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Fearful is a Special Personality that has a teal aura behind the dragon. White flecks rise up from the bottom in front of the dragon.


  • Dragon has gotten sick 4 times or more

Obtainment Method(s)

If you know the dragon's cares beforehand, use one excellent care, then any other care to get it sick, then heal the dragon. Perform this four times in total to get it sick a total of four times to qualify for Fearful. Alternatively, if you don't know the cares beforehand, just continue to care for it until the dragon gets sick.

You could also use vitamins such as Pino's Vitamins (24h) in order to keep the happiness bar at max, requiring only one care to make the dragon sick each time (if performed before the vitamin wears off).

Make sure to do at least one Good! or above care to avoid Wild, give it at least one view to avoid Silent, and fail a training to avoid Lonely. These personalities have a higher priority than Fearful, and thus would get in the way of a dragon successfully obtaining the personality.


A dragon's dialogue will differ depending on the personality and the current location of where the dragon is being looked at.


  • "Am I making you frustrated?"
  • "That's a bit scary."
  • "I'm worried, but I trust you."
  • "Why don't we keep it at this extent?"
  • "What should I do...?"


  • "At least I have you by my side."
  • "That sounds a bit scary."
  • "Something's about to happen."
  • "Please don't touch me."
  • "I'll stay over there, so come visit me later."

Dragon's Profile

  • "Is that okay?"
  • "Familiar environments are the best!"
  • "It's easier to talk in a Silent place."
  • "You're not trying to"
  • "It's hard to speak up, but it might be okay here."