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Slosi (쉴로시) is a Dream type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through using Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Tickets or the Open Bag special action and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Slosi can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Wanderer Ticket Select the egg from using the Wanderer Ticket Item.pngWanderer Ticket item.
Special Action Obtain an egg from using the Open Bag (for September 2023) special action.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Slosi with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Tickle Sleep
Great! Hmm...
Wash Play
Good! Fair.
Feed Supersonic flight
Great! Excellent!



Orange Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Slosi Egg Sprite.png Slosi Dead Egg Sprite.png
Slosi Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Slosi Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Slosi Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Slosi Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Slosi Default Adult M Sprite.png
Slosi Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Slosi Expert Badge.png
Slosi Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Slosi
Slosi Mania Badge.png
Slosi Mania Obtain 100 Slosi adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg holds the Key of Stasis.


This Hatch searches for a book to seal with the Key of Stasis.


This Hatchling can activate the Key of Stasis.


It is a seal Dragon that manages the book of circulation with the key to seal.

It has a mission to recover the Book of Circulation by merging the Book of Absorption and the Book of Emission with the Key of Sealing. They arrived in Alitia in search of Stra and Maldek, who have the Book of Discharge and the Book of Absorption, but are having difficulty recovering the Book of Circulation due to Stra and Maldek's indiscriminate absorption and release.

The only Dragon who knows about the Book of Circulation is Shiloshi, and Shiloshi does not reveal any information about the Book of Circulation, so nothing is known about the Book of Circulation.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg that holds the key to the seal. It consists of a key and a lock attached to the surface of the Egg . In the case of keys and locks, they grow larger as they get closer to hatching, which makes them unique to the hatched Hatch Shilosi.


When Hatch , it searches for a book to be sealed using the key to the seal it carries. It also distinguishes between what can be sealed with the key to seal and what cannot be sealed. Every time you use the key to seal, you can detect the book of absorption and the book of release, although it is slight.


Unlike Hatch , during Hatchling , you can freely use the key to seal and open various books and old books. Using the power of the Sealing Key, you can seal or open spaces as well as books. From Hatchling , he feels the book of circulation and begins to realize his mission. Some Tamer use Shelosi's abilities by ignoring Shelosi's mission and opening a locked door or closing a box containing their belongings. What Shilosi sealed can only be unlocked.


It is a Dragon that is granted the key to seal upon hatching. The power of the key to seal becomes stronger as it Evolution. The power of the seal exerted the most during the Hatchling period rather than the Hatchling period, and during the Adult period rather than the hatchling period. Even if other Dragon or Tamer try to use the key of the seal, no reaction will occur, and only Shilosi is known to be able to seal or break the seal using the key of the seal.

Shiloh, who has become an Adult, is faithful to the mission of retrieving the Book of Circulation. From then on, through the Key of Sealing, he goes on a journey to find Stra and Maldek, who have the Book of Emission and the Book of Absorption. In the case of the lock on Shilosi's shoulder, it is said that it is used to recover the Book of Circulation by combining the Book of Absorption and the Book of Release.

Having recovered the Book of Circulation, Shilosi can no longer use the Sealing Key elsewhere. If Shilosi, who has completed her mission and recovered the Book of Circulation, Ascend to the heavens and goes to Latea, the Book of Circulation is divided into the Book of Release and the Book of Absorption. It is unknown what the Book of Circulation is, what abilities it possesses, and what actions Shilosi will take after completing her mission by recovering the Book of Circulation.

Story: Book of Circulation

It was true that many of those studying magic engineering believed in 'eternal existence'. Remodeling the body with Pure magical power, and sustaining an endless life with the modified body. To the magicians, this was as appetizing as God's blessing.

Magic engineers went through numerous experiments in pursuit of an 'eternal existence'. Because the result of the successful experiment was unclear, some magic engineers even Dead from unreasonable experiments.

realized that some dwarves studying magic engineering named Gudra, the god of space, were immersed in the study of these 'eternal beings'. Since the life of 'eternity' is too dangerous and Wind for those with Dull life spans to pursue, Gudra wanted to make the book himself before losing more lives.

A book that can seal life. Since lives maintain their eternal existence in books, Gudra called the book 'The Book of Circulation'.

"It is only God's job to deal with the Eternals!"

When the 'Book of Circulation' was revealed to the world, the magic engineers stopped researching. Like Gudra's story, it was because the magic engineers had not been able to figure out how to approach the 'eternal existence' for a long time.

Contrary to Gudra's expectation that everyone would give up after the research stopped, when the Book of Circulation was revealed to the world, the magicians volunteered to enter the 'Book of Circulation' themselves.

Numerous magic engineers told Gudra that they dreamed of eternity, and Gudra tried to seal the 'Book of Circulation' because he couldn't break the order of life.

What Gudra found was Shilosi, who had the key to the seal. Shelosi was ordered to seal the 'Book of Circulation', and at Gudra's request, Shelosi sealed the 'Book of Circulation' so that no one could open it.

"If the seal is broken due to the unstable energy... Shiroshi, you will seal this book again! It will fall until you die."

Shelosi followed Gudra's order and sealed the 'Book of Circulation'. After Shilosi's sealing, Gudra sealed the Book of Circulation deep underground, but... the seal was released due to the influence of the unstable dimension, and the Book of Circulation was divided into the Book of Absorption and the Book of Emission, respectively, into the arms of Stra and Maldek. ended up

Shilosi sensed that the seal had been broken, and started looking for the Book of Circulation, which was divided into two to follow Gudra's command.