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Mirinae (미리내) is a Wind/Light type dragon in the Sky Kingdom category. It can be primarily obtained through Tales and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Mirinae can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Tale Obtain an egg from the Mirinae Tale.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Mirinae with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Feed Starburst
Fair. Great!
Sleep Play
Hmm... Good!
Supersonic flight Wash
Excellent! Very Good!



Navy Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Mirinae Egg Sprite.png Mirinae Dead Egg Sprite.png
Mirinae Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Mirinae Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Mirinae Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Mirinae Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Mirinae Default Adult M Sprite.png
Mirinae Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Mirinae Expert Badge.png
Mirinae Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Mirinae
Mirinae Mania Badge.png
Mirinae Mania Obtain 100 Mirinae adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg chases the light of a galaxy.


The wings are big.


The body begins to Light.


It presents a beautiful scenery resembling the Milky Way to its loved ones.

They live in groups of about 10, reminiscent of a flying group. After a Mirinae flies away, a trail of Light resembling a contrail remains, and this trail slowly spreads over time, creating a scenery resembling the Milky Way.

Mirinae , which has been with a Tamer or a precious being, sometimes shows off beautiful aerobatic performances that are the only ones in the world for their loved ones. Depending on the environment it grew up in, its flight style can vary, and even when it flies alone, it recalls happy memories with its partner and emits a more beautiful Light than anything else.

Dragon Book Entry


This is an Egg that follows the Light of the Milky Way.

This is an Egg that follows the Milky Way. When it finds the ideal Milky Way it desires, the Egg sparkles as if satisfied. It is Normal found in the forest at night, but is also rarely found on top of a high cliff.


It has large wings.

It has large wings. However, the wings are overly nourished, so its forelimbs are so small that it can be mistaken for a wyvern. It has difficulty maintaining balance while standing, but it shows skilled flying skills. It sleeps less than other Dragon and likes to be outdoors, so it often shows itself practicing flying during the day and at night.


It starts to Light from its body.

As it grows, its front and hind legs, which were out of alignment, become more balanced, and Light resembling the Milky Way begins to leak out from the tip of its tail. Mirinae , who suddenly notices Light emanating from its body, is surprised by the rapid physical change, but soon becomes even more absorbed in her flight practice, rejoicing at the thought that she is one step closer to completing beautiful flight.


It presents a beautiful landscape resembling the Milky Way.

The horns and mane on its head have grown, giving it a sleek impression. As an Adult, Mirinae glides across the night sky with a stronger Light and at a faster speed than when it was a Hatchling . Mirinae's flight speed is very fast, like Light, and because it is so fast , the place it passes by is scorched beyond recognition by the Wind created by its flight. Mirinae does not want anyone to be harmed, so it mostly avoids places with Water and flies high in the sky.

It has a lively and friendly Personality, and easily becomes friends with humans, small animals, or Dragon and protects them. Its body, which resembles starlight, has no concept of 'sleep', so it plays with its friends in the forest during the day, and when the pitch-black night falls, it becomes Light so that its friends are not scared.

Story: The one and only Milky Way

In a city where factory smoke never cleared, there lived a little girl and an unknown Dragon. The girl and the Dragon were best Friend , but the Dragon seemed a little worried.

It was because the girl had an Egg Disease. The Dragon thought of a way to cure Disease, but it always ended with, 'If I had the power of Light, I could cure this Disease...'

Then one day, when it was time to go to bed, the girl muttered softly as she lay in bed.

"...I want to see the stars."

Stars. In other places, they would float in the sky every night, but here, covered in smoke, there was no way to see them. However, upon hearing those words, the Dragon suddenly had a thought. What if I shined like the stars in the sky? Every night, in the yard of the house, he gathered all his strength and prayed to the sky.

'I want to grant that child's wish, which may be his last...!'

On the seventh night of the prayer, suddenly, with a flash, the Dragon's body began to shine like a star! She was surprised by the Light for a moment, but now she had to call Friend.

"Hey, look at the sky for a moment! There's something I want to show you!"

The girl was puzzled by the Dragon's sudden request, but soon found herself amazed as she looked up at the sky as he said. In the sky where stars should clearly not be visible, there was a mysterious Light resembling the 'Milky Way' she had seen in books.

While she was staring blankly at the sky, her eyes met with Friend the Dragon among the Light . The Dragon came in through the window and spoke happily.

"How are they? These are the stars I made for you!" "..." "...I guess they don't look like each other after all, like stars..."

The Dragon, who was momentarily intimidated by the girl's silence, carefully looked up again and was surprised.

"Thank you... so much...!"

Tears were running down the girl's cheeks, but she clearly had a happy expression on her face. The Dragon, who realized the girl's feelings belatedly, held back his own tears and hugged the girl silently.

Several years later, the girl, who had miraculously recovered from her Disease, told this story to her parents, who were studying Dragon . It is said that this was the beginning of Mirinae , a Dragon that floats in the night sky like a river.