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Lulu (루루) is an Water/Wind type dragon in the Deep Sea category. It can be primarily obtained as a Cosmic Album Score reward and grows at a slow pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Lulu can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Cosmic Album Score Reward Obtain an egg from having a score of 2,200 or higher in the Deep Sea category of the Cosmic Album.
Egg Market Purchase an egg from the Egg Market for 300 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points.
Trading Trade with other players using the Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Lulu with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Dive Wash
Great! Very Good!
Travel Play
Good! Excellent!
Sleep Feed
Fair. Hmm...



Turquoise Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Lulu Egg Sprite.png Lulu Dead Egg Sprite.png
Lulu Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Lulu Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Lulu Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Lulu Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Lulu Default Adult M Sprite.png
Lulu Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Wyvern Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Wyvern Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Wyvern Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Lulu Expert Badge.png
Lulu Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Lulu
Lulu Mania Badge.png
Lulu Mania Obtain 100 Lulu adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg contains a pearl.


Gliding in the sky above the sea.


Proficient in sea routes and sky routes.


This is a guide Dragon who knows where the Pearl of Illusion is located.

A Dragon with a pearl on its chest, it lives between the sea and the sky. Although he is well versed in sea and sky paths, he does not claim to be a guide. Even if they see a lost ship, they don't help. Nevertheless, it is popular among sailors because it is rumored to guide you to the place where the phantom pearl is located. He actually knows where the Pearl of Illusion is and often guides those he likes there. The thin and transparent scales are very strong and do not tear even in rough water or Wind.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg containing a pearl.

When placed under sunlight, pearls reflect Light toward the horizon. The pearl never falls from the Egg, and if you try to remove it, it flaps its wings and flies away. It is not about running away, but it is leading you to the sea where the pearls are, and since it usually takes you to places with high water depth, it is better not to follow.


From Hatch , gliding in the sky above the sea.

Uses the power of its tail to rise from the Water . The glide time is determined by how high you soar. Because it is gliding rather than flying, it cannot stay in the sky for a long time. At most, it's about a minute. Occasionally, the ship may be damaged during the fall, and at this time, it escapes into the water under the pretext of telling the location of the phantom pearl.


The Evolution Hatchling is fluent in sea and sky routes.

Flight became possible as the wings Evolution to resemble birds. Afterwards, I spent most of my time in the sky and naturally memorized the heavenly path. Having lived at sea for a long time, he doesn't know any sea routes, so he has become the best guide in this area, but he doesn't want to give directions. This is because of those who complain that even if the right path is shown, it is not the place where the pearl of illusion is.


It guides you to the place where the phantom pearl is located.

Move freely across the sea and sky and rest on land with a view of the horizon. When he meets someone he likes, he tells them where the illusory pearl is. For some, he shows them the way to the sea, and to others, he shows them the way to the sky. In some cases, it is delivered directly to the place where the phantom pearl is located. Since only Lulu can collect the phantom pearl, reaching the place where the phantom pearl is does not mean you can obtain the phantom pearl. For reference, only eight people have obtained the Pearl of Fantasy through Lulu so far.

Story: Who can get the fantasy pearl?

“Hey, there’s Lulu! “He finally appeared!”

The pirates who discovered Lulu shouted. Lulu knew why they waited for her. The purpose was to find out where the phantom pearl was.

“Lulu! “Are you going to tell us where the Phantom Pearl is?”

The pirates asked with flattery that did not suit their bulky bodies.

'Hmph! It sounds absurd. I will never tell you where the phantom pearl is.'

However, Lulu repeatedly walked a few meters and then looked back, as if guiding them somewhere. The pirates, who thought Lulu would take them to the place where the illusory pearl was, held a feast on the deck.

“Now you will become the richest pirate in the world! yes?"

However, what they encountered was not an illusory pearl, but a violent storm. The storm swept over the drunken pirates, leaving the ship half-empty.

“It’s not easy to obtain fantasy pearls. is not it?"

One of the pirates said. The pirates, who were saddened by the Dead of their colleagues, agreed with his words and dreamed of a bright future that the Pearl of Fantasy would bring. But only trials lay ahead of them. A whirlpool and a monster attacked their ship. So there were only eight sailors left.

“Now I’ll tell you where the phantom pearl is.”

Lulu really gave the eight sailors a phantom pearl. And he spoke to the sailors who were perplexed by the unexpected gift.

“I remember how you saved me when I couldn’t fly yet. “If I meet you again someday, I really want to repay you for that favor.”

The eight sailors who received the phantom pearl from Lulu were innocent sailors who had been captured by pirates and exploited for their labor.

“Thank you, Lulu! thank you so much!"

Lulu hoped that they would Nuri wealth and glory for the price of selling the fantasy pearl, but the eight sailors used the price to help the poor. Seeing the village regaining stability thanks to this, Lulu decided to tell the location of the Phantom Pearl to only those who could use its value for good.