By accurately distinguishing between allies and enemies, there is no error in attacking allies when attacking. They can understand human behavior and emotions, and they act like humans based on data, so they blend in harmoniously with humans. Agnad, who can understand human speech, uses a variety of attack methods, such as putting allies on their backs and attacking them together.


Dragon that can communicate with humans attack their targets accurately.

The accuracy of the machine plus the unique characteristics of humans made it the perfect weapon. There are no errors, you can attack accurately, and you can think at a high level, so if you join Agnad in Combat, you can lead the Combat to your advantage. It is superior in aerial combat, and fires bombs or missiles by aiming at the opponent with a weapon mounted on its shoulder. Now that data has made us behave like humans, there are things we need to pay attention to. Rational judgment is possible due to the activation of emotions, so all orders are not accepted. Because he possesses high-level knowledge, Agnad's reasons for rejection cannot be refuted, and it is difficult to persuade him. Human contact is necessary. Without human interaction, we feel lonely and make emotional judgments. Emotional judgments can soon lead to actions such as disobeying orders or failing to fulfill duties.

Story: Ancient Sage's Development Journal 3 - Dragon, a weapon that thinks for itself

No matter how much I search through the books, I can't find it. My knowledge is insufficient to create the ideal Dragon I dream of. Clearly, horse engineering will develop in the future. Then shouldn’t I just go to the future and bring future engineers? Let's prepare for a trip to the future.

A future much further than the present... Clockwork Dragon was of great help in traveling to the future. I went to the future and saw magical engineering technology that had advanced countless times. And there I met a technician. At first, he was surprised when he saw my clothes, but with a single touch, he recognized me and treated me very kindly. The technician who heard me was quite excited and looked forward to a trip to the past. In this way, I returned to my time as a future engineer and continued the development of the weapon Dragon .

Thanks to future engineers, I was able to incorporate artificial intelligence technology that can make human emotions and rational judgments into the weapon Dragon.

A Dragon that understands humans better than anyone else and analyzes and makes its own decisions. When Agnad opened his eyes, I saw the infinite possibilities of this Dragon weapon.

The prototype's Agnad seemed to have a hard time organizing the data. So I directly showed people’s lives. As time passed , Agnad quickly collected and analyzed information and thought for himself.

In the first experiment, he was sent to the Field. Agnad was able to use attack and defense without any error. Enemies became fearful of Agnad's majesty. However, the expression on the future engineer's face as he watched this was not so good.

The future engineer said that Agnad was not created to be used in war, but for the peace and stability of humanity.

The future engineer returned to his own time. Along with Agnad's blueprint.

The second experiment that I and I started alone is an experiment to find out whether Agnad is a machine that thinks for itself or a life form that can think for itself and has a personality.

I fed Agnad more data and trained him. The first words Agnad spoke to me were as follows.

"Hello, my Friend!"

Agnad considered me a Friend. The Dragon I created to prevent war considers me a Friend...

Maybe I created a Dragon like this not because of the horrors of war, but because I wanted to make a Friend who would soothe my loneliness?

I forgot. This also means life.

This journal was written for all engineers who want to create Dragon using magical engineering.

Even though I made it, I am not the creator. He is life and my Friend.

Please treat the Friend you made with respect.


  • This dragon does not have an undead form.