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Applecheek (애플칙) is an Earth type dragon in the East Yutakan category. It can be primarily obtained through the Forest Of Hope Exploration area during the non-Winter seasons and grows at an average pace.

Game Details

Obtainment Method(s)

Applecheek can be obtained using the following methods:

Method Details
Exploration Obtain an egg from the following Exploration area(s): Forest Of Hope (non-Winter seasons only), Evria
Egg Market Purchase an egg from the Egg Market for 1,700 Egg Points Item.pngEgg Points.
Egg Finder's Exchange Obtain an egg from the Egg Finder's Exchange.
Trading Trade with other players using the Dragon Drink Exchange, Dragon Exchange, or Goblin Market.
Breeding Breed an adult Applecheek with any dragon that is compatible with it.


Apple Sleep
Excellent! Hmm...
Wash Plant
Very Good! Great!
Feed Play
Fair. Good!


Applecheek's Fall form is only obtainable when an Applecheek is grown to adult during the Fall season.



Light Green Collector Badge.png Default

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Applecheek Egg Sprite.png Applecheek Dead Egg Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Adult M Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Adult F Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Applecheek Default Special Evolution M Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Special Evolution F Sprite.png

Red Collector Badge.png Fall

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Egg/Dead Egg Applecheek Egg Sprite.png Applecheek Dead Egg Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatch M Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatch F Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatchling M Sprite.png
Applecheek Default Hatchling F Sprite.png
Applecheek Fall Adult M Sprite.png
Applecheek Fall Adult F Sprite.png
Special Evolution
Applecheek Fall Special Evolution M Sprite.png
Applecheek Fall Special Evolution F Sprite.png

Undead (Default)

Gender Male Male Gender Icon.png Female Female Gender Icon.png
Undead Hatch
Dragon Winged Undead Hatch Sprite.png
Undead Hatchling
Dragon Winged Undead Hatchling Sprite.png
Undead Adult
Dragon Winged Undead Adult Sprite.png




Image Name Requirements
Applecheek Expert Badge.png
Applecheek Expert Complete the Dragon Book entry for Applecheek
Applecheek Mania Badge.png
Applecheek Mania Obtain 100 Applecheek adults


Confused Emoji.png This section has been fan-translated to be more digestible for readers, but as a result, it may not be 100% accurate.
To read the unmodified in-game version, select the "In-Game" tab above.






Special Evolution

Dragon Book Entry





Special Evolution

Story: Story Name

Special Evolution Story: Story Name



This Egg has large red spots on its sides.


This Hatch smells like apples.


This Hatchling has growing wings.


It is an apple Dragon that lives in the forest and exudes the scent of apples.

He likes to roam alone and is quick and intelligent. They mainly eat plants as their staple food, but their favorite is apples. It always carries apples for emergency food and is easy to find in places with apple trees or orchards. Because of Applecheek's characteristic of eating only delicious apples, farm owners who suffered from apple frost advertise that fact and heat up the sale of apples.

Some Applecheek's even change their fur when the apples are in season. It is known that the tip of the hair may turn red or darken according to the color of the apple, and is affected by the season of the apple.

Special Evolution

It is an apple Dragon that covers dense forests with apple trees.

It passes through a dense forest or makes apple trees grow on the top of a high mountain. The apples that grow on Applecheek's apple trees are small but very delicious. When it flaps its wings, even a withered apple tree flies anywhere with its abundant wings, sometimes making the apple tree grow to the top of a high mountain. When it flaps its wings, white apple blossoms flutter around. When the apple blossoms touch the Earth, they give the apple trees the strength to grow, and when they touch the withered trees, they give them the strength to come back to life. They always go on trips to spread apples to areas where there are no apples and to make delicious apples. You can also adjust the sweetness of the apples that grow on your tree. If the wings flap strongly, the sour taste becomes stronger, and if the wings flap weakly, the sweet taste becomes stronger. We always pay attention to maintaining a good balance between the sweetness and sourness of apples.

Dragon Book Entry


The eggs have red cheeks on both sides and green hair on top of them. Green fur is a soft touch, but it's better not to touch it often. The shell is not hard and slightly fluffy. If you are greatly shocked, you should be careful because you become weak and sick. The egg smells as sweet as an apple, and the scent thickens as the hatch approaches.


The red blush pattern on the cheeks stands out. The color of the face, the tip of the head, and the tail are different. It has no wings and its tail is short compared to its body. It likes to carry apples and does not eat them, and cherishes them very much. If you try to take the apple, it becomes very ferocious. Walk around until you find an apple you like. It is often found under apple trees, and will wander around the fallen apples to pick one. In most cases, the apples they cherished end up rotting without being eaten.


It sprouts small wings and likes apples just like when Hatch. Their nails grow quickly and file their nails on rocks or trees on their own. I don't like to see apples damaged, so when I find an apple, I check my nails first. If Hatch searched for apples on the ground, during Hatchling , they fly directly into the sky to find apples. You can easily pick apples from tall trees.


The wings become as large as the body, and the color of the wings becomes clearer. The color of the joints changes and long hairs appear here and there. When Applecheek becomes an Adult, he loves apple trees beyond fruit. There are times when he wanders around looking for apple trees and bestows blessings on dying trees. It is said that an apple tree blessed with the blessing of Applecheek will bear only delicious apples without rotting for the rest of its life.

An Applecheek's chest hair is said to be able to hold many apples. As a kind of pouch, it is a space where Applecheek can hold emergency food. Applecheek who are close to each other often share delicious apples, and it is said that even a tasteless apple will become delicious if it is embraced by Applecheek.

Special Evolution

Let apple trees grow everywhere.

The specially Evolution Applecheek flutters apple blossoms every time it flaps its wings. Apple trees grow where apple blossoms touch. The apples that grow from Applecheek's apple trees are very delicious. As it travels, it spreads petal powder or blows leaves to provide a sweet and sour apple scent. You can also spray apple juice on your face, but be careful because apple juice contains a small amount of acid and may melt your skin.

Story: Love of apples

Applecheek was wandering the Forest Of Hope looking for apples. I couldn't find any apples even after wandering around for a long time, probably from other Applecheek.

As the sun went down, I passed through the grass and reached an orchard in a village. The apples in the orchard were not very tasty, but with a little more effort, they seemed to be delicious. Applecheek fell asleep holding a bunch of apples from the tree and hugging them.

The next morning, the owner of the orchard yelled at Applecheek for all the apples he had plucked, and Applecheek ran away in surprise. As Applecheek ran away, the apple he was holding fell to the floor.

The devastated orchard owner suddenly felt something strange while picking up the apples. The color of the apples was strangely different. The orchard owner took a bite of the apple. It was the sweetest, crunchiest apple the orchard owner had ever eaten.

Special Evolution Story: A feast of fresh apples

Following the guidance of the white apple blossom , Applecheek reached the village where the orchard owner he had helped in the past was located.

Strangely, the place that should have been full of apple trees was so dry.

"What happened? Where have all the apple trees gone?"

The orchard owner answered Applecheek's question in a gloomy voice.

"Nothing grows on the Earth swept away by those in black. Everyone was making a living from apples... but now it's all over! It's over!"

Applecheek shook his head at the orchard owner's words and took out a basket of apples from his pocket.

"Don't worry! I'm here! No one can stop my apple tree!"

The orchard owner smelled the sweet and sour scent of apples in Applecheek's apple basket.

The orchard owner couldn't help but shed tears at that scent.

"I'll make apple trees grow here again, so just wait a moment!"

After speaking, Applecheek rose high.

As Applecheek flapped his wings, the white apple blossoms fluttered in the air as if dancing. And when he spread his wings wide, white apple blossoms poured down like rain.

The flowers made apple trees grow in the orchard owner's field and an apple tree forest around the village.

The faces of the villagers who saw the scene brightened like apples.

"I made a tree grow again with apple blossoms, so continue to enjoy sweet and sour apples!"

Applecheek responded brightly to their cheers and held the apple in his hand again.

"Now! Who needs apple juice now? I'll make your face fresh!"