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Tales are a quest-like feature that allows you to obtain special dragons or dragon-specific items and read stories surrounding those dragons. You progress through the tales by growing certain dragon species or element types.

Some tales have a requirement to meet before you are able to start one, and you are only able to start and progress through one tale at a time. If you abandon a tale while it's still in progress, it will be saved on the chapter it is currently on, though that chapter's progress will be reset. Once the tale has been completed, you can select the desired gender of the awarded dragon and the egg will be sent to your mail (if an egg is the tale's reward).

Completing the tale will also unlock the story so that you're able to read it again without needing to restart the tale. You can restart the tale as much as you like so long as you continue to meet the tale's requirement(s) to unlock it to get more rewards. Tales that have an item requirement will never consume the item(s), and so long as you continue to have those item(s), the quest will always be unlocked for you.

The tales are categorized by continent, with the exception of the "Common" category, which is currently used for Creator Contest dragons.

Sky Kingdom

The Clash of Two Beliefs

The Golden Angel Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png The Clash of Two Beliefs tale is unlocked when you own 3 or more adult Arca Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngArca Angel Dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Golden Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGolden Angel Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

The Clash of Two Beliefs - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
The young Golden Angel Dragon flying in the sky witnessed the Arca Angel Dragon being bullied by the other Dragon. 

A Dragon bullying a Dragon? The Golden Angel Dragon couldn't just sit still when it saw this. So it threw itself between the Dragon with its angel ring Light . 

"Children, think about being bullied. How much would it hurt? We are all Dragon. Is it okay to bully a Dragon just because it looks a little different?"

As the Golden Angel Dragon gently advised the Angel Dragon, the surroundings fell into silence for a moment. 

The Dragon bowed their heads to the Golden Angel Dragon 's gentle advice, and finally one Dragon spoke. 

"I'm sorry for teasing you because your fur color is different..."

Following those words, the other Dragon apologized one by one. The Arca Angel Dragon reluctantly took their hands.

The Clash of Two Beliefs - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
After the Dragon left, the Golden Angel Dragon poured Affable golden light on the Arca Angel Dragon . The Light healed his wounds and took away his pain. 

“How can you be kind to those people?” 

When the Arca Angel Dragon asked, the Golden Angel Dragon smiled and said. 

“If you show them the right path and help them, even those who have been walking the wrong path will find the right path. Just like those Dragon apologized earlier.”

The Arca Angel Dragon looked at the Golden Angel Dragon with curious eyes. At the same time, he also had questions. How could he think like this? Could everyone really be like that?

The Clash of Two Beliefs - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pick-Me-Up Item.pngPick-Me-Up
When the Golden Angel Dragon grew into a Hatchling, the voice of a Dragon in need echoed through the air. 

“Help me!”

There was a Dragon suffering with its wing caught in a fallen tree. The Golden Angel Dragon quickly tried to help the Dragon, but its own strength was not enough to lift the tree. 

At that moment, the Arca Angel Dragon was passing by. 

The Golden Angel Dragon began to emit Light from its Angel Ring and call out to the Arca Angel Dragon for help. 

However , the Arca Angel Dragon ignored the Golden Angel Dragon and flew away. 

The Golden Angel Dragon looked at the Arca Angel Dragon’s indifferent appearance in vain.

The Clash of Two Beliefs - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 500 Divine Stone Item.pngDivine Stones
The Golden Angel Dragon asked the Arca Angel Dragon, who was moving away in a hurry. 

“Why didn’t you come when I asked for help?”

“Do you know who the person stuck in the tree is? He was the one who was harassing me. Do we need to worry about someone like that?” Arca Angel Dragon answered coldly. 

The Golden Angel Dragon was flustered but calm. 

“I told you, right? If you show him the right path, he will walk that path. His soul is very different now than it was then.”

Arca Dragon was silent for a moment and shook his head. 

“I don’t think everyone will walk that path even if you show them the right path. Rather, it would be better to be kind and extend a hand. There will be those who take advantage of your kindness. Think carefully. Will everyone take the path you show them?”

The Golden Angel Dragon shouted as he stood before the Arca Angel Dragon at those words. 

“I will constantly extend my hand to lead them out. If they let go a hundred times, I will extend my hand a thousand times.”

The Clash of Two Beliefs - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Arca Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngArca Angel Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Golden Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGolden Angel Dragon egg
As time passed, the two Angel Dragon, who had completely different ideologies, began to walk different paths. 

Many who held the Golden Angel Dragon's hand lined up to follow the Golden Angel Dragon. While there were some who did so, there were also those who did not follow her will and went their separate ways. 

Nevertheless, the Golden Angel Dragon did not give up in order to lead all Dragon to the right path. As she constantly took the lead in extending a helping hand and protection, more and more lives lined up behind the Golden Angel Dragon, knowing this. 

On the other hand, the Arca Angel Dragon was alone. 

The Golden Angel Dragon approached the lonely Arca Angel Dragon and extended her hand countless times. 

Every time, the Arca Angel Dragon would say this and push her hand away. 

"Don't force your will on me. I will walk My Own path. As I walk My Own path, I will spread the Light of blessings and curses."

The Golden Angel Dragon was silent for a moment. Then, he thought deeply, repeating the word 'force' in his mind. 

He had never tried to force his beliefs on Arca. He just wanted her not to lose her way. 

But those words made him certain. Arca Angel Dragon's heart was already closed and he had set off on a long journey.

The Silence of the Cherubim

The Cherubim Inactive Adult M Sprite.png The Silence of Cherubim tale is unlocked when you complete the Reconstruction of the Sky Kingdom quest. The end of the tale rewards you with a Cherubim Egg Sprite.pngCherubim (Inactive form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Jet Dragon Egg Sprite.pngJet Dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
The continent of Arca was covered in ashes and dyed in blood due to the invasion of the Demon World Dragon that flew in from the dark side of the moon. 

Their giant wings filled the sky, and flames and Lightning tore the earth apart. 

The bone-chilling roar did not cease. 

Countless Dragon , including Cherubim , clashed with the Demon World Dragon, each with their own strength, to stop the chaos. 

Cherubim punished the Demon World Dragon advancing toward the continent by hugging them one by one with his wings, and the Demon World Dragon fell into the sky in agony.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Ullr Egg Sprite.pngUllr to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Meanwhile, Castig, who had been with Cherubim and Arca Continent for a long time, gathered the demon Dragon that had been captured during the war in one place. 

However, the number of demon Dragon that Castig brought was greater than necessary, and among them were young Dragon who had been conscripted without knowing the reason, as well as old Dragon. Their eyes were filled with fear. 

As soon as Cherubim saw them, he slowly folded his spread wings and fell into deep agony.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Rukbat Egg Sprite.pngRukbat to adult Reward: 1 Pick-Me-Up Item.pngPick-Me-Up
In his agony, Cherubim noticed that he could no longer hear Seraphim's voice. 

At that moment, Cherubim knew. His actions and the punishment of the demon Dragon were not Seraphim's will. 

When Cherubim, in agony, stopped his punishing actions, Castig approached him and shouted. 

"Why are you standing still, Cherubim?"

Cherubim calmly replied, "Our actions go against His will. We must stop these actions."

At those words, Castig filled his eyes with flickering blue flames and spread his wings widely to protest to Cherubim. 

"Our Dream! Peace! How can you say such things at this moment when everything is falling apart? We must completely Fire the roots of the demon world. ... Good. Then what is His will? “What did the great ‘he’ say?”

The Cherubim answered calmly. 

“He did not say anything specific. But I learned from his silence that we were wrong.”

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Unicorn Dragon Egg Sprite.pngUnicorn Dragon to adult Reward: 500 Divine Stone Item.pngDivine Stone
“No, no! You are wrong. You and Seraphim are nothing but cowards. I cannot wait any longer. I will end this war myself. After the war is over, I will annihilate them.”

Cherubim looked Castig straight in the eye and said. “If you continue your actions, it will only cause greater chaos. There must be a reason He has not intervened.”

Cherubim’s firm voice echoed throughout the continent. The silence between the two Dragon was heavier than ever.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Aphrodite Egg Sprite.pngAphrodite to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Castig turned towards the Field and spoke after a long silence. 

“You watch from there. I will prove that I am right.”

Castig spread his large brown wings covered in blue energy and flew up and advanced towards the Field. 

As Castig continued to advance, the sky over Arca gradually began to brighten. 

The demon Dragon retreated one by one, and when the last demon Dragon retreated, Castig finally let out a roar of victory. His entire body was filled with blue and black energy. 

“We have won!”

However, Cherubim did not roar together.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 6
Requirement: Grow 1 Arca Angel Dragon Egg Sprite.pngArca Angel Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
After the war, Cherubim faced Castigue again. 

“I will now return true purity to this Earth through judgment.”

Castig spoke with determination, but Cherubim stared at Castig silently without saying anything. 

“Why are you not saying anything, Cherubim? If only the Pure good remains in Arca, tragedy will not happen again. That is what Seraphim wants, isn’t it?”

Cherubim remained silent. Castig spread his wings at Cherubim and shouted, shooting a strong beam of Light. 

“In the end, you too will follow my will.”

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 7
Requirement: Grow 1 Munkar Egg Sprite.pngMunkar to adult Reward: 1 Pick-Me-Up Item.pngPick-Me-Up
Under Castig's judgment, the continent of Arca gradually became a place where only the Pure remained. 

According to the heavenly rules, those who committed evil deeds were banished, and those who did not meet the standards of Pure good were not even allowed to set foot there. 

Even after the clash ended, the remaining demon Dragon received appropriate punishment under Castig's judgment. 

The peaceful and sacred continent of Arca that Cherubim remembered gradually became a prison of dry and insipid rules. 

Cherubim spoke to the continent of Arca with regret. "In the name of purity, this place has become narrower and narrower..."

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 8
Requirement: Grow 1 Nakir Egg Sprite.pngNakir to adult Reward: 500 Divine Stone Item.pngDivine Stone
Cherubim looked down at the closed continent of Arca with eyes filled with agony. 

The new 'standard of purity' that had permeated this Earth due to Castig's judgment brought about a deep sense of alienation within Cherubim. 

In this closed and exclusive atmosphere, Cherubim felt that he no longer had a place for himself.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 9
Requirement: Grow 1 Ophanim Egg Sprite.pngOphanim to adult Reward: 400 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
In the end, Cherubim decided to leave the continent of Arca . 

This was no longer the continent he had loved, the continent Seraphim had hoped for. 

So Cherubim set out to find Dragon like himself. 

In this way, Cherubim found three Dragon . They were all Dragon who felt deep concern about Arca 's rigid and closed atmosphere.

The Silence of Cherubim - Chapter 10
Requirement: Grow 1 Cherubim Egg Sprite.pngCherubim to adult Reward: 1 Cherubim Egg Sprite.pngCherubim (Inactive form) egg
“We will leave for a new continent today.”

The moment Cherubim spread his wings to leave Arca and head to a new continent, Castig blocked his way. 

“Are you going to completely abandon us now?”

As Castig shouted in a tone that was a mixture of Fury and disappointment, Cherubim passed by and said. 

“Castigue, this continent that your judgment has touched… has become a completely different continent. Your judgment, which sought to protect the glory of the past, has turned this place into stagnant Water. Stagnant Water eventually rots.”

As Cherubim said that and was about to pass Castig by, Castig grabbed Cherubim’s chained arms and answered. 

“Go ahead and throw everything away as you wish. I will remember this clearly!” 

The Cherubim took one last look at Castig, then spread its wings and flew away, leaving Castig behind.

Deep Sea

Cleio's Protection

The Cleio Protection Adult M Sprite.png Cleio's Protection tale is unlocked when you own 5 or more adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio (Protection form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Aqua Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAqua Dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Cleio took a Stroll around the Temple of Estella and captured the beauty of the deep sea with his eyes and mind. Waves sparkling in the Light, coral reefs of various colors, fish flocking past like birds, and even Dragon swimming freely through the current. Cleio could not understand those who would put such a beautiful deep sea in danger. I will protect the deep sea from them no matter what! 


It was time for Kleio to make a decision, clenching his fists. Neptune was seen returning from patrol. 


“Is everything okay? So far so. But I think something will happen sooner or later. “The energy of the Persian Sion has weakened.”

Cleo tilted his head. Wouldn't it be a good thing if the energy of the Persian Sion weakens? Someone is Purify the Sion crystals. But is there another Dragon in the deep sea other than Neptune that has the ability to Purify the Sion crystal? 

“I did not Purify the Sion crystals. “It looks like someone used the power of the Persian Sion .”


“I don’t know who used it. I'll have to look for it now. “Where was that power used?”

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Life River Egg Sprite.pngLife River to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Only the six guardian dragons were able to properly use the power of the Sion Crystal. For others, it acted as a fatal poison. No one Egg what effect the poison would have on the deep sea. Neptune was worried about that. 

“I’m worried even if the Six Guardian Dragons used it. There's no way they would have used the power of the Sion Crystal for no reason. Then, something happened in the deep sea... .”

“Grumbling… .”

“Yes, that’s right. “How dangerous was it to use the power of the Sion Crystal?”

Cleo followed Neptune and sighed. It was a problem even if someone other than the six guardian dragons used the power of the Persion Sion , and it was a problem even if the six guardian dragons used the Sion crystal. 

“Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ?”

“Yes, it is better if the Six Guardian Dragons used it. Because they would have solved the problem with the power of the Persian Sion .”

However, the Six Guardian Dragons said that they have not used the power of the Persion Sion recently. 

“If it was something big enough to require the power of the Sion Crystal, I would have let you know first.”

Lios, one of the six guardian dragons, said. He was right. Kalista and the six guardian dragons have always shared the problems of the deep sea and dealt with them together. So who on earth used the power of the Sion Crystal? Cleo tilted his head again.

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Tilant Egg Sprite.pngTilant to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
“I guess we’ll have to spread out and search. “The one who used the power of the Sion Crystal.”

Neptune was to take charge of the eastern sea, where the energy of the Persion Sion changes greatly, and Cleio was to take charge of the western sea. The guardian dragons decided to divide the southern and northern seas. 

Cleo decided to move with Noah. This was because Noah could vaguely sense the power inherent in the Persion Sion . 

“Growl, growl. “Gurrrrrrrr.”

Cleo, who was heading in the direction pointed by Noah, suddenly brought up an old story. It was a story about the time when people were fighting to take the seat next to the goddess Helena. 

“You’re still mistaken, Cleio. Goddess Helena loved me more.”


“You may want to believe it’s not, but it’s true, Cleio. “I read Goddess Helena’s thoughts.”

Cleo snorted. This is because at that time, Noah could not even read Cleio's thoughts properly. 

“It’s true! Goddess Helena makes me more… !”

Noah, who was shouting loudly, suddenly stopped swimming. Judging from his suddenly stiff face, it seemed like he sensed a strange energy.

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Cleo increased his protective shield and surrounded Noah. It was to prepare for a sudden attack. 

“It’s over there.”

Noah said, pointing in one direction. Klio couldn't feel anything there. 

“The dangerous energy of the Persian Sion is leaking from the rocky island over there. “It’s clear that someone is using the dangerous energy of the Persian Sion .”

Then, Neptune 's power was needed. This was because Neptune was the only one who could Purify the power of the Sion crystal. 

Cleo asked Noah to bring Neptune here. 

“And you?”


I have this shield, so what's there to be afraid of? 

Klio said, spreading his soft protective shield widely. Klio really believed in his own protective shield. The only thing that this protective shield could not cover until now was the wide heart of Goddess Helena. 

But Noah hardly believed what Cleio said. Cleo sighed and placed his forehead against the bridge of Noah's nose. 

'I'm really not afraid, Noah. My shield will protect me and this deep sea. So don't worry and go.' 

Only now Noah began to move away little by little from Cleio. Cleo shouted at Noah, who kept looking back as if he couldn't let go of his worries. 


If you're so worried about me, hurry and bring Neptune!

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Steel Type dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Cleio was getting closer to the place where he could feel the dangerous energy of the Persion Sion , but he did not feel anything special. I suddenly wondered how Noah senses danger. But now was not the time to worry about such things. There was someone nearby who could make the deep sea dangerous. There was no telling when or in what way he would appear. In preparation for that, Klio strengthened his protective shield. 

“Okay, this is it… ! It's this power... !”

This was when Cleio's flaccid protective shield momentarily hardened and then returned to its original state. A voice that sounded like laughter or crying was heard. 

“It won’t hurt anymore…” . The Sion Crystal will make us stronger... !”

Cleo approached the place where the voice was heard. Then a white Dragon with three heads appeared. It was the first Dragon I had seen since I was born. This unusual three-headed dragon seemed to have a different personality on each head. 

“It would be better to decide who will absorb the power of the Persion Sion first.”

“After all, we are one body. “What you absorb is what I absorb, and what I absorb is what you absorb.”

“But you still have to decide the order!”

It was then. One of the three heads turned in Kleio's direction and shouted. 

“Who is there!”

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 6
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Cleio's Protection Chapter 9 Art.png
“I am Tiamat. “If you’re here to get the Persian Sion , you’d better back off!”

Tiamat approached, moving each of her three heads as if trying to scare her. Cleo did not back down and made his point known. 


Only the Six Guardian Dragons can use the Sion Crystal correctly! 

“Six of you are selfish Dragon trying to monopolize this powerful power.”

Tiamat said that everyone should share the power of this Persian Sion . 

“Thanks to this power, I was able to avoid getting sick. Without this strength, I would get sick again. But are you asking me to give up this power?”

Cleo felt something was wrong. I couldn't have gotten better thanks to the power of the Persian Sion ... . It was clear that Tiamat was completely mistaken. But he refused to listen to Cleio. Perhaps he still thought that Kleio had come to covet the Persion Sion , so he kept his guard up and kept close to the Persion Sion . 

“Looking at you, you are truly being greedy. It doesn't hurt and you have great strength, right? So I’ll take this!”

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 7
Requirement: Grow 1 Thorn Nail Egg Sprite.pngThorn Nail to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Tiamat desperately tried to use the power of the Persion Sion . It was believed that only with the power of Persian Sion could one not get sick. 

“I will become stronger too! “I don’t want to be sick anymore!”

Cleo quickly extended the shield to cover Tiamat. He then pulled the shield towards me to try to separate Tiamat from the Sion crystal. But no matter how much I pulled, Tiamat didn't budge. The evil energy inherent in the Persion Sion was holding Tiamat from falling from the Persion Sion . 

“Let go! Let go! “I don’t want to get sick!”

One of Tiamat's heads hit Cleio's shield and said, 


No! Sion decisions will never benefit you! I'm going to destroy you! 

This was when Klio succeeded in pulling out Tiamat. Hard, sharp crystals began to sprout between Tiamat's smooth scales. It was a Sion decision. 

“Finally… The power of the Sion Crystal... !”

“I feel like I’m getting stronger… ! I'm getting stronger... !”

“It won’t hurt anymore…” !”

Tiamat's three heads, looking down at her hideous body with a satisfied face, closed their eyes and then opened them. The look in his eyes had changed, as if a change had occurred not only on the outside but also on the inside. 

“I will give you the honor of experiencing my mighty power for the first time, Cleio.”

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 8
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Cleo sensed danger and spread his protective shield widely. The intention was not to let Tiamat out of the shield until the wounds in her heart were healed. Tiamat was watching Klio from the center of the shield as if she had no intention of leaving. 

“It’s no use. You will not be able to overcome my strength. Because now I’m more powerful than you!”

Tiamat hit the shield violently. The powerful power of the Persion Sion that sprouted from his body damaged Cleio's protective shield, and Cleio struggled in pain. 

“There’s still a long way to go! “This is just a part of my power!”

“Okay, I’ll show you even more power!”

“I am not who I was in the past!”

When Tiamat hit her again, Cleio's shield was torn. Although Kleio suffered from terrible pain, he did not remove his protective shield. 

“Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! !”

We have to heal Tiamat's heart somehow. Otherwise, you will continue to crave the Sion Crystal, and the power of the Persian Sion will continue to hurt you like you are now... ! 

However, once the protective layer was torn, it did not reattach. Tiamat's three heads laughed evilly. 

“A door has appeared in your shield. “We can go out here.”',

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 9
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 400 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Finally , Tiamat escaped Cleio's protective shield. When Klio wrapped around him again, he opened a wound in another part of the shield. However, Klio did not give up and covered Tiamat again. 

“Do you want your shield to be in tatters, Cleio? “Then I will grant your wish.”

Cleo tightened his grip on the shield as he watched Tiamat enter the shield on her own feet. 

“Grumbling… !”

Please don't let Tiamat break through the shield. Please give me a chance to heal his broken heart. please… ! 

Did Cleio's prayer reach the goddess of Dream? The wounds on the shield began to stick together and the shield became as hard as glass. Tiamat, who belatedly realized the situation, slammed into the shield, but nothing happened. It didn't even leave a small wound. 

“How on earth is this… !”

Cleo began to console Tiamat's aching heart as she panicked. Tiamat twisted her body around as if she was uncomfortable with the change in her mind. 

“No! I don't want to go back! 

“That’s right, I like it now!”

“I don’t want to get sick again!”

Cleio's Protection Tale - Chapter 10
Requirement: Grow 1 Auros Egg Sprite.pngAuros to adult Reward: 1 Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio (Protection form) egg
Neptune happened to visit and injected the energy of Purify into Cleio 's strong protective shield. Then, the Persion Sion that sprouted between the scales began to Light, and Tiamat's black body turned white. Tiamat, who was suffering from her changing appearance, gradually found stability through Cleio's healing. 

“What on earth have I done… ?”

Cleo carefully took Tiamat, who was looking up at him with Pure eyes, out of the shield. There was a Persian Sion nearby, but Tiamat did not covet it in the slightest. Noah said he did not want the power of the Persian Sion at all. 

“I want to be a strong Dragon, but I also like the way I am. Really!"

Tiamat's other head also nodded in agreement. And as if to prove his words, he leisurely passed by the Sion crystal. 

Tiamat did not look for the Persion Sion after that. I developed my physical strength through consistent Train. Neptune said that it was thanks to Kleio that he healed Tiamat's heart. 

“What’s important is always in the heart. “You changed his heart, Cleio.”

Thus, Cleo decided to comfort the Dragon' hearts even more. Then, the soft protective shield began to become hard, like when healing Tiamat. The difference from then was that the hard protective shield could be expanded to the desired size. Cleo decided to heal the wounds of even more Dragon and set out to find those who needed his help. 


Protect the deep sea again today, Cleio!

Cleio's Oblivion

The Cleio Oblivion Adult M Sprite.png Cleio's Oblivion tale is unlocked when you own 5 or more adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio (Oblivion form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Life River Egg Sprite.pngLife River to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Cleio has a special ability to erase painful and sad memories. Those who wanted to use this ability to heal their wounds visited Cleio every day. Cleo used his powers on the sick and sad people in the hope that they would disappear. However, the voices looking for Klio continued. 

"It seems like more Dragon are looking for you these days.”

Neptune spoke to Cleio who visited the Temple of Estella. 

Cleo nodded. A few days ago, just as quickly as one Dragon's memories were erased, the other Dragon's memories were being erased. Even now, I was desperately looking for Klio here and there. They were mainly complaining of the same symptoms. 

“My head is full of evil thoughts! I feel like my head will explode if I try to think right! My head still hurts! You must be thinking right! Argh!”

Cleo embraced the suffering Dragon with his large body. The movement of the Dragon in Cleio 's arms gradually subsided, and it soon stabilized. 

“Thank you, Cleio . Thanks to you, I feel comfortable! “But why was I suffering?”

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Coral Nessiebig Egg Sprite.pngCoral Nessiebig to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Cleio's Oblivion Chapter 2 Art.png

Cleo told him what had made him suffer. However, he had no recollection of the past events. He only remembered that Cleo had erased his memories. That he had been in pain because of that incident. I couldn’t even remember the fact. 


Neptune comforted Cleio, who was upset. 

"It's proof that they are completely free from pain. That's what you hoped for."

Cleo nodded. And I thought. Next time someone with the same symptoms comes to me, I should ask them what happened before I erase their memories. At the same time, I hoped that no one with the same symptoms would appear. If someone had intentionally caused the Dragon to become confused, I hoped they would stop doing it. 

However, soon after, a Dragon complaining of the same symptoms appeared. Cleo Water him what had happened, but he only repeated that he was in pain. 

"Please erase my memories! Quickly!"

Cleo could no longer ignore his pain. So I held him in my arms and hoped that his painful and sad memories would disappear.

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Vetala Egg Sprite.pngVetala to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The voices searching for Kleio increased, reaching a point where no other sounds could be heard. 

' Cleio , please help me!' 

'Please erase my memory first, Cleio !' 

'I'm in pain and I can't breathe! 'I feel like I'm going to die any minute!' 

The fact that there were more people in pain than noisy ones made Cleio suffer. I was also afraid that the deep sea would be covered with screams. 

'I can't leave it like this. 'We have to find the thing that throws the Dragon into chaos!' 

Cleo thought it might be some mineral with special powers, like the Persion Crystal. For a moment I thought it might be a Dragon, but then I shook my head and thought it couldn't be that. 

Everyone knew about the Dragon that lived in the deep sea. The fact that Kalista and the six guardian dragons protect the peace of the deep sea. 

'There's no way they would do something like that even if they knew of our existence.' 

Cleo thought about the Persian decision again. And I thought that if what was causing the Dragon of the deep sea to fall into chaos now had the same power as the Persian Crystal, I would need Neptune's help.

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Tropheus Egg Sprite.pngTropheus to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Cleo found Neptune. Neptune was still by Goddess Leona's side today. Neptune asked Goddess Leona's understanding and came out of the Temple Estella . 

“I know what you came to see me for, Cleio.”

Neptune said. Cleio looked at Neptune with a puzzled look. 

“Confusing the Dragon. Are you here to ask me to help you find the cause of the problem?"

Cleo nodded. 

"Grumbling... ?"

"But why did you come out? I hope Goddess Leona doesn't worry about this. We still don't know who is doing this. It's not too late to find out who that person is and tell him."

Cleo asked Neptune if he thought it was a Dragon that was causing chaos in the deep sea. 

"The minerals such as Persian crystals If it had been my power, I would have noticed it a long time ago. This is definitely the Dragon's doing."

Neptune was upset and patted Cleio's shoulder, whose shield was hanging down. 

"Don't worry too much. Because he probably isn't that dangerous."

There was no time to worry. Meanwhile, a new Dragon was in chaos and looking for Cleio. Cleio asked Neptune to find the Dragon in question causing chaos, and said, I set out to erase the memories of the Dragon I was receiving.

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Blowfish Goldie Egg Sprite.pngBlowfish Goldie to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
When Kleio visited the Temple of Estella again, Neptune was away due to the issue of Persion's decision. 

"You're here, Cleio! I've been waiting for you. Neptune had something to tell you."

A Dragon who was wandering in front of the Temple of Estella said. He pointed to Cleio's right side. He sensed Neptune's evil energy from that side. 

"Cleio, there is great danger to you. He doesn't seem to be the one who will cause harm, but he is bold enough to cause chaos even after knowing that Kalista and the six guardian dragons are guarding the deep sea, so I told him that there is no harm in being careful. Well then, I'm busy so I'll just go! See you next time!"

As Klio headed towards the sea on the right, he hoped that Neptune's intuition was wrong. He hoped that he had mistaken the energy of the Purify Persian crystals for the evil energy of the Dragon. 

However, what Neptune said was true. Just a few minutes after heading straight to the right, I saw a person who was throwing the deep Dragon into chaos. He was the deep Dragon, Chaos Jeanner. Chaos Jeanner did not even know that Cleio had come. By rubbing the orb that emits Somber Light, he was planting an evil spirit in the deep Dragon. 

"Now you will become an evil person. “You will only have evil thoughts, say evil words, and do evil deeds!”

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 6
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Cleo rescued the Dragon that was suffering from the chaos of Chaos Journey. They wrapped him in a protective shield, erased his memories, and prevented him from falling into the chaos of Chaos Jaunere again. 

“It was you! It was you who erased the memories of the Dragon in chaos!”

Chaos Jauneir, who discovered Klio, shouted. 

"But it's no use. “All I have to do is cause you to be as confused as I erase your memories!”

Chaos Jaune looked at Kleio and rubbed the bead towards the Dragon coming towards him. The evil spirit instantly invaded the Dragon greeting Cleio and confused him. Cleo quickly wrapped him in a protective shield. Meanwhile, Chaos Jeanner threw another Dragon into chaos. 

"Let's test how many Dragon ' memories we can erase? Giggling!"

When Chaos Jeanner threw the bead, the evil spirit that leaked out from the bead Water the sea black. Every Dragon that touched the black sea water fell into chaos and suffered. It was Clay who erased all of their memories at once. Aura was also impossible. 

In that case, there was only one way: to erase Chaos Journey's memories. Cleio trapped Chaos Journey in his arms while Chaos Journey was distracted while picking up the orb. 


Now your memories of the deep sea will be erased, Chaos Journey!

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 7
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Kleio successfully erased Chaos Jeanner's memories. Chaos Jeanner, who lost his memory, was confused as to why he was in the deep sea. But even for a moment, he looked at the beads and started rubbing them. It was not an evil thought that controlled him, but an evil heart. 

'If this continues, the entire deep sea will turn black. What should I do... !' 

At that time, an Egg power began to surround Klio. That power pushed away Cleio's protective shield little by little and began to change Cleio's shape. 

'Don't be afraid, Cleio. 

'Someone spoke to the trembling Cleio. Cleo knew the owner of the voice. This Affable voice belonged to Sans, the goddess of Dream. 

'I'm sharing my power with you so you can protect the deep sea. This power will protect you and the deep sea. Okay, that's it. Let's use this power of oblivion to prevent chaos.' 

When the voice of Sans, the goddess of Dream, disappeared, Cleio's physical changes began to stop. As the protective shield narrowed, Cleio could feel Sans' power contained in the sharp horns of his head. Klio tilted his horn towards Chaos Journal, hoping that Sands' power would prevent Chaos Journal's chaos. 


Now you really can't cause chaos!

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 8
Requirement: Grow 1 Thunderbolt Dragon Egg Sprite.pngThunderbolt Dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Chaos Journal, who was frightened by Cleio's change and clinging closely to the bead, slowly opened his eyes when nothing happened. Then, I saw Cleio looking embarrassed. Cleo once again aimed his horn at Chaos Journaler, but Chaos Journaler could not feel anything. 

“What! “It’s just that the protective shield shrunk!”

Chaos Jeanner thought that now, when Kleio could not protect the other Dragon, was the perfect time to cause chaos. So he called and gathered the Chaos Journalers who, like him, were throwing Dragon into chaos in other areas. The five Chaos Journalers gathered like that started rubbing the beads in one direction at one time. 

“Lord of the Deep Sea, if you are listening to our voices, please reveal your great form.”

Seeing Cleio looking around with fear-filled eyes, the Chaos Journals began to raise their voices. “Lord of the Deep Sea! If you are listening to our voices, please reveal your great face!”

Did their voices really reach the ears of the Lord of the Deep Sea? Cthulhu, the lord of the deep sea, was approaching, crossing the water with his long tentacles.

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 9
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 400 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
At the appearance of Cthulhu, the Chaos Journeyers bent their knees and lifted up the orb emitting Dark Light as if offering it to Cthulhu. But Cthulhu didn't even pay attention to the orb. What he was interested in was Cleio, whose protective shield was shaking as if he were in a rough current. 

“You called me because of that guy.”

Cthulhu began extending his tentacles toward Kleio without listening to the Chaos Journeyers' response. The tentacle easily pierced Cleio's protective shield and wrapped around Cleio's body. Cleo writhed in pain and began to cry. 

“Growl! Rumbling… !”

The Chaos Journalers laughed disapprovingly at Cleio, who was suffering. 

“Cthulhu! “Please shake that guy’s spirit so he can never interfere with our plans again!”

“This guy’s mind is already broken.”

Cthulhu said, dropping Klio. Cleo, who was fluttering around like a fish out of Water , fell down helplessly like a withered flower. Because he rejected the evil spirit to the end, his body was destroyed instead. 

Krullu pushed Klio, who showed no signs of getting up, as if throwing him, and then gathered the beads of the Chaos Journalers together. 

“Evil spirit, the Lord of the Deep grants you freedom!”

At Cthulhu's command, the orb shook violently and exploded for an instant, completely Water the deep sea in Dark . The Chaos Journalers cheered as they saw the Dragon in chaos in the Dark . 

“Finally! “The world is finally in chaos!”

However, there was one strange thing about the Chaos Journeyers who were running wild with joy, and that was that they were holding an orb that exploded at the command of Cthulhu. Their beads were perfectly fine, without any cracks.

Cleio's Oblivion Tale - Chapter 10
Requirement: Grow 1 Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio to adult Reward: 1 Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio (Oblivion form) egg
While Neptune rushed to hear the news and Purify the Somber sea, Cleo tilted his sharp horn at those who were suffering from chaos. The Dragon who received special powers gifted by Sands, the Goddess of Dream, fell into oblivion, and oblivion pushed away the evil energy planted by Chaos Jaunere. Then, the Dragon' tense bodies relaxed and their expressions softened. Kleio did not stop his power of oblivion until they were completely free from chaos. 

“What do you plan to do with that guy?”

Neptune said, pointing to Chaos Journey. Chaos Jeanner was still struggling in Cleio's oblivion. 

“You said it caused the world to fall into chaos and oblivion, right?”

Cleo nodded. When Kleio took away the power of oblivion, in order for Chaos Journey to be at its most despairing, he had to show the world that Chaos Journey had dreamed of. Cleo gave him an even more ecstatic oblivion so that he could be Happy in oblivion. I had no idea how happy the Chaos Journaler was in Cleio's oblivion, and how the corners of his mouth would turn down. 

Cleo said to Neptune. 


“Yes, when we finally reach the world that Chaos Journey desires, then let us harvest the power of oblivion.”

Thus, Chaos Journaler has not yet escaped Cleio's oblivion. On the other hand, marine life escaped the chaos of Chaos Journal through Cleio's oblivion, and the sea, which had been darkened by the evil spirit, regained its color with the help of Neptune.

The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars

The Noah Ghost Whale Adult M Sprite.png Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars tale is unlocked when you own at least 20 adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Noah Egg Sprite.pngNoah (Ghost Whale form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Sion Egg Sprite.pngSion to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a Dragon in a universe full of stars. It was a Dragon that looked so similar to a whale that unless someone told you it was a Dragon , you would mistake it for a whale. 

It wasn't just the appearance that made this Dragon resemble a whale. It also resembles a whale in that it likes to swim. The difference is that the whale swims in the sea and this Dragon swims in space. Even in space, my favorite thing was swimming in the Milky Way. I roamed freely among the stars of the Milky Way. 

There was not just one Dragon that resembled a whale in this world. But Noah was the only one in the world. Noah was the largest of the whale-like Dragon . 

Noah's biggest characteristic was that he had a wonderful city built on his back. It was the traces of the planet's people rescued by Noah a long time ago. 

That's right. Noah is a Friend who loves helping people. There is no way to ignore people in danger. When he discovers people in danger while swimming in space, he gives his back. 

“Take a break on my back.”

I also rescued a princess from a planet full of villains. 

“Noah, I will never forget your grace for the rest of my life.”

The princess gave Noah a crown to express her gratitude. Noah hid the crown in the safest place. It was his own back. 

There were people who heard the rumor and were targeting Noah. Those people could never climb on Noah's back. Before Noah picks someone up, he always touches the bridge of their nose to read the other person's thoughts. All the thoughts of those who wanted to take the crown went to Noah. 

“You can’t ride on my back!”

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Deep Sea Water Dragon Egg Sprite.pngDeep Sea Water Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, tens or hundreds of years have passed. 

Now Noah lives in a small sea on the planet Alithia. It is swimming in the sea like a real whale. The body also became smaller than before, becoming similar in size to a whale. The city on my back also got smaller. It could only carry a few people. Perhaps the crown Noah hid also became smaller. 

There was only one thing that didn't get smaller. Noah's heart was to help people in danger. Noah always went out looking for people who needed his help. It was the same that day. 

“Help me! Help me! I don't know how to swim! “I don’t know how to swim!”

Noah , who saw the man in pain submerged in Water , quickly put him on his back. I felt very proud to be able to help someone. But that person was not someone who Relax needed Noah's help. He was a person who tried to steal the crown that the princess had given Noah as a gift a long time ago. 

“I finally found it! You don't know how long I've been looking for this crown! “If you have this, you can live forever without dying!”

Just as he said, the crown that the princess gave him contained the power of eternal life. It was thanks to this crown that Noah was able to survive for a long time. 

“What happens to me now…” ?”

“What happens! “You will disappear!”

“Disappearing… ?”

“You’ll find out soon.”

The person who took the crown jumped off Noah's back. He ran across the sea like a swimmer. Noah couldn't follow him. This is because the body that lost the crown became transparent.

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Stud Dragon Egg Sprite.pngStud Dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
"so? So what happened, brother?”

asked a brunette girl wearing cute frilly yellow pajamas. The girl's eyes, curious about Noah's backstory, were as sparkling as the full moon reflected in the window. 

“Oppa! Talk to me quickly! “What happened to Noah?”

“If you’re that curious, you should read it yourself.”

A boy with brown hair like the girl said. After a while, the girl who took the book from the boy's mouth popped out like a duck. 

“You know I can’t read yet! “I hate you, brother!”

The girl said in a sharp voice. The boy suppressed his laughter as he looked at his younger brother's puffy cheeks, which turned away from me. 

“Okay, okay. “You just have to read it.”

The boy opened the book again and immediately closed it again, wondering what was going on. The girl did not fuss and looked at the boy with a puzzled look. 

“It’s obvious, well. Noah must have gone to heaven.”

“You went to heaven?”

“Yes, heaven. I will be meeting my family and friends in heaven. maybe."

In the book, Noah did not go to heaven. It gradually became transparent and soon disappeared like a ghost. If I told this story to the girl, I was sure she would cry. So I had no choice but to make up a story, but did he realize it? The girl rolled her eyes.

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Thorn Nail Egg Sprite.pngThorn Nail to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold

The girl said. 

“How did Noah get to heaven! “You’re lying when you say I can’t read!”

“Why is that a lie? “Just like people go to heaven, Dragon also go to heaven.”


The girl screamed while running away. The girl's soft brown hair lapped her plump cheeks. 

“Teacher Tasha said that! Dragon can't go to heaven! Because Dragon never die!”

“That’s because Teacher Tasha lied because she was afraid you would cry if she told the truth that the Dragon would die.”

The boy was surprised by the tears in the girl's eyes. I made up the ending so as not to make anyone cry. 

“Oppa, you’re a liar! You're an idiot! brother is… ! “Hwaaaaa!”

When the girl cried loudly, the boy was embarrassed and did not know what to do. 

“Yes, I lied. Dragon don't die. I won't even go to heaven. So don't cry. huh?"

But the girl could hardly stop crying. Little by little, the boy began to hate the girl who did not understand his feelings. The feeling of hatred made the boy say mean things. 

“You crybaby! “Because you cry like this, no one is telling you the truth!”

“No! Teacher Tasha always tells the truth! “I’m not lying!”

“So you’re saying the Dragon never dies in its lifetime? What if I don’t have the crown the princess gave me?”


 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Death River Egg Sprite.pngDeath River to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
The sound of fighting went beyond the door and reached the ears of the mother and father of the two children downstairs. As time passed, the children's fighting sound did not decrease, and Mom and Dad sighed and got out of bed. 

“You guys!”

When mom and dad burst open the door, the boy and girl started screaming in surprise. They were so busy fighting that they didn't even hear their mom and dad come up. 

“We didn’t fight! yes?"

The boy said, holding the girl's hand as if they had just argued. The girl also held the boy's hand tightly. 

“Yes! We didn't fight. uh… ! Uh, I was just saying it out loud!”

“That’s right! “Am I old enough to fight with him?”

When the girl glared, the boy quickly said he was sorry. Still, when the girl did not close her flounder-like eyes, the boy whispered into her ear. 

“Mom, Dad, come down and I’ll teach you how to read.”

“Really? “Really?”

As the boy nodded, the girl smiled broadly. Mom and Dad, who noticed that a promise had been made between the two, shook their heads. 

“If we fight again, there will be no picnic this week! Egg it?"

At that time, the door opened wide and someone ran into the room. It was Seere who grew up with boys and girls since Hatch . 

“Yes, Seere. “Please help the children sleep.”

Seere nodded as if she understood and snuggled into the arms of the boy and girl.

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 6
Requirement: Grow 1 Wave Blue Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWave Blue Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Chapter 6 Art.png
After mom and dad left, the boy brought a small light. It was to keep his promise to teach him how to read. 

The boy brought the book he had read to him earlier and read its title word by word. 

“The stars, traveling, whale, story.”

The girl smiled and followed the boy's words one by one. 

“Stars! Traveling! whale! story!"

“Good job. “I guess I can read the book tomorrow?”

It was when the boy opened the book and tried to teach him more about writing. Seere rubbed her body against the boy's head. It meant that I had to go to sleep. Seere also rubbed her body against the girl. The girl burst into laughter as Seere's hair tickled her cheek. 

“Shhh! “Mom and Dad will hear it!”

The girl followed the boy and pressed her lips with her second finger. Seere called the two children, who were giggling as if they had been fighting, into the warm blanket. 

“Let’s really stop sleeping now.”

That was when the two children fell into a deep sleep. The window where the full moon was shining began to darken little by little, and then began to shine with someone's sparkling eyes. 

The owner of the eyes laughed evilly and spread a shadow, covering the children in Dark . Then, the Dream of the children Seere was watching Water black and white.

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 7
Requirement: Grow 1 Coelacanth Egg Sprite.pngCoelacanth to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The girl who had just been enjoying a picnic in Dream suddenly fell into the empty castle ruins. My brother, mother, and father were nowhere to be seen. The girl thought it was her brother's prank. 

“Hide and seek is no fun. Stop it and come out! huh? brother! Mom! “Daddy!”

But still, the girl was the only one at the castle site. A cool Wind passed by the frightened girl, making her shiver. 

“I’m scared, brother… ! scared… !”

At that time, a large shadow began to appear above the girl's head. The girl thought it was the shadow of a scary Dragon. 

“Please save me! “Please save me!”

Despite the girl's earnest request, the shadow did not stop and continued to approach the girl. However, it did not keep the girl in the Dark. 

'Aren't you trying to attack me... ?' 

The girl gathered courage and raised her head. Then a large Dragon resembling a whale appeared. It was the Star Whale Dragon from the storybook my brother read to me before going to bed. 

“Noah! “Noah, right?”

The girl who woke up in joy asked. Noah had no answer. He just came a little closer to the girl.

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 8
Requirement: Grow 1 Sleeze Egg Sprite.pngSleeze to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
The girl noticed that Noah was strange. In the storybook, Noah was surrounded by smooth white leather. However, the Noah in front of the girl now had only bones left. There were no golden horns or golden fins to be seen. This Light whale Dragon looked exactly like it was in the photo I took at the hospital the last time I injured my leg. 

“How did this happen, Noah… ?”

, the last story of 'The Story of a Whale Swimming in the Stars' told by her brother appeared in the girl's mind. 

“No way… It's because of the princess's crown... ?”

The girl opened her mouth, which she had unconsciously closed, and spoke. 

“Did you turn invisible and become a ghost because of that bad person who lied that you couldn’t swim, jumped on your back, and stole your crown?”

Noah did not answer. He just came down little by little and stood next to the girl. The girl faced Noah's empty eye sockets. It was an unfamiliar sight, but it wasn't scary. Rather, the way it sparkled under the moonlight was beautiful and even mysterious. 

“Now are you going to heaven…? ?”

The girl asked Noah. 

“My brother said that Dragon also go to heaven. don't worry. It won't be a scary place. “It’s where my grandmother and grandfather are too.”

The girl tried to reach out and pet Noah, but she couldn't touch him. The girl's hands passed through Noah's body. The girl was startled and withdrew her hand from Noah's body. 

“Are you okay? “I’m sorry if it hurt you.”

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 9
Requirement: Grow 1 Deep Blue Purple Lips Egg Sprite.pngDeep Blue Purple Lips to adult Reward: 400 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
This place was a girl's Dream. Therefore, Noah could not feel any pain. 

Noah doesn't know who sent him here, but he was very grateful. This is because he liked the girl who looked at him with Affable eyes. That's how curious I was about the girl's thoughts. So Noah put his nose to the girl. This way, the other person's thoughts unfold like a picture. But Noah couldn't see the girl's thoughts. Because I couldn't touch the bridge of my nose. 

“Do you want to read my thoughts?”

The girl asked Noah. Noah nodded. The girl thought for a moment and then said. 

“I’m really happy to meet you. But it's sad that you're going to heaven. “I won’t see you again until I get there.”

“Dragon don’t go to heaven.”

Noah said. The girl's eyes widened as Noah had no idea how to speak. 

“The Dragon goes to a place called Lathea. It's like a sanctuary for the soul. “I will go there someday.”

“You mean someday you’ll still be alive?”

Noah nodded. 

“Do you know that this place is a dream?”

The girl shook her head. I had forgotten that this was a dream until Noah spoke. 

“Are you only alive in your dreams?”

“No. I can meet you in real life too. I'll show up when you need me. Please don't be afraid of me then like you are now... ?”

It was when the girl made a promise to Noah. Suddenly the castle ruins collapsed and the Dream began to crumble. Sensing separation, the girl shouted to Noah. 

“We will definitely meet again, Noah! Definitely in real life!”

 The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Tale - Chapter 10
Requirement: Grow 1 Neptune Egg Sprite.pngNeptune to adult Reward: 1 Noah Egg Sprite.pngNoah (Ghost Whale form) egg
The Story of a Whale Traveling to the Stars Chapter 10 Art.png
When she opened her eyes, she found her brother looking down at her with worried eyes. 

“Oppa… ?”

Hearing the girl's voice, the boy let out a sigh of relief. 

“It’s okay. “Everything is okay now.”

The boy said, wiping the girl's sweaty hair. 

The boy pointed behind him to the girl who was looking at him with a puzzled look. There, Seere was seen jumping around the room. I rubbed my eyes and saw that I was chasing something, a black shadow. The boy said it belonged to some Dark Dragon and that it was why the girl had nightmares. 

“No. “I didn’t have a nightmare.”

The girl said, shaking her head. 

“Yes, it was a terrible hallucination that started from an evil shadow.”

The girl shook her head again. 

“No, it wasn’t terrible. Did you meet a star whale in Dream? “It was a star whale as transparent as a ghost!”

The boy thought that the girl had not yet come out of her nightmare. 

“It’s true! I met the real star whale Noah! Noah says Dragon don't go to heaven! “I’m going to Lattea!”

“Latea? This is my first time hearing about this place... ?”

It was when the boy and girl were fighting again. A black shadow appeared beyond the window. Seere , who thought the Dark Dragon had come again, ran to see the Dragon outside the window and was surprised. Because there was that star whale that the girl was talking about. The star whale cried loudly as if to let the girl know that he had come. The girl who heard the strange crying ran out the window. 

“Noah! “You came looking for me!”


The Portunus Default Adult M Sprite.png Portunus tale is unlocked when you own at least 1 adult Janerr Egg Sprite.pngJanerr. The end of the tale rewards you with a Portunus Egg Sprite.pngPortunus egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

 Portunus Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Portunus, who was sailing through the sea as usual, suddenly stopped. It was because of the Egg pain felt throughout my body. There may have been something wrong with Portunus' body, but the feeling was different then. This was a Water problem. Someone was doing something dangerous in the Water. 

“Who on earth would do this… !”

Portunus wanted to go out and find the person causing the problem, but he couldn't. Every time he crossed the current, terrible pain surrounded Portunus. However, if I left him alone, it was clear that he would be trapped in this terrible pain forever. If it was polluting the Water, it was also dangerous for other creatures living in the sea. 

“I have to tell Goddess Leona about this… !”

Portunus endured the pain and began to swim. The Temple of Estella, which was close, seemed far away today. 

'What if I collapse without being able to get to the Estella Temple... ?' 

Portunus shook his head. No matter what happened, I had to tell Goddess Leona about this. 

'There is a reason why I was born as someone who can feel Water. I couldn't have been given this ability just to enjoy the sea.' 

So Portunus headed towards the Temple of Estella again. The pain was so strong that I had no idea what I was doing in the Water, but I never stopped flapping my wings. 

'Just a little more... ! Just a little more... !' 

It was then. Neptune was visible. Neptune , who noticed that Portunus ' movements were different from usual, went straight to Portunus and began to support him. 

“What’s going on, Portunus!”

Portunus spoke with all his remaining strength.

“The sea, the sea is dangerous... !”

 Portunus Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Thanks to Neptune 's power to Purify evil energy, the Water lapping at Estella Temple was clearer and cleaner than anywhere else. Thanks to this, Portunus was able to quickly Heal his strength. 

“How are you feeling, Portunus?”

Portunus jumped up at the sound of Goddess Leona's voice. It was to show respect to Goddess Leona, but it was also a desire to inform people of the dangerous situation in the deep sea. 

“Goddess Leona, someone is doing something dangerous in the Water. “I felt danger with my whole body.”

“I know, Portunus.”

Goddess Leona told Portunus, who was taken aback by his calm appearance, about what happened while he was down. 

“Kalista set out to find the danger of the deep sea. Life in the deep sea is protected by six guardian dragons. And Neptune will Purify the already polluted sea.”

“Then I’m glad.”

Portunus said with relief. However, Goddess Leona's expression was not as refreshing as Portunus'. 

“What are you worried about?”

“I heard that the danger from the deep sea is heading towards land. I think they plan to take over the land through the port. But now there is no Dragon that can protect the port.”

Portunus spoke without hesitation. 

“I will do that. “Please leave the port to me, Goddess Leona.”

 Portunus Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Deep Blue Purple Lips Egg Sprite.pngDeep Blue Purple Lips to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
After much deliberation, the goddess Leona ordered Portunus to guard the port. Neptune Purify the road to the port so that Portunus would not suffer from polluted water. Thanks to this, Portunus arrived at the port safely and began to warn the sailors in the port of the danger. 

“Someone is spreading danger into the deep sea! It's polluting the sea water! “If this Water overflows, not only the port but also the land will be polluted!”

Despite Portunus' urgent cries, the sailors did not move. They continued what they were doing, listening to Portunus' voice as if they had turned on the radio. 

“Can’t you hear me?”

“I can hear you well. But what, is it only a day or two that the sea has been polluted?”

“This is not just pollution! “Your lives depend on it!”

However, the sailors rarely left the port, and Portunus returned to the sea in search of a Dragon who could persuade them. But then, a pain that was incomparable to before came. It meant that a danger stronger than before had come. Danger was approaching rapidly. 

'There is no time to persuade the sailors. We have to evacuate as soon as possible!' 

Thus, Portunus raised the sea water and created a huge water column. The sailors, startled by the endlessly rising water column, began to back away. Portunus continued to raise the water until they reached safety.

 Portunus Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Bato Egg Sprite.pngBato to adult Reward: 600 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
The problem was that someone interpreted that as preparation for an attack. The person who spread danger to the deep sea began to attack Portunus. Portunus hit him with the water column he had prepared, but he did not move. 

“How dare you try to block my plan! You looked at me funny! “Then I will show you how great my power is!”

The Egg Dragon began to flap its wings. The waves fluttering on his wings quickly became rough and created a large whirlpool. 

“We will occupy the land first!”

Without hesitation, Portunus pounced on the person who spread his wings towards the land. It grabbed its wings with its pincer-like horns and dragged it down into the depths of the sea. The evil energy emitted by the Dragon in question polluted the Water and made Portunus suffer, but Portunus did not let go of his wings until the end. 

“There is no place here where you can do as you please. “I will protect both the deep sea and the port!”

Portunus fell at high speed and slammed his opponent into a rock. As the Dragon's wings stuck in the rock cracked, the whirlpool heading toward the port began to subside. 

Portunus kept his guard up and captured the Dragon in question, informing Kalista of his location through the current. Auros, who was nearby, ran straight to Portunus. Auros wrapped his long body tightly around the Dragon in question and began to strangle it. The Dragon in question struggled and screamed until the end. 

“Don’t think this is the end… ! “This is just the beginning!”

 Portunus Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Neptune Egg Sprite.pngNeptune to adult Reward: 1 Portunus Egg Sprite.pngPortunus egg
Portunus expressed his gratitude to Auros. 

“If you hadn’t come then, you would have missed him. The Water was so painful. “It is all thanks to Auros that the deep sea and the port have found peace.”

Auros shook his head. 

“No, it is you who kept the peace, Portunus.”

Everyone around nodded as if they agreed with Auros' words. Among them was the goddess Leona. 

“Auros is right. If it weren't for Portunus, everyone would still be anxious. The sailors and port residents are also grateful to Portunus.”

It was just as Goddess Leona said. People began to cheer when they saw Portunus come up from the Water . 

“Thanks to you, my life was saved, Portunus!”

“If it weren’t for you, we would all be dead!”

The sailors and residents led Portunus to a Temple , saying that they had prepared something for him. It was the Temple of Portunus, named after Portunus . 

“It may be shameless to ask you something, Portunus.”

The people surrounding Portunus said. They carefully opened their mouths while observing Portunus's gaze. 

“Will you be able to protect the port in the future, Portunus? Goddess Leona also said she would like you to guard the port.”

“Really… ? You entrusted me with such an important task... ?”

What people said was true. Goddess Leona asked Portunus to guard the port just as Callista guarded the deep sea. After much deliberation, Portunus decided to follow the orders of the goddess Leona, and the sailors and port residents began to follow Portunus as if he were a god.

Battleship Noah

The Noah Battleship Adult M Sprite.png Battleship Noah tale is unlocked when you own 5 or more adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Noah Egg Sprite.pngNoah (Battleship form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Aqua Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAqua Dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
Where did it go wrong? 

Maybe it's because of Noah's Personality that he can never just pass by when he finds someone in trouble. 

Noah, who was swimming slowly with his companions high above the planet Alithia, where it touches space, was met with a large flash and a deafening roar before his eyes, and he fell slowly from the sky with tremendous pain. I lost my mind. 

As countless hours passed, Noah regained consciousness and lost it several times due to extreme pain. When I came to my senses, I had to swallow a groan of pain. Although he couldn't fully inspect his body, it was clear that his injuries were quite serious. 

When Noah finally came to his senses, he felt that some people were surrounding his body, touching him here and there, and exchanging Egg stories with each other. Since I felt no malice, I had no choice but to leave my injured and exhausted body as is.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Lauha Egg Sprite.pngLauha to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
Noah opened his eyes in a huge empty room. 

In the corner, there was some Dragon food and an artificial lake large enough for Noah to bathe in. After feeling puzzled for a moment by the artificial room that seemed to have been made just for him, Noah realized that his body was strangely heavy. 

Noah was surprised when he floated and saw his fin. Both fins, wrapped in bandages, were supported by solid Steel. 

Noah began to move quickly towards the water in front of him. At that time, beyond the clear water, an unfamiliar Dragon with metal parts attached to its entire body, including its face, was looking at me.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Tilant Egg Sprite.pngTilant to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
As Noah's screams filled the room, a door opened in what used to be a wall, and several humans rushed in. 

The humans, who spoke quickly in Egg words, gradually approached the struggling Noah. The Dragon that followed the humans were all clad in hard Steel armor or had parts of their bodies mechanized. 

Among the humans, a human with unique purple hair appeared. He made his way through the crowd of people who were faltering at the huge, writhing size of Noah, and reached out his hand in a familiar manner and placed his hand on the bridge of Noah's nose.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Ruthperon Egg Sprite.pngRuthperon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
Although I couldn't understand the language, countless emotions and thoughts came rushing in as the human hand touched the bridge of my nose. 

Huge star whales slowly falling from the sky. 

Roaring noises and acrid smoke erupting here and there. 

A continent full of metals such as hard Steel. 

The humans on the continent who saw Noah and his companions falling ran all over the place to save at least one more Dragon from being attacked. 

Nevertheless, the seriously injured group set off on a long, uncertain journey. 

Noah, who was able to see the past in fragments through humans, began to tremble and cry bitterly at the fact that he was alone. 

Noah , who was crying in Sad , saw other humans and Dragon approaching him. And then I felt a momentary tingling sensation and went out of my mind again.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Mamunia Egg Sprite.pngMamunia to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
Humans dressed in white clothes walked around, busily examining themselves. 

His entire body was bound with hard metal so that he could not move, and the people surrounding him were talking to each other in an Egg language, flipping through wads of white paper in their hands. As Noah struggled, making a loud noise that shook the lab, a purple-haired man who had been watching the big screen from afar came running urgently. As I gently comforted Noah, who was struggling in frustration, Noah movements became quiet. In the echo of the heart heard through the man's hands, no feelings of harm were felt. 

The continent where Noah fell was a country with an extremely developed mechanical civilization. 

They were trying to Heal Noah as much as possible with advanced technology. Fatal wounds were permanently replaced with Steel parts. The more Noah received treatment, the less he could regain his original appearance, but he felt grateful when he heard that the purple-haired man was trying to help him Heal through treatment.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 6
Requirement: Grow 1 Thunderbolt Dragon Egg Sprite.pngThunderbolt Dragon to adult Grow: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
Through his long association with this human, Noah gradually became able to understand the language of this country. 

I could feel my wounds healing day by day, and my body became heavier in proportion. Occasionally, an Egg headache and lethargy struck me, but when the purple-haired man who introduced himself as Janus patted me, I found myself in a state of peace. It may have been natural that Noah, who received good-willed help and consideration, could not refuse Janus' request. 

Janus explained that Noah's abilities would be helpful to injured Dragon and humans like Noah , even if they could not understand each other's language. He began to persuade Noah that sound waves, which are stronger in the water, have the power to resonate with others, and that if combined with this country's mechanical civilization, more lives could be saved outside the Water . 

After accepting Janus' request, more mechanical parts began to run on Noah's body. 

The body became heavier and was lined with cold metal. It was almost completely healed except for the large scars, but the headaches were still there. There were times when my body was lethargic and there were moments when it moved against my will. Noah's cries sometimes included the sounds of machinery or metal. 

Noah, who thought the aftereffects of his injury would last for a long time, regained his stability after seeing Janus visit him every night. 

Janus said he was Noah's companion and brought several robot fish to him as gifts. The robots, which resembled tiny friends swimming together in the deep sea, blinked their red eyes and waved their fins towards Noah. As Noah looked at the small, fish-like robots, he vaguely recalled the image of the sea becoming cloudy in his memory.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 7
Requirement: Grow 1 Bubble Dragon Egg Sprite.pngBubble Dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
Noah made the loudest noise he could make in the testing room. Then, beyond the hidden wall, I saw a Dragon collapsed and being carried away. As he watched the humans carrying the fallen Dragon and moving it as if they were organizing things, he was shocked to learn that he had threatened the Dragon. 

'Resonance Test' 

Janus always explained this to Noah, who was confused. 

“The Dragon just now is a very ferocious Dragon that was trapped here after injuring many lives. “I volunteered for this test with the promise of a reduced sentence, so you don’t have to worry.”

After the resonance test was over, Janus asked Noah how often this place was attacked, how much his country was protecting this area, and how many humans were there thanks to Noah's abilities. and whether the Dragon were protected. Meanwhile, he steadily monitored Noah's condition. Sometimes, he came with a group of humans dressed in white clothes. While Noah and Janus were communicating, they continued to check whether the parts attached to Noah were working properly and whether the replaced tail fin could move smoothly. 

Leaving Noah and the man behind, the researchers continued to exchange stories and diligently record something on white paper. 

'The shapeless echoing sound that heals and resonates can be used as a lethal attack if slightly modified when combined with the Republic's technology. Because it has no shape, it will be very useful for raids. The neural connection parts attached to object No. 4 show a synchronization rate of about 98%.'

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 8
Requirement: Grow 1 Coelacanth Egg Sprite.pngCoelacanth to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
For some reason, the persistent headache gradually became dull and made Noah lethargic. 

Even when the researchers got on the body and replaced the parts, added new metal, or made a sharp metallic sound, he didn't think anything of it. The image of myself looking beyond the water was Somber than before. It was covered with such delicate mechanical parts that it was difficult to find its original form as seen before. It was difficult to tell to what extent it was Noah's original body. 

'To what extent is it 'originally my body'?' 

Noah, who had been interacting with Janus through resonance, gradually stopped communicating. Janus did not feel offended by Noah's actions. All he did was lightly pat the bridge of Noah's nose, which was covered in metal. 

Occasionally, I would be called to the test site and each time I would receive similar requests as before. A strong resonant sound was emitted, and many Dragon fell. Leaving behind Noah, who was standing quietly, the researchers were recording various things. Noah stopped thinking while detailed research continued day after day, such as how much damage would be caused when energy was released and whether it was possible to narrow the sound range of the cry and focus the attack on a specific point.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 9
Requirement: Grow 1 Bato Egg Sprite.pngBato to adult Reward: 400 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
'Noah No. 4 is in the final stage of work. You can proceed with the experiment with the next Dragon.' 

'You've worked hard. This Dragon's body is quite large and its emotions are more delicate and rich than expected, so it seems that it took a long time to control it.' 

'Thanks to you, I was able to gain a lot, so it was okay. By being able to identify the main habitat, characteristics, and Personality of the Dragon in question, I think it will be of great help in the mechanization development research of the Principality of Mihaim.' 

Se Janus reports the progress in a quiet voice, and he talks excitedly. Noah moved quietly among the researchers who were exchanging words. The robot fish that Janus gave as a gift followed Noah as if they were following Noah. While passing through the long hallway, the cold metal on Noah's body occasionally made clanking and clanking sounds.

Battleship Noah Tale - Chapter 10
Requirement: Grow 1 Cleio Egg Sprite.pngCleio to adult Reward: 1 Noah Egg Sprite.pngNoah (Battleship form) egg
Battleship Noah Tale Art.png
The endless, huge space that emerged after passing through the long hallway was filled with Combat craft equipped with all kinds of weapons and mobile Combat robots. 

The eyes of the machines in the form of humans and Dragon were glowing red, but there was no feeling of life. Despite the large number of Combat robots that filled the huge space, the area was quiet, and only the voices of  the researchers who came in with Noah rang out. 

In a huge space, a group of people who had traveled together among the stars were lined up in a similar shape to Noah. Not only that, but many Dragon had mechanical parts all over their bodies. I couldn't feel any life force, but only heard mechanical sounds. In the eerie silence, Noah quietly entered and stood in the same place as them. 

'All batches up to No. 4 have been completed. You can deploy when entering the next area.' 

'Okay. ‘Let us deploy to the forefront and enter together.’

Valcan Egg Fragment

The Valcan Default Adult M Sprite.png Valcan story is unlocked when you've completed the quest Third Guardian Dragon: Guardian Dragon Research. The end of the tale rewards you with a Valcan Egg Fragment E. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Valcan Egg Fragment Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Life River Egg Sprite.pngLife River to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
The deep sea, where there were no threats, was filled with silence. 

Valcan was floating on the magma of an undersea volcano, flowing along with the magma. This kind of peace came to me almost once a year, so I decided to deeply feel the peace that had come for the first time in a long time. 

Valcan closed his eyes and dug into the lava, and the magma slowly guided the sleeping Valcan somewhere. The path Magma led was a path unknown to any guardian dragon or living creature. 

The magma led to a large Cave. Valcan didn't even know he had arrived there, but hit his head on a rock rising above the lava. 

Valcan, who misunderstood the rock as an enemy, was startled and jumped out of the lava. He was soon relieved that it was not an enemy and looked around. 

A huge Cave was captured in Valcan's eyes. It was a Cave filled with large and small Persian ores.

Valcan Egg Fragment Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Coral Nessiebig Egg Sprite.pngCoral Nessiebig to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Valcan looked at the magma path he had floated down. “This magma path leads to the lower part of the Temple.”

Valcan, who sensed his location, began exploring the Cave. It was a space reminiscent of an anthill, with huge spaces intertwined like a maze. 

Regardless of their size, the Persian ores were Light very brightly. Valcan also tried touching ore and lighting it on Fire. 

The ore did not even show any signs of melting in the Valcan Fire that melted everything. Valcan began to flap his wings deeper to dig up the mysterious ore. 

As it got closer to the center of the Cave, the size of the Persian ore became larger and more colorful, and at the same time, the strange energy emanating from it grew in size. 

I don't know how much time passed, but before I knew it, I was faced with a space so huge that it was incomparable to other Cave.

Valcan Egg Fragment Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Vetala Egg Sprite.pngVetala to adult Reward: 1 Valcan Egg Fragment E
The center of the Cave was completely separated from the volcano and was full of cold energy. The small flames had enough energy to go out in an instant. 

The cold, sparkling Persion ore spread a strange Light, and the Cave walls were engulfed in Light and Water purple. 

"I have never felt such an energy that seemed to devour my flame anywhere."

Valcan felt a cold and strange energy, and looked into the deepest and Somber place in the center. 

The Valcan flame was speaking like that to that place. 

The threat of the deep sea. 
invisible threat must be eliminated. 

The flame did not speak, but it was burning hotly as if it was speaking. 

"I have to inform the goddess and the guardian dragons about this."

Believing in the burning of the flame, Valcan jumped back into the magma and headed back up the path toward the Temple.

Lios' Egg Fragment

The Lios Default Adult M Sprite.png Lios' Egg Fragment is unlocked when you complete the quest Sixth Guardian Dragon: Clear the Magic of Egg Pieces. The end of the tale rewards you with a Lios Egg Piece C. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

 Lios' Egg Fragment - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragons to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Goddess Leona began to climb onto a platform higher than her waist. Auros, who was nearby, supported Goddess Leona to prevent her from falling. Thanks to this, Goddess Leona, who safely climbed onto the stage, looked down at the Estella Temple and clenched her fists. 

“I’ve decided! “I will protect the deep sea like my grandmother!”

Goddess Helena's face was filled with smiles as she looked up at her granddaughter who cutely revealed her aspirations. As if she had never made a loud noise, Goddess Helena hugged Goddess Leona, who shyly came down from the stage with the help of Auros, into her arms. 

“Yes, you can do it. “Whose granddaughter is this!”

“That’s right! I can do it! “You are the granddaughter of Goddess Helena!”

Goddess Helena warmly kissed Goddess Leona's small forehead, thinking that Goddess Leona's thoughts would change over time. I thought it was a Dream that would disappear like foam over time, like the Dream of becoming a Dragon that Goddess Leona had when she was five years old. No, I hoped so. I did not want to pass on a difficult position to this small, precious, Lovely child. However, Goddess Leona's intention to protect the deep sea was sincere. 

“This is where I was born and raised. They say memories are melted in each wave. Among them, I also have memories with my grandmother. I just don't want to lose those memories. “Because I love my grandmother.”

Goddess Helena could not break the stubbornness of Goddess Leona, who had already surpassed her own height. It seemed like he couldn't ignore his granddaughter's love for him. However, the deep sea was still a dangerous and unstable place to hand over to the goddess Leona. While Goddess Leona protected the deep sea, a Dragon was needed to protect her from the deep sea. So, he relieved his power and created six guardian dragons.

 Lios' Egg Fragment - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Lios was one of the six guardian dragons, a Water Dragon that could control the Wind . Lios , who inherited the power of the goddess Helena, was able to freely create and manipulate Wind , from small Wind like a very fluffy wind to large Wind like a typhoon. With this power, Lios defeated dangerous people who approached the goddess Leona. When a large number of enemies appeared, he would create a Wind and knock them out of their minds. 

“You really have powerful Wind power, Lios.”

Goddess Helena, who watched Lios' power, said with a smile on her face. 

“It’s all thanks to Goddess Helena. “It is not my power that creates the Wind, but the power of Goddess Helena.”

“Being humble. I have given you my strength, not mine, but yours.”

Goddess Helena's face, who had been laughing and chatting with Lios, suddenly began to be filled with worry. It was because of Goddess Leona. Goddess Helena spoke in a sighing voice as she brushed the hair of Leona, who collapsed from exhaustion after patrolling the deep sea. 

“Why do you say you want to walk this difficult path… … .”

After looking at her granddaughter's sleeping face for a long time, Goddess Helena told Lios that she had a place to go with her. When Lios followed the goddess Helena, other guardian dragons stood by her side. 

“Don’t worry, we will protect Goddess Leona.”

The place we arrived at after following Goddess Helena was an empty space in the deep sea with no one around. 

“Try to create the biggest Wind you can create.”

Lios created a great Wind as ordered by the goddess Helena. The Wind was powerful enough to blow even the rocks, but Goddess Helena was not satisfied. The goddess Helena told Lios that he should create a Wind much larger than the current one. But no matter how hard he tried, Lios could not create a Wind bigger than that. 

“I gave you more power than you thought. So trust me and try one more time, Lios. “You can do it.”

 Lios' Egg Fragment - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Lios Egg Piece C
One day, quite some time had passed since then, Lios visited the vacant lot with the goddess Leona. In the still empty space, not even rocks or seaweed could be seen. It was very clean, like a place that had been swept through by a typhoon. 

“Why did you bring me here, Lios?”

Goddess Leona asked. The sight of her smiling and warm voice even though she was exhausted from caring for the deep sea reminded her of her maternal grandmother, the goddess Helena. 

“I have something to show Goddess Leona.”

Lios asked Goddess Leona to stand behind him. 

“It’s dangerous because of the Wind .”

Goddess Leona, who knew the power of the Wind created by Lios , obediently did as Lios told her. Then Lios began to create Wind . It was a Wind so powerful that it could not be compared to Wind that Goddess Leona had ever seen. 

“Sky… ! “I can see the sky, Lios!”

Goddess Leona said, pointing to the area between the seas that were split by the Wind caused by Lios . Lios did not stop and created an even stronger Wind, causing the Affable sun to surround the goddess Leona. 

“Goddess Helena asked for it! “Whenever Goddess Leona gets tired, split the sea and give her Affable sunlight as a gift!”

Goddess Leona felt the Affable sunlight surrounding her like the arms of her grandmother. It also reminded me of the time when I declared to the goddess Helena that I would follow in my grandmother's footsteps and protect the sea. 

“You know, Lios!”

Goddess Leona, who had been basking in the sun for a while, said. 

“I love this Affable sun, but I think I love the cold sea more! Thanks to you, I once again realized my love for the deep sea! thank you!"

After reflecting on her feelings through Goddess Helena and Lios, Goddess Leona headed back to the sea. Lios stopped the Wind, and the sky was covered with sea again. Goddess Leona shouted at Lios, who could not easily leave the vacant lot filled with memories of Goddess Helena. 

“Let’s go, Lios! There's still a long way to go to catch up with grandma! hurry!"

At the call of the goddess Leona, Lios hurried to her side. Is it because it was exposed to sunlight? Goddess Leona's side was unusually warm today.


The Linu Default Adult M Sprite.png Linu story is unlocked when you own at least one adult Rusalka Egg Sprite.pngRusalka. The end of the tale rewards you with a Linu Egg Sprite.pngLinu egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Linu Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Tilant Egg Sprite.pngTilant to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
There was a young Dragon who had long admired the Dragon that protected Sanctuary Lathea. 

Linu has respected Centura in his heart for a very long time. When traitors and conspirators attacked Lathea, Centura always raised a blue flame and Combat at the forefront. 

It was truly a spectacular sight to see the blue and red flames of the Centura and Afrit engaged in large and small Combat in Lathea intertwined and rushing towards the enemy. 

For young Rinu, who cannot see such things with his own eyes, he is always by his side and kindly informs him of what is happening and how Centura, whom Rinu admires, is fighting the Combat. There was another Dragon. 

Young Rinu gradually grew up with a feeling of respect for Centura, who was recognized as the king, the Afrit Army that helped him, and Enturas, who explained everything to him.

Linu Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Tropheus Egg Sprite.pngTropheus to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
As Linu grew up, he learned that the world he lived in was Lathea, which was recognized as a paradise for Dragon, and also a place where many Dragon came to rest for what may be an eternity. 

A paradise for Dragon, this charming place was always attacked by greedy Dragon. Under Centura's command, several Dragon managed to stop several violent attacks, but Rinu was vaguely aware that the attack would be a battle that would never end. 

Linu wanted to give strength to the Dragon who were throwing their whole bodies for Lathea. Did such earnest feelings reach God? Linu was able to learn the power of flame and starlight, similar to the familiar Dragon he was trying to protect. 

'The power of starlight and flame! Linu, these two completely different powers will become the greatest weapon to protect you!' 

Enturas congratulated Linu by lightly patting him on the back.

Linu Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Blowfish Goldie Egg Sprite.pngBlowfish Goldie to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Centura was unexpectedly attacked by an old comrade who returned from outside Lathea after a long time. Although the attack was easily avoided, Linu and Sentura were quite shocked. Sentura, who captured him and asked him various questions, realized that the Dragon with a strong desire for conquest targeting this place were in secret communication with the Dragon inside. On the day that Centura, the guardian of Lathea, was attacked, Linu realized that he had something to do. 

'Why are you trying to go out? We don't want you to fight together on the Field.' 

Enturas shook his head as if he couldn't understand. 

'I want to protect this Earth that I admire and that those I like want to protect.' 

Rinu responded next. 

'The power of my starlight is stronger outside of Lathea. With my power, I will be able to block the crack in Lathea.' 

Enturas playfully stroked and slightly disturbed Linu's blue flame mane, who had already made up his mind. Sentura also noticed that Rinu would leave even if he ordered him to stay in Lathea. 

'Linu, this will be a difficult road to handle. I know your energy, so I ask you to open the door for me at any time.' 

Linu turned his head towards Centura, who spoke in a worried voice, and smiled brightly. 

The Afrit who followed to the border of Lathea said goodbye to Linu. At first glance, an expression of concern seemed to pass over Centura's face as he watched Rinu disappear into the quiet deep sea.

Linu Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Thunderbolt Dragon Egg Sprite.pngThunderbolt Dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Arriving in the quiet deep sea through the Lathea's Gate, Linu's blue mane shimmered in the starlight. Although it was deep under the sea, the bright power of the moon and starlight reached the place where Rinu was located. 

Linu calmly caught his breath. 

From now on, I really had to walk alone. 

In the deep sea, Linu flew to the place where he could feel the cracks in the latea and began to cleanly erase the traces of the flowing latea. With the power of the constellations, he was able to identify the time and location of the cracks in Lathea and close them that were constantly opening. 

It was constantly moving for days, months, and years. 

Sometimes, some beings would follow their traces and approach closely. At times like that, Linu moved quietly, leaving no trace. There were times when we had to struggle to block attacks from strong and greedy Dragon. 

'How long can I stop it like this? 'Is there no way to completely close the rift?' 

He could have asked Centura and Enturas to open the door so he could return to Lathea, but Rinou saved his words. 

'I will block as much as I can. 'I can still hold on.' 

While Rinu was muttering, he felt a non-hostile energy in the energy of the stars spreading around him. The beings were coming straight towards me through the Dark of the deep sea.

Linu Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Rusalka Egg Sprite.pngRusalka to adult Reward: 1 Linu Egg Sprite.pngLinu Egg
Because it could be dangerous if the Dragon outside Lathea found out that he could not see, Linu turned his head in the direction the beings were approaching and folded his wings neatly. 

The beings who approached adjusted their deeply subdued voices several times, as if they were conducting a conversation for the first time. 

'Ah... Ah. I finally found it. Is that you? Dragon Lee who fought alone in our territory.' 

'Thanks to you, the place where we lived has regained stability.' 

'If it were just us, we wouldn't have been able to stop such an attack. What kind of place is it? It is.' 

'Why do you sacrifice your body so much to protect it?' 

Small and soft voice. Although they had similar voices, they were strangely different and naturally spoke to Linu after another. It seemed as if we were sharing each other's thoughts. Linu quickly realized that these were the beings who had been watching and following him from afar as he closed the rift for a long time. One of them approached Linu. 

'Don't fight alone. We at Rusalka would like to be the strength of the person who protected our home.' 

The beings who called themselves Rusalka surrounded Linu. It seemed as if he was trying to protect an exhausted Rinu. Even Linu's shallow barrier to those who approached with good intentions was broken down. The moment Rusalka held Linu's hand, they understood each other's feelings. 

'We must prevent the cracks in the latea from splitting. 'Can you help me?' 

'I understand. We will become your eyes, hands and feet, and together we will protect the place you want to protect.' 

Linu and Rusalka smiled brightly.



The Abyssedge Default Adult M Sprite.png Abyssedge story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Shark Dragon Egg Sprite.pngShark Dragon(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Abyssedge Egg Sprite.pngAbyssedge egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Abyssedge Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
There were two Abyssedge born in a similar place, around the same time, and raised together. The two Abyssedge , who resembled identical twins in Personality and appearance, were best Friend in the world. They always stuck together and did everything together. They ate together, hunted together, and enjoyed swimming together. The two Abyssedge had fun doing anything together, but there was one thing they enjoyed the most. It was a game of chasing small fish. 

“It will be time for the anchovies to arrive in a little while. “You know, right?”

The two Abyssedge were hiding behind a rock and jumped out as a school of anchovies approached. The anchovies were startled by the appearance of the two Abyssedge and began to swim quickly in fear. Even though the two Abyssedge were able to catch up with the school of anchovies, they slowed down and started to chase after them. The anchovies beat their tails with all their might, with faces filled with fear. The two Abyssedge followed them leisurely, catching and eating anchovies that had fallen from the group. 

“Kkkkkkkkk! “They look like weak things!”

“That’s right! stupid guys!"

The two Abyssedge patted their full stomachs and said that they would play chasing small fish tomorrow again. 

“We will be together tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, promise!”

Abyssedge Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Nello Egg Sprite.pngNello to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The friendship between the two Abyssedge continued until they became Hatchling , as promised. But we no longer played the game of chasing small fish. It was too trivial a game for the two Abyssedge Hatchling . The two Abyssedge went deeper into the sea to find a game that suited them. It was a place with sharks. 

“Would you like to bet on who catches the shark first?”

“Okay! “Whoever loses gets hit with the tail!”

The two Abyssedge each rushed at their target shark, without regard for who was first. One attacked the shark with its tail and the other with its teeth. The two sharks fainted at the same time, and the two Abyssedge began wandering around looking for a stronger fish to give them a clear showdown. However, since they spent most of their time together, their strengths were similar, and their matches always ended in a draw. 

“I guess it won’t work. “The only way is to compete directly!”

And so the two Abyssedge began their duel. It was my first duel as a Hatchling. 

“Come on, come on!”

Unlike when hunting fish , the Abyssedge hesitated and postponed their attacks, but at some point they began attacking each other with all their might. It bit the bridge of its nose with its sharp teeth and struck its Friend's back with its heavy tail. The physical wounds led to psychological wounds, and when the duel ended, the two Abyssedge were no longer Friend .

Abyssedge Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Shark Dragon Egg Sprite.pngShark Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Abyssedge Egg Sprite.pngAbyssedge egg
It was quite some time later that the two Abyssedge met. They first met as Egg and are now Adult. 

“This is my area.”

The joy of reunion was short-lived, and the two Abyssedge began to fight over territory. 

“I came first. So, it’s my area.”

“I discovered this place yesterday. So, it’s my area.”

The two Abyssedge only hoped that Friend would yield, but they were not willing to yield. Eventually they started fighting like they did with Hatchling . 

Their Adult bodies were no different from weapons. Its teeth were sharp like saw blades, its tail was as heavy as a rock, and its fins were sharp like knives. 

“You give up!”

“No… ! “You give up!”

The two Abyssedge spoke in the blood-red sea. They still had no intention of giving up territory to Friend. I thought that if one of them was going to occupy this area, it would have to be him. 

But as a result, no one could occupy that area. The new Abyssedge came after smelling blood and defeated the two exhausted Abyssedge at once. 

“What a foolish thing! “Giggle!”

The two Abyssedge, who were kicked out full of wounds, painfully regretted not giving up the area to Friend as they watched the Abyssedge swimming angrily in the area they had so desperately wanted to occupy.

Red Alien Dragon

The Alien Dragon Red Alien Adult N Sprite.png Alien Dragon story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult {DragonLink|Alien Dragon}}(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Alien Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAlien Dragon (Red Alien form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Red Alien Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragons to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Red Alien's research was officially ended, failing to capture. However, the Red Alien research team's research is not over. They continued their Red Alien research with the remaining records. 

because it is an unofficial research, nor research funds are not supported. Red Alien's research was only leading to researchers' will. The problem was that even that will was decreasing. 

“It was impossible in the first place. “How can we continue research if we have no subjects to study?”

“Yes. It's impossible without red alien. But you should be able to find Red Alien. ”

Red Alien was difficult to meet because of the small number of individuals, unlike the Alien Dragon. 

Faced with a lack of research data, the researchers stopped their research one by one, leaving only one researcher left in the temporary Red Alien Research Institute. He read the records he read and read again, and vowed to grasp the identity of the Red Alien no matter what happened. 

Did you listen to that commitment? In front of him, Red Alien appeared like a ghost. 

“Are you that curious about my identity?”',

Red Alien Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 750 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Red Alien, who confirmed the researcher's sincerity about the research, promised him that he would cooperate with all research. The researcher, who was expected to be happy, drooped his shoulders and looked dejected. 

“There is no laboratory to test you. The equipment here is very old and old. “And there’s no electricity anymore.”

“If that's the problem, I'll solve it.”

The red Alien gestured and the lab began to Fire up. Old and old devices have been changed to the latest devices. 

“Can you study me now?”

The researcher started researching with an exciting face like a child. He also took pictures of Red Alien with several devices, and copied Red Alien's fingerprints. Red Alien's blood was also collected. In this way, information about Red Alien began to accumulate like a mountain. 

“This is enough! “Now I can find out who you are!”

Red Alien Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Alien Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAlien Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Alien Dragon Egg Sprite.pngAlien Dragon (Red Alien form) egg
The help of another researcher was needed to piece together the information. The researcher thought that if he showed them the red alien data he had collected, they would come back to the lab. But seeing the researcher's Red Alien materials, they told the researchers to give up their research on Red Alien. 

“I say something for you. I will be crazy like this. ”

“I'm already crazy about Red Alien's research.”

“It's not that. Do you see the data you gave? Isn't it written! ”

The researchers confirmed by the researchers were full of information about Red Alien. The same was true even if I washed my eyes. But there was still nothing in the eyes of other researchers. The researcher said it was Red Alien's trick and told us to go to the lab so he could read the research information to us. But no one wanted to join him. 

“I’m afraid I’ll go crazy like you while researching the red alien.”

In the end, only one other researcher remained at the lab. What was different from before was that there was also a Dragon. The red alien gave his body to researchers again today. I wasn't cooperating with him because I was curious about his identity. Red Alien was wondering where the researcher's will to research would end.


The Artemis Default Adult M Sprite.png Artemis story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Lunera Egg Sprite.pngLunera(s). The end of the tale rewards you with an Artemis Egg Sprite.pngArtemis egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Artemis Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
It was when Artemis was treating the injured. Someone came to me and said that Artemis' help was really needed. Artemis, who could not leave the injured, told Minas a feather like his curtains and asked them to cure them instead. Minas began to flap its wings countless times in response to Artemis' earnest voice. Thus, when Artemis remained alone. Lunera appeared. 

“The moonlight is my charge now, Artemis.”

Artemis said that she needed the power of moonlight to Heal people, but Runera took her place under the moonlight and did not get out of the way. 

“Don’t be greedy, Lunera! “Moonlight is not yours!”

“That’s what I’m going to say, Artemis! So far, you have taken up all the moonlight. To the goddess of the moon, to Minas! “Now it’s my turn to receive the power of moonlight!”

“It wasn't time for the moonlight. !”

Artemis surrounded the injured wounds and wished them to Heal quickly. In the meantime, Lunera was absorbing all the moonlight.

Artemis Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 750 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal

“You are not the only one who uses moonlight for benefit. I can do enough! ”

Artemis had no choice but to follow Lunera to show his power. It was because of all energy to treat the injured. If there was Minas, it would have been protected by Lunera, but Minas was now healing the injured people under the command of Artemis. 

“What are you doing without hurrying? Do you want people to keep pain? ”

The place we arrived at, speeding up Lunera's words, was a village suffering from war. 

“Look, how do I use the moonlight power!”

Artemis hoped that Lunera would be comfortable to sleep with the power of the moonlight. However, Runera put all the villagers into a deep sleep. Even the innocent children were in a coma. Artemis could not forgive Lunera. But it was a deep mountain village with no moonlight, and Artemis fell against Lunera. 

“You should fall into a deep sleep too, Artemis! Now the moonlight is mine!”

It seemed like Artemis was forever locked in a dream from which she could never wake up.

Artemis Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Lunera Egg Sprite.pngLunera to adult Reward: 1 Artemis Egg Sprite.pngArtemis egg
“Can you hear me, Artemis?”

“Don't worry. Minas is flying toward you now. ”

“The villagers?”

“They'll get you. “Trust me.”

When Artemis opened his eyes, Minas was by his side. Artemis asked Minas to follow Lunera. When Minas tried not to leave, he showed off his wings. While Artemis fell asleep, the Dream goddess Sands gave Artemis the moonlight's power. 

Artemis Heal the wounds of the villagers with the power of the moonlight and woke them from deep sleep. And they began to punish those who had caused war according to the weight of sin. The villagers who quickly regained peace praised Artemis . Artemis warned Lunera, who was dragged to Minas and looked at her with disapproval. 

“If you use the moonlight's power once again, I will ask you to the moon goddess and the goddess of Dream to make it unable to use your power forever. You don't want it? ”

Artemis spread her wings filled with the power of moonlight. There, Lunera, who felt the energy of the moon and the goddess of the Dream, did not look back and escaped the village, and Artemis asked Minas to watch Lunera. 

“Because the power of moonlight must be used for good.”


The Azak Default Adult M Sprite.png Azak story is unlocked when you own 10 or more adult Steel Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with an Azak Egg Sprite.pngAzak egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Azak Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Steel Type dragon to adult Reward: 500,000 Gold Item.pngGold
In some areas of the Magichak Association, located close to the Tia Continent and Mihaim Principality, there was a towering Clock Tower over the sky. 

The Clock Tower was so old that time stopped, and there was a man hiding inside it. He said, looking out the window at the duchy of Miheim in the distance. 

“Where did this all go wrong?”

The man's voice contained regret from the past, when he had devoted himself to working for the principality. 

There was not a single thing left in the principality that he knew. Now all that remains is a stage of endless war and destruction. 

The man, engulfed in regret and sighing, looked at the door of his old magic engineering laboratory. 

Like a dusty door, the man's mind was also covered with thoughts of the past and his hometown.

Azak Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 250 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Days turned into months, and months turned into years, and the man suddenly became a gray-haired, helpless old man. 

The old man's hometown expanded its territory by indiscriminately attacking neighboring countries, using any means possible. 

Whenever the old man thought about his hometown, which had not changed, he just sighed as if he were doing it every day, and turned his head to the tightly locked laboratory door, leaning on his bent waist. Then, as if I remembered something, I walked towards it without hesitation and grabbed the handle. 

Something inside the lab was pulling me up. 

“Even if it's the last… If only I could start...!"

As he opened the dusty door and entered, long-forgotten memories began to greet him. 

And with those memories, I made Egg all Light that might be the Egg work. 

As the old man whispered into the center of the Egg, the Egg created through magical engineering began to come to life.

Azak Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Lightning Type dragons to adult Reward: 1 Azak Egg Sprite.pngAzak egg
I open my wings for a peaceful world, that's the true purpose you were born."

The old man Delivery all his energy and the message of peace to Egg . 

did not stop even when it was no longer moving in bed. 

Because of his unbreakable heart and soul, the old man did not let go of the Egg in his hand until the moment he breathed his last. 

Eventually, after he passed away, blue Light leaked from the collapsing Clock Tower , and Azak , a Dragon wearing huge armor, appeared. 

Azac flies to the sky with the rubble and spreading his wings. 

“I will stand at the center and lead an era of peace.”

Azak shouted his determination to the sky and flew quickly towards a certain place to make that determination a reality.

Bone Head

The Bone Head Default Adult M Sprite.png Bone Head story is unlocked when you own 10 or more Dark Type adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Bone Head Egg Sprite.pngBone Head egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Bone Head Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
A boy in the village of Yutakan Elpis hears rumors that a Dragon in the shape of a skull appears every night in a distant cemetery. 

This Dragon is a Lichmond, a Skelegon, and the opinions of the villagers were divided, but the village adults ignored the useless discussion of children. 

The boy was convinced that it was one of the Bone Head Dragon . The boy jumped in the rumor that the Dragon that had been seen only in the Library book appeared. 

In the middle of the night, the boy went out of town. 

When I went out, I remembered the uncle's words to be with the Dragon who protect the village when I went outside, but when I heard that the monster goes out in the evening, the adults are sure As you tied up the boy, it was obvious. 

There was a shadow Dragon for the boy who left the village. This Dragon was Baskerville , a shadow Dragon that was greedy. 
The laughter of the greedy shadow was mixed between the boy's steps through the bushes, but the boy did not notice.

Bone Head Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Baal Egg Sprite.pngBaal to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The boy arrived at a cemetery far from the village. 

The road was creepy, but the cemetery we arrived at felt a little different than I imagined. The cemetery, shining blue under the pale moonlight, was as bright as the day. 

And rather than the creepy feeling I expected, it felt cold and lonely. 

'It's not as scary than I thought?' The Dragon, so huge that one wonders how he had not noticed it, jumped over the graveyard and approached the boy. 

The skeleton-shaped Dragon had huge wings, a back, and a tail covered in fur. The Dragon's real eyes, visible inside the skull's eye sockets, were emitting red Light. 

Bone Head's eyes were not facing the boy, but were looking behind the boy. Above the boy's head, who slowly turned around following his gaze, there was a huge shadow Dragon looking down at the boy, drooling at the sight.

Bone Head Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Bone Head Egg Sprite.pngBone Head egg
Before the boy screamed, Bone Head flying over their heads and asked Baskerville's nape of the boy. 

physical attacks should not work for Baskerville , a shadow Dragon , but the spiritual power of the Bone Head caused a fatal wound to the shadow Dragon without shape. 

Attacking Baskerville, screaming for unexpected attacks, Dragon led the boy to a safe rigid cemetery monument and spread out huge wings. 
Bone Head 
The boy, who thought that the cemetery monuments seemed to shine brightly, realized that it was not an illusion. 

from the brilliantly shining Bone Head, the Light cemetery of the cemetery rushed to Baskerville. Baskerville, aimed at the opportunity to counterattack, ran into the shadow of the forest after seeing the Light that rushed towards him. 

The skeleton of Bone Head , which drove the Dragon who was trying to attack the Light, went back to its original form. 

was surprised and couldn't say anything and Bone Head at the boy standing dull. 

'I'll guide you to the way back to the Village. To pray for the deceased, come with adults in the day.'


The Catsgon Default Adult M Sprite.png Catsgon story is unlocked when you place the Alley Cat village decor in your Village. The end of the tale rewards you with a Catsgon Egg Sprite.pngCatsgon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Catsgon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Catsgon was sitting alone at the entrance to the village. It was a very Somber place where not even the moonlight could reach. 

People couldn't just pass by Catsgon, who was sitting in a box and Groom like a cat. I stroked Catsgon's fur and distributed food to him. Catsgon rubbed himself against the backs of people's hands as if he missed their warmth, but he never followed them. 

Then it was one day. A girl I had never seen before appeared in front of Catsgon . She was a young-faced girl who looked like she was in her first year of middle school at most. The girl, who was squatting in front of Catsgon 'Catsgon and joking around with him for a while, was disappointed when she heard the sound of Catsgon's bell. 

“I see that there is a bell and it has an owner. So why are you here alone? Have you lost your owner? Someone probably abandoned you, right? “There’s no way I would have abandoned a cute Dragon like you.”

Catsgon followed the girl who left behind, leaving behind regret. The girl didn't seem to like it and told him not to follow. 

“What if you and your master cross paths like this?”

The girl who put Catsgon in place stopped walking due to the cold Wind that shook her collar. I couldn't leave the young Dragon alone on a cold night like this. The girl found Catsgon's box again. 

“Would you like to stay with me just tonight?”

Catsgon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Fat Egg Sprite.pngFat to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Catsgon's bell rattled as he followed the girl. As the girl watched Catsgon's light steps, she thought that the bell shook whenever Catsgon was in a good mood. The feeling of a girl spending the night with a cute Dragon was equally enjoyable. I felt proud at the thought that I had saved the poor Dragon. But the joy was short-lived as the girl started screaming with a scared face. 

“They’re coming, Mom! They came for me again! Can't you see your mom? “Those scary black shadows over there!”

Where the girl pointed with her trembling hand, there was Cat's Gone. 

Tingling… ! Daughter… ! Jingling jingling jingling! 


Hearing the girl's screams getting louder due to the sound of Catsgon's bell, the girl's mother kicked out Catsgon. It was thought that the sound of Catsgon's bell would bring evil spirits. As if that were true, the girl's screams began to fade as Catsgon disappeared. After finding stability, the girl asked about Catsgon's whereabouts. 

“I guess they didn’t kick you out in this cold weather, Mom… ?”

To the girl who was crying because she was worried about Catsgon, her mother told her that Cat's Gon was in the warehouse. The girl, thinking that her mother might be lying to reassure her, went straight to the warehouse. There really was a Cat's Gone there.

Catsgon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Egg Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEgg Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Catsgon Egg Sprite.pngCatsgon egg
“Don’t hate your mom too much. If mom hadn't given you this place, you would have gotten caught in the rain and caught a cold. We don't have any Dragon Remedy at home, and the pharmacy closed a long time ago, so you probably suffered from a fever all night. Like I was haunted by an evil spirit... .”

Catsgon rubbed his body against the body of the girl who was suffering from the revived memories. The girl, who was escaping the terrible memories little by little by stroking Catsgon's fur, began to get nervous again when she heard the sound of Catsgon's bell. 

“It’s because of the sound of these bells! When they hear the sound of this bell, evil spirits flock to them!”

Catsgon escaped from the screaming girl's embrace and raised his claws. And he tore the evil spirits that were attacking the girl to pieces with his sharp claws, making it impossible for them to approach the girl again. After seeing this, the girl realized that the sound of Catsgon's bell did not call evil spirits, but only responded to evil spirits. The girl reported this to her mother, and the girl's mother apologized to Catsgon and asked him to stay with the girl. 


Catsgon stayed by the girl's side and Hatch the evil spirits ringing his bell. The evil spirits gradually became afraid of the sound of Catsgon's bell, and stopped looking for the girl who was always with Catsgon. 

When the bell no longer rang by the girl's side , Catsgon returned to the entrance of the village. Sitting in a narrow box in a very Somber place where not even the moonlight could reach, she waited for someone who needed her help, like a girl suffering from an evil spirit.


The Centura Default Adult M Sprite.png Centura story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Afrit Egg Sprite.pngAfrit(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Centura Egg Sprite.pngCentura egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Centura Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
The Afrit army in Lathea began to move busily. One of them witnessed invaders. The Afrit Corps quickly shared information and began to find out who was invaders and where and how and where they were invaded. The combination of information was immediately Delivery to Centura . 

Sento led the Afrit Legion and headed to the forefront of Latte that an intruder occurred. It was connected to the outside of Latte, the most expensive place in Latea. The Afrit Legion tried to cover Centura for Lathea, but Centura said that they had to fight the enemies directly for Lathea. 

“I need to know how scary the king of Latea is before peace.”

Centura showed blue flames to the intruders, and those who witnessed Centura's power began to run away and escape Lathea. The Afrit Legion was ordered by Centura to engulf them in hot flames so that they could never invade Lathea again. 

“Well done. You were able to keep your Latea safely thanks to your quickly confirming the intruder. ”

Returned to Sentura, ordering to strengthen the expenses of Latte at the end. There was a young Linu waiting for Centura.

Centura Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Fire Type dragon to adult Reward: 750 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Sentura had no choice but to save Linu. It was because I had the same inconvenience as Linu during the Hatch . Although he was able to see the world as he does now with the development of his heart eyes during Hatchling , Linu was unable to see even before the Adult. 

“Aren’t you frustrated because you can’t see in front of you?”

“It's okay. Doesn’t Centura tell a lot of interesting stories like this?”

Centura patted the head of a smiling Linu. Linu's blue flame mane resembled Centura's blue flame. The desire to protect Lathea also resembled Centura . But how could you not like Linu? However, Sentura hoped that Rinu would take a different path from him. I wanted them to grow up with Tamer and experience the wide world like Dull Dragon . However, Linu's meaning was different. 

“If you have a chance to protect Latea, you will fight like Centura without hesitation!”

Sento said that I would expect it, but I thought it would not happen. No, I had to be there. For all Dragon living in Latea, including Linu. But the world was not as intended. The Afrit Corps shouted. 

“Centura ! There was a crack in Latea! ”

Centura Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Afrit Egg Sprite.pngAfrit to adult Reward: 1 Centura Egg Sprite.pngCentura egg
The number of Dragon that could not be compared to the last invasion were flocking to Latea. A Dragon was also seen trying to get out of Lathea. Centura hurriedly defeated Dragon around the cracks with blue flames, but as soon as the flame stopped, the Dragon began to go in and out. To stop this chaos, the rift in Lathea had to be closed, and the Afrit Army seemed anxious to stop the Dragon pouring into Lathea. 

“I will help!”

was a familiar voice. Sentura said he shouldn't look back. But Linu did not bend. 

“With the power of my starlight, I can block the cracks in Lathea!”

When Centura left the seat, Enturas, who was guarding Linu's side, shook his head. It meant that I could not break the will of Linu. I realized that it was time to send Linu. I knew that I could not stand Linu forever, but suddenly I came to Centura. 

“Centura , you must make a decision!”

“Defend Lathea outside of Lathea!”

was going to open the door at any time when Linu, who wanted to come back, was to open the door, but Rinu, who resembles Centura, blocked Latte's cracks. Thanks to this, Latte regained peace again, and established Latte's order, waiting for Linu to return.


The Deva Default Adult M Sprite.png Deva story is unlocked when you own at least 10 adult Steel Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Deva Egg Sprite.pngDeva egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Deva Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Steel Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
There was a place where Deva would not leave. It was the deepest part of a huge basin, like a crater on the moon. The Deva took turns maintaining their positions. 

“Wrong. “The Deva is not protecting the place, but the treasure buried there!”

Some said the treasure was a sparkling gem, someone said it was an old artifact, and someone else said it was a Rare Dragon's Egg. 

“What on earth are you protecting?”

The boy, unable to contain his curiosity, asked Deva. Deva did not answer. It just puffed up its Steel body and told people not to come closer. Undaunted, the boy asked Deva once again. 

“It’s a very expensive item, right? That’s why we take turns guarding it day and night!”

“No! “This is something that cannot be put into price!”

With this, it became clear that something was hidden under the feet of the Deva, in the ground. The boy immediately reported this fact to his father, and his father, a journalist, published this fact in the newspaper.

Deva Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Devared Egg Sprite.pngDevared to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
There were two people who came to see the newspaper: the museum director and an archaeologist. Long ago, the two people were looking for a primordial relic that was said to contain the Light generated when the God Dragon was created, and they were convinced that it was that primordial relic that Deva was guarding. It was because of this part of the newspaper. 

'At night, Light rises like smoke from the Earth protected by Deva .' 

“The only Light that can penetrate the stratum is the light of Amor! “We discovered an ancient relic!”

The archaeologist shouted in joy. But the museum director’s expression was dark. 

“Then what do you do? “ The Deva is tightly guarding the ancient relic.”

“So you are going to give up the ancient relic? “If only there were ancient relics, there would be a line at the Museum!”

What the archaeologist said was right. If ancient relics were displayed, it was clear that there would be people lining up to the next village, or even the next village, to see the ancient relics. 

“Do you have a good plan?”

The museum director asked the archaeologist. The archaeologist asked with an excited expression whether there was a plan in place. 

“To set Fire to Deva ’s mountain. “We took advantage of the weakened security due to the forest fire and ordered the Underground Dragon to bring back ancient relics!”',

Deva Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Irondeva Egg Sprite.pngIrondeva to adult Reward: 1 Deva Egg Sprite.pngDeva egg
Their plan failed. The mountain was set on Fire, but the Underground Dragon did not appear. 

“How could you not know that Underground Dragon are active only at night?”

The two people, who had been pushing off responsibility and blaming each other, stopped arguing when they discovered that Deva's seat was empty. Then, as if they had never fought before, they joined forces and started Earth hard. 

“We can’t do it on our own. “I should have rented an excavator.”

At that time, someone popped out from under the ground, and it was an Underground Dragon. As the sun set, he came to keep his promise. The Underground Dragon quickly dug down the Earth with the skill of the Wind . 

“That’s it! “That is our ancient heritage!”

While the archaeologist was shedding tears of joy at the discovery of the legendary artifact, the museum director began to take action. He went down the Underground Dragon and obtained the ancient legacy. Then an Egg Light began to illuminate the forest. The museum director thought that a forest fire had spread, but it was not a forest fire, but the Light emanating from the pattern carved on the Deva's body. 

“Who dares touch the ancient heritage!”

The Underground Dragon, startled by the appearance of Deva , dug a tunnel and escaped. The archaeologist and museum director who were fleeing along the way were trapped in the ground that collapsed due to the primordial power of Deva. 

“Swear that you will return the ancient heritage and the relics you stole under the pretext of research to their original owners. “Then I will spare you all.”

The terrified archaeologist and the museum director immediately swore to Deva, and as promised, they returned all the artifacts to their owners as soon as they came out of the Earth. And I never set foot in the Deva forest again. Naturally, they were not interested in ancient relics.

Elderly Dragon

The Elderly Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Elderly Dragon story is unlocked when you own at least 10 adult Earth Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Elderly Dragon Egg Sprite.pngElderly Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Elderly Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Earth Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
That day, Elderly Dragon was reading a book. It was a huge book that was only a human upper body and a thick tree. The contents inside were also as large as the size of the book. If you enter the tremendous story, it could not be easily escaped. Only when the story ended and I closed the book could I return to reality. 

So, the Elderly Dragon tried to read small and light books as much as possible during times when people frequently visited. But there was a book that I couldn't put off. The Elderly Dragon took out the book and was instantly drawn into the story. 

The Smart Dragon, unaware of the fact, visited the Elderly Dragon's home. Seeing the bright lights, the Smart Dragon was convinced that the Elderly Dragon was in the house. 

“Master! Please open the door! ”

The Elderly Dragon who was caught up in the story did not hear the Smart Dragon's voice. After closing the book and drinking tea, I had time to look outside and found a Smart Dragon shivering from the cold. 

“You were inside as expected, Master… !”

Elderly Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Scorpion Dragon Egg Sprite.pngScorpion Dragon to adult Reward: 750 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Smart Dragon , who slowly woke up in Affable warmth, asked Elderly Dragon why he did not respond to his call. Elderly Dragon scratched the back neck with a short face. 

“That is… This book is so fun... ”

The Smart Dragon sighed and said he was glad. He said he thought the Elderly Dragon had rejected him. The Smart Dragon said it was okay since the misunderstanding had been resolved, but the Elderly Dragon said that it should not continue like this. 

“If I had read one more book, you would have turned into a statue.”

So Elderly Dragon Standed and started reading the book. It was hard to turn the bookshelf with a heavy and heavy body filling the house. It seemed to be able to get out of the story quickly. But Elderly Dragon did not listen to the Smart Dragon's voice. Even if the Smart Dragon shakes, it didn't stuck. 

“What should I do with this… .”

, looking at the discouraged Elderly Dragon , asked Elderly Dragon what it was like to find a way in the book. Elderly Dragon had a book that came to mind. It was a book containing the story of an ancestral Dragon who loved books like the Elderly Dragon . In the book , the ancestor Dragon said in a book that ancient trumpets were needed to get out of the book. 

“It’s an ancient trumpet… !”

Elderly Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Mustard Hammer Egg Sprite.pngMustard Hammer to adult Reward: 1 Elderly Dragon Egg Sprite.pngElderly Dragon egg
Ancient trumpets were made of deer horns of the Capit Continent, and were a magnificent trumpet. The Elderly Dragon decided to come directly to the Capit Continent to bring ancient trumpets. The Smart Dragon was worried that the Elderly Dragon, which moves less, would be able to safely reach the Kapite Continent, but the Elderly Dragon quickly brought back an ancient trumpet, putting his worries to rest. 

“Let's test the ancient trumpet now.”

Elderly Dragon left ancient trumpets to the Smart Dragon and opened a book. Elderly Dragon was also in a story. Smart Dragon was half -hearted and leaned ancient trumpets to Elderly Dragon. Then I breathe myself, and Elderly Dragon was surprised and looked back. 

“Oh my, what a surprise! The trumpet sounds too big! ”

Elderly Dragon stroked the head of a Smart Dragon who was happy to be successful and put ancient trumpets in front of the house. The sound of the ancient trumpet was so loud that it could be heard even outside the house. Thanks to this, the Elderly Dragon could read the book at any time with peace of mind. As his wisdom deepened, the number of people visiting his house in search of wisdom increased. The Elderly Dragon talked with them and began to acquire wisdom that could not be learned from books.

Enoki Dragon

The Enoki Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Enoki Dragon story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Mushroom Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMushroom Dragon(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Enoki Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEnoki Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Enoki Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Earth Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
The Enoki Dragon and Tamer were together since the Enoki Dragon were together, and they were no two Friend in the world. Even when Tamer hung out with his friends, he had Enoki Dragon with him. Some friends envyed between a good Tamer and an Enoki Dragon , but some of them did not. They were friends who had no Dragon or were not good with Dragon, and they were fading between the Tamer and the Enoki Dragon. 

“Why am I jealous! He's a Dragon and the only thing he knows how to do is take care of mushrooms. What kind of Dragon is that? It's a moving mushroom! “You’ve never had a duel in the Colosseum, right?”

The Tamer covered the Enoki Dragon's ears and told it to ignore what it said. 

“I have never seen a better Dragon than you. “You are the best Dragon in this town!”

, but Tamer has been depressed since that day, and the Enoki Dragon thought it was his fault. 

'If I was a wonderful Dragon, I would not have been teased by my friends.' 

'What is different from mushrooms as they say? 'Is it really a Dragon?' 

, of course, the Enoki Dragon was a Dragon. The Enoki Dragon also knew that. 

'If so, there must be a Dragon. I will find it! '

Enoki Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 750 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The Enoki Dragon applied for a duel from other Dragon . The Dragon looked up and down at the Enoki Dragon and left with a bored expression. He only got a duel from a Dragon, but he couldn't attack once, refusing to eat mushrooms of the Enoki Dragon . The duel Naga a powerful punch as if he wanted to finish the boring duel with the enoki Enoki Dragon Enoki Dragon . 

“I give up duel. You will never win. ”

said that the Dragon who won the duel with the Enoki Dragon said. The Enoki Dragon was upset and tears. The tears of the Enoki Dragon were absorbed by his body, leaving dark tear marks. After seeing it, Tamer asked Tamer with anxious face, and Tamer talked about what happened so far. 

“I was depressed then, not you, not me. I should have introduced you to good friends. Sorry, Enoki Dragon.”

The misunderstanding between the Tamer and the Enoki Dragon was solved, but the Dream of the Enoki Dragon that wanted to be a strong and wonderful Dragon did not disappear. Tamer decided to Adventure together to achieve the Dream of the Enoki Dragon . The Adventure was the back mountain of the village that monsters often appeared. But it was a bandit's hangout, and the Tamer and the Enoki Dragon were caught by the bandits.

Enoki Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Mushroom Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMushroom Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Enoki Dragon Egg Sprite.pngEnoki Dragon egg
“The Enoki Dragon is not worth it. throw away!"

said a bandit. The Enoki Dragon tried to be with Tamer until the end, but the bandits began to drive out the Enoki Dragon out of the mountain. But then, another bandit spoke. 

“Wait a minute! “They say the Enoki Dragon’s head has special powers?”

The bandits that checked the Dragon Dragon Book cut off the hair of the Enoki Dragon without consent and started eating Waguwagu. Feared by their power, the Enoki Dragon and Tamer were embarrassed by the bandits of suddenly grabbing their stomachs. 

“You idiot! It was effective to bake it! ”

The Enoki Dragon baked their heads and handed them to Tamer Fire the bandits blamed each other. The Tamer , who ate the cooked Enoki Dragon mushroom, easily cut the rope with his powerful strength. The Tamer tied up the stunned bandits with the remaining rope, and the Enoki Dragon carried them to the village. 

The villagers, who were struggling because of the bandits, sent infinite praise to the Enoki Dragon and Tamer . Among them were Tamer 's friends who ignored the Enoki Dragon . They asked the Enoki Dragon to share the mushrooms with them, but the Enoki Dragon never shared any mushrooms with them. This was because it was obvious that the mushroom's power would be used carelessly. 

“I wish you well. “Thanks to the Enoki Dragon, you can become stronger at any time.”

Tamer whispered to the Enoki Dragon as he saw his friends looking up at the enoki mushrooms with envy. 

“I told you, right? “You are the best Dragon in this town!”',


The Maloden Default Adult M Sprite.png Maloden story is unlocked when you own at least 10 adult Wind Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Maloden Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold
Maloden, who was resting on the sea, caught the eye of a ferry boat. The ferry was broken by the boat. The ferry owner was hard on the sinking ferry. If you have life, even if you are very trivial, Maloden, who is cherished, could not only be watching him in a dangerous situation. Maloden began to approach him by disguising the ferry owner as a ferry so as not to be surprised. 

“There was an island over there!”

The owner of the ferry who found Maloden shouted. He worryed for a while and abandoned the ferry and began to swim towards Maloden. The boat owner, who didn't know that Maloden was moving, saw the island quickly approaching and thought that his swimming skills had improved significantly. 

“I am great! And lucky! ”

Maloden was happy to give him his back to him who did not lose his positive mind even in the crisis.

Maloden Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Cloud Dragon Egg Sprite.pngCloud Dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The owner of the ferry on Maloden back was admired. This is because the ferry owner was born and had more beautiful scenery than any landscape he had seen so far. Underneath the island was a simple wild flower, a golden reed field in the middle of the island, and a green forest at the top of the island. 

“This is a flower known to be extinct a hundred years ago!”

Among them were animals wary of people like rabbits and roe deer. The ferry owner smiled and swept the animals. 

“Haha! Are you not scary? ”

The land was getting closer, but the ferry owner, who was so absorbed in seeing the island, did not realize that the island was moving. Maloden moved more quietly and smoothly to help him relax in swimming in the sea. 

By the way, it was when Maloden almost reached land. 

Bang! bang! bang! 

has three shots.

Maloden Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Popon Egg Sprite.pngPopon to adult Reward: 1 Maloden Egg Sprite.pngMaloden egg
Maloden couldn't believe his ears. There was no way the gunshot could have been heard this close. Maloden wondered if it could be possible and checked his back with the power of the jewel on his chest. Then, the ferryman was seen pointing a gun at the fleeing birds. 

“I’ll catch them all!”

Now the ferry owner, who was aiming at a rabbit and a roe deer, had a bunch of purple flowers in his hands. It was a flower that became extinct a hundred years ago and only grew on Maloden's back. The ferry owner said with an eerie smile. 

“Of course, when bad things happen, good things happen! Even though the ferryboat was destroyed, you still got these expensive flowers, right? “If you catch and sell those, your pockets will get fat!”

Maloden couldn't leave him alone. Immediately, it moved its rock-like scales and knocked him off its back. The foolish ferry boat owner still didn't realize that the island was a Dragon and tried to climb up the island again. Maloden kicked him with his tail and dropped him in the middle of the sea where he was found. 

The ferry boat owner believed that he would soon reach the land just as he had reached the island. However, his swimming skills were still poor, and the ferry boat he abandoned had disappeared into the depths of the sea.

Maple Dragon

The Maple Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Maple Dragon story is unlocked when you own at least five Sturdy Tree items. The end of the tale rewards you with a Maple Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMaple Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Maple Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragons to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Hatch Maple Dragon loved yellow and red fallen leaves. I loved stepping on the leaves, and I also liked swimming like swimming in the fallen leaves. There was a squirrel who didn't desire this. This is because the food hidden in the leaves was scattered all over the place due to the Hatch Maple Dragon. 

“This is not a swimming pool! Swimming is in Water! ”

The squirrel said as he picked up the acorns. Hatch Maple Dragon found the acorns hidden in the leaves, looking at the squirrel. 

“But I'm better than Water.”

“Still not here! “This is my food storage warehouse!”

The Maple Dragon 's loud voice Hatch . Hatch Maple Dragon was afraid that the leaves would fall due to the squirrel's yell. And he found something unusual for wandering the mountain road in search of a new leaf field. It was his own footprint. 

“Wow! Look at my footprints! You look like fallen leaves! ”

Maple Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Earth Type dragons to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Hatch Maple Dragon started looking for fallen leaves that matched his footprints. 

“This is a bit small… . This is a bit big... . And this one looks different... .”

Hatch Maple Dragon said as he placed various fallen leaves on his footprints. 

“Are there any fallen leaves of the same size and shape as my footprints?”

Hatch Maple Dragon looked up at the sky with regret. Leaves resembling the footprints of a Hatch Maple Dragon were seen hanging on a dry branch. 

“That's that, that! I finally found it! The same fallen leaves as my footprint! ”

The leaf that the Hatch Maple Dragon wanted was hanging twice as high as the Hatch Maple Dragon. It was not a height that could be reached by jumping. So Hatch Maple Dragon started climbing the tree. 

“Wait a little bit!”

But Hatch Maple Dragon did not get the leaves he wanted. The moment I tried to reach the leaf, my foot slipped and I fell into a hole. There were fallen leaves so I wasn't hurt, but it was so high I couldn't climb up.

Maple Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Pink Bell Egg Sprite.pngPink Bell to adult Reward: 1 Maple Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMaple Dragon egg
"help! Is there anyone? Please take it out! ”

“Here! “There’s a Dragon here!”

Hatch Maple Dragon slumped his shoulders when he saw the person who heard his voice and came to visit. Because it was a squirrel that lost its food because of itself. Hatch Maple Dragon thought that the squirrel would not help him and that he could not help him. The squirrel was too small. The squirrel seemed to think the same thing. 

“I can’t save you.”

The squirrel said calmly. Hatch Maple Dragon is crying and apologized for distracting the fallen leaves. 

“But I can’t save you. I'm too small. But I know someone who can help you.”

The squirrel that disappeared after leaving those words brought with it an Adult Maple Dragon. The Adult Maple Dragon lowered its tail into the pit. Hatch Maple Dragon , who came up with a tail that resembles a tree of an Adult Maple Dragon, thanked the Adult Maple Dragon and Squirrel. 

“But how did you fall into that hole?”

The Adult Maple Dragon, who heard the story of Hatch Maple Dragon Maple Dragon, took off a red leaf from his head. It was a leaf the same size and shape as the sole of a Hatch Maple Dragon's paw.


The Nessiebig Default Adult N Sprite.png Nessiebig story is unlocked when you own 10 or more Water Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Nessiebig Egg Sprite.pngNessiebig egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Nessiebig Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Nessie groups were lived peacefully in caring for each other in the lake. 

But from one day, an unidentified Egg was placed in a group. Compared to other Nessie Egg, the size was very large and the speed of hatching was slow. 

Nessie , who had the Egg , asked others with anxious eyes. 

"Why aren't this Egg yet hatched?"

"Don't worry. You can hear the heartbeat sound. 

Nessie slowly began to rest assured while listening to regular heartbeats from huge Egg.

Nessiebig Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Nessie Egg Sprite.pngNessie to adult Reward: 1 Nessiebig Egg Sprite.pngNessiebig egg
When the Egg was still not hatching, the peace around the lake began to be broken by humans. 

Seeing the humans invading their home base, the Nessie were terrified. 

“Why did humans come here? “We didn’t harm them!”

while anxiety and fear spread to the lake, some remained to protect Egg. Humans, who were captivating a strong Nessie, reached out to the huge Egg. 
Even the Nessie had a surprisingly huge body and a burning fireworks. 

Nessiebig went to humans and pushed them with long fins. 

“Send our friends! This lake wants peace! ”

's huge power of Nessiebig lined up, and the Nessie o'clock went back to their hands and returned to the lake. 
Nessie group tried to approach Nessiebig, but after a moment, it was quickly disappeared. 

After a long time, Nessiebig became an unforgettable being between Nessie . In particular, the eyes of Nessiebig, who were angry with Fury , remained clear.


The Patroa Default Adult N Sprite.png Patroa story is unlocked when you complete the quest Connecting the Yutakan Continental Bridge. The end of the tale rewards you with a Patroa Egg Sprite.pngPatroa egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Patroa Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Earth Type dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
Emerald snake approached the golden Egg. Because the golden Egg spoke to him. 

'It's so cold. Please share Affable warmth. please… !' 

The golden Egg was very cold. It was like ice. If it's an ice Dragon, it will hatch at this temperature, but this golden Egg was the Fire Dragon. 

'Please don't pass me.' 

Emerald Snake wrapped the golden Egg with a long body. The golden Egg was much colder than I thought. The scales were too much. But the Emerald Snake did not stop hatching the golden Egg. He shared his warmth until the end. Then the golden Egg began to flame. 

'I think I'll buy it now! thank you! It's so warm!' 

Golden Egg said. Unlike when he asked for help, his voice was full of energy. He had Heal his strength thanks to the Emerald Snake's warmth. 

'But who are you? 'Who are you to share this Affable with me?' 

Emerald snake did not answer the questions of the golden Egg . This is because I thought it Bonds be a breakup when the golden Egg hatch.

Patroa Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
As the golden Egg began to hatch, the Emerald Snake hugged the Egg tightly. The Egg shell began to crack due to the power of the Emerald Snake, and a golden Dragon of the same color as the Egg began to appear. 

' you can do it!' 

Emerald Snake, who was cheering for the Golden Dragon, gradually moved away from the Golden Dragon. This is because he thought that he would no longer need his warmth. However, the Golden Dragon captured the Emerald Snake. 

“Where are you going, Master!”

Emerald Snake was surprised by an unexpected title. The golden Dragon was looking down at him with a Pure face. 

“Aren’t you the one who gave me warmth?”

When the Emerald Snake nodded, the golden Dragon hugged the Emerald Snake tightly. 

“Thank you, Master! Thanks to you, I could be born safely! ”

The Emerald Snake, not knowing what to do with the never-ending hug, awkwardly hugged the golden Dragon. Then the golden Dragon bent his knees and asked politely. 

“Master, can you help me in the future?”

Patroa Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Although Fat was a Fire Dragon, he could not control Fire at will. Because of this, they burned their favorite forests and hurt someone. 

“Why am I this shape, Master? ?”

Another accident was caused by a Fire , but Patroa said with an upset face. Emerald Snake comforted Patroa by patting her shoulder with her tail. 

“It's okay. Everyone makes mistakes at first. “It’s important to admit your mistakes and try to correct them.”

But Patroa's bent shoulders did not know how to straighten. 

“What if you can't handle the Fire for a lifetime?”

“That can’t be possible. You will be able to adjust the Fire soon. ”

From that day on that day, Emerald Snake and Fat Loa began to Train how to deal with Fire . Fat Loa, which caused Fire to burn the forest even if it could not be easily Fire or attached, was gradually Fire. 

“Look at this, Master! “I got the fireworks the size I wanted!”

Emerald Snake achieved what he wanted and looked at his favorite disciples with a happy face. Then I suddenly learned that I was looking up at Patroa. 

'I'll catch up with me soon.'

Patroa Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 [[Gold]
Fat grew faster than Emerald Snake expected. The growing Fat Loa is larger than Emerald Snake, and it is more powerful than Emerald Snake. There were only a few Dragon that could stand against him. Emerald Snake thought at this time and always taught Patroa to be humble, but Fat was busy showing off his abilities. 

“I came to confront the Dragon in the village below. Wouldn't you ask for the results of the confrontation? you're right. Of course it was my victory. “There is no Dragon that can defeat me.”

Emerald Snake swallowed a sigh. How did this happen? 

“There are many Dragon greater than you in the world, Patroa.”

“Are you saying that again?”


“Master, what you said is correct. There are many Dragon greater than me. But there will be no Dragon more powerful than me.”

Fat Loa, who had turned around as if he was offended, looked at the Emerald Snake again and spoke.

“You know what? There is only one person in the world who does not acknowledge me, Master! “Master, you will never know how much it hurts.”

Fat decided to break up with the Emerald Snake. 

“There’s nothing more to learn. “Now Master is small and old.”

Patroa Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Patroa Egg Sprite.pngPatroa egg
So it was time to find a new teacher. Someone blocked Patroa's path. 

“You are that foolish Dragon. Rumor has it that it is the strongest Dragon in this area? ”

It was a time when Patroa was being dragged away without even being able to ask for help due to the intimidating feeling emanating from his huge size. Suddenly, the big Dragon is staggering and falling down. I looked around to see what was going on and saw the Emerald Snake. Emerald Snake had no fear even when facing a Dragon that was dozens or hundreds of times bigger than himself. 

“How dare you call my student foolish? You are a foolish guy! ”

As the Emerald Snake revealed its poisonous teeth, the large Dragon took a step back. Fat suddenly reflected on the past day when he saw a big Dragon that fled far away and ignored the teacher. 

“You were wrong, Master. As Master said, I was still Lousy . It takes learning. Please accept me as your disciple again!” 

Emerald Snake raised the kneeling Patroa. And he hugged Patroa, who shed tears of penance, as he first met. 

“I never abandoned you, Patroa. I realized it when it was a golden egg. “That we are destined to be together forever.”

Star Ace

The Star Ace Default Adult M Sprite.png Star Ace story is unlocked when you've completed all main quests in the Yutakan continent. The end of the tale rewards you with a Star Ace Egg Sprite.pngStar Ace egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Star Ace Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 300 Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drink
People think the universe is quiet, but in reality the universe is always noisy. This is because various life forms are constantly fighting over the planet for survival. 

There was someone who Hardy to calm this commotion, and it was Star Ace, the sheriff of the universe. Star Ace observed the situation in the universe through the celestial sphere and found places that needed his help. 

As the universe was vast, there were many places that needed his help. Since it was not possible to visit them all, Star Ace set a standard for visiting. A place caught up in an incident that time cannot resolve. The planet Alithia seemed to be in that situation right now. 

Planet Alithia, a beautiful star shining under the sun's Light , was Water into Dark . 

“What the hell is going on?”

To find the cause, I had no choice but to visit the planet Alithia. Star Ace ordered Celestial Gui to open the way to the planet Alithia. Then, Light gathered in the center of the celestial sphere and began to spread towards the planet Alithia. Star Ace stepped onto the solid road of Light. And then he ran towards the planet Alithia at a faster speed than anyone else. 

'It shouldn't be a big deal... !'

Star Ace Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h)
Unlike Star Ace's Wind, the situation on planet Alithia was not so good. Dark was quickly covering the planet. Among them, the place most deeply stained with Dark was the Yutakan continent. Star Ace headed straight there. Then I saw the lives running away from the Dark. They were evacuated to the end of the dark continent, following someone's instructions. 

“To east! Head east and you'll reach the port! “There will be a boat there!”

was a young Tamer who seems to have graduated from school. He was undeterred by the ever-closer Dark and was guiding frightened lives to safety. He also told Star Ace to go to the port. 

“Ah! You can fly! Then please take those flightless ones away!”

Star Ace shook his head. It was not to help those who could not fly, but to remain here to help the Tamer, Tamer drove the Star Ace. 

“Do you want to run away from the Dark alone? If you do that, you'll get out of the Dark right now. But the Dark will come back. “Will I be able to survive on my own then as I do now?”

Star Ace Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Fire Type dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
Instead of answering, Star Ace ordered Cheon Gu-ui to open the way. When the road of Light appeared, terrified lives escaped the Dark and climbed onto the road of Light. 

“If you follow this Light, you will find a safe place. When you defeat the Dark, a path back here will be opened, so don’t worry and follow it!”

Star Ace ordered Tamer to follow the road of Light, but the Tamer did not listen. I just apologized for misunderstanding Star Ace. 

“Okay, so follow the road. Look at the sky. The darker Dark will flock. ”

Tamer did not intend to move even after checking the sky. Star Ace's heart is urgent. For the Dark was flocking to the road of Light. 

“What do you do?”

“I can't go. No go! No matter what happens, I will stay here and protect Yutakan from the Dark !” 

Yutakan 을 수호하고자 하는 의지로 빛나는 Tamer 의 눈을 마주한 Star Ace 는 천구의에게 Light 의 도로를 거둘 것을 명했다. As the road of Light disappeared, the Dark heading there lost its way and began to wander.

Star Ace Tale - Chapter 4
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
I will come to you. Because the Dark tries to devour the brightest places first.”

Star Ace spoke to Tamer while holding the celestial sphere. 

“Then wouldn’t they run at you instead of me? You are a Light Dragon. ”

“ The Light you see is not everything.”

Star Ace had just finished speaking. As Star Ace expected, the Dark rushed towards the Tamer. As if he had been waiting for this moment, the Tamer drew his sword without fear. Star Ace quickly enveloped the Tamer with the Light of the celestial sphere. The Tamer plunged his sword into the deepest Dark , protected by a warm and dazzling Light . Then a terrible scream shook the continent. 

“Aaaah! help me! “Please save me!”

Meanwhile, Star Ace fired a star laser into the sky. Dense starlight fell on the continent of Yutakan, which looked like a dark night sky, and the sky gradually began to brighten, like the dawn. Tamer, who witnessed this, plunged his sword even deeper. Then, the Dark exploded like a balloon bursting, and in the blink of an eye, the world became as bright as day.

Star Ace Tale - Chapter 5
Requirement: Grow 1 Steel Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Star Ace Egg Sprite.pngStar Ace egg
“Is it over now?”

said that Tamer looked down at the Yutakan continent with a tired face. The lives that had evacuated to a safe place were seen returning through the road of Light created by Star Ace 's Celestial Gui. 

“No. As you said, the Dark will come back. “I don’t Egg when that will be.”

Star Ace wrapped the wounds of Tamer with Light . Tamer , who was still feeling his Affable Light , looked up at the Star Ace. 

“Will you come to find us then?”

“If you are the most dangerous in the universe then.”

Star Ace explained how much was going on in the universe to Tamer, who tilted his head without understanding what it meant. 

“So I don't say it with me? Like protecting peace here, we protect the peace of the universe. Don't worry about Yutakan. “ The Dark will not be able to approach for a while.”

Star Ace pointed to the lives working hard to rebuild Yutakan . Tamer , who saw a Light of hope in them, asked Star Ace. 

“How can I go into space?”

Star Ace gave his back instead of the road of Light. Tamer carefully climbed his back and closed his eyes. And when I opened my eyes, it was in the starlight shiny universe. 

“Let’s go, protect the universe!”

Teddy Dragon

The Teddy Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Teddy Dragon story is unlocked when you own at least 10 adult Dream Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Teddy Dragon Egg Sprite.pngTeddy Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Teddy Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Teddy Dragon headed to a popular Square to receive praise. But for some reason, the once bustling Square was empty. Everyone was gathered in the forest behind the Square . Teddy Dragon could not hide his anxiety. This is because he thought that a Dragon cuter than him had appeared. But what people were looking up at was not a Dragon, but a person. A boy was crying because he could not get down from the top of the tree. Someone brought a ladder to save the boy, but even if they climbed to the end of the ladder, they could not reach the boy. 

“Get out of the way. “I will save you.”

The Teddy Dragon walked through the crowd of people to the tree and spread his arms wide towards the boy. And he shouted at the boy who was trembling in fear. 

“What are you doing? Hurry up and fall into the arms of this cute Teddy Dragon! The fluffy cotton will protect you! ”

stood up and jumped into Teddy Dragon's arms. As Teddy Dragon said, the fluffy cotton hugged the boy like a cloud and protected it. This allowed the boy to return to his family.

Teddy Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The problem was created by Teddy Dragon. The tree branch that caught the boy when he fell caused a wound on the Teddy Dragon's body. As cotton came out of the wound, Teddy Dragon looked like a Wind balloon. No one saw that and said it was cute. Teddy Dragon's hard work that saved the boy was only praised. 

“Am I not cute anymore…? ?”

The sky poured rain as if sympathizing with the Teddy Dragon's Sad. Teddy Dragon's body got wet before it could escape the rain. Teddy Dragon was unable to overcome his heavier body and fell down. 

“I want to hear compliments about how cute I am again… !”

Teddy Dragon lost his mind after his small wish. It was a full day later that I came to my senses again. Teddy Dragon opened his eyes to the stinging pain he felt in his arm. Then I saw colorful threads and fabrics with various patterns. 

“Ah… !”

Teddy Dragon made a painful sound as the stinging pain returned. Then someone gently stroked the Teddy Dragon's arm and said, 

“Does it hurt a lot? Please be patient. I am making you pretty again. ”

Teddy Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Pierrot Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPierrot Dragon to adult Reward: 1 Teddy Dragon Egg Sprite.pngTeddy Dragon egg
The grandmother decorated Teddy Dragon's wounds with beautifully patterned fabric to make them pretty and strong. People praised Teddy Dragon, who regained their cute appearance, and Teddy Dragon thanked her for her second life. And he promised to stay with his grandmother for the rest of his life. 

But there was no meeting without parting. The grandmother, who could no longer take care of the Teddy Dragon and no longer cared for the teddy dragon, told Teddy Dragon to his grandson and to say goodbye. Teddy Dragon could not accept the separation from his grandmother and began to wander. In the process, Teddy Dragon's cute body was covered with wounds. 

'There is no one to sew the wound now… .' 

Then someone came and touched the wounds of Teddy Dragon. Teddy Dragon thought his grandmother was back, but he was not a grandmother but a grandmother's grandson. Grandmother's grandson gave a band -aid with a cute picture on every wound of Teddy Dragon. 

“It hurts a lot? Just be patient. “I’ll tell mom to sew it up nicely.”

, I felt Teddy Dragon grandmother in that words , and I started opening the village to my grandmother's grandson.

Totem Dragon

The Totem Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Totem Dragon story is unlocked when you own 10 or more adult Wind Type dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Totem Dragon Egg Sprite.pngTotem Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Totem Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
When the natives settled down, they painted rainbow trees and made totems. The indigenous people thought that the harder the rainbow tree, the more intense color, the more Totem would listen to the wishes. Totem was always placed in the best sunlight, because I thought it was a place connected to God. 

Native people always made the same wish to the totem. 

“Please protect our village.”

On that day, the natives who visited the totem to make a wish were surprised. This is because instead of a totem, there was a Dragon Egg with the same pattern as the totem. 

“It must have come down from heaven to grant our wish!”

The natives agreed with his words, and from that day on, they made wishes on the Dragon's Egg . And the Dragon that hatched from an Egg was called a Totem Dragon.

Totem Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Liberte Egg Sprite.pngLiberte to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
The Totem Dragon granted the wishes of the native people. Although it was literally just granting wishes, the natives said that their wishes came true thanks to the Totem Dragon . It was believed that Totem Dragon delivered a wish to God. 

Aboriginal people made a chair of rainbow trees so that the Totem Dragon could communicate closer to God. Totem Dragon sat in a rainbow wood chair, listened to the wishes of the natives, and raised the Wind with wings. The Wind of the Totem Dragon calmed the minds of the natives, and their villages were more peaceful than ever. 

until the young man who completed his trip came back. 

“Do you know how wide the world is? There is another continent besides the continent we live! How many people are there… !”

The natives, who were bored with the continued peace, left the village one by one to seek new experiences, and in the end, only one young man remained in the village.

Totem Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Asti Egg Sprite.pngAsti to adult Reward: 1 Totem Dragon Egg Sprite.pngTotem Dragon egg
The young man was preparing to leave the village. The reason he left the village was loneliness. The elders could not tell him to remain in the village. Because the end of their lives was in sight. 

As always, the elders visited the Totem Dragon and prayed for peace and stability in the village. The elders bent down and spoke to the Totem Dragon. 

“Please protect our village.”

Sadly , Dead came to the elders' side sooner than expected. 

The lone Totem Dragon, who had tried to protect the village until the end, buried them in a sunny place. A monument was also erected to commemorate them with a rainbow tree. And he sat among them and listened to their voices, but they spoke no more of their wishes. 

Totem Dragon came to mind on them every day. 

“If our culture remains until the end… .”

“I hope this village is forever… .”

Totem Dragon wanted to listen to their wishes. I wanted to do it, not just listening. I wanted to protect their village. So Totem Dragon sat in the rainbow tree, the best place in the village.

Hair Wings Dragon

The Wings Dragon Hair Wings Adult M Sprite.png Hair Wings Dragon story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Wings Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWings Dragon(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Wings Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWings Dragon (Hair Wings form) egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Hair Wings Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragons to adult Reward: 300,000 Gold Item.pngGold
Wings Dragon set the standard for leaders by having long, shiny, flowing hair. 
Wings Dragon 
Wings Dragon decided to sit in the position of the leader, who had the ability to control the Wind. 

But he did not want to be a leader. Wings Dragon's leaders have to trim their heads with honey every day so that their heads are not damaged, and have not been flying for a long time to avoid tangled. But I could not ignore everyone's recognition. 

. So he eventually became a leader. 

After becoming the leader, he spent more time taking care of his hair in order to raise the status of the Wings Dragon. 

'Is maintaining beauty really a leader's job? ?' 

Whenever he questioned, his parents said. 

“Look. Many people are not gaining hope through your beauty. ”

He did not turn away from the eyes of those who looked up at themselves as their parents said.

Hair Wings Dragon Tale - Chapter 2
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWind Dragon to adult Reward: 150 Cosmic Crystal Item.pngCosmic Crystal
“Look over there! “A typhoon is coming!”

At the leader's words, the Wings Dragon tried to change the direction of the typhoon by constantly moving their huge wings. However, the typhoon was approaching quickly, producing strong Wind without any movement. 

“Everyone run away! Safety is the priority! ”

The leader shouted as he saw the typhoon approaching. 

The Wings Dragon who could not hear his voice were still flapping their wings against the typhoon. 

“This is too dangerous! Go to a safe place! ”

The Wings Dragon, who was assisting the leader nearby, said. 

“I can't. “I will stay here until the end and protect everyone!”

The leader, who thought this was something worthy of his position, spread his wings despite opposition from those around him. 

“Get behind me! Come on!”

The leader's abundant wings began to flap violently due to the typhoon. The leader did not back down and protected the Wings Dragon even though he suffered the pain of having his hair torn out. 

I wanted to somehow protect those who believed in me and followed me and their habitat.

Hair Wings Dragon Tale - Chapter 3
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Wings Dragon Egg Sprite.pngWings Dragon (Hair Wings form) egg
The typhoon quickly turned to the direction. There were no injuries or broken places. The only difference was the beauty of the leader. Where is the rich and lunatic hair, where the men's scalp was revealed. 

will not think of hope. 'As you see yourself far from beauty, the leader decided to come down from the seat. This is because the Wings Dragon thought they would be ashamed. 

But the Wings Dragon have shown respect to him while folding their wings. Through this incident, I realized that a true leader is not someone who is beautiful, but someone who protects everyone from danger and guides them to the right path. 

“You are our eternal leader!”

Wings Dragon called the leader who was willing to sacrifice beauty to protect them. The Hair Wings promised to repay the trust of the Wings Dragon, and the Wings Dragon, who inherited the Hair Wings' will, began to devote themselves to cultivating their hearts, not their appearance.


Starry Dragon

The Starry Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Starry Dragon story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Nebula Egg Sprite.pngNebula(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Starry Dragon Egg Sprite.pngStarry Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Starry Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Starry Dragon Egg Sprite.pngStarry Dragon egg
Oh, they are the Tamer of the deep sea. 

I recently discovered a star-like Dragon. Would you like to hear the story? 

A Dragon like a star... what kind of Dragon is it? 

It is a star Dragon, a Starry Dragon that provides peaceful sleep. 

What a peaceful sleep! This is the Dragon I must meet. 

Daon always pushes me out of bed because he talks in his sleep. 

Me? Was that so...? 

Starry Dragon have a special ability to provide peaceful sleep. 

It protects from nightmares and protects those who sleep. 

However, it is known to be difficult to find because it only flies in clear night skies. 

Ugh... I wonder if I can't escape Daon's nightmare forever... 

Haha, don't worry. I found a Starry Dragon Egg. 

I met a Starry Dragon in my dream, and when I woke up, there was an Egg in front of me. 

Since you guys seem to need more, wouldn't you trade the Starry Dragon Egg for 3 star clouds? 

Good! Did you say 3 star clouds? I'll be back! 

I heard that Nebula is good at discovering star clouds. 

Just bring 3 star clouds. 

You brought a cloud of stars! thank you! It would be a good material for making paint. 

As promised, I will give you the Starry Dragon's Egg. 

Thank you! Hurray! Goodbye to Daon’s nightmares! 

Do you think you like me that much because you tormented me while I was sleeping...? 

It's warm because I'm hugging Egg... I think I'll fall asleep soon.


The Penguingon Default Adult M Sprite.png Penguingon story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Shark Dragon Egg Sprite.pngShark Dragon(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Penguingon Egg Sprite.pngPenguingon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Penguingon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Water Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Penguingon Egg Sprite.pngPenguingon egg
Oh, they are the Tamer of the deep sea. 

I recently discovered a Dragon that resembles a penguin. Would you like to hear the story? 

It looks like a penguin? Does it look like those penguins that live in groups in cold places? 

Tell us a story! What kind of Dragon is Penguingon ? 

Penguingon usually live in groups near water where hard rocks are available. 

When it finds a rock it likes at the water's edge, it bites it with its beak and makes a proud face. 

Just imagining it is cute! Please take me to the place where Penguin Gon is later . Goghuhut, mister! 

Ah! I want to do that too, but I have to focus on drawing from now on. 

I was just getting inspired... But I have a Penguingon . 

How about exchanging 3 water essences for a Penguingon ? 

Okay, mister! I'll bring you some purified water. 

I heard that Sharkgon is good at discovering the essence of water. 

Just bring 3 water essences. 

You brought the essence of water! thank you! It would be a good material for making paint. 

As promised, I will give you Penguingon's Egg. 

Wow! Uncle, thank you! It has soft fur... 

Penguingon also has the audacity to steal other people's stones. Keep this in mind. 

But if you're a Tamer like Daon, you'll be able to handle Penguingon without any problems!


The Icarus Default Adult M Sprite.png Icarus story is unlocked when you own 1 or more adult Poison River Egg Sprite.pngPoison River(s). The end of the tale rewards you with a Icarus Egg Sprite.pngIcarus egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Icarus Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dark Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Icarus Egg Sprite.pngIcarus egg
Oh, they are the Tamer of the deep sea. 

I recently discovered a new Dragon. Would you like to hear its story?

Really? Goghuhut , uncle, what kind of Dragon is this? 

Icarus is a poisonous Dragon that is considered to be like a ghost. 

A ghost? Ugh... I don't like scary things... 

Still, please let me know! I don't want to miss the new Dragon. 

Icarus is a Dragon with tentacles all over its body. 

It has the characteristic of releasing toxins while freely transforming its body. 

I went with a canvas to draw a coral reef, and finally found the image of Icarus. 

It quickly catches its prey with its tentacles. Isn’t it amazing?

This Dragon is truly as magical as a ghost! 

Right? That's right! I found an Icarus Egg among the coral reefs... 

Since Daon said he doesn't like scary things... I guess I should give it to someone else. 

No! You have to collect all the Dragon Egg in the deep sea. I want it! 

Haha, I get it. But since it's an Egg I worked so hard to obtain, wouldn't you trade it for three poisonous tentacles? 

Good! I'll get it right away. 

I heard that Poison River is good at finding toxic tentacles. 

Just bring 3 toxic tentacles. 

You brought poisonous tentacles! thank you! It would be a good material for making paint. 

As promised, I will give you Icarus' Egg. 

Thank you! mister! 

Uh... I think I'm a little sleepy because I'm holding the Egg... 

Da-on! Don't touch the Egg's tentacles! Oops... I fell asleep.


The Najeon Default Adult M Sprite.png Najeon story is unlocked when you own 5 or more Light Type adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Najeon Egg Sprite.pngNajeon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Najeon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Light Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Najeon Egg Sprite.pngNajeon egg
When Najeon carefully pulled the pearl and looked at it, the figure of a Tamer vaguely appeared. Hair blowing in the Wind and eyes longing for the world beyond the window. He wanted to go outside, but his body seemed to be a big obstacle to achieving his wish. 

Najeon, who had a weak body, felt that she was very similar to Tamer in that she easily got tired even with the slightest flapping of her wings. After watching Tamer through Jinju for a long time, Najeon made a decision deep in her heart. He wanted to help Tamer by overcoming his limitations first. 

Najeon tried to raise her four legs. Although I failed repeatedly, I never gave up. The more I tried, the more the mother-of Najeon pearls shone brighter than before. And on a night when the full moon was shining brightly, Najeon fully stood up with all her strength on her four legs. 

'Tell the Tamer your strong heart.' 

Najeon, led by Jinju's words, spread her wings wide and headed toward where Tamer was. Each flap of the wing was imbued with strong confidence and dazzlingly bright Light. 

The power of life, stronger than starlight, shined dazzlingly in the night sky.

Pinata Dragon

The Pinata Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Pinata Dragon story is unlocked when you own 5 or more Dream Type adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Pinata Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPinata Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Pinata Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Pinata Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPinata Dragon egg
The Pinata Dragon, who was eating candy while lying down on the Slate , suddenly became jealous of the colors of the candy. 

“Why isn’t my body as colorful as candy?”

So the Pinata Dragon decided to eat a lot of candy, but its body color still did not change. 

It was the same even if I ate twenty, fifty, a hundred, or more candies. On the contrary, I ate so much candy that I was almost full. 

In the end, the Pinata Dragon could not eat all the candy and decided to share it with others. On the day of the festival, the Pinata Dragon in front of the Dragon and Tamer holding a lot of candy. 

People who came to enjoy the festival gathered in front of the Pinata Dragon's candy basket. One person, two people, ten people... More and more people's faces were filled with bright smiles. 

After the festival was over, the Pinata Dragon realized that spreading Happy by handing out candy was more meaningful than its gorgeous body. 

'The joy I receive when I give is so great... ' 

Before he knew it, the Pinata Dragon had forgotten that he wanted his body to be gorgeous. However, those who received the candy were able to see the Pinata Dragon becoming more and more colorful. 

The joy of giving and the Happy of others colorfully colored the paper of the Pinata Dragon.

Record Dragon

The Record Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png Record Dragon story is unlocked when you own 5 or more Dream Type adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Record Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRecord Dragon egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Record Dragon Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Dream Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Record Dragon Egg Sprite.pngRecord Dragon egg
In late autumn, the small animals in the forest began to prepare for hibernation. Among them, a small parrot was looking around with anxious eyes, unable to sleep. Record Dragon found the parrot and approached it quietly. “You can’t sleep, can you?”

The parrot nodded and answered. “I can’t sleep because my anxiety won’t go away.”

Record Dragon smiled quietly at the parrot’s anxious expression. “Don’t worry, I’ll play some music for you. When you listen to the music, your mind will be at ease and you’ll be able to sleep well.”

After Record Dragon finished speaking, he sat down on a soft tree stump and began to play. The elegant classical music spread throughout the forest. The forest was filled with an extremely calm and peaceful atmosphere. 

The parrot, who had closed his eyes and was listening to Record Dragon’s music, muttered. “It’s really gentle and elegant music… somehow… “I feel like I’m getting sleepy little by little.”

As Record Dragon’s music enveloped the forest like a Affable blanket, the parrot gradually fell into a deep sleep amidst the soft melody. Record Dragon continued to play music while watching the parrot’s relaxed appearance.


The Mirinae Default Adult M Sprite.png Mirinae story is unlocked when you own 5 or more Wind Type adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Mirinae Egg Sprite.pngMirinae egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Mirinae Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Mirinae Egg Sprite.pngMirinae egg
Two groups of mirinae met in the starry night sky. 

The first group flew across the sky with a soft blue Light, while the second group streaked across the sky with a gorgeous pink light. 

The Mirinae of the first group called out to the second group. “Hey guys! If we work together, we can make a more beautiful flight path. Why don’t we join forces?” 

The Mirinae of the second group responded. “That’s a great idea! If your soft blue Light and our gorgeous pink light meet, we can make a really big star!”

And so, the Mirinae of each group naturally took their positions and began to fly through the sky. They crossed each other’s flight paths and flew while precisely adjusting their flight paths. The blue and pink Light combined to create a large star pattern in the sky, and that pattern shone like the center of a galaxy illuminating the world. 

Looking at the night sky that had become even more beautiful, the first group of Mirinae shouted, “Look! It’s the star we made!”

The second group of Mirinae happily answered that shout. “That’s right! It’s the most beautiful star we’ve ever made?”

The Mirinae looked at each other and smiled, proudly looking at the work of art they had created together in the sky.


The Trevor Default Adult M Sprite.png Trevor story is unlocked when you own 5 or more Earth Type adult dragons. The end of the tale rewards you with a Trevor Egg Sprite.pngTrevor egg. To view the story of each chapter, click the expand button below.

Trevor Tale - Chapter 1
Requirement: Grow 1 Wind Type dragon to adult Reward: 1 Trevor Egg Sprite.pngTrevor egg
On a day with heavy rain, the frog family, who were moving, were stuck in the same place because of the flooded Water. Trevor saw them in trouble and decided to lend a helping hand. 

“Frogs! Can I help you move?”

One of the frog family readily approached Trevor and answered. “Croak, croak, thank you! But how will you help us? Croak?”

Trevor smiled and answered. “Get on my back! I’ll get you to your destination safely.”

At those words, the frog family climbed on Trevor’s back one by one. Then Trevor carefully flew into the sky. 

They passed the Water river and arrived at their destination. They thanked Trevor and handed him a fresh coconut. “Croak, croak! Thank you so much! “Thanks to you, I was able to move safely! I’m saying thank you with this coconut!”

Trevor happily accepted the coconut. “This is the freshest coconut in the world. I’ll enjoy it. Thank you. See you next time!” 

Trevor flew into the sky with the coconut in his arms. The Joyful croaking of frogs could be heard in Trevor ’s ears.