Black Dragon

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Black Dragon (흑룡) is a Dark Type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained as a Triumph reward and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Black Dragon can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Triumph Reward Obtain the egg as a Triumph reward for completing 50, 100, 150, and 250 entries in the Dragon Book.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Black Dragon with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Sleep Starburst
Great! Hmm...
Wash Alone time
Fair. Excellent!
Feed Play
Very Good! Good!



Black Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Black Dragon Egg Sprite.png Black Dragon Dead Egg Sprite.png
Black Dragon Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Black Dragon Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Black Dragon Default Adult M Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Black Dragon Default Special Evolution M Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Black Dragon Expert Badge.png
Black Dragon Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Black Dragon
Black Dragon Mania Badge.png
Black Dragon Mania Obtain 100 Black Dragon adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Special Evolution

Dragon Book Entry





Special Evolution

Story: Story Name

Special Evolution Story: Story Name



This Egg forms a blanket of dark fog around it.


This Hatch acts like smoke by staying in one place.


This Hatchling spends time in the sky in a form similar to rainclouds.


It is a dark Dragon known to live only in darkness.

It is a Dragon that resembles Dark to the extent that only its eyes are visible when you open your eyes in the Dark . It mainly lives in places where there is no Light, and before becoming an Adult, it is difficult to find out because it lives assimilated into Dark.

An Adult Black Dragon sometimes curls up and turns into a dark cloud. People who find Black Dragon dragons surrounding the mountain sometimes mistakenly believe that it is raining. If you drink the Black Dragon's mist, you will suffer from hallucinations.

Special Evolution

It presents the abyss with the jewel on its forehead.

It has become a being that resembles a deeper and more condensed Dark. It can scatter darkness so deep that it can make all surrounding Light disappear. That which is surrounded by deep darkness becomes darkness itself. It can also temporarily reverse day and night by covering the entire continent in darkness.

Dragon Book Entry


Found in the dark of the night During the day, he hides himself, and a dark mist surrounds the Black Dragon. It lives only in darkness and does not break Egg easily unless hatching is in a dark place or at night. Black Dragon hatched in bright places are likely to get sick.


Unlike when Egg it , a jewel appears on your forehead in the Hatch state. The jewel is known for its role in maintaining the shape of the Black Dragon. Its claws are like smoke, but they are very sharp and will bleed if touched incorrectly. The wounds from the Black Dragon are deeper than other wounds and do not heal well. When Hatch , it usually stays in a settled place and does not like to move around.


Unlike Hatch , it develops Wind-like wings. The wings flutter when the Wind blows, but they always have the shape of wings. Its entire body is like a dark cloud, but it does not fly away easily. Being able to handle the power of jewels more, it is possible to transform the shape of the body instead of maintaining only one's own body.


The jewel on the forehead helps the Black Dragon not to assimilate into Dark . The Black Dragon that lost its jewels disappears in an instant like fog. Depending on the will of the Black Dragon, the jewels can glow or darken.

Special Evolution

Scatter the Dark of the Abyssal .

The specially Evolution Black Dragon radiates the Dark of the Abyssal . It makes the energy of all living things covered in Dark colorless, and even makes the surrounding air cold. Every time you walk, a path of Dark appears around you. As time passes, the surroundings change as if they have fallen into Eternal Night. No one can find Light there.

Story: Selector in the Dark

Travelers without a place to stay found a dark Cave.

The moment they entered the dark Cave, the travelers had no choice but to get out of the Cave because of the smoke that covered their eyes. The travelers who came out of the Cave did not even remember that they had entered the Cave.

Black Dragon live in dark Cave and refuse to invade people. Although it does not harm people, it is not a friendly Dragon.

Black Dragon dragons are tricky Dragon that allow only those they choose to enter their territory.

Special Evolution Story: Test in the Abyss

Deep inside the Somber Cave , the Black Dragon silently guarded its territory.

One day, the Black Dragon sensed the presence of an intruder. That intruder was an explorer who had heard rumors about the Black Dragon and had come to the Somber Cave.

The Black Dragon began to spread the Dark of the Abyssal even thicker to test if the explorer was sincere. It tried to completely block the explorer's eyes or suffocate him, but the explorer's passion and determination could not be broken even by the Black Dragon's Dark.

"This is no Dull Cave. We must continue on in this Dark . If the Black Dragon really exists, we cannot miss this opportunity."

As the explorer continued to search for a path, the Black Dragon was amazed by the will and mental power of a human that it had never seen before.

When the explorer reached the deepest part, the Black Dragon slowly revealed its presence. The Black Dragon's black scales and jewels glowed faintly even in the Dark .

The Black Dragon slowly opened his mouth and gradually withdrew the Dark of the Abyssal .

"You are courageous enough to go all the way in the Dark , you have shown that you are worthy of entering my domain."

However, the Black Dragon began to disappear into the Dark again not long after revealing itself.

"I acknowledge your courage and determination. However, my domain still remains in the abyss, so until I appear again, you must keep only the memory of this Dark."

The Black Dragon's last voice disappeared from the Cave , and he completely disappeared and returned to the Dark .

Even after the Black Dragon disappeared, the explorer kept the traces of Dark he left behind in his heart.