Special Actions

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Special Action Icon.png

Special actions are abilities that specific dragon species can perform when they're adults. There are a variety of special action types that affect different things, such as growing dragons, or giving your village different effects.

When used, some special actions may then undergo a cooldown, rendering them unusable until their cooldown time is up. Some special actions are one-time-use only, and the individual dragon will be unable to use that action again if it was already successfully used.

Certain special actions may not be able to be used if the dragon is under the effects of another (for example: Grant Chaos cannot be used on a dragon already under the effects of Grant Lunacy). These restrictions will be specified alongside the special action's description if there is one.

See also: Basic Actions

User Affecting Actions


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Liberte Egg Sprite.pngLiberte
  • Description: Allows you to transfer Eggs, Hatches, or Hatchlings to other Tamers.
  • Usage: Using this ability allows you to create trade listings on the Dragon, Egg Box, Evria, and Special section of Trade. The action will only considered to be used if the trade is successful and does not get cancelled or expired.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

Gold Shower

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Goldie Egg Sprite.pngGoldie
  • Description: Once and for all, Goldie sprinkles gold for their Tamer.
  • Usage: Goldie produces a random amount of Gold, up to a maximum of 20,000,000 Gold per week. This limit is cumulative across numerous Goldies if used in the same week.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Spit Gold

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Blowfish Goldie Egg Sprite.pngBlowfish Goldie
  • Description: Only once, it spits out the gold in its mouth for the tamer.
  • Usage: Goldie produces a random amount of Gold, up to a maximum of 20,000,000 Gold per week. This limit is cumulative across numerous Goldies if used in the same week. Also turns the Blowfish Goldie from its Default form to its Non-actual Room form.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Deadly Gaze

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Skelegon Egg Sprite.pngSkelegon, Death River Egg Sprite.pngDeath River
  • Description: Skelegon's eye identifies its target, informing the Tamer of the target's undead form.
  • Usage: Shows the selected dragon's undead form, or will tell you there is no undead form if the dragon does not have one.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Any dragon

Growing Dragon Affecting Actions


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Egg Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEgg Dragon, Bubble Dragon Egg Sprite.pngBubble Dragon
  • Description: Cuddle the egg so that it hatches faster. Reduce the time it takes to hatch an Egg by a day.
  • Usage: Decreases the time remaining on an egg by 1 day to make it hatch faster.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Any eggs that have more than 2 days and 1 hour remaining and aren't sick or paralyzed.


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Taabire Egg Sprite.pngTaabire, Thunderbolt Dragon Egg Sprite.pngThunderbolt Dragon
  • Description: Release a spark of electricity, paralyzing an Egg, Hatch, or Hatchling. Taking action increases remaining time by a day, but also stops their growth for the same amount of time.
  • Usage: Pauses a dragon's growth for a full 24 hours, preventing them from being able to evolve, be trained, or be cared for. Training points will still replenish even while the dragon is stunned. This special action cannot be used if the dragon has already been under the effects of the Sing special action.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Any egg, hatch, or hatchling.


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Music Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMusic Dragon
  • Description: Music Dragon sings this song.
  • Usage: Pauses a dragon's growth for a full 24 hours, preventing them from being able to evolve, be trained, or be cared for. Training points will still replenish even while the dragon is stunned. This special action cannot be used if the dragon has already been under the effects of the Paralysis special action.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Any egg, hatch, or hatchling.

Mind Reading

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Henes Egg Sprite.pngHenes, Coelacanth Egg Sprite.pngCoelacanth
  • Description: Peek into the personality of a Hatchling, or the highest Effort Value of an Egg or Hatch.
  • Usage: When used on an egg or a hatch, it will display the value of the highest effort value. When used on a hatchling, displays the personality the dragon has. Can be used on dragons in trade listings.
  • Cooldown: 2 days
  • Applies to: Eggs, hatches, and hatchlings, including those not owned by you but in trade listings.

Sea Creature Calling

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Rupia Egg Sprite.pngRupia, Seahorse Dragon Egg Sprite.pngSeahorse Dragon
  • Description: Invite your sea creatures and have a feast.
  • Usage: Adds 100 views to the selected dragon.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Eggs and hatches.

Icy Gaze

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Frozen Egg Sprite.pngFrozen
  • Description: Frozen's cold gaze makes the Dragon flinch.
  • Usage: Removes 11 views from the dragon.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Any egg, hatch, or hatchling

Inject Venom

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Poison River Egg Sprite.pngPoison River, Venom Dragon Egg Sprite.pngVenom Dragon
  • Description: Decreases an untrained target's highest Effort Value by 10.
  • Usage: When used, will lower the dragon's highest effort value by 10, or if the value is lower than 10, will lower it to 0.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Untrained eggs and hatches

Mist Curtain

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Mist Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMist Dragon
  • Description: A curtain of mist conceals the target, hiding the target from sight.
  • Usage: Prevents a dragon's view count from going up from when the action is used on it. This effect lasts until it is no longer growing (i,e becomes an adult, dies, or is frozen).
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Eggs, hatches, hatchlings that did not have Sea Creature Calling used on it.


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Fairy Dragon Egg Sprite.pngFairy Dragon
  • Description: Protects Dragon from Sick with magical powers. A protected Dragon will not get Sick for 6 hours.
  • Usage: When used, a dragon's happiness meter cannot exceed past max happiness and will not get sick, no matter how many cares are used.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Eggs, hatches, and hatchlings that are not under the effects of vitamins or Stun.


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Aurelia Egg Sprite.pngAurelia
  • Description: Sharply sting the dragon. The dragon's memories vanish, and its Care records disappear.
  • Usage: Removes the history of cares performed on a dragon. This allows a dragon to qualify for a care-specific personality (such as Cheerful or Elegant) if they had accidentally disqualified themselves through care.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Eggs/Hatches

Collect Jelly

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Hercules Dragon Egg Sprite.pngHercules Dragon
  • Description: Collect Hercules Dragon's favorite insect jelly. Newborn Hercules Dragons will love it.
  • Usage: Fills the dragon's happiness bar for 8 hours. When this ability is used at least 4 times on the same Hercules Dragon, it will grow into the Chubby form.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Egg, hatch, or hatchling Hercules Dragon.

Personality Granting Actions

Potential Personality Analysis

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Lunera Egg Sprite.pngLunera, Eclipse Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEclipse Dragon, Panmunia Egg Sprite.pngPanmunia
  • Description: Harness the power of the moon to influence the hatchetling's personality. Discover the personalities that your hatchetling could have had, and assign a different personality.
  • Usage: Using this action on a hatchling will reveal all the Personalities it qualified for. You can choose to maintain or attempt to change the personality, though the action may reroll and land on the personality the dragon already had. If the dragon qualifies for 3 or more personalities, the personality they already had will not be included in the reroll. Using this special action through Lunera Egg Sprite.pngLunera will allow the special action to be used on the same dragon through Eclipse Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEclipse Dragon afterward, and vice versa.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Hatchlings

Grant Frenzy

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Hydragon Egg Sprite.pngHydragon
  • Description: Staring at the Dragon are three pairs of eyes. The Dragon is lost in a frenzy of rage.
  • Usage: Gives a dragon the Lunatic personality. Cannot be used if the egg already has a special action personality applied to it, such as Chaotic. This personality cannot be changed unless through a Moon Piece item.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Eggs

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Grant Chaos

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Janerr Egg Sprite.pngJanerr
  • Description: The power of chaos surrounds the dragon. The dragon's nature is tainted in chaos.
  • Usage: Applies the Chaotic personality to an egg. Cannot be used if the egg already has a special action personality applied to it, such as Lunatic. This personality cannot be changed unless through a Moon Piece item.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Eggs

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Tell a Secret

This Special Action is only available on Stra's and Maldek's with the Arcane form.

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Stra Egg Sprite.pngStra, Maldek Egg Sprite.pngMaldek
  • Description: Reveals a secret. The dragon's personality has been influenced.
  • Usage: Applies the Secretive personality to an egg. Cannot be used if the egg already has a special action personality applied to it, such as Lunatic. This personality cannot be changed unless through a Moon Piece item.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Eggs

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Adult Dragon Affecting Actions


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAngel Dragon, Sion Egg Sprite.pngSion, Arca Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngArca Angel Dragon, Golden Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGolden Angel Dragon
  • Description: Break an Undead Dragon's curse and make it rest in peace. Purified Undead Dragons will be removed from the Dragon list after two weeks.
  • Use: Permanently removes a selected undead dragon and ascends it to Lathea.
  • Cooldown: 20 days
  • Applies to: Undead dragons

Lovestruck Arrow

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Cupid Egg Sprite.pngCupid, Aphrodite Egg Sprite.pngAphrodite
  • Description: Shoot arrows with love. Dragons struck by the arrow have a higher chance of producing Dragons of the same species.
  • Usage: Increases the dragon's chances of producing an egg of its species by 1/3 or ~33% of its original rate.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Any adult dragon not affected by Spread Poison.

Spread Poison

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Centipede Dragon Egg Sprite.pngCentipede Dragon, Sleeze Egg Sprite.pngSleeze
  • Description: Poison spreads throughout the dragon. The dragon under the effect has a lower chance of producing eggs of the same species.
  • Usage: Decreases the dragon's chances of producing an egg of its species. If used either parent in a breeding that has a chance to produce a different form, the chances of receiving the form is increased.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Any adult dragon not affected by Lovestruck Arrow or Witch's Curse.

Witch's Curse

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Witch Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWitch Dragon
  • Description: The Witch Dragon casts a curse, permanently erasing the target's breeding ability.
  • Usage: Permanently removes a dragon's ability to breed. This action cannot be reversed.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Any adult dragon

Light of Harmony

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Berris Egg Sprite.pngBerris, Hekate Egg Sprite.pngHekate
  • Description: Enables Dragons to breed regardless of their gender.
  • Usage: When used, a special breeding menu will appear and two dragons can be selected, regardless of their gender. This ability cannot be used on first generation Monthly Dragons.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: A pair of selected breedable dragons, excluding first generation Monthly Dragons.

Combat Affecting Actions


  • Dragon(s) with this action: See below
  • Description: The Dragon is engaging in combat.
  • Usage: When used, the dragon will participate in a 1v1 battle in Combat.
  • Cooldown: ~10 seconds
  • Applies to: Any dragon affected by the Grant Combat Skill (Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra, Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta, Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura, and Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra)

Grant Combat Skill

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra
  • Description: Grant Combat Skills to the Dragon. Dragons with those skills can engage in combat.
  • Usage: Gives the dragon the Combat special action. Only one dragon of each species can have the Combat action, and trying to use it on other dragon of the same species will grant the action to the new dragon and remove it from the older one, though the older dragon's Combat progress will not be erased.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra, Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta, Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura, or Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra.

Enhance Combat Skill

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra
  • Description: Increase the stats of the Combat Skill the Dragon is granted. A Dragon's Combat Skill can be enhanced only twice, each once at Lv. 0 and Lv. 40.
  • Use: Increases the stats of a dragon with the Combat Action. Can only be used once at level 0 and level 40.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Any dragon with the Combat special action. (Only available for Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra, Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta, Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura, and Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra)

Boost Combat Skill Level

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura
  • Description: The Dragon's Combat Skill level is increased. Stats are randomly boosted.
  • Usage: Raises the dragon's combat level by 1, randomly increasing their stats, which may result in a lowering of its grade. This ability can be used back and forth alongside Taygeta's Decrease Combat Skill Level special action. This ability can be used up to a total of 5 times before you must wait for the cooldown to use it again.
  • Cooldown: 7 days
  • Applies to: Any dragon with the Combat special action. (Only available for Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra, Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta, Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura, and Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra)

Decrease Combat Skill Level

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta
  • Description: The Dragon's Combat Skill level is decreased, resetting stats to what they were before leveling up.
  • Usage: Lowers the dragon's combat level by 1, reverting the stats gained from leveling up. This ability can be used back and forth alongside Karura's Grant Boost Combat Skill Level special action. This ability can be used up to a total of 5 times before you must wait for the cooldown to use it again.
  • Cooldown: 7 days
  • Applies to: Any dragon with the Combat special action. (Mithra Egg Sprite.pngMithra, Taygeta Egg Sprite.pngTaygeta, Karura Egg Sprite.pngKarura, and Angra Egg Sprite.pngAngra)

Form Change Actions


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Asti Egg Sprite.pngAsti
  • Description: Witnessing Dragons that are abandoned or dead, Asti is consumed with anger and sorrow. Asti's appearance changes.
  • Use: When an abandoned or dead dragon is in your collection, you can use this ability to change Asti's form from Default to Dark Asti.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Asti Egg Sprite.pngAsti
  • Description: A Tamer's sincere apology is what calms Asti down. Asti's appearance changes.
  • Use: When there is no abandoned or dead dragon in your collection, you can use this ability to change Asti's form from Dark Asti to Default.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

Flame of Revival

This Special Action is only available when the dragon has been successfully abandoned as an adult.

  • Description: Phoenix Dragon's revival is guaranteed. Has a low chance of changing its color into a peculiar one.
  • Usage: Brings the dragon back from being abandoned with the possible chance of it changing between its Default, Blue Phoenix, and Ash Phoenix colors.
  • Cooldown: 7 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Ninmunia Egg Sprite.pngNinmunia
  • Description: But suddenly a ninja appeared! Nimmnia uses ninjutsu.
  • Usage: Changes Ninmunia's form from Default to Cloning.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

End Cloning

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Ninmunia Egg Sprite.pngNinmunia
  • Description: Ninmuniastops using its ninjustsu technique.
  • Usage: Changes Ninmunia's form from Cloning to Default.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

Hide Food

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Fat Egg Sprite.pngFat
  • Description: Snatch away and hide food from Fat Dragon. Fat Dragon flies into a rage.
  • Usage: Changes Fat's form from Default (or Sleeping Fat) to Furious Fat.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

Return Food

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Fat Egg Sprite.pngFat
  • Description: Return the hidden food to Fat Dragon. Fat Dragon quiets down.
  • Usage: Changes Fat's form from Furious Fat back to Default (or Sleeping Fat).
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

Gargoyle Piggyback!

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Demong & Gargoyle Egg Sprite.pngDemong & Gargoyle
  • Description: Come here, Gargoyle! Get on my back!
  • Usage: Switches Demong & Gargoyle's form from Default to Piggyback.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

Demong Piggyback!

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Demong & Gargoyle Egg Sprite.pngDemong & Gargoyle
  • Description: Time to switch! Demong!
  • Usage: Switches Demong & Gargoyle's form from Piggyback to Default.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Bomber Dragon Egg Sprite.pngBomber Dragon
  • Description: Bomber Dragon's fuse has been ignited! One... two... three, bam!
  • Usage: Changes Bomber Dragon's form from Default to Great Explosion.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Bomber Dragon Egg Sprite.pngBomber Dragon
  • Description: Bomber Dragon reverts its body back to its original state.
  • Usage: Changes Bomber Dragon's form from Great Explosion to Default.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Lady Dragon Egg Sprite.pngLady Dragon
  • Description: The Dragon dresses up and changes color.
  • Usage: Changes Lady Dragon's form from Default to Little Witch Lady, then to Blonde Lady if used again, then back to Default if used again.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

Consume Ore

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Rock Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRock Dragon
  • Description: Rock Dragon feasts on the Ores. Grants a chance of producing an Ore-carrying Rock Dragon later on.
  • Usage: When this ability is used and the Rock Dragon breeds a Rock Dragon egg, the egg is guaranteed to hatch as the Stone Ore form. Once the Rock Dragon breeds, it will have to use the special action again to produce another Stone Ore form.
  • Cooldown: 30 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Caleuche Egg Sprite.pngCaleuche
  • Description: Caleuche conceals his appearance.
  • Usage: Changes Caleuche's form from Default to Stealth.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Caleuche Egg Sprite.pngCaleuche
  • Description: Caleuche reveals his appearance.
  • Usage: Changes Caeleuche's form from Stealth to Default.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

Claim Throne

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Lion Dragon Egg Sprite.pngLion Dragon
  • Description: Lion Dragon leaves on a journey to claim its throne.
  • Usage: Changes Lion Dragon's form to Succession.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Beast Roar Egg Sprite.pngBeast Roar
  • Description: Beast Roar howls at the rising moon. The moon's power envelops its body. / Beast Roar howls the setting moon. The moon's power wanes.
  • Usage: Changes Beast Roar's form from Default to Beast, then Beast to Default.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Cozy Dragon Egg Sprite.pngCozy Dragon
  • Description: You ticklet Cozy Dragon.
  • Usage: Changes Cozy Dragon's form to Serious.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Cozy Dragon Egg Sprite.pngCozy Dragon
  • Description: You calm Cozy Dragon.
  • Usage: Changes Cozy Dragon's form to Default.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

Deathly Strength

This Special Action is only available on Dragon Slayer's with the Frenzied form.

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Dragon Slayer Egg Sprite.pngDragon Slayer
  • Description: A rampage Dragon slayer uses the power of Dead on a Dragon .
  • Usage: Turns any dragon into an undead dragon.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Any hatch, hatchling, or adult dragon

This action is permanently disabled after successful use.


This Special Action is only available on Iris' with the Mystic Art form.

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Iris Egg Sprite.pngIris
  • Description: Iris is transformed into a human through mysterious powers. / Transforms into a Dragon through the mysterious power of Iris .
  • Usage: Changes Iris' form from Mystic Art to Polymorph, then back to Default.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

Egg Obtaining Actions

Explore (Underground Dungeon)

  • Dragon(s) with this action: God Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGod Dragon, Frost Dragon Egg Sprite.pngFrost Dragon, Lightning Dragon Egg Sprite.pngLightning Dragon, Power Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPower Dragon
  • Description: Dragon embarks on an adventure to obtain a rare Egg.
  • Usage: Use this ability to begin a boss fight with Darknix to try to obtain a Darknix Egg Sprite.pngDarknix egg. You can use all four dragons with this action alongside each other if they also have this special action ready. (Only one dragon of each species can be used in a fight).
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Adventure (The Void Abyss)

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Fides Egg Sprite.pngFides, Obex Egg Sprite.pngObex, Florea Egg Sprite.pngFlorea, Lucio Egg Sprite.pngLucio
  • Description: Embark on an adventure to the Void Abyss to defeat the evil Dragon.
  • Usage: Use this ability to begin a boss fight with Non to try to obtain a Non Egg Sprite.pngNon egg. You can use all four dragons with this action alongside each other if they also have this special action ready. (Only one dragon of each species can be used in a fight).
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Rescue (Deep Sea Cave)

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio, Noah Egg Sprite.pngNoah, Neptune Egg Sprite.pngNeptune, Auros Egg Sprite.pngAuros
  • Description: The dragons are out on a rescue mission to restore the dragon contaminated by poison to its original form.
  • Usage: Use this ability to begin a boss fight with Tiamat to try to obtain a Tiamat Egg Sprite.pngTiamat egg. You can use all four dragons with this action alongside each other if they also have this special action ready. (Only one dragon of each species can be used in a fight).
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Munkar Egg Sprite.pngMunkar, Nakir Egg Sprite.pngNakir, Ophanim Egg Sprite.pngOphanim, Cherubim Egg Sprite.pngCherubim
  • Description: Calls upon Seraphim through Caelum's prayer.
  • Usage: Use this ability to try to obtain a Seraphim Egg Sprite.pngSeraphim egg. You can use all four dragons with this action alongside each other if they also have this special action ready. (Only one dragon of each species can be used).
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Summon Fifth Guardian

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Baekho Egg Sprite.pngBaekho, Hyeonmu Egg Sprite.pngHyeonmu, Blue Dragon Egg Sprite.pngBlue Dragon, Jujak Egg Sprite.pngJujak
  • Description: Gather the dragons guarding the four directions to summon the fifth dragon guarding the center.
  • Usage: Requires all four dragon species to use for a chance to obtain Kirin Egg Sprite.pngKirin.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after Kirin is successfully obtained.

Open Bag

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Lakion Egg Sprite.pngLakion
  • Description: The Wanderer brings a random of 3 Eggs out of his monthly lineup. You can obtain 1 Egg.
  • Usage: Allows you to pick a previous month of Wandering Merchant's dragon selection and randomly show you 3 dragons from that pool, which may rarely give a Wandering Merchant Exclusive dragon. You don't have to pick a dragon and can let the special action get off of cooldown to use the action again to get a new selection.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Underground Dragon Egg Sprite.pngUnderground Dragon
  • Description: Underground Dragon digs deep into the ground!
  • Usage: Using this ability has a chance of creating a Gold Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGold Dragon egg.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Party Time

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Party Dragon Egg Sprite.pngParty Dragon
  • Description: Party Dragon throws a party!
  • Usage: Using this ability has a chance of creating a Lady Dragon Egg Sprite.pngLady Dragon egg.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.


  • Dragon(s) with this action: Slime Dragon Egg Sprite.pngSlime Dragon
  • Description: Slime Dragon divides itself and produces an Egg.
  • Usage: This ability produces a first generation Slime Dragon egg of a randomized color.
  • Cooldown: 5 days
  • Applies to: Itself

King's Revival

This Special Action is only available when the dragon has been successfully abandoned as an adult.

  • Description: Mummy Dragon begins a ritual to bring the ancient king back to life.
  • Usage: Turns the dragon into an undead dragon and has the chance of creating a Tutankhagon Egg Sprite.pngTutankhagon egg.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after use.

Emperor's Return

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Tutankhagon Egg Sprite.pngTutankhagon
  • Description: Tutankhagons gather around to summon the great emperor.
  • Usage: With the use of five Tutankhagon's that have this special action ready, a Pharaogon Egg Sprite.pngPharaogon egg is created.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Call of the Otherworldy God

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Chaos Janerr Egg Sprite.pngChaos Janerr
  • Description: The Chaos Janerr gather and begin a ritual to call upon the gods of the Otherworld.
  • Usage: With the use of five Chaos Janerr's that have this special action ready, a Cthulhu Egg Sprite.pngCthulhu egg is created.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Village Effect Actions

Eternal Night

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Nox Egg Sprite.pngNox
  • Description: The sky becomes dark as night thanks to the Dragon's magical powers. Only affects the Village of the caster, excluding the Square and Exploration sites. Reverts the Village to its original state when cast once more.
  • Usage: Permanently sets the time in the village to night. Use the special action again to turn off the effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Eternal Day

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Ilios Egg Sprite.pngIlios
  • Description: Surroundings become bright as day thanks to the Dragon's magical powers. Only affects the Village of the caster, excluding the Square and Exploration sites. Reverts the Village to its original state when cast once more.
  • Usage: Permanently sets the time in the village to day. Use the special action again to turn off the effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Glowing Plankton

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Ruthperon Egg Sprite.pngRuthperon
  • Description: The Dragon uses magic to summon luminescent plankton. Only your Village will be affected, not Square or Exploration. If you use it one more time, it will return to its original state.
  • Usage: Adds a white shimmering effect to the village. Use this action again to remove this effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Sprinkle Cherry Blossoms

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Popomo Egg Sprite.pngPopomo
  • Description: The Dragon uses magic to scatter cherry blossoms. Only your Village will be affected, not Square or Exploration. If you use it one more time, it will return to its original state.
  • Usage: Using this ability adds floating cherry blossoms to your village. Using this ability again removes this effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Butterfly Dance

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Pink Bell Egg Sprite.pngPink Bell
  • Description: The Dragon casts magic, making butterflies near it dance. Only affects the Village of the Dragon's owner. Does not affect the Square or Explorations. Taking action once more revokes the status.
  • Usage: Gives the effect of colorful butterfly silhouettes all over the village. Use the ability again to remove this effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Call of the Fireflies

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Yurqa Egg Sprite.pngYurqa
  • Description: The Dragon uses magic to summon fireflies. If you use it one more time, it will return to its original state.
  • Usage: Using this ability adds fireflies to your village. Using this ability again removes this effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Dawn Curtain

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Eos Egg Sprite.pngEos
  • Description: The Dragon uses magic to create a curtain of dawn around the area. Only your Village will be affected, not Square or Exploration. If you use it one more time, it will return to its original state.
  • Usage: Using this ability gives your village a shining aurora-like moving gradient. Using this ability again removes this effect.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village

Send rain

  • Dragon(s) with this action: Cloud Dragon Egg Sprite.pngCloud Dragon
  • Description: The dragon casts a spell to send rain. It only affects my village and doesn't affect the Sqaure or Expedition. Use it once more to return to normal state.
  • Usage: Gives a rainy effect to your village. If used again, the rain effect is removed.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Village