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Hydragon (히드라곤) is a Dark/Steel type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained as a hybrid through breeding and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Special Action: Grant Frenzy

  • Description: Staring at the Dragon are three pairs of eyes. The Dragon is lost in a frenzy of rage.
  • Usage: Gives a dragon the Lunatic personality. Cannot be used if the egg already has a special action personality applied to it, such as Chaotic. This personality cannot be changed unless through a Moon Piece item.
  • Cooldown: None
  • Applies to: Eggs

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Obtainment Method(s)

Hydragon can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Hybrid Breeding Obtain the egg through breeding Hell Dragon Egg Sprite.pngHell Dragon and a dragon with the Fearful or Lunatic personality as a hybrid.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Hydragon with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Pat Feed
Hmm... Great!
Wash Sleep
Fair. Great!
Burp Play
Excellent! Good!


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Hell's Gatekeeper



Turquoise Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Neutral Neutral Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Hydragon Egg Sprite.png Hydragon Dead Egg Sprite.png
Hydragon Default Hatchling N Sprite.png
Hydragon Default Adult N Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Hydragon Default Special Evolution N Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Neutral Neutral Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatchling
Threehead Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Threehead Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Hydragon Expert Badge.png
Hydragon Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Hydragon
Hydragon Mania Badge.png
Hydragon Mania Obtain 100 Hydragon adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.





Special Evolution

Dragon Book Entry




Special Evolution

Story: Story Name

Special Evolution Story: Story Name



This Egg is wrapped with three outer shells.


This Hatchling's three faces become clear.


A three-headed hell Dragon.

Each of the three heads has a different ego, but it is known that one head controls the body. The body that seems to be heavy moves faster than you think and decides your actions. The blue eyes are the front teeth, the green eyes are the molars, and the red eyes in the center are the fangs. They are named by the Dragon Association. Even if you cut off your hair, it grows back and is said to have an immortal head, and you can change the head that controls your body.

They hate interfering with their fight, and attack Dragon that approach nearby with the mace of their tail. As long as it can see a wide range, it can attack with its tail. Thanks to this, he is sensitive to his surroundings and quickly notices changes and is good at fighting.

Special Evolution

It is a hell Dragon with three heads completely united.

The three heads learn to cooperate with each other, and their unity begins to shine. The golden scales all over the body mean that the three heads of Hydra are united as one. The incisors, canines, and molars take advantage of each other's characteristics and do not lose sight of each other. When the red-eyed canine quietly stares at the escaping hell beings, the opponent becomes terrified. Afterwards, the blue-eyed incisors and the green-eyed molars bite the beings one by one, pulling them back to where they belong. Fighting has almost decreased, but there are cases where the front teeth and molars bite each other, resulting in scars on the face. In such cases, the central canine intervenes or devises a strategy to avoid injury.

Dragon Book Entry


The Egg is covered with three outer shells, and a white horn sprouts in the middle. Overall, it has a green color, and the green part is very hard, but the beige part is somewhat soft. The three outer shells move separately as if they had a self. Sometimes the texture is different, and it is said that the Personality of the hatched Hydragon is revealed from the Egg. An excellent Tamer can figure out the Personality of each of Hydragon's three heads just by looking at Hydragon 's eggs.


They are born with three faces. Thorns sprout at the end of its tail, and horns sprout from the corners of its wings. It has a different Personality from the three-headed self, but strangely, it moves quickly. This is because it is the head in the center that controls the body. Each one has blue eyes as front teeth, green eyes as molars, and red eyes in the center as fangs. The molars and front teeth do not get along so well that they would growl at the sight of each other.


It is much louder than other Dragon. Each person's ego is strong, and it often happens that they collide. The incisors and molars often growl and fight even if they make eye contact with each other. The three heads have different Personality: the front teeth are fierce, the fangs are quiet, and the molars are egotistical. The incisors and molars often fight, and both seem to have a lot of scars, but the most common are the canines in the center.

Horns grow on each head, and the soft and smooth skin Evolution into a hard upper. The horns on the body grow stronger and larger. The frequency of fighting between incisors and molars increases compared to Hatchling . It is said that the canine has learned how to avoid the fight between the two, so the wounds no longer increase. Hydragon, who have matured more than before, growl at each other, but it is known that when the minds of the three heads unite as one, they exert tremendous power.

Some Hydragon act as gatekeepers guarding the gates of Hell. The three heads divide the area, watch in front of the door, and quickly stab the escaping beings of Hell with their horns to prevent them from escaping.

Special Evolution

The unity of the three heads shines.

Specially Evolution Hydragon learn to cooperate with each other and act as true gatekeepers of hell. When the three heads unify their minds, Focus becomes so high that no one misses out. As they become more unified with one mind, their bodies gradually become covered with golden scales.

Story: Mighty gatekeeper

Hydragon, who was hired as a gatekeeper, shows a very surprising performance. When Hydragon was hired in a town frequented by Hydragon raids, there were no raids as usual. Hydragon became a village Hero and was recognized for his skills by the people.

Hydragon's performance shines the brightest in Hell. No one can escape from the hell that Hydragon is guarding, and those who come into Hydragon's field of view are caught unconditionally.

Special Evolution Story: The combined efforts of the three heads finally succeed?

Now, what did you say you were going to do?

The red-eyed canine quietly asked the blue-eyed incisor and the green-eyed molar.

The front teeth answered first, followed by the molars.

"If the canines find someone trying to escape," "The front teeth bite first, then the lower teeth and the molars bite."

The canines nodded their heads and made a solemn expression.

Now all they had to do was wait in front of the gates of hell.

But no matter how many hours they waited, the time they wanted did not come. They tried to catch the person trying to escape from hell, but it was too quiet.

As the molar couldn't overcome its boredom and yawned loudly and tried to fall asleep, the canine hit its head on the back of the molar's head and woke it up.

"We can't sleep! We must do our duty!" "Ugh... Just 10 minutes... Cool..." "Hmph, when someone trying to escape appears, they will have to get seriously injured to come to their senses."

About the 10 minutes that the molar said, a small Dragon quickly flew up and fell over the gate of hell.

"We have to go now! Move!" "Cool..." "The molars won't rise! I'm going to miss it if I keep doing this!"

The front teeth bite the back of the molars' heads to wake them up. However, the startled molar suddenly bit the face of the front tooth. He thought that the person who bit him was his enemy.

"You Child, you must have bitten the back of the head while the Dragon was sleeping!!!" "Ouch!!! I'm not the enemy!!!"

Fang stared endlessly at the little Dragon who was running away while the chaos was unfolding. Because the two heads were fighting, it was impossible to move forward.

The canine was silently lost in thought as he watched their fight.

'I guess... I'll need a little more time to get my mind together...'