Dragon Growth

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Once a dragon is obtained, it will begin to grow and eventually evolve into the next stage if its growth requirements are met. Various factors will affect the speed that the dragon will grow, and some items can be used to cause a dragon to evolve rapidly. A dragon must evolve into the next stage within 5 days or else it will die.

Dragons typically have four stages of growth: egg, hatch, hatchling, and adult. Some species may not have all four stages, however, such as Hydragon Egg Sprite.pngHydragon or Azak Egg Sprite.pngAzak. A dragon will stop growing if it dies, is frozen, or becomes an adult.

A dragon's growth is dependent on happiness accumulated, which is raised by how high a dragon's Comfort Level is, and how long it's been in one stage - also known as it's growth time.

Comfort Level

A dragon's Comfort Level can be raised through various means such as cares or being placed in the Incubator and indicates the dragon's mood. A high Comfort Level will mean that the dragon is happy and that the dragon will gain happiness faster and thus grow faster, while a low Comfort Level means that the dragon is sad, will gain less happiness, and thus grow slower. The table below outlines the different Comfort Levels as well as what they mean for the dragon.

Comfort Level Description
Sad Comfort Level Icon.png


This is the lowest Comfort Level. If a dragon is sad, they won't gain any more happiness, and if left completely sad its maximum growth time, will not evolve and die. Sad dragons may be put in the Incubator, given cares, or vitamins to increase their Comfort Level.
Normal Comfort Level Icon.png


This is the middle Comfort Level. If a dragon is normal, it will slowly gain happiness and will be able to evolve if given enough time. Putting a sad dragon in the Incubator or performing a care may raise the Comfort Level to this level.
Happy Comfort Level Icon.png


This is the highest Comfort Level. If a dragon is happy, it will quickly gain happiness and will be able to evolve after enough time has passed in its growth stage. The use of vitamins will keep a dragon's Comfort Level at this level.
Sick Comfort Level Icon.png


This is a Comfort Level that occurs when a dragon receives a care that causes its Comfort Level to exceed the maximum. If a dragon is sick, they cannot evolve, be trained, or be traded. If not healed before its maximum growth time is up or if the dragon is cared for twice while sick, the dragon will die. A dragon can be healed through the Heal action or through the use of the Remedy Item.pngRemedy item.
Stun Comfort Level Icon.png


This is a Comfort Level that occurs when a dragon is under the effects of the Stun special action. For 24 hours, the dragon will have its growth, including its growth time, paused. In this state, the dragon cannot evolve, be cared for, or do any trains, but has no risk of dying.

A dragon's Comfort Level will decay overtime at random intervals. This is not species specific, and one dragon could experience significant decay while another dragon of the same species could experience only slight decay. Alternatively, a dragon's Comfort Level can be kept at maximum for a certain period of time through the use of the Pino's Vitamins items, such as Pino's Vitamins (8h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (8h), Pino's Vitamins (24h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (24h), and Pino's Vitamins (72h) Item.pngPino's Vitamins (72h). Exceeding a dragon's maximum Comfort Level will result in it getting sick, preventing it from evolving.


The Incubator is a special function where dragons can be placed to slowly accumulate happiness without the need to care for the dragon. Generally, if a dragon is kept in the Incubator close to when it began its growth stage, it will evolve on its own without any player involvement. However, this does not guarantee that a dragon will not die if incubated too close to its maximum growth time.


A dragon in growth will have six cares to choose from in order to boost its Comfort Level. Each dragon has four general cares as well as two cares specific to that dragon species.

The amount of the Comfort Level raised is dependent on what care you use on what dragon. If the care used exceeds its maximum Comfort Level, the dragon will get sick.

Care Dialogue

On the Care action menu, the dragon will say a bit of dialogue that indicates what care you can use that will raise the Comfort Level without getting the dragon sick, or if no cares can be used without getting the dragon sick at that time. There are three lines of dialogue the dragon can say relating to cares per stage. Click the expand button below to see what line of dialogue corresponds to what care. (Note: Some cares may have the same dialogue lines.)

Care Dialogue (Egg) Dialogue (Hatch) Dialogue (Hatchling)
No Care Usable
  • "I'm in a good mood!"
  • "Happiness!"
  • "Excited and happy!"
  • "Full of joy!"
  • "Happy energy!"
  • "Everything excites me!"
  • "The world exists for me!"
  • "Everything satisfied me."
  • "This is what happiness is!"
Dragon is Sick
  • "I'm sick..."
  • "*Groan*"
  • Blechhh..."
  • "I can't cheer up."
  • "My body doesn't feel right..."
  • "Whoa, I'm dizzy..."
  • "My head is about to crack!!!"
  • "My whole body aches..."
  • "I don't want to be sick..."
  • "I want to be clean!"
  • "Dirty..."


  • "I'm all covered in mud."
  • "My body's filthy!"
  • "It's time to wash up!"
  • "Smell that weird odor?"
  • "Feels like I'm covered in dirt."
  • "My body's way too dirty."
  • "Sleepy..."
  • "zZz..."
  • "Sleep..."
  • "My eyelids feel heavy..."
  • "Yawn..."
  • "Time for bed!"
  • "I could use some sleep."
  • "It's bed time!"
  • "I could really use some rest."
  • "Play!"
  • "Bored-"
  • "Let's play!"
  • "Anything fun going on?"
  • "Let's play! I'm bored!"
  • "I need some fun!"
  • "Life is nothing without fun."
  • "It's time to play."
  • "I want to play doing fun activities."
  • "Rumble..."
  • "Food! Food! Food!"
  • "Food!"
  • "I'm starving. Anything to eat?"
  • "I want to smell something delicious."
  • "Fooooood! Arrgh..."
  • "My stomach is growling."
  • "I think it's past eating time."
  • "I'm starving. I can't move."
  • "Bzzt!"
  • "..."
  • "Focus!"
  • "Focus on your inner self!"
  • "I need to clear my mind."
  • "Time to focus!"
  • "It's meditation time."
  • "Meditation will help me."
  • "Focus is what I need."
  • "Angry!"
  • "Get away from me!!!"
  • "Anger!"
  • "I'm angry!"
  • "I'm going to smash everything..."
  • "I can't take it anymore!"
  • "What I need is anger!"
  • "Anger is what I need right now."
  • "I can feel anger boiling inside me."
  • "Me good!"
  • "Good job, right?"
  • "Well done!"
  • "I'm looking for a compliment!"
  • "Guess I did well!"
  • "It's okay to compliment me."
  • "I think I deserve a compliment."
  • "A compliment would satisfy me."
  • "Isn't it time to compliment me?"
  • "Fresh!"
  • "Apple!"
  • "Apple..."
  • "Apples are what I need!"
  • "Where can I find apples?"
  • "I need an apple."
  • "I'd love to eat a refreshing apple."
  • "Do you have any apples?"
  • "Apples are all I need."
  • "Plant! Need!"
  • "Seed!"
  • "Plant! Seed!"
  • "Time to plant seeds."
  • "What will grow from this seed?"
  • "I want to plant something!"
  • "What will this seed grow into?"
  • "I want to plant seeds and create my own garden."
  • "Aren't you curious what this seed will grow into?"
  • "Send! Hearts!"
  • "Love!"
  • "Heart!"
  • "Shoot love for me, will you?"
  • "Shoot Hearts towards me!"
  • "Love is what I need-"
  • "I need love, too."
  • "Love is what we need right now."
  • "I hope the world is full of love."
  • "Joke around!"
  • "Make me laugh!"
  • "Boring..."
  • "Anything funny going on?"
  • "Tell me a funny story!"
  • "I want to laugh out loud."
  • "Humor? Anyone?"
  • "Making others laugh is also a talent."
  • "I prefer fun stories over boring ones."
  • "Hot!"
  • "Fire-"
  • "On fire!"
  • "The fire's making my mouth itchy!"
  • "Is there anywhere I can breathe fire?"
  • "Not enough heat."
  • "I'm ready to burn everything up."
  • "Where would you need fire?"
  • "Want a taste of some sizzling fire?"
  • "Beep-♪"
  • "Ah-!"
  • "Sing!"
  • "Let's sing!"
  • "I want to sing."
  • "Time for a song."
  • "Time for some singing to echo through."
  • "It's the perfect day for sad songs."
  • "Perfect day for some singing."
  • "Ice!"
  • "Icy-"
  • "Freeze."
  • "Freeze it hard!"
  • "I prefer cold stuff."
  • "I want to cool down!"
  • "Coldness is necessary at times like this."
  • "I want to freeze to the edge of my scales."
  • "I want to endure the endless cold."
  • "Run!"
  • "Sweat!"
  • "Train!"
  • "I want to become stronger."
  • "I want to become stronger!"
  • "Self discipline is a must."
  • "My body can become stronger."
  • "Steady exercise is a must to gain strength."
  • "I feel I can work out some more."
  • "Bzzt!"
  • "Bzzt bzzt-"
  • "Electric."
  • "I'm overflowing with electricity."
  • "Electricity is running through my tail!"
  • "Static electricity is a thing these days."
  • "This electricity might be beneficial to someone."
  • "If only I could use my electricity effectively..."
  • "Anything that needs charging?"
  • "Gap!"
  • "Ticklish-"
  • "Joking-"
  • "I'm very ticklish."
  • "I want to laugh out loud..."
  • "I'm in the mood to play a prank."
  • "I want to play pranks just like I did before."
  • "I'm not ticklish anymore."
  • "Want to play a prank on me? Go on."
  • "Burp!"
  • "Big burp!"
  • "Burp! Careful!"
  • "Feels like a Dragon is soaring out of my mouth."
  • "Wanna see how a dragon burps?"
  • "Careful! I'm about to burp!"
  • "I can feel a Dragon in my mouth."
  • "One burp is enough to devastate the area."
  • "Curious how a dragon burps?"
  • "Hug."
  • "Hug me!"
  • "Arms!"
  • "I can use some warmth."
  • "I hope someone hugs me."
  • "Can you wrap me up?"
  • "If only someone could comfort me..."
  • "I need someone to hold me in their arms."
  • "No one will ever understand my loneliness."
  • "Feather!"
  • "Tangle!"
  • "Comb!"
  • "I need to groom myself!"
  • "Brush me, please-"
  • "My feathers keep getting tangled."
  • "Brushing time!"
  • "I think my fur is a bit tangled."
  • "Mind if I ask you to brush my fur?"
  • "Wind-"
  • "Cool!"
  • "Me want to fly!"
  • "I need wind."
  • "I want to feel the wind."
  • "I love the wind-"
  • "I could really use some breeze."
  • "If only there was cool wind..."
  • "You need wind to fly."
  • "Good job, right?"
  • "Adore me!"
  • "Me want praise!"
  • "Pat me-!"
  • "Perfect compliment-!"
  • "Are you going to compliment me?"
  • "I deserve a compliment that suits my reputation."
  • "Are you thinking of complimenting me?"
  • "I just want to be recognized."
  • "Squeaky clean-"
  • "Sparkly!"
  • "Shiny!"
  • "I want to shine brighter."
  • "A glowing body requires effort."
  • "I need my body to shine."
  • "My scales have to shine brighter than anyone else's."
  • "My body is losing its shine."
  • "Are my scales shiny enough?"
  • "Water!"
  • "Cold water!"
  • "Teeny bit of water!"
  • "I don't want to wash! I need water!"
  • "I really want to clear my head..."
  • "When water falls from the sky..."
  • "I can really use some cool water."
  • "I hope water falls from the sky."
  • "What I need is a little bit of water."
  • "Deep."
  • "Dive-"
  • "Ocean! Glug glug!"
  • "I love the deep sea."
  • "I want to go diving."
  • "I am curious about the deep sea."
  • "I want to visit the tranquil ocean."
  • "The world seems quiet when you're underwater."
  • "The ocean gives me comfort."
  • "Hot spring-"
  • "Warm!"
  • "Me like hot spring!"
  • "I love hot springs."
  • "I want to heat my body up."
  • "The perfect weather for hot springs."
  • "I'd love to relax in a hot spring."
  • "A hot spring is all I need."
  • "I miss everything about the hot springs."
Alone Time
  • "Stay away!"
  • "It worked!"
  • "What are you looking at!"
  • "I need some alone time."
  • "I prefer being alone."
  • "I am not in the mood to talk."
  • "Some alone time is also necessary."
  • "I am not in the mood to chat with anybody."
  • "I need time for my private life."
  • "Craft!"
  • "Crafting!"
  • "Crafting time!"
  • "I love crafting!"
  • "I came up with an interesting idea."
  • "There's nothing I can't craft now!"
  • "It's meaningful to make something."
  • "What I need is something creative."
  • "It's time for my ideas to come to life!"
  • "Outdoors! Out!"
  • "Scenery!"
  • "Take a stroll-"
  • "I'd love to see a panoramic scenery."
  • "I need fresh air."
  • "It's time I go outside."
  • "I need to find the fun in seeing the world."
  • "What I need is a leisurely walk."
  • "I learn how to contemplate while taking a walk."
  • "Itchy!"
  • "Scratch!"
  • "Scratchy..."
  • "It's scratchy, but I can't reach."
  • "So itchy!"
  • "I would've scratched if only I could reach!"
  • "I need someone to scratch me."
  • "Feels like something's growing. It's itchy."
  • "I should relieve my itchiness."
  • "Earth Energy!"
  • "Soil!"
  • "Soil, please!"
  • "I lack Earth Energy."
  • "I need lots of soil!"
  • "If only I could fill enough Earth Energy..."
  • "It's time we need Earth Energy."
  • "I need soil. Prepare it for me."
  • "What I need is Earth Energy."
  • "Music-"
  • "Enjoy the rhythm!"
  • "Music!"
  • "Is there a song that suits me?"
  • "Let's groove to the music."
  • "I'd love to listen to a good melody."
  • "Just some music and everything will be perfect."
  • "Some mellow music is what I need."
  • "Good music leads to change of heart."
Farm Mushrooms
  • "Mushroom!"
  • "Mushroom, mushroom!"
  • "Grow!"
  • "I need mushrooms..."
  • "Wish I had a pet mushroom..."
  • "I want to grow mushrooms."
  • "Can you get me some mushrooms?"
  • "If only I could plant mushrooms..."
  • "Some mushrooms would be perfect."
  • "Pinch-"
  • "Pinch?"
  • "Ouch."
  • "It'll hurt if you pinch me."
  • "You're going to pinch me, right?"
  • "Are you going to pinch me?"
  • "Are you going to pinch me?"
  • "Want to pinch me? Go ahead."
  • "You won't pinch me, will you?"
  • "Analyze."
  • "Understand! Analyze!"
  • "Perfect analysis."
  • "I want to analyze stuff."
  • "Tell me more."
  • "There's something I want to know."
  • "Analysis makes you discover new facts."
  • "I have to properly analyze what I'm curious about."
  • "Time for some analyzing."
  • "Click!"
  • "Cheese!"
  • "Take it!"
  • "Let's take a picture together."
  • "I'll be making the peace sign!"
  • "I love taking photos!"
  • "I think I heard something go 'click'."
  • "I don't care if you want to take photos or not."
  • "Are you going to take my picture?"
  • "Bright!"
  • "Light!"
  • "Need light!"
  • "See my body? It's gleaming!"
  • "I am ready to shine now."
  • "Light is coming towards me!"
  • "Let me brighten up the world with my light."
  • "Aren't you curious about my light?"
  • "It's my moment to shine."
  • "Travel."
  • "Leave!"
  • "Far, far away-"
  • "Let's go somewhere far away!"
  • "Can't you think of somewhere more exciting?"
  • "This town is no fun."
  • "It's painful to be stuck in one place for too long."
  • "Perfect weather to go on a trip."
  • "Now then, how about leaving on a trip?"
  • "Pray!"
  • "Sky! God!"
  • "Light!"
  • "I should pray for my destiny."
  • "I have to pray for something."
  • "Let's wait until the sky gives us a sign."
  • "Can't you feel God's divine will?"
  • "Praying for your wishes is important."
  • "It's time my prayers be heard."
Tell Fortune
  • "Fortune-"
  • "Today!"
  • "Dot."
  • "Today's an unlucky day."
  • "I'm curious about my luck."
  • "What will today bring?"
  • "Time to check where my destiny's headed to."
  • "I am able to foresee how my day will be like."
  • "How's my luck today?"
  • "Decorations."
  • "Decorate!"
  • "Mirror-"
  • "It needs some decorations."
  • "Decorate me!"
  • "I'm missing some accessories."
  • "Every accessory in the world suits me perfectly."
  • "Any accessory will suit me."
  • "Isn't there anything to make me shine brighter?"
  • "Deliver!"
  • "Letter!"
  • "Supersonic!"
  • "Anything to deliver?"
  • "I can deliver real quickly."
  • "I'll deliver it!"
  • "I offer fast and accurate delivery."
  • "Is there something to deliver?"
  • "Let me know if you have to deliver anything else."
  • "Touch!"
  • "Gimme hand!"
  • "Pat pat-"
  • "Pat me."
  • "I'd love to hear a compliment."
  • "Pat me gently."
  • "I should ask you to pat me."
  • "I need someone to take care of me."
  • "I would love you to pat me."
  • "Split body!"
  • "Division!"
  • "Split, split!"
  • "Wanna see me divide?"
  • "Curious about my body structure, right?"
  • "I can divide my body."
  • "Dividing is fun!"
  • "Dividing myself is a piece of cake!"
  • "I wish I could divide my body into parts."
  • "Wanna bite."
  • "Bite!"
  • "Teeth, hide!"
  • "My teeth are starting to itch."
  • "Give me something to bite."
  • "If only I can bite something..."
  • "If only there's something to bite..."
  • "It's time I shed my teeth."
  • "My teeth are itchy. I want to bite something."
Collect Bones
  • "Me like bones!"
  • "Bone!"
  • "Collect- Bones!"
  • "Plenty of bones make me happy-"
  • "Collecting bones is fun."
  • "I have a bone I really want to have."
  • "Bones are proof that one was once alive."
  • "Collecting bones brings peace to the heart."
  • "Bones have many uses."
Give Honey
  • "Sweet honey!"
  • "Me like honey."
  • "I love sweets..."
  • "If only I had honey..."
  • "I want honey."
  • "I need honey."
  • "It's time I want some honey."
  • "Honey is all I need."
  • "Honey can come in handy."
  • "Need trap."
  • "Enjoy traps!"
  • "I like traps-"
  • "I need a trap."
  • "Boring... Are there any traps?"
  • "I hope I had traps."
  • "There's a thrill you can feel through traps."
  • "Setting traps has its own fun."
  • "Looking for some fun? How about traps?"
  • "Reading."
  • "Book!"
  • "Reading-"
  • "What's the benefit of reading?"
  • "I feel the need to read."
  • "Books entertain me."
  • "Experience gained through books is special."
  • "Prepare a book for me and I'll read it."
  • "It's the perfect time to read."
  • "Fist!"
  • "Head bump!"
  • "Jab jab!"
  • "I want to train a certain part of me."
  • "It makes you stronger!"
  • "I want to train."
  • "I want to show off my strength."
  • "Want to know what kind of power I hold?"
  • "I miss the taste of dust during training."
  • "Jump!"
  • "Run!"
  • "Higher, higher!"
  • "How high can I jump?"
  • "Should I jump?"
  • "I want to reach the sky!"
  • "How high can I jump?"
  • "Curious how strong my legs are?"
  • "I feel like I'll touch the sky if I jump now."
  • "Pfft!"
  • "Pbbbt!"
  • "Tush!"
  • "You are just as bad as me!"
  • "Am I bad?"
  • "I'm not a Dragon that belongs here..."
  • "I met the wrong Tamer, didn't I..."
  • "I can accomplish greater things..."
  • "I need a Tamer to harness my strength."
Shell Crack
  • "Break!"
  • "Look at the Egg!"
  • "Look at the shell."
  • "My Egg is super hard!"
  • "My shell is hard and firm."
  • "Eggs don't break that easily-"
  • "Eggs exist to protect my body."
  • "You can't break shells with your hands."
  • "The edges of my shell are a bit itchy."
Emit Gas
  • "Weird! Smelly!"
  • "Gas! Gas!"
  • "Sniff sniff..."
  • "I heard a strange noise."
  • "Grumbling sound!"
  • "Smell that weird odor?"
  • "I hear something boiling."
  • "Boiling... or not?"
  • "Sounds like gas is boiling."
Supersonic Flight
  • "Babbity bat!"
  • "Beep boop-"
  • "Fast!"
  • "How fast can I fly?"
  • "I want to fly fast."
  • "I bet you want to see me fly!"
  • "Want to know how fast I can fly?"
  • "Let me show how fast I can go."
  • "I fly so fast you won't be able to see me."
Grow Coral
  • "Coral!"
  • "Need. Coral."
  • "I like Coral-"
  • "I need Coral."
  • "Coral is going to make it complete."
  • "Should we grow coral?"
  • "I will eventually need the coral I grow."
  • "I know how to grow good coral."
  • "Preserving coral is necessary for the sake of nature."
  • "Dismantle."
  • "Dissolve!"
  • "Let's! Dismantle!"
  • "Let's dismantle it!"
  • "I'll need tools to dismantle it."
  • "Can you lend me your tools?"
  • "It's important to know how your body functions."
  • "Curious about dismantling?"
  • "Small tools are all I need for dismantling."


Sickness occurs when a dragon's Comfort Level exceeds its maximum by over-caring for it. In this state, the dragon cannot evolve, be traded, or put in the Incubator.

The dragon may be healed through the Heal action that becomes available when a dragon is sick, and can either be healed normally or instantly healed using a Remedy Item.pngRemedy. Healing normally will cure a dragon after a certain period of time, usually between 30-60 minutes.

If two cares are performed while the dragon is sick or if the dragon remains sick until the end of its growth time, the dragon will die.

Sickness can be avoided by using the Protect special action on a dragon to prevent the Comfort Level bar from exceeding the maximum for 6 hours.

Happiness & Growth Time

Each dragon has it's own individual "growth time" for each stage, which means the minimum time it must be in each stage before it is able to evolve into the next one. You can check the growth time of each stage for a dragon on it's specific wiki page.

A dragon will accumulate happiness so long as its comfort level is increased, and if the dragon has enough happiness when it reaches its minimum growth time, the dragon will be able to evolve.

The longer the dragon has remained in one stage, the less happiness is required for it to evolve. For example, if a dragon is kept in one stage for 4 days and 10 hours, it will only take a few hours of a full comfort level for its happiness requirement to be met and the dragon will then be able to evolve.

Even if a dragon has had its comfort level at maximum, it will not be able to evolve until it has met its minimum growth time requirement, unless an action is used if applicable.


Depending on the amount of happiness that the dragon has accumulated, the dragon may be capable of evolving before its minimum growth time requirement is met through the Adore action that will appear. This action will only appear 6-7 hours before a dragon's minimum growth time requirement has been met if it has obtained a high amount of happiness during its time in growth. If the Adore action is not used when available, the dragon will evolve on its own when it reaches its minimum growth time.

Accelerating Growth

A dragon's growth can be accelerated through the use of special items, such as Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drinks and Special Dragon Drink Item.pngSpecial Dragon Drinks. These items will boost a dragon's growth percent and, if the dragon reaches 100% through these items, they will automatically evolve.

Additionally, there is also the Rapid Growth Pill Item.pngRapid Growth Pill item, which will guarantee that the dragon will evolve to adult in 24 hours (8 hours each stage).

There are other things that may accelerate a dragon's growth through events. For example, your very first dragon that you obtain during the tutorial will have a rapid-growing effect placed on it which behaves similarly to a dragon under the effects of the Rapid Growth Pill Item.pngRapid Growth Pill. Dragons placed in the Special Brooder during the Xmas Event also had a similar effect.