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Tiamat (티아매트) is a Dark type dragon in the Deep Sea category. It can be primarily obtained through the Rescue (Deep Sea Cave) special action and grows at a slow pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Tiamat can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Special Action Obtain an egg from using the Rescue (Deep Sea Cave) special action.
Trading Trade with other players using the Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Tiamat with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Rage Play
Great! Fair.
Hug Feed
No! Excellent!
Sleep Wash
Very Good! Good!


Tiamat's Default form is obtained either from breeding or from successfully defeating Tiamat in the special action Rescue (Deep Sea Cave) by using at least one non-generation 1 dragon on your team.

Tiamat's Purify form has a chance of being obtained from successfully defeating Tiamat in the special action Rescue (Deep Sea Cave), and that chance can be increased using only generation 1 dragons on your team. This form isn't inheritable to offspring.

Tiamat's Eroded form can be obtained from successfully defeating Tiamat in the special action Rescue (Deep Sea Cave) using only dragons with the Chaotic personality on your team, regardless of generation. This form isn't inheritable to offspring.



Black Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Tiamat Egg Sprite.png Tiamat Dead Egg Sprite.png
Tiamat Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Tiamat Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Tiamat Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Tiamat Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Tiamat Default Adult M Sprite.png
Tiamat Default Adult F Sprite.png

White Collector Badge.png Purify

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Tiamat Egg Sprite.png Tiamat Dead Egg Sprite.png
Tiamat Purify Hatch M Sprite.png
Tiamat Purify Hatch F Sprite.png
Tiamat Purify Hatchling M Sprite.png
Tiamat Purify Hatchling F Sprite.png
Tiamat Purify Adult M Sprite.png
Tiamat Purify Adult F Sprite.png

Navy Collector Badge.png Eroded

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Tiamat Egg Sprite.png Tiamat Dead Egg Sprite.png
Tiamat Eroded Hatch M Sprite.png
Tiamat Eroded Hatch F Sprite.png
Tiamat Eroded Hatchling M Sprite.png
Tiamat Eroded Hatchling F Sprite.png
Tiamat Eroded Adult M Sprite.png
Tiamat Eroded Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Tiamat Default Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Tiamat Default Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Tiamat Default Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Tiamat Expert Badge.png
Tiamat Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Tiamat
Tiamat Mania Badge.png
Tiamat Mania Obtain 100 Tiamat adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg's body and mind are plagued with sickness.


I am becoming addicted to power.


Crystals grow all over the body.


It is a three-headed Dragon whose body and mind are both distorted.

It has three heads, each with a different ego. Persian crystals and coral are encrusted all over the body. He instinctively recognized the strong power of the Persian crystals, and out of desperation, he consumed the crystals at will and eventually became addicted to the power of the Persian crystals. The Persion Crystal conquered Tiamat's body and gnawed away at various places, making it difficult for her to regain her original form.

Dragon Book Entry


The Egg is sick in mind and body.

Absorbs the energy coming from the Persian crystal with its raised scales. As the absorption does not stop, more and more of the powerful power of Persion crystals begins to circulate around the Egg .


From the time Hatch , he became addicted to power.

It grows alone without protection and has a weak body. He gets Disease easily and looks for Persian crystals to cure his illness, but instead, he becomes addicted to the power that comes from the crystals and becomes obsessed with them, consuming them stubbornly.


The Evolution Hatchling has crystals growing all over its body.

As the Persian crystals are absorbed, the power that eroded Tiamat is revealed and grows into crystals. The crystal does not disappear; rather, it only grows in size and takes on a sharp shape. However, Tiamat is proud of the crystals that grow in her body. This is because the number of crystals means your power.


Distortion is a being that has swallowed everything.

The three-headed dragon Tiamat, who grew up alone and without protection, developed a sickly body. Due to an unfortunate accident, he moved to the planet Alithia and gradually weakened not only his body but also his mind. While living in hiding on the continent of Alithia, he discovered the Persion Crystal, and with a firm belief that it would heal him, he was slowly consumed by the powerful power of the Persion Crystal. The power of Persion's decision was followed by pain. Instead of healing, it grows crystals all over its body and poses a great threat.

Story: Distortion inside and outside

All Dragon had to grow up safely under love and protection, but there was one dragon who could not.

Tiamat, raised alone, was much weaker than other Hatch and Hatchling and easily got Disease.

Because her young and weak body made it easy for her to become prey, Tiamat began to hide in a polluted underwater canyon that was not easily accessible.

Tiamat insisted on making her resting place a dangerous area with turbid energy Water every place and rough ocean currents that suck everything in.

Although it was full of suffocating poison and infested with monsters, it was because you could meet the sacred guardian Dragon who came here every time to Purify the area and even heal you.

Did the Dragon get on his nerves after seeing the young dragon living alone with an incurable disease? An unknown Dragon with a long, white body that felt Purify all parts of the canyon and even healed Tiamat's sick body every day before returning.


Tiamat, who had been hiding in the darkest and most dangerous area of ​​the planet Acuris, was startled by a huge roar and woke up. It was a huge tremor that shook the entire ocean floor.

The strong vibrations that made it difficult to stand on their feet continued several times, and Tiamat, who was frightened, raised her body and started to run recklessly, moving her six feet.

At that moment, there was a huge tremor and the Earth split right in front of my eyes, and Tiamat, who had been running aimlessly, tumbled into the deeper and deeper sea.

Tiamat, who had lost consciousness after falling into the infinite depths of space, came to her senses. And then he realized that he was lying in a very different place than the environment before he lost consciousness.

It was as if we had moved across dimensions, even though it was in the same sea, it was a very different environment. The polluted black energy that always made his body sick was not visible, and marine life of various colors that he had never seen before was looking at Tiamat with curious eyes.

'Where am I?'

Tiamat's third neck, which was briefly curious about the environment she was seeing for the first time, flinched from the momentary pain caused by the cloudy energy remaining in her body, muttered like a whisper.

'It hurts... I need to Purify the poison...'

Tiamat, who was muttering to herself, looked at each other in shock for a moment.

I don't know where this place is, but will the unknown Dragon come here to heal me? What caught the eye of Tiamat, who was trembling with fear that her sick body would no longer be healed, was a piece of purple, shining ore that was emitting strong energy.

It was strange that I had not noticed it before. The purple ore gave off a powerful energy, but on the other hand, it also gave off a dangerous aura that seemed untouchable. The young Dragon , who had no Egg of ​​that fact, was unknowingly getting closer to the ore that gave off strong Light, one step at a time.

'I can heal you... '

Tiamat even seemed to have the illusion that the ore was taunting her. Tiamat, who was looking at the crystal with three pairs of eyes full of curiosity, soon carefully touched the crystal with her front paw.

A painful scream echoed from the depths of the deep sea.