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Game Details


Play Wash
Great! Fair.
Feed Sleep
Good! Hmm...
Dive Tickle
Very Good! Excellent!



Black Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Gothrelia Egg Sprite.png Gothrelia Dead Egg Sprite.png
Gothrelia Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Gothrelia Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Gothrelia Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Gothrelia Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Gothrelia Default Adult M Sprite.png
Gothrelia Default Adult F Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Gothrelia Expert Badge.png
Gothrelia Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Gothrelia
Gothrelia Mania Badge.png
Gothrelia Mania Obtain 100 Gothrelia adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg is soft and poisonous.


Shows interest in hunting.


I like practical jokes.


It is a jellyfish Dragon that hunts using its poisonous stinger.

It swims on the waves and searches for prey. When it finds its prey, it quietly approaches and wraps itself around its tentacles with poisonous stings. They rarely hunt to fill their stomachs, but only for fun. He also likes to play pranks, but is hated by some living creatures because of his over-the-top pranks. Gothrelia hates Light, so if you want to avoid his mischief, you can move closer to the water.

Dragon Book Entry


The Egg is soft and contains poison.

When it sees a prey it likes, it flaps the wings on both sides of the Egg . When the prey reaches the Egg by riding the waves generated by its small wings, it traps the prey inside the epidermis worn like a hat. Tentacles with poisonous stings are hidden beneath the slippery and soft skin.


Shows interest in hunting.

Even if it rests quietly, it wakes up when prey appears. They only make hunting plans by looking at the movements of the prey and wondering how they can catch it at once, but they do not put the plans into action. It just touches its prey like a joke.


I like practical jokes.

It often performs mischievous tricks, such as jumping up from hiding in spores to startle the opponent, or making waves with its wings to push the opponent away. If the other person makes a joke first, respond with the same joke. To Gothrelia, pranks are just a form of play, and there is no intention to harass others.


It uses its poisonous sting to Paralysis its prey.

When prey appears, instead of panicking, lure it towards me and make a hunting plan. It mainly hunts using tentacles equipped with poisonous stings, but sometimes uses wings or fins. Because they hunt for fun, not for eating, they do not pose a significant threat to the body of their prey. It only makes your body stiffen for a moment or make you lose your mind.

Story: A hunter who protects his prey

What Gothrelia mainly eats is plankton. If Gothrelia was hunting anything else, it was only for fun. I was stunning my opponent for fun and Paralysis my opponent for fun. Gothrelia didn't feel guilty at all. This is because he never played a prank that would cause harm to the other person. Gothrelia, like a ghost, tormented the opponent just enough to not get hurt.

That day too, Gothrelia was hunting fish for fun. It buries its squat body in the spores and then jumps up to startle the fish, or wraps its tentacles with poisonous stings around the fish to Paralysis it.

“This is already the 30th. If we do well, we’ll set the best record today!”

Gothrelia aimed to hunt a hundred fish and targeted schools of fish. The idea was to release poisonous stings on schools of fish as they passed by and stun them all at once. To do that, you had to catch the right time.

“Let’s wait a little, just a little… !”

Gothrelia waited for the direction of the wave to change towards a school of fish, and as soon as it changed, it quickly released its poisonous stinger. Then dozens of fish began to faint one after another like bowling pins.

“Just one more… ! “Just one!”

When the last one showed its belly, Gothrelia grabbed its tentacles.

“Hey! “We’ve finally broken the record!”

It was when Gothrelia was intoxicated with the fun of hunting. In the distance, I saw a huge fish approaching with its mouth wide open. It was sucking up the fish around it at a fast speed like a vacuum cleaner. It seemed like the school of stunned fish would be eaten like this.

“We can’t let that happen! “He’s my prey!”

Gothrelia wrapped its poisonous tentacles around the fish, but the sting did not work due to the barnacles tightly embedded in the fish's scales. Then there was only one way. Gothrelia stuck its tentacle into the fish's mouth. He then fired a poisonous needle into the delicate flesh of the throat. The fish wriggled a little and fell into a Paralyzed with its mouth open. Then the fish that had not yet been digested came rushing out.

Gothrelia struck the thin fish's head with a sad look on its face.

“So who wants to take someone else’s prey?”