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Game Details


Feed Wash
Good! Fair.
Polish Starburst
Very Good! Excellent!
Sleep Play
Hmm... Great!



Orange Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Toddletomtom Egg Sprite.png Toddletomtom Dead Egg Sprite.png
Toddletomtom Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Toddletomtom Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Toddletomtom Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Toddletomtom Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Toddletomtom Default Adult M Sprite.png
Toddletomtom Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Toddletomtom Expert Badge.png
Toddletomtom Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Toddletomtom
Toddletomtom Mania Badge.png
Toddletomtom Mania Obtain 100 Toddletomtom adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg twinkles like stars.


This Hatch shows interest in living beings.


This Hatchling causes numerous stars to float around its vicinity.


A Light Dragon that emits powerful starlight around it.

Even as an adult, it maintains an appearance almost identical to the cute form from its younger stage. Because of this, it quickly builds rapport with tamers and other dragons. This is said to be due to the starlight it constantly carries in its pocket. The starlight not only maintains its appearance but also serves it in times of crisis. Toddletomtom's starlight becomes so bright that it can blind opponents as it flees.

Dragon Book Entry


An egg sparkling with stars.

Numerous stars twinkle on the surface of this egg. When facing it, the stars on it gradually detach and begin to orbit around it. They also gravitate towards those who take good care of the egg.


Starting as a hatch, it has shown affection towards living beings.

With its cute appearance, it is very popular and easily makes friends with creatures like tamers and dragons. It often gifts a bright star it made to those who form close relationships with it.


This hatchling causes numerous stars to float around it.

It has become capable of creating more stars. The number and brightness of the stars floating around it are related to Toddletomtom's emotions. When Toddletomtom is happy, many stars twinkle brightly, but when it's sad, it either doesn't create stars at all or makes stars with dim lights.


It emits powerful starlight.

Stars of various shapes are always around it. Unlike stars in the sky, Toddletomtom's starlight can help maintain Toddletomtom's appearance or be used in emergencies due to its significant powers.

Toddletomtom usually lives in trees but when it seems creatures, it approaches them with kindness, offering them starlight as a gift or engaging in conversation. However, when facing something that poses a threat, it stuns them with its bright starlight and flees faster than light itself.

Story: Brilliant Starlight

Deep in the forest, Toddletomtom was with countless stars.

Toddletomtom's powerful starlight often woke those who were trying to sleep.

The residents of the forest grew tired, and Toddletomtom slowly started to dim down its starlight.

"I only wanted to become friends and gift them stars..."

There was only one kind creature who looked at the starlight with curiosity.

It was the owl that perched on a tree at night.

The owl would call Toddletomtom "Tomtom" and talk to it.

"Tomtom! Why are you dimming your lights?" "Everyone hates my light..."

The owl was shocked and shouted,

"Hoot! No way. Tomtom, your starlight is so special!" "Really...?"

Toddletomtom was surprised at the genuine compliments the owl gave it and looked at the one star that was still shining.

Whenever the owl complimented Toddletomtom, the star shone brightly toward the owl.

After a few days, Toddletomtom said in a determined tone,

"Hey owl, you can have this star! I'm glad you like my stars. This is a token of our friendship!" "Really? My eyesight during the night is worse than the other owls, so I like your brilliant, lighthouse-like stars! Please don't dim your starlight, hoot hoot!"

The owl grabbed the star with its beak and made a joyful sound.

"Brilliant, lighthouse-like stars... I didn't know my starlight could be important to someone!"