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Nakir (나키르) is a Light/Dream type dragon in the Sky Kingdom category. It can be primarily obtained through the Castle Ruins Exploration area and grows at a slow pace.

Game Details

Special Action: Invoke

  • Description: Calls upon Seraphim through Caelum's prayer.
  • Usage: Use this ability to summon Seraphim Egg Sprite.pngSeraphim. Can also use Ophanim Egg Sprite.pngOphanim, Munkar Egg Sprite.pngMunkar, and Cherubim Egg Sprite.pngCherubim alongside Nakir if they also have this special action ready.
  • Cooldown: 10 days
  • Applies to: Itself

The action is permanently disabled after successful use.

Obtainment Method(s)

Nakir can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Exploration Obtain an egg from the following Exploration area(s): Castle Ruins
Egg Box Obtain an egg through using a Nakir Egg Box Item.pngNakir Egg Box item received from a code from the July 2024 DVC Pop-Up Shop event in Korea or through the Egg Box Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Nakir with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Analyze Stroll
Excellent! Great!
Feed Play
Good! Great!
Wash Sleep
Fair. Hmm...


Nakir cannot breed with Castigue Egg Sprite.pngCastigue, Klid Egg Sprite.pngKlid, Balrog Egg Sprite.pngBalrog, Chaosfear Egg Sprite.pngChaosfear, Tartaros Egg Sprite.pngTartaros, Lucifer Egg Sprite.pngLucifer, and Furfur Egg Sprite.pngFurfur.

Breeding during the Xmas Event removes all restrictions.


Nakir's Celestial form can be obtained from by achieving Exploration Level 10 in Castle Ruins, rarely by obtaining Nakir in Exploration, or through breeding if both parents are the same species. This form can be traded, but is not inheritable to offspring.

Nakir's Grace form can be obtained from the Nakir Egg Box Item.pngNakir Egg Box item as an exclusive reward during DVC's July 2024 Pop-Up shop in Korea. This form is not inheritable to offspring.



White Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Nakir Egg Sprite.png Nakir Dead Egg Sprite.png
Nakir Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Nakir Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Nakir Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Nakir Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Nakir Default Adult M Sprite.png
Nakir Default Adult F Sprite.png

White Collector Badge.png Celestial

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Nakir Egg Sprite.png Nakir Dead Egg Sprite.png
Nakir Celestial Hatch M Sprite.png
Nakir Celestial Hatch F Sprite.png
Nakir Celestial Hatchling M Sprite.png
Nakir Celestial Hatchling F Sprite.png
Nakir Celestial Adult M Sprite.png
Nakir Celestial Adult F Sprite.png

White Collector Badge.png Grace

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Nakir Egg Sprite.png Nakir Dead Egg Sprite.png
Nakir Grace Hatch M Sprite.png
Nakir Grace Hatch F Sprite.png
Nakir Grace Hatchling M Sprite.png
Nakir Grace Hatchling F Sprite.png
Nakir Grace Adult M Sprite.png
Nakir Grace Adult F Sprite.png





Image Name Requirements
Nakir Expert Badge.png
Nakir Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Nakir
Nakir Mania Badge.png
Nakir Mania Obtain 100 Nakir adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg has a horn of wisdom growing from it.


I want to follow Hyeanseok's will.


Appears before the sinner together with Hyeanseok.


It is an angel Dragon that makes people look back on their sins through acts of reflection.

As a Dragon born with the power of wisdom, it looks at the world with wise eyes from the moment it was Egg. He had a knack for attracting insight stones like a magnet, and was envious and jealous of Munkar. From the moment you discover the wisdom stone, you can not only draw out the wisdom contained in the wisdom stone, but you can also communicate with the wise men who remain in the wisdom stone. The smoke of reflection rising from the insight stone can also be manipulated freely.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg with a horn that contains wisdom.

As hatching gets closer, the Light of wisdom radiates stronger from the horn. It is known that when one touches the Light of wisdom, one's foolishness disappears and one becomes wise. Of course, it is a temporary effect that only appears when exposed to Light


I want to follow Hyeanseok’s will.

You can communicate with the spirit of the wise man remaining in the wisdom eye stone. I admire his deep wisdom and want to follow his will. When Nakir accepts the sage's wisdom and unfolds the sage's will, blue Light rises from the horn and wings that resemble the wisdom eye stone.


It appears before the sinner along with the Insight Stone.

Ask the wise man remaining in the Insight Stone for advice on what to do with the sinner. When dealing with sinners , Nakir shows signs of remorse, regardless of the wise man's advice.


The smoke of reflection rising from the Insight Stone is absorbed into the sinner.

Those who have absorbed the smoke of reflection literally and painfully reflect on what they have done in the past. It's so painful to reflect that it makes me tremble. Nakir watches the sinner's reflection without blinking an eye.

Story: Voice of reflection

The celestial people headed in front of Nakir to reflect.

Their faces were a mixture of fear and regret, but Nakir could feel it. There is no sign of true reflection in their hearts yet.

Nakir shook his head as he looked at those celestial people. As if I couldn't understand their foolishness.

Then he spread his black wings. Soon, white smoke began to rise around the area, and Nakir carefully collected the smoke and began to scatter the smoke of reflection on each of the Celestials.

The Celestials who absorbed the smoke of reflection soon trembled and fell to the Slate.

The act of reflection seeped deep into the hearts of the Celestials, making them painfully aware of the actions they had committed.

A Celestial Man cried and confessed.

"I harbored envy and jealousy in my heart. I am a sinner!"

The voice of the Celestial Man confessing his sins echoed in the air, mixing with the painful groans of others.

Nakir looked at the painful reflections of the Celestials with cold eyes, without blinking even once.

And he shouted, spreading more smoke to those who had not yet reflected.

"You guys are going to get scolded for still not reflecting! Have a taste of heaven!"

Due to more reflection, more Celestials cried out as they reflected on their sins.

"I tried to harm another person. I am a sinner!" Another celestial person shouted, and then another celestial person shouted out his sins.

Only after everyone, without exception, had Relax reflected on their sins by shouting them into the air, did Nakir slowly fold his outer wings.

Watching them reflect , Nakir blinked once and told the Celestials about the next path they should take.

"Now everyone is reflecting on their sins! It's all thanks to my acting~ Hehe. Now it's time to reflect~ You foolish humans, move quickly!"