Dumbo Blue Dragon

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Dumbo Blue Dragon (바부 청룡) is a Wind/Lightning type dragon in the Special category. It could be primarily obtained through the 2024 April Fool's Event and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Dumbo Blue Dragon can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Event Obtain an egg from the 2024 April Fool's event.
Trading Trade with other players using the Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Dumbo Blue Dragon with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Comb Feed
Very Good! Good!
Sleep Wash
No! Fair.
Rub Play
Excellent! Great!


Dumbo Blue Dragons can only breed during the April Fools event.

Breeding during the Xmas Event removes all restrictions.



Blue Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Dumbo Blue Dragon Egg Sprite.png Dumbo Blue Dragon Dead Egg Sprite.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Default Adult F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Drake Normal Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Drake Normal Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Drake Normal Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Dumbo Blue Dragon Expert Badge.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Dumbo Blue Dragon
Dumbo Blue Dragon Mania Badge.png
Dumbo Blue Dragon Mania Obtain 100 Dumbo Blue Dragon adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg has a toy arrowhead on it.


There is little movement and it is slow.


Chasing Yeouiju.


I flew diligently for the year of the Blue Dragon, but it was a little late!

On the way to run diligently, the arrow was beaten and even his woman was lost. Behind Dumb Blue Dragon, a little Friend always follows and cares for or helps Dumb Blue Dragon. The reason why the arrows were more stretched around the smooth body because the little Friend was blown up.

They are full of desire to celebrate the Year of the Blue Dragon, so they walk around with bright faces. It looks stupid because of the blind pupils, the weird movements, and the saliva that I don't know where to see it, but the message of the celebration that Dumb Blue Dragon wants to convey is true.

Rather than using Yeouiju's abilities, he thinks of Yeouiju as a ball and is busy chasing it around. Throw them some Yeouiju and they will be very happy!

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg with an arrow.

. The red beam is attached between the two horns. The arrows that entered between them do not show off the missing. When a little Friend appears somewhere and draws an arrow, Dumb Blue Dragon breaks the Egg and reveals.


Since the Hatch , there is almost no movement and sluggish.

react late to everything. After the arrow shot by a little Friend, I just know the situation. Always spilling runny nose and saliva on the Slate, a little Friend is busy wiping it. I like to roll in place, and it's very cute to see it.


The Evolution Hatchling follows Yeouiju.

play with Yeouiju and roll around. Then, if you lose it, it stands on the Slate and hardens. If you find Yeouiju, fly the sky in your mouth or roll on the Slate. Sometimes I don't get out of my mouth to eat Yeouiju, but every time my little Friend eats very hard. I rarely think about using the ability as a Yeouiju.


Let's celebrate the Year of the Blue Dragon!

Dumb Blue Dragon, who grew up with a long beard, a nice green mania, and a large body, congratulates the sun of Blue Dragon . Still, Yeoui -ju and Book spend their day on the arrows and are barely Relax with the help of a little Friend . Although he was a little late to celebrate the Year of the Blue Blue Dragon because he was chasing Yeouiju, he still flies through the sky with a bright and cute face.

Story: A little late celebration

Dumb Blue Dragon ran hard to the village to go to his birthday party.

Dumb Blue Dragon's little Friend followed behind, holding a white towel in both hands and diligently wiping Dumb Blue Dragon 's saliva off the Slate .

"You idiot! You should wipe your drool!" "Hehe! I don't know Dumb Blue Dragon! Hehehe! Friend! My Yeoui is gone!"

little Friend stared at the empty hands of Dumb Blue Dragon.

"What?! Yeouiju disappeared?" "Hehehe."

As Dumb Blue Dragon laughed and shook his tail vigorously, the little Friend started shooting bright red bubble wrap arrows at Dumb Blue Dragon's body with an angry face.

"Eight! You have to find Yeouiju again! Eight!" "Hehehe! It's tickling! Dumb Blue Dragon is tickling!"

Dumb Blue Dragon, tickled by the feeling of being hit by an arrow, rolled on the Slate and let out a happy laugh. Meanwhile, the little Friend was able to Egg where Yeouiju was. The yellow Yeouiju was placed between the two horns of Dumb Blue Dragon!

"There's Yeouiju above your head! Stay still!"

Pull it, release it, pull it, release it. The little Friend, who had tried countless times to get rid of Yeouiju, eventually gave up, rolling his eyes.

"Hehe! Friend! I gave up! Hehehe! It's okay! Just celebrate my birthday!" "That's right!!! Happy birthday!!! Dumb Blue Dragon!!! Run!!!"

The little Friend hurriedly climbed on top of the Blue Dragon's long body. Because I was wrestling with Yeouiju, I even forgot that the Blue Dragon sun was setting.

"Hehe! Yes! The Blue Dragon runs! It runs fast! Hehehe!"