User talk:Jinjin

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Please be sure to use this link if you have any questions or comments. It helps section things off and makes it harder for me to miss!

New to wikis and hoping to help translate

Hi! I've been playing DVC and using this wiki for a few months now, and I figured I should probably try and contribute to make this site even better, even though this is my first time helping with a wiki. I noticed that pretty much all the Lore sections are purely comprised of the in-game machine translations. Since it looks like you're the main contributor of the site, I wanted to get your blessing before starting on anything. Note that I don't know Korean, so I would not be translating directly from the Korean text, but rather taking the English machine translation and rewriting/reformatting it to be a better read.

Thanks for reading. - Pippin (talk) 04:31, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

Hello! I'm so happy to hear that this wiki has been useful to you, and thank you so much for wanting to help contribute! Yes, you indeed have my blessing! The only thing I would ask is that you put your refined version in the "Fan-Translated" section of the Lore pages, as some people prefer to look at the in-game machine translations for curiosity/comparison. The Wind Dragon page gives a bit of an example as to what I mean. And if you'd like, there's a Translation Needed category to help you keep track of what needs translating. Feel free to remove that category once you're done with a page, by the way! (They might get re-added if a dragon gets a special evolution, though, since it will give the dragon more lore entries) If you have any other questions, do let me know. And thanks again! :)
Have a wonderful day! Jinjin (talk) 08:21, 19 August 2024 (UTC)