Basic Actions

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Basic actions can be performed on most dragons. Some basic actions may only be performed under certain conditions, such as the dragon still in growth, or the dragon being an adult.

See also: Special Actions


Any growing dragon can be cared for. There are 6 care options to choose from, and each one will give a different reaction and raise a certain amount of the dragon's happiness bar. Cares can be given once per hour, with one additional care able to be done if you watch an ad or have Membership. Giving a dragon a care that exceeds the dragon's happiness bar will cause it to be sick. Caring for the dragon two times while it is sick will kill the dragon.

Vitamins may also be applied to the dragon in this menu.

View the Dragon Growth page for a more in-depth explanation on the subject.


When a dragon is sick, the Heal action becomes available. This will heal the dragon from being sick after a certain amount of time, though a dragon can be healed immediately using the Remedy Item.pngRemedy item.

Dragon Drink

Growing dragons may have Special Dragon Drink Item.pngSpecial Dragon Drinks or Dragon Drink Item.pngDragon Drinks applied to them to speed up their growth. Reaching 100% through the use of dragon drinks will cause the dragon to immediately evolve to the next stage.


Growing dragons may be trained to raise any of their four effort values: Agility, Strength, Focus, and Intellect. These effort values may determine what personality your dragon will have when it grows up.

View the Training page for a more in-depth explanation on the subject.


Growing dragons may be placed in the Incubator, where they can be viewed by other players and will slowly grow overtime. Dragons placed in the Incubator will not die so long as they have some time left, even if not cared for, and will grow into the next stage after a while. Dragons can be removed from the Incubator at any time.

Sick dragons will be automatically taken out of the Incubator.


Growing dragons can be sent to the Shelter if they are unwanted, removing it from your Dragon tab and no longer contributing to your egg/nurture limit. This will allow other players to obtain and grow them themselves.

Depending on how the dragon was obtained, you may need to wait 5 hours before being able to send them to the Shelter, which typical for dragons that were obtained from Exploration. Sometimes a dragon may refuse to be sent to the Shelter, and you will need to wait an hour before attempting again. These waiting periods can be bypassed with a Dragon Shelter Ticket Item.pngDragon Shelter Ticket.

Dragons that are untradeable can still be sent to the Shelter, but will not be obtainable to other players and will eventually die.


Any dragon can be abandoned, though growing dragons will contribute to your egg/nurture limit for 24 hours after they've been successfully abandoned. You can clear an abandoned dragon from contributing to your egg/nurture limit using the Broomstick Item.pngBroomstick item. You can successfully abandon 5 dragons every 2 weeks.

Sometimes a dragon may refuse to be abandoned, and you will need to wait 24 hours before attempting again. Abandoned dragons will be removed from the Dragon tab and will be considered dead. Abandoned dragons will remain in the Dragon tab for 2 weeks.

Some dragons' special actions can only be accessible through successfully abandoning them, such as Phoenix Dragon Egg Sprite.pngPhoenix Dragon's Flame of Revival action or Mummy Dragon Egg Sprite.pngMummy Dragon's King's Revival special action.

Bring Back

Excluding eggs, abandoned dragons can be attempted to be brought back. Most of the time, they will not return and be considered dead, however, there is a rare chance they will come back alive, or even as an undead version of that dragon.

You can only attempt to bring back an abandoned dragon once per dragon.


Any growing dragon, with the exception of eggs, may be frozen. This will stop the dragon's growth and keep it in the stage it was frozen in permanently and cannot be reversed. Frozen dragons will remain in your Dragon tab, but will no longer contribute to your nurture limit.

The amount of times you can freeze a dragon is dependent on your certificate level, and resets every 2 weeks. Click the expand button for more information.

Certificate Dragons Required Freeze Limit
Newbie 0 10
Recruit 5 10
Rookie 50 12
Veteran 200 14
Master 500 16
Grandmaster 1,000 18
Legendary 2,000 20


Any adult dragon may breed with another dragon, as long as they are compatible with each other. Dragons of opposite genders can breed with each other, and neutral gendered dragons cannot breed. However, through the use of the Special Actions#Light of Harmony special action, dragons may breed with each other regardless of gender.

View the Breeding page for a more in-depth explanation on the subject.


Adult/frozen dragons may be ascended if they are no longer wanted. This will ascend the dragon to Lathea, removing them from your Dragon tab permanently and cannot be reversed. This will also allow them to be viewable from the Lathea building in the Square.


Any dragon can be given a name through the Label action, though it may not exceed 20 characters. Dragons may share the same nickname and can be changed or removed at any time.


Adult/frozen dragons may be given their own description that will appear below its in-game default description, though it may not exceed 1,000 characters. You can choose whether to have these written descriptions be public (viewable to all players) or private (viewable to only you) in the settings of the description menu.