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Trevor (트레버) is an Earth/Wind type dragon in the Sky Kingdom category. It can be primarily obtained through Tales and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Trevor can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Tale Obtain an egg from the Trevor Tale.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Trevor with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Feed Deliver
Good! Excellent!
Wash Sleep
Fair. I'm tired...
Play Analyze
Very Good! Great!



Orange Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Trevor Egg Sprite.png Trevor Dead Egg Sprite.png
Trevor Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Trevor Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Trevor Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Trevor Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Trevor Default Adult M Sprite.png
Trevor Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Trevor Expert Badge.png
Trevor Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Trevor
Trevor Mania Badge.png
Trevor Mania Obtain 100 Trevor adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg illuminates the path.


He doesn't realize that he has a passenger on his back.


Because they are still immature, they often make mistakes that cause them to drop passengers.


It is responsible for guiding everyone.

It is responsible for everything from moving to traveling and transporting, and it is meticulous in completing any task it is assigned to without a single mistake. It is sociable, so it easily gets along with other Dragon and animals, and is loved as someone who is always there to help. It prioritizes the comfort of passengers, so it maintains a sense of stability even during moves or travel. Thanks to its meticulousness and excellent sociability, it has become a trusted Friend and guide for everyone.

Dragon Book Entry


It's a path-lighting Egg.

A faint Light leaks out from the small jewel in the center, illuminating the path ahead. It looks like it could be used as a flashlight, but itNaga than it looks, so it's best not to try. It must be very motivated because it keeps rolling forward even when it's in an Egg like state.


It doesn't realize that it has passengers on its back.

It has great enthusiasm, but it is clumsy and makes mistakes often. It sometimes gets lost while guiding people, and sometimes falls asleep forgetting that it has passengers. It carries passengers on its back thanks to the small hump that grows on its back. However, because its legs are particularly short, it has to run around more diligently than other Dragon.


Still immature, he often makes the mistake of dropping passengers.

The small bump on his back gradually grows into two humps and small wings grow. Trevor's wings are too small to fly high in the sky, so they are used to ride the Wind after a big jump. However, because he is still immature, passengers sometimes complain of motion sickness while he is flying. Male mainly fly in deserts, and Female mainly fly in grasslands.


Responsible for guiding everyone.

A fully grown Trevor Adult is responsible for moving, traveling, and transporting his little friends, and shows meticulousness without making a single mistake. Even if there is an Egg between the bumps on his back, he can make sure that he arrives at his destination comfortably without shaking. It is said that Female and Male Trevor get along very well, and once they mate, they promise to stay together for life. Also, since his good Personality is a characteristic of his species, he is very sociable with other Dragon and animals.

Story: There's no reason to give up!

Trevor was born with unusually short legs, a long neck, a heavy hump, and small wings, so he had difficulty flying in the sky or running quickly on the ground.

However, that was no reason for Trevor to give up.

With his short but strong legs, small wings that could catch the Wind, and the power of his tail to kick the Earth, he thought that he might be able to jump big, even if he couldn't fly high, so he started moving his body.

He rolled on the Earth while breathing in dust, and even though his whole body was covered in sand, he kept running and jumping, and eventually Trevor succeeded in kicking up and riding the Wind , opening his mouth wide and cheering.

"I did it!" "Everyone, look at this! I succeeded in riding the Wind!"

After that, with more practice and effort, Trevor began to help his small animal friends move, travel, and transport little by little, and it is said that he became known as an excellent transporter.