Template:Cares Table

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This template is used for the Care Table in Dragon Pages.

Blank Template

{{Cares Table
|Care1 = 
|HappinessEffect1 = 
|Care2 = 
|HappinessEffect2 = 
|Care3 = 
|HappinessEffect3 = 
|Care4 = 
|HappinessEffect4 = 
|Care5 = 
|HappinessEffect5 = 
|Care6 = 
|HappinessEffect6 = 


  • Care1: The name of the first care, the care on the top left, of the dragon's care menu.
  • HappinessEffect1: The happiness effect of/the dragon's reaction to the first care.
  • Care2: The name of the second care, the care on the top right, of the dragon's care menu.
  • HappinessEffect2: The happiness effect of/the dragon's reaction to the second care.
  • Care3: The name of the third care, the care on the middle left , of the dragon's care menu.
  • HappinessEffect3: The happiness effect of/the dragon's reaction to the third care.
  • Care4: The name of the fourth care, the care on the middle right, of the dragon's care menu.
  • HappinessEffect4: The happiness effect of/the dragon's reaction to the fourth care.
  • Care5: The name of the fifth care, the care on the bottom left, of the dragon's care menu.
  • HappinessEffect5: The happiness effect of/the dragon's reaction to the fifth care.
  • Care6: The name of the sixth care, the care on the bottom right, of the dragon's care menu.
  • HappinessEffect6: The happiness effect of/the dragon's reaction to the sixth care.

Usage Example


{{Cares Table
|Care1 = Wash
|HappinessEffect1 = Excellent!
|Care2 = Sleep
|HappinessEffect2 = Great!
|Care3 = Feed
|HappinessEffect3 = Fair.
|Care4 = Stroll
|HappinessEffect4 = Very Good!
|Care5 = Ignite
|HappinessEffect5 = Hmm...
|Care6 = Play
|HappinessEffect6 = Good!


Wash Sleep
Excellent! Great!
Feed Stroll
Fair. Very Good!
Ignite Play
Hmm... Good!