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Game Details


Feed Sleep
Very Good! Fair.
Play Wash
Good! Great!
Discipline Dive
No! Excellent!



Blue Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Takchaka Egg Sprite.png Takchaka Dead Egg Sprite.png
Takchaka Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Takchaka Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Takchaka Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Takchaka Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Takchaka Default Adult M Sprite.png
Takchaka Default Adult F Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Takchaka Expert Badge.png
Takchaka Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Takchaka
Takchaka Mania Badge.png
Takchaka Mania Obtain 100 Takchaka adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg reads the flow of water with its antennae.


Play with Water


Attempting to shape water.


He protects his king by embodying Water.

It shapes Water with the antennae on top of its head. Swords, shields, armor, anything you can imagine is possible. When Takchaka pictures what he wants in his mind, the Light coming from the antenna reflects what Takchaka wants in the Water. Takchaka rarely uses this power for himself, but rather to protect his king.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg that reads the flow of water with its antennae.

If you place an Egg in Water , you can see its two antennae working hard. Each time it masters the flow of water, its antennae shine brightly.


Play with Water

Swim through the Water and touch the Water with both hands. It also creates small water droplets and floats them around. Water droplets always remain where Takchaka stays.


Attempting to shape water.

Whenever an attempt is made to shape, the antennae glow brightly. Start with small and trivial things like water drops. Once you have an idea, try it until you get it right. If things don't go well, he may lose his temper.


Freely shape Water.

When it detects a threat through the flow of water, a mysterious Light comes out from its antennae. The mysterious Light has the power to shape Water as Takchaka thought. The shape of water appears differently depending on the situation. It changes into a sword or spear when fighting an attack, and into a shield when it needs to defend against an attack.

Story: Shape of water

While Takchaka was patrolling, he noticed that someone had broken in from the change in the water flow.

'Something is coming.'

There really was an intruder where he moved along the quietly changed water flow. It was difficult to see because it was covered in Dark.

"Go back, do you know where this is?" Takchaka spoke in a low, dignified voice. And he brightened his antennae to prepare for any possible attack.

The antenna created a sword and shield made of water and made them float around Takchaka.

The intruder laughed at Takchaka's water-made weapon.

"Do you think that toy made of water can stop me?"

But Takchaka answered calmly.

"Anyone who ignores the power of this sword and shield will pay the price."

At Takchaka's words, the intruder laughed brightly and rushed towards Takchaka.

The power of Takchaka's sword and shield made of water was enormous. Takchaka's sword blocked all attacks from the intruder, and Takchaka's shield completely blocked all attacks. In conclusion, there was not a single scratch on Takchaka's body. Rather, the intruder's sword was almost broken in two by the sword of water.

The intruder eventually fell to his knees due to the unexpected power, and Takchaka pointed the tip of the sword made of water towards the intruder.

"How dare you set foot where my king is? Reveal your identity and confess your sins."

The intruder was depressed that he had been defeated, but soon disappeared with a Mischievous smile, leaving behind only his black robe.

When Takchaka was embarrassed by this situation, the voice of a person wearing black robes echoed in the air.

"Your king will soon bow before our king!"