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Tara (타라) is a Fire type dragon in the Special category. It can be primarily obtained through the Lantern Festival event and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Tara can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Event Obtain an egg from the Lantern Festival event.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Tara with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Ignite Feed
Excellent! Very Good!
Sleep Fan
Fair. Hmm...
Play Wash
Great! Good!


Tara can only breed during the Lantern Festival event.

Breeding during the Xmas Event removes all restrictions.


Tara's Black Candle form is available in the Lantern Festival shop for 900 Lantern Item.pngLanterns or rarely by using Lantern Candle Item.pngLantern Candles (0.4% chance for either gender).



White Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Tara Egg Sprite.png Tara Dead Egg Sprite.png
Tara Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Tara Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Tara Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Tara Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Tara Default Adult M Sprite.png
Tara Default Adult F Sprite.png

Black Collector Badge.png Black Candle

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Tara Egg Sprite.png Tara Dead Egg Sprite.png
Tara Black Candle Hatch M Sprite.png
Tara Black Candle Hatch F Sprite.png
Tara Black Candle Hatchling M Sprite.png
Tara Black Candle Hatchling F Sprite.png
Tara Black Candle Adult M Sprite.png
Tara Black Candle Adult F Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Tara Expert Badge.png
Tara Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Tara
Tara Mania Badge.png
Tara Mania Obtain 100 Tara adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg has melted wax dripping down from it.


I'm not good at lighting Fire.


He knows how to light a Fire carefully.


Light lanterns with Fire and send them flying into the sky.

On the day of the August Lantern Festival, those wishing to make their wishes come true set up giant candles to signal the start of the festival and decorate them with colorful dyes. As time passes and the giant candles melt, Tara is born within them. Tara carefully Fire each lantern with a wish. Only when Tara's blue flame touches a lantern will it fly into the sky. After all the Wishful lanterns are Fire, Tara flies up into the sky to protect the Wishful lanterns. If anyone tries to harm the lanterns, she turns her body black and her flame red before shooting hot flames. After completing her mission and the festival is over, she wanders around in a melted state.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg with melted candle wax flowing down.

The top of the Egg is covered with white candle wax, and as the festival time approaches, the flame grows bigger and burns brighter. When the time comes, Tara appears from among the melted candle wax.


It has difficulty lighting Fire.

It tries to light Fire using its tail, but its tail is heavy and made of candle wax, making it difficult to move its tail. In addition, the candle wax blocks its vision, making it difficult to see exactly what it is trying to Fire, so it often Fire the wrong thing.


I try to light it carefully.

I get used to the weight of the candle wax, so I can Fire it exactly where I want. I always kindly share a flame with those who bring me a light, but sometimes my light ends up burning because I can't control the strength of the flame. So I try to move my body as carefully as possible and light only a small spark.


He Fire and protects the lanterns with wishes.

can always give his flame to the lanterns with wishes. The lanterns with Wishful Fire only rise into the sky when they are touched by Tara 's blue flame. After lighting all the lanterns, he guards the lanterns with Wishful that fly into the sky, and if anyone tries to harm them, he turns into a black candle and shoots out hot flames.

Story: Candlelight of Wishful

On the night of the August Lantern Festival, under the starry night sky, a child held out a lantern with a wish in front of Tara.

As always, Tara carefully lit the Fire with the wish so that it could fly into the sky. When the blue flame touched the inside of the lantern, the lantern began to burn calmly and prepare to rise into the sky.

However, at that moment, Tara's flame shook slightly and grew stronger than expected. Gradually, the edges of the lantern began to burn, and the child's eyes filled with tears in shock.

Tara looked back and forth between the burned lantern and the child's face in confusion and said.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! This wasn't what I meant..."

Tara continued speaking carefully, and began to melt the candle wax on her body.

"Will you wait just a moment, just a moment? I'll make a new Wishful lantern for you!"

Tara melted the candle wax and made a small lantern that she could hold in her hand. The candle wax slowly hardened and took the shape of a lantern. Tara lit the Fire and held it out to the child.

"I made this lantern myself. It's made of candle wax, but I'll guard it until the end, so it will never burn out in the sky. I'll guard it well so that your wish can come true."

After saying this, Tara lit the Fire with her own blue flame. She carefully let the lantern fly into the sky, and she flew up with it.

Tara watched each lantern carefully so that none of them would burn out among the countless other lanterns.

Tara guarded the lanterns in the sky until the end of the festival and quietly returned to the Earth.

When Tara reached the Earth , she was completely covered in candle wax. Dragging her tired body, Tara looked up at the sky and thought of the child.

"That child's lantern... is it flying well?"

While Tara was thinking about the child for a while, she came across the figure of a Lotus Fire Dragon carrying a lantern in the sky.

In the Lotus Fire Dragon's hand was a candle lantern that she had made.