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Regnator (레그나토르) is a Water/Dream type dragon in the Special category. It can be primarily obtained through bonds and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Regnator can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Bond Obtain an egg from the Aquris' Rampage or Sacred Light's Corruption bonds.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Regnator with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Stroll Play
Great! Good!
Wash Supersonic flight
Very Good! Excellent!
Sleep Feed
Hmm... Fair.


Regnator's have a low chance of producing the Abyss form of Varunas Egg Sprite.pngVarunas, Maritus Egg Sprite.pngMaritus, and Cratio Egg Sprite.pngCratio. Using Regnator's Conqueror form will give better odds than its Default form.


Regnator's Conqueror form can be obtained as a reward for completing the Aquris' Rampage and Sacred Light's Corruption bond. This form is not inheritable to offspring and is not tradeable.

Regnator's Default form can be obtained from breeding.



Blue Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Regnator Egg Sprite.png Regnator Dead Egg Sprite.png
Regnator Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Regnator Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Regnator Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Regnator Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Regnator Default Adult M Sprite.png
Regnator Default Adult F Sprite.png

Blue Collector Badge.png Conqueror

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Regnator Egg Sprite.png Regnator Dead Egg Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Hatch M Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Hatch F Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Hatchling M Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Hatchling F Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Adult M Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png

Undead (Conqueror)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Regnator Conqueror Undead Hatch M Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Undead Hatch F Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Regnator Conqueror Undead Hatchling M Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Undead Hatchling F Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Regnator Conqueror Undead Adult M Sprite.png
Regnator Conqueror Undead Adult F Sprite.png





Image Name Requirements
Regnator Expert Badge.png
Regnator Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Regnator
Regnator Mania Badge.png
Regnator Mania Obtain 100 Regnator adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg wears a crown with the orb of Acuris.


Summon your subordinates.


He sits on the throne and watches Acuris.


This is the Sea Dragon King who sacrifices himself until the end of his life for the planet Acuris.

Dragon become anxious due to the constant conflicts that occur on the planet Akuris. When there was a lot of doubt and confusion, Regnator appeared among them. Regnator represented and protected the opinions of weaker Dragon, and because he had a wise and thoughtful mind, he became the true Sea Dragon King of the planet Acuris.

Numerous subordinates sacrifice their bodies to protect Regnator, and Regnator uses his spear to protect his followers and the planet Akuris.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg wearing a crown with an orb of Acuris.

It is a golden crown given only to the Sea Dragon King. There is a red Acuris orb hanging in the center. It is said to be placed on an Egg worthy of becoming the Sea Dragon King. You can feel the quality and strength of the ruler.


From the time of Hatch , he summons his subordinates.

When you raise your spear high and roar, minions appear along the stream of water. The minions move as Regnator orders. As he acquires the qualities of a perfect Sea Dragon King, the number of minions summoned increases. Numerous subordinates band together and rush in to attack the enemy.


The Evolution Hatchling sits on a throne and watches over Acuris.

I will do my best to bring peace to the planet Akuris. A wise and thoughtful mind always looks to every corner of the planet. Always keep your cool and strive to balance power. Regnator's minions are always watching from behind the throne.


He is the true ruler of Acuris.

He is the Sea Dragon King who corrected the unstable times of the planet Acuris through earthquakes and endless fighting. In particular, we work hard for the weak Dragon. He travels around the planet, inspects it, and rescues the weak Dragon on the planet from harassment. Despite being the ruler of a planet, he appears very humble.

Marine creatures who sense the qualities of the Sea Dragon King are following him. They become Regnator's loyal servants and follow his orders.

Story: The true ruler of Acuris

The early planet Acuris was very unstable.

Due to frequent fights arising from differences of opinion between forces, the planet could not find a moment of silence.

Meanwhile, as earthquakes and storms struck, the Dragon became anxious and chaos fell on the planet.

Those who let go of reason Hatch and hurt each other.

In particular, there were many cases of relatively weak people getting hurt, so Regnator could not stand by and watch this happen in the chaos.

'Those who were born and raised together on the same planet collapse in an instant and trample on the weak...'

Thus, Regnator took the lead in the chaos and represented the opinions of the weak Dragon.

The strong ones sometimes stood in front of Regnator and tried to sugarcoat them, but he shook his head and always gave priority to the weak Dragon.

"Regnator ! Regnator !" "Let's establish Regnator as the true ruler of Acuris!"

Those who recognized Regnator's thoughtfulness began to shout his name.

However, Regnator was not pleased with the atmosphere of praising him, as he thought that he would have wrong thoughts if he ascended to the position of ruler.

In the end, he avoided those who wanted to follow him and refused the position of ruler countless times.

Still, he couldn't help but face the faces of the weak who passed by in front of him.

'There remain people on the planet who need to be taken care of and evil deeds that need to be eliminated. You can't turn your back on them.'

Regnator looked at the stars in the sky from the highest point of the planet and made a decision.

I will not succumb to any temptation or power, and will forever move towards the planet and the weak.

When the Sea Dragon King Regnator lifted his spear high with his will, a wave of peace flowed over the planet.
