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Balod (발로드) is a Water/Dark type dragon in the Deep Sea category. It can be primarily obtained through fully growing a Balod Ancient Guardian Dragon and grows at a slow pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Balod can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Temple Estella Obtain an egg from the growing a Balod Ancient Guardian Dragon to adult.
Trading Trade with other players using the Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Balod with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Feed Sleep
Fair. Good!
Play Wash
Hmm... Great!
Alone time Stroll
Great! Excellent!



Black Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Balod Egg Sprite.png Balod Dead Egg Sprite.png
Balod Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Balod Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Balod Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Balod Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Balod Default Adult M Sprite.png
Balod Default Adult F Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Balod Expert Badge.png
Balod Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Balod
Balod Mania Badge.png
Balod Mania Obtain 100 Balod adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Dragon Book Entry





Story: Story Name



This Egg is imbued with the darkness of the abyss.


Relax in the Dark of the deep sea.


Protecting the Dark deep sea.


It is a guardian Dragon that devotedly protects the goddess Leona.

It is one of the six guardian dragons that rule over the Dark of the deep sea. A Dragon created by adding the quiet Dark of the deep sea, it protects the night of the deep sea. Rather than acting together with the guardian dragons, he hides himself in the Dark and acts alone. He is very devoted and shows a strong sacrificial spirit to Goddess Leona. Although it is as calm as Dark, its appearance completely changes in the face of threats to the Temple Estella and the goddess Leona.

Dragon Book Entry


It is an Egg stained in the Dark of the deep sea.

If you touch the blue gem attached to the Egg, you can feel the Dark of the deep sea. The moment you touch it, the surroundings seem to become quiet and dark. When I lift my hand, the feeling disappears. Egg is placed in the Dark , the blue gem gradually increases in size and its tip becomes sharp. The Egg hatches only when it is completely covered with blue gems.


Rest in the Dark from the time of Hatch .

It does not reveal itself and swims in the invisible Dark of the deep sea. Although he came out of the Dark with the help of the goddess Leona, he still seems to like the Dark. Even if it shows only a slight response to the calls of other Dragon, it will rush out to the goddess's call even during the day, which is not its main activity time.


The Evolution Hatchling guards the Dark depths of the sea.

It appears when thick Dark covers the deep sea. The blue gems around the body brighten Balod's surroundings. At night, all your senses become clear and you capture menaces in the Dark . They sometimes go into pitch- Somber Cave and secretly hunt enemies. Thanks to Balod, all creatures in the deep sea can sleep safely.


It has deeper Dark than anyone else in the deep sea.

With the power to control the Dark of the deep sea, he caught the eye of the goddess Leona and became the guardian of the night of the deep sea. Like the silent Dark, it is silent and acts gentle, but it is unstoppable in front of those who harm Goddess Leona and the Deep Temple. When night comes, the power of Dark stored up during the day is released and serves the goddess more than anyone else. It moves around while hiding its appearance and eliminates threatening creatures in a glance.

Growing up under the care of the goddess Leona, he was freed from loneliness, and seeks to repay the favor with affection and trust towards the goddess. It hides itself during the day, but wakes up at night when Varian is asleep, swimming leisurely in the Dark and eliminating threats with its own power.

Story: Goddess who came to the Dark

“There is no need for Dark.”

Someone said something to Goddess Leona.

“Dark brings danger. Everyone, think about it. “Can you move in the Dark without bumping into something?”

What he said was not wrong. However, Goddess Leona insisted that Dark was absolutely necessary.

“I will summon Balod!”

Goddess Leona set out to find Balod, despite the advice and concerns of those around her. Balod, like other guardian dragons, was born with the power of the goddess Helena, but lived far away from the Temple of Estella because the Dark was dangerous.

As the Dark grew darker as they got closer to Balod , those protecting Goddess Leona stopped walking. Meanwhile, Goddess Leona, who led them, was buried in deep Dark .

“Balod? If you are here, please respond.”

Goddess Leona shouted in the pitch-black Dark . When there was no answer, Goddess Leona became anxious, fearing that the Dark surrounding her might have been created by Balod. At that time, Balod spoke as if he had read the anxiety.

“This is a dangerous place. Please go back quickly.” “You were here as expected, Balod. The deep sea needs your strength. Let’s go back together.” “No. “ Dark is a dangerous force.”

“That’s why it’s even more necessary. You are the one who can handle Dark perfectly. As far as I know, there is no better Dark Dragon than you. So come quickly and come with me. Otherwise… … !”

This was when Goddess Leona lost her footing. The Dark surrounding Goddess Leona instantly receded, revealing Balod.

“Didn’t I tell you that the Dark is dangerous… … .”

Goddess Leona smiled brightly as she saw Balod coming closer and supporting her.

“What I said was not wrong. There is no Dark Dragon better than you. You took away that thick Dark in one go. With this power, stay by my side and protect the deep sea with me, Balod. “Please.”


  • This dragon does not have an undead form.