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Goldpike (골드파이크) is a Steel type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained as a hybrid through breeding and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Goldpike can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Hybrid Breeding Obtain the egg through breeding Spike Dragon Egg Sprite.pngSpike Dragon and Gold Dragon Egg Sprite.pngGold Dragon as a hybrid.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Goldpike with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Polish Wash
Excellent! Very Good!
Sleep Play
Good! Great!
Feed Hug
Fair. Hmm...


This dragon is required for the following bond(s):

  • Gold Properties



Red Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Neutral Neutral Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Goldpike Egg Sprite.png Goldpike Dead Egg Sprite.png
Goldpike Default Hatch N Sprite.png
Goldpike Default Hatchling N Sprite.png
Goldpike Default Adult N Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Neutral Neutral Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Muscle Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Muscle Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Muscle Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Goldpike Expert Badge.png
Goldpike Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Goldpike
Goldpike Mania Badge.png
Goldpike Mania Obtain 100 Goldpike adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg has golden thorns.


This Hatch has small golden thorns.


This Hatchling's golden thorns keep increasing.


A spiked Dragon born from the Mating of a Spike Dragon and a Gold Dragon .

Unlike the Spike Dragon, the thorns on its body are covered with gold. As the Adult become adults, they become larger and sharper. Unlike Spike Dragon, the thorns get heavier and the golden thorns that Goldpike cannot stand fall to the floor. It has no nerves on each of its thorns, so it sprouts ferociously regardless of who it touches.

Dragon Book Entry


Sharp spines cover the Egg. It is a golden thorn and is firmly embedded in the Egg shell, so it does not come off easily. If you touch it, it raises thorns to hinder you, so you can't catch it carelessly. It is known that being near a hot Fire makes the Egg harder and speeds up their hatching.


Thorns grow on the head and back. The scales are bumpy, as if thorns are sprouting all over the body. The tail is small, but the tip is pointed like a thorn. Its tail has the power to break small rocks. The golden horns sprouting from its head cannot be removed, and the tip is soft. Anyone who attacks it tries to defend itself by erecting thorns, but it is too young to blow its own thorns.


Unlike Hatch , wings are formed on the back and the tail is also enlarged. The number of thorns on its head increases, and the tips of the thorns become much sharper than when Hatch . It wields its enlarged tail like a weapon. Each time it swings its tail, it stabs its opponent with hard golden thorns. It can blow off the thorns on its body to some extent, but once pulled out, the growth rate of the golden thorns is slower than that of Adult. Rather than blow away the thorns, they usually use the hardness of their tails to initiate a fight.


Unlike Hatchling , it develops wings as large as its body. Golden thorns sprout all over the body, and the scales become harder. The feet are covered with very thick golden scales and are not easily damaged. It is known that the spines get heavier with each growth and reach their heaviest weight as an Adult . Golden thorns that could not withstand the weight fall to the floor, and Goldpike eat these thorns to ingest new nutrients.

The probability of a Goldpike being born between a Spike Dragon and a Gold Dragon is quite low, so the number of individuals is very small. Also, because of the ability of the Goldpike, many Tamer are eager to acquire it because the golden thorns produced by the gold Goldpike are traded at a very high price.

The golden thorns made by the Goldpike are used for valuables, accessories, and weapons, and are said to be more valuable than gold made by the Gold Dragon. Goldpike values ​​its golden thorns and does not present them to just anyone.

Story: Golden thorns

The Goldpike's spines are filled with pure gold, and when they grow in size they fall to the ground under their weight. Goldpike, who considers the thorns that have fallen on the floor important, picks up all the thorns and keeps them.

Goldpike rarely share their thorns. If you find a Goldpike thorn in the auction house, you should look carefully to see if it is a spike thorn painted golden.