
From Dragon Village Collection Wiki
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Hi, I'm Jinjin, or Jinoga in-game. I'm the creator of this wiki. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to talk to me on my talk page!

I'm typically unavailable on weekends and the most active from morning to midday on weekdays, though I do have a job, so please keep that in mind. For a swifter response, please go into our Discord server and ping me there. I check that more often!

Status: Back on that grind!

To Do

The next pages I'm going to be working on (in order):

  • Breeding
  • Dispatch
  • Beginner's Guide (DRAFT)
  • Item Pages

The next tweaks I'm going to do (in no particular order):

  • Fix incorrect undeads
  • Move Membership
  • Clean up the tables for LotD and maybe other combat-related things I suck at design for combat pages in particular for some reason