Hurricane Dragon

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Hurricane Dragon (허리케인 드래곤) is a Wind type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through the Wind Temple Exploration area and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Hurricane Dragon can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Exploration Obtain an egg from the following Exploration area(s): Wind Temple
Egg Market Purchase an egg from the Egg Market for 1,700 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points.
Egg Finder's Exchange Obtain an egg from the Egg Finder's Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Hurricane Dragon with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Sleep Feed
Fair. Very Good!
Play Fan
Great! Excellent!
Dive Wash
I'm tired... Good!


Hurricane Dragon can produce the hybrid Tycane Egg Sprite.pngTycane when bred with Typhoon Dragon Egg Sprite.pngTyphoon Dragon.


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Whirlwind Encounter
  • Hope of Light



Turquoise Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Hurricane Dragon Egg Sprite.png Hurricane Dragon Dead Egg Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Adult F Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Hurricane Dragon Default Special Evolution M Sprite.png
Hurricane Dragon Default Special Evolution F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Worm Normal Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Worm Normal Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Worm Normal Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Hurricane Dragon Expert Badge.png
Hurricane Dragon Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Hurricane Dragon
Hurricane Dragon Mania Badge.png
Hurricane Dragon Mania Obtain 100 Hurricane Dragon adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Special Evolution

Dragon Book Entry





Special Evolution

Story: Story Name

Special Evolution Story: Story Name



This Egg has wings of the wind.


This Hatch eats wind for growth.


This Hatchling can gobble up gusts of wind.


It is a typhoon Dragon that feeds on gusts of wind.

The place where the Hurricane Dragon stays always suffers damage from gusts of wind. Hurricane Dragon appear where there are gusts, so they are considered evil spirits that bring gusts, but in reality they are good Dragon that eat away gusts. It moves faster than anyone else to find a gust of wind, and sometimes waits for the gust to grow before eating it.

The armor attached to the Hurricane Dragon's body serves to keep it from falling into a gust of wind. When the Hurricane Dragon devours the gusts, it helps to avoid being caught in the gusts. It is also used as a shield for Hurricane Dragon. The jewel in the armor is to help the Hurricane Dragon find the Wind.

Special Evolution

This is a typhoon Dragon that lives on gusts.

Wherever the Hurricane Dragon stays, there is always damage from gusts. The Hurricane Dragon appears in places where there are gusts, so it is considered an evil spirit that calls for gusts, but it is actually a good Dragon that eats and eliminates gusts.

It moves to find gusts faster than anyone else and sometimes waits for the gusts to grow bigger before eating them.

The armor attached to the Hurricane Dragon's body serves to keep it from falling into gusts. It helps prevent the Hurricane Dragon from getting caught in the gusts when it eats them. This is also used as the Hurricane Dragon's shield. The jewels on the armor help the Hurricane Dragon find the Wind.

Dragon Book Entry


The wings of a Hurricane Dragon are small. Egg are very light and can be blown around in the Wind. The wings attached to the Egg instinctively wait for a gust of wind. When a gust of wind blows, it spreads its wings wide.


From Hatch , they are born with wings like the Wind . When Hatch, they feed on weak Wind like a gentle Wind . Riding the Wind, wandering around and leisurely looking at the world. It can fly, but not very fast.


The mane and tail are long, and the wings are as big as the body. At this time, it can eat a gust of wind similar in size to its own body. Wherever there is a gust of wind, I go to it. Although it cannot eat away at large gusts, its body becomes hard enough to swim through them.


His long white mane shows off his dignity even more. He is wearing golden armor with a red jewel on his chest. When they reach Adult, they can eat any gust of wind. A mane resembling hair grows longer.

The wings are fairly transparent and light. When in a gust of wind, the wings are so thin that it is difficult to tell them apart, but they do not tear. The wings Evolution to allow the Hurricane Dragon to fly faster. It is speculated that it has Evolution to be thin so that it can move without Wind resistance even when moving around in gusts as well as in the sky.

Special Evolution

It swallows everything up with a gust of wind.

It creates a gust of wind and swallows everything up. It creates a gust of wind just by spreading its wings.

Story: The Dragon Chasing the Typhoon

A big typhoon hit the village.

Villages near the coast were paralyzed by the strong Wind and trembled in fear. When only strong waves raged and predicted Death, a Hurricane Dragon appeared and ate the typhoon.

After the Hurricane Dragon ate the typhoon, the sky became very calm and the sea became calm.

Special Evolution Story: A gust of wind alone isn't enough!

Hurricane Dragon continued to flap its wings and create gusts today as usual. However, even though it continued to eat gusts, it began to feel a strange sensation that its hunger was not going away.

"The gusts I create are not enough... This can't go on."

Hurricane Dragon looked at the gusts it had created with eyes full of worry.

At that moment, Hurricane Dragon witnessed the small gusts that occurred around it following the gust. As soon as it saw that, an idea came to Hurricane's head.

"That's right! Instead of creating a single gust, I should create a gust that absorbs all the surrounding Wind! Then it would be unimaginably large. Then it would be a delicious meal that I've never tasted before!"

Determined, Hurricane Dragon began to flap its wings more strongly, and the surrounding trees shook violently with its wingbeats. The gusts created by the hurricane began to absorb the small Wind and gusts around it. As time passed, the small gusts created by Hurricane Dragon had become so large that they could even swallow up the hurricane.

"Amazing~? Now it's time for me to eat it all up!"

The Hurricane Dragon shouted with joy and tried to swallow the gust in one breath.

However, the Hurricane Dragon, unable to handle it itself, was being sucked into the gust instead.

At that moment, the Hurricane Dragon began to flap its wings harder in the direction where the gust was spinning. Then, the huge gust gathered at the center of the hurricane.

Before the Hurricane Dragon knew it, a huge gust was compressed in its hand.

"This will be a special meal~ Why didn't I know sooner that gathering incredibly strong gusts would make it taste even better?"